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/lit/ - Literature

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21280775 No.21280775 [Reply] [Original]

Does reading make you smarter?

>> No.21280804

lil bit

>> No.21280810

Nope. It doesn't increase IQ. Proper sleep, nutrition and anareboic exercise is more effective.

>> No.21280826
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I don't want to bulk my mind, I just want to tone it.
Any recs for an ottermode mindset?

>> No.21280832

Not really

>> No.21280836
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>> No.21280847

no its just a means of entertainment like anything else.

>> No.21280860

I see a distinguished lolicon has decided to grace us with his presence

>> No.21280864

Alice fans aren't all pedos they're just a vocal majority.

>> No.21280974

What's wrong with Alice in Wonderland fans? Can people here really not enjoy the story without lusting after the titular little girl? Or is this a reference to some kind of scandal of the author?

>> No.21280976


>> No.21280983

Reading makes you dumber having talked to bookreaders

>> No.21281007

/next question

>> No.21282528


>> No.21282552

It won't make you dumber.

>> No.21282567

teaches you words and works on your ability to focus. wouldn't say that makes you smart though

>> No.21282573

Makes smart people even more smarter
Makes medium people smarter by a bit
Has no effect on dumb people
So it's actually a good filter for your intelligence. It's very good for smart people to read because they will become geniuses through it. Medium intelligence people benefit but only a little bit, better than nothing. And idiots just stay idiots. Sad to be an idiot but it's true.

>> No.21282600

But how do you know them reading has caused the dumbness? Even if you have had a representative cross section of the reading population such that the mean smartness of that sample is similar to the mean smartness of the population, which is already quite a stretch, that would only be enough to prove a negative correlation between book reading and smartness. This correlation does not necessarily prove that reading books causes dumbness. For example, the causation could be reversed and being dumber could cause you to read more books. Or there could be another variable which causes both dumbness and book reading, like the environment one was raised in decreasing intelligence and encouraging book reading

>> No.21282847
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I miss /fitlit/

>> No.21282887

After achieving maximum patricianness I have become a cube and there is no visible distinction between my head and body. I occupy the maximum amount of space and mog fitlits wherever I go. Half-channel tards fear the cube.

>> No.21282927

This is the answer. High IQs will have more useful information to form more connections.. medium IQs will form a moderate amount of new connections and low IQs will just be reading words while forming no new connections.

>> No.21283316

Maybe if all you read college textbooks all the time. No ones getting smarter from reading fiction though.

>> No.21283323


>> No.21283386

Reading has zero effect on your intelligence, it cannot make you smarter or dumber - such effects of constitution are the moon's doing.

>> No.21284695


>> No.21284700

If anything it’s made me realise that I know nothing

>> No.21284725

Depends on what you mean by smart
Reading makes you think about things that you usually would never think about, it broadens your understanding of the world around you and how to approach it, it keeps your mind active and help you bring your ideas into words
A dumb person can read a bunch but all he can is just repeat what he has read, with no real reflection or a ability to create something new
A smart person who doesnt read wont reach his full potential. It is also important to keep your mind active, to keep it plastic, thats why doctors always recommend playing sudoku to old people

>> No.21285443

Reading doesn't make you smartar. It makes your more knowledgeable. It's not the same.

>> No.21285497

You got it backwards. Smart people read, they didn't become smart by reading.

>> No.21285499


>> No.21285509

>It makes your more knowledgeable.
What "reading" means in practice to 95% of people is consuming meaningless entertainment slop. Almost nobody thinks "reading" means doing something scholarly like researching history or something scientific or whatever.
Normies have a weird incoherent mind that is like that of animals, they do not have a logical train of thought where A implies B. They are probably semi-aware that "reading" Harry Potter isn't this much of a big brain thing, and perhaps that buying books doesn't make you read them, but at the same time they pobably believe it unironically when they see a picture of a kid reading some adventure book with some caption that it expands your brain and makes you smart. Imagine thinking that reading a 15 million words furry porn fiction about pokemon on 3XA actually makes you more intelligent

>> No.21285531

/fitlit/ was funny. /fit/ was so enthusiastic about it and /lit/ was all snobbish and irritated.

>> No.21286465

Depends on what you read. If you read nothing but faggot story telling with no real lesson then a little bit, with regards to philosophy then yes. Anything practical or theoretical (with possible real application) then it definitely makes you smarter, but at that point you're walking into schizo /sci/ territory.

>> No.21286486
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Reading made me realize how dumb I actually am

>> No.21286496


>> No.21286559

Depends on what you read. Will you get smarter by only readings tuff like Harry Potter or LOTR? Obviously not. Books like that aren't inherently bad, but they don't challenge you, they don't force you to think and increase your ability to do so. Reading is like exercising, you only make progress when you force yourself to do what's difficult.

>> No.21286668
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Wouldnt reading fantasy novels force you to use your Imagination and therefore challenge your brain? The effect would obviously not be the same with say Scientific books but it would defenetly train parts of your brain.

>> No.21286681

Literally nothing can make you smarter, just like nothing can make your penis bigger. No drug, no surgery, nothing.

Just accept reality and stop with the copes. You're born basically destined to be what you end up being.

Genes account for at least 80% of differences in IQ, not 50% (like people used to push for).

Furthermore, that 20% that is environment - is also completely chosen from the birth lottery of where you were born, and is basically done with once you're done puberty.

The only direction you can alter your IQ is the negative direction - through brain damage or misuse. Nothing can increase it beyond its natural limit.

Read because you like to read. Don't read because you think you'll be a sigma male pee pee poo poo genius brain.

>> No.21286693


>> No.21286698
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>muh imagination
brainlet cope for non-self improving readers
>crab mentality

>> No.21286721
File: 746 KB, 658x1172, you will never be this happy.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Reading made me realize how dumb I actually am
Don't worry. Be happy!

>> No.21286756

>Kant/Hegel - 4 plate squat
>Aristotle/Descartes - 3 plate bench
>Plato/Locke/Hobbes - 2 plate OHP press
>Peterson/Nietzche - 1 plate rows.
SS for beginning il/lit/erates.

>> No.21287077

>1 plate rows

>> No.21287275
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>> No.21287386

Nope. It doesn't increase IQ. Proper sleep, nutrition and anareboic exercise is more effective.

>> No.21287412

Recognition of ignorance can be the first step in the rectification of that condition. You’ll make it anon, I believe in you.

>> No.21288204

mild kek

>> No.21288220

It can give you wisdom, but it won't make you more intelligent. Also depends on what you're reading.

>> No.21288234

/fitlitx/ master race
enlightened in mind, body and soul

>> No.21288361

but you also have to
>read out aloud
>write about it

>> No.21288945
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