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21281491 No.21281491 [Reply] [Original]

Do you read in the morning?

>> No.21281501

Best time to do it. 5 AM before work while it's still dark out. With a black coffee while the house is quiet and everyone else is still asleep. Maximum comfy.

>> No.21281514
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34yo here.
No. I read at night, after work, at my local public library.

>> No.21281520

My local library closes at 4:30 and is pickup-only/no browsing/no loitering due to COVID

>> No.21281537

AND you have to wear a mask/be vaccinated. God, I hate it here.

>> No.21281539

How do you find your local library? In Canada the library is dead. Every city ive visited the lib is full of immigrants using the wifi to have loud whatsapp conversations with relatives from their homeland. Would literally be more quiet in a busy coffeeshop

>> No.21281543

Where tf do live that they still demand the near useless vaccine? I live in one of the most pozzed dem areas of the country and even here that was dropped months ago

>> No.21281546
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>pickup-only/no browsing/no loitering due to COVID
Happened here too from the last quarter of 2019 till summer 2022. Stay strong.

>> No.21281548

I'm not going to doxx myself but I will say it's not where you would expect.

>> No.21281553

What is this backwater shithole?

>> No.21281555

Canada probably.

>> No.21281690

I live in a small town in northern Italy, here local libraries don't have free wifi, they have old computers that nobody uses.

There are two public libraries where I usually go. The first one is small. Only a room on the first floor and a large room with one table on the second floor of an old public building. It's usually just me (on the second floor) and the librarian (on the first floor), sometimes I hear a child's voice with his parents from downstairs (children's books are there).

The second one is bigger, with lots of rooms, tables, sofas and even vending machines.
It's full of students aged 16 to 24 and boomers who read newspapers. You hear people whisper all the time, but it's a comfy backgroud noise.
As minorities, in the last 10 years I have only seen one black guy (a student) and 5 to 10 arabs in the second library and none in the first one.

>> No.21281753

Jealous anon. Sounds comfy as fuck. Wish I could leave this culturally emaciated first world shithole.

>> No.21281761

That coffee is making her infertile. Coffee is bad for you.

>> No.21281768

I listen in the morning, while I walk my pupper, for 45-60min, before work.
I read after I'm fully awake, mostly while in transit and not moving (metro, bus, taxi) and in bed.

>> No.21281859

I read wank instead of walk, just letting you know

>> No.21282076

Always. Anyone who wants to develop good reading habits should make reading the first thing they do after waking up, and the last thing they do before going to sleep. Even if it's only one or two pages.