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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 208 KB, 2048x869, FGL7v0SX0AsOPTa.jpeg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
21280817 No.21280817 [Reply] [Original]

A good author reads atleast 50 pages a day and writes atleast 5000 words a day.

>> No.21280823

Women are repulsed by "intellectualism" and that's a good thing. Strong dick > rich dick > smart dick

>> No.21280919
File: 5 KB, 132x137, 566463634346.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What is happening in that pic?
I really wanna know.
Thank you!

>> No.21280959

Its Destiny a communist twitch streamer, known for his debating skills

>> No.21280963

He's a libtard, not a communist
And he watches his wife have sex with other men so he's a cuck too

>> No.21280989

Libtards are the same as communists. If you'd read Leo Strauss you would have known this.

>> No.21281056

They all had degenerate sex after this.

>> No.21281061

lol you are a retard, Destiny has already BTFOd your take years in advance https://streamable.com/xo1mrp

>> No.21281069

>known for his debating skills
Yes the famous "what if someone took your brain and placed it in another body, would you be in another body then? Well chuds thats why trannies are valid even tho nobody took their brains out and placed them in another body :^)"

>> No.21281075
File: 37 KB, 398x376, 1555885911586.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i sincerely hope you are underage

>> No.21281079

doesnt matter which body they put your brain in, there's still going to be rot at the end of the operation

>> No.21281080

I'm in this pic and I don't like it

>> No.21281100

you're a child

>> No.21281103

The proof is in the pudding. Destiny looks, lives, talks like a libtard. Intersectionality, idpol, liberal democracy are all deeply intertwined with Marxism and if coping Marxists can't accept this fact that is their problem.

>but muh based and redpilled Lenin

Time to grow up and live in reality.

>> No.21281112

I wish that these retards talk to someone who actually knows something
They all make the same Cartesian mistake "I was born in the wrong body", whos that "I" they are speaking of? If it was born in a wrong body where was it before that? Are they claiming that God put their soul in the wrong vessel? Or are they just retarded and think in a dualistic subject-object viewpoint that makes no sense?

>> No.21281137

This guy looks like he's mastered the art of scaring the hoes away. A natural, one might say.

>> No.21281144

Dualism makes sense. It's materialism and idealism that are pure tranny generators.

>> No.21281624

human nature is actually tripartite you papist cuck

>> No.21281631

>low iq comrades
leftism and liberalism have merged into single turd

>> No.21281654


>> No.21281717

No. Liberalism does what it’s always done and corrupted people to their side. Bribery and propaganda are obviously being used by the powerful, as always, to twist the very language we use.

>> No.21281844

>Strong dick
holy gymcel cope

>> No.21282167

>engages with hypotheticals in the most retarded way possible to own the trannies
Room temperature IQ.

>> No.21282726

they are claiming that gender is an innate idea naturally embedded in the brain, and that sometimes it doesn't match the body

>> No.21282930

Destiny isn’t even remotely a communist. He hates leftists and considers himself a “hardcore capitalist.” He’s essentially a typical American liberal who loves Biden, not because he’s the lesser of two evils but he actually likes Biden’s policies.

>> No.21282938

Its the other way around retard, Destiny is defending troons

>> No.21283162

I'm saying you're engaging with that "brain in another body" hypothetical like a retard, retard.

>> No.21283227

Dualism is just double-materialism.

>> No.21283272

Actually no, they believe gender to mostly be a social construct, if you are a man, it is because society "pressured" you to become one. But a man who "feels" like a woman somehow wasn't pressured by anyone (this ideology is retarded)

>> No.21283284

Not him, but the "brain in another body" hypothesis is deeply nonsensical, by that logic a schizophrenic convinced to be Napoleon is indeed Napoleon. Besides, you shouldn't insult people online for no reason.

>> No.21283381

>29 replies
>every single one is about the OP picture instead of the actual post
Truly a great board

>> No.21283399

If you unironically say this out loud you deserve people giving you that response

>> No.21283418

Author for who? WHO DO YOU WORK FOR

>> No.21283674

>Besides, you shouldn't insult people online for no reason.
That's fair. I'm just used to being inflammatory since discussions surrounding these topics on this website usually aren't very cordial unless it's with someone you're already in agreement with.
>by that logic a schizophrenic convinced to be Napoleon is indeed Napoleon.
I don't think the hypothetical suggests merely being convinced you are something means you are that something. The point is moreso that there may be a "fact of the matter" when it comes to being transgender (based on neuroimaging, primarily MRI) that isn't applicable to some kind of delusion like believing you're Napoleon or the president. There's substantive disagreement and discussion to be had relating to this (probably not appropriate for /lit/ though), but I don't like when arguments are mischaracterized and ideas aren't properly engaged with seemingly because they're being put forward by people one dislikes.

>> No.21283699

No They Did Not

>> No.21283744

Destiny...easy on the cunny

>> No.21283906

I don't like desticuck, but he's anti communist and anti trannies, so he's better than most libtards.

>> No.21283981

>Read 50 pages a day
Reasonable. Before I start writing, I tend to read 40-60 depending on the amount of words per page.
>Write 5000 words a day
Lol. Lmao even. I consider it a good day when I've written a 1000. Most authors write anywhere between 500-2000.

>> No.21283988

I would argue that J.D. Salinger and Harper Lee are better writers than Stephen King and Brandon Sanderson.

>> No.21284194

wondering if this is weak dick, poor dick or dumb dick cope.

>> No.21284207

How do I avoid getting this reaction from women?

>> No.21284509

first you have to figure out how can you get three women to sit on your couch.

>> No.21284520

>I don't think the hypothetical suggests merely being convinced you are something means you are that something. The point is moreso that there may be a "fact of the matter" when it comes to being transgender (based on neuroimaging, primarily MRI) that isn't applicable to some kind of delusion like believing you're Napoleon or the president.
That's a retarded argument for two reasons.

1. If schizophrenic people had a similar brain structure to Napoleon, that wouldn't make them closer to actually being Napoleon
2. If it was true we would brainscan the trannies to find out which ones are actually troons and which are faking. We don't because the entire thing is based on self-id.

>> No.21284521

>This dumb nigger again.

>> No.21284717
File: 2.81 MB, 1536x2048, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is the body of a man who hasn't done any cardio since the 90s

>> No.21284733

The only thing a good author does is write good literature. The idea that there is a systematic way to make yourself create something actually good is preposterous. OP is probably good advice but it isnt the secret ingredient to making good art. Reality is a bitch that way.

>> No.21284754

>2. If it was true we would brainscan the trannies to find out which ones are actually troons and which are faking. We don't because the entire thing is based on self-id.
ouch, he'll have to change the goalpost for this one.

>> No.21285209

>bad shape
>not particularly attractive
Yet he still scores 10/10s on a weekly basis. This is the power of money + confident personality.

>> No.21285426

so it's communism lmao, whats with you tankie retards

>> No.21285455

skinnyfat: the body.

>> No.21285476

It is still true, bugman.

>> No.21285787

So hes a communist? got it

>> No.21285806

this dwarf almost rebuilt his entire world view after reading a single cs lewis book

>> No.21285909

>But a man who "feels" like a woman somehow wasn't pressured by anyone (this ideology is retarded)
read Jung, and find out you are the retard

>> No.21286256

God I hate western women so much

>> No.21286284

>considers himself a “hardcore capitalist.”
>he actually likes Biden’s policies.

>> No.21287221

you're trolling

>> No.21287232

you guys remember when he was debating race realism?

>> No.21287387

Imagine knowing this much about some internet dude with a black chick's name.