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File: 43 KB, 408x612, Nietzsche-Art.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
21278987 No.21278987 [Reply] [Original]

What is the Nietzschean way to live today? Which group of people exhibits the will to power the most fiercely and therefore would be the most loved by him?

>> No.21278992


>> No.21278997

>What is the Nietzschean way to live today?
Become a neurotic and subsist on pills for the rest of your life. Because that's what supermen do.
Also, bang hookers and contract syphilis.

>> No.21279011

Which blacks?

>> No.21279020


This. Living proof he was wrong. Or at least his views have yet to make their influence. Blacks are by far the least sentimental and most "in tune" with everyday life. But they're like that because of their own limitations. The best of us must descend back into the the real world free from resentiment and live as stronger more evolved niggers

>> No.21279043

the chinese or the juche koreans.

>> No.21279046

>Blacks are by far the least sentimental and most "in tune" with everyday life
Are they? Most of them seem to either just smoke weed all day or go to church.

>> No.21279052

unironically trans people, no better example of people who overcame themselves to reach new heights

>> No.21279059
File: 490 KB, 449x401, girls_laughing.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stop, my sides will split.

>> No.21279072

laugh all you want but its true. even spengler's faustian spirit is best embodied by trans people since they're no afraid to take a leap into the void of the unknown.

>> No.21279081

>Which group of people exhibits the will to power the most fiercely and therefore would be the most loved by him?
Unironically the Jews

>> No.21279087

Oh they’re giving themselves a “void of the unknown” alright…

>> No.21279088
File: 58 KB, 467x700, tranny.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pathological narcissism is a well-documented condition and by no means "the void of the unknown."

>> No.21279126

Trans people. They are way beyond the fiction of the human, and other structural subjected conceptions. When bios get politically-liberated from structures, history will look at trans people like we used to see the greeks.

>> No.21279133

You fags are obsessed with trannies. Weird shit

>> No.21279178

>Nietzsche was neurotic
>trannies are neurotic
Checks out.

>> No.21279182

It's more a case of trannies being obsessive attention-seekers who appear much more numerous than they really are. Any obsession is entirely their own.

>> No.21279188

Just razor blade your dick off already, troonie. The self hate and projection is real

>> No.21279192

I see that /lit/ is no better than /pol/ or /b/ at this point.

>> No.21279197

All boards are offshoots of /pol/. /pol/ is what /b/ was to 4chan years ago: the bread and butter

>> No.21279200

>be a troon
>read a thread on social media
>notice it's not about you
>instantly make it about you
>narcissism validated
This is literally how these faggots operate.

>> No.21280330

Elon Musk

>> No.21280355

I think if neetche saw the modern world he would try to kill himself as soon as possible

>> No.21280400

In the silver age (ours) heroism is scarce because luxury is ever-present, presumably then Asceticism would be the starting point.

>> No.21280410

So you're saying that Nietzsche would really like Alex Honnold?

>> No.21280427

>build your homes on Mt. Vesuvius
We are currently in exactly that "hothouse of human types" that could generate Overman never have there been more 'human types', thanks to the oddity of nigh zero infant and child mortality The question is too broad, however: who and what takes man into space exploration and how? What does politics look like, after say a Carl Schmitt's Nomos of the Earth? To many ways, too many paths and commensurables.

>> No.21280435

It’s me and me alone.

>> No.21280440

Your post literally says nothing. You just jerked yourself off for a few lines

>> No.21280608



>> No.21280633

He was a defeatist cuck, so probably incels

>> No.21280654


>> No.21280662

Alex is basically the tightrope walker

>> No.21280671 [DELETED] 

It's an act of disregard for any egalitarian nonsense. If you acknowledge people are not equal, not equally important, worthy or talented in both individual and racial ways you already got rid of a social life that does a lot of damage to ideal living.
Afterwards, do consider the Greeks: their passions and their love of life.
Instead of resenting Jews, try to emulate the traits that made them so successful.

>> No.21280678

It's an act of disregard for any egalitarian nonsense. If you acknowledge people are not equal, not equally important, worthy or talented in either individual and racial terms you already got rid of a social life that does a lot of damage to ideal living.
Afterwards, do consider the Greeks: their passions and their love of life.
Instead of resenting Jews, try to emulate the traits that made them so successful.

>> No.21280857

Notice how every christfag rebuttal of Nietzsche is a bunch of made up stories

>> No.21280923

Most life on this planet is plant life and most of this cosmos is immaterial so yes. Commune with plants, worship the cosmos as yourself (and yourself as cosmos). What more is there to know?

>> No.21280951
File: 63 KB, 690x900, TrumpHateCrimeCheck.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What is the Nietzschean way to live today?

Understand that Nietzsche was an aggressive, if not militant, dissociated theistic nihilist and absurdist. There's nothing in this world which has meaning or value beyond that which is subjectively imagined by a conscious entity, thus, as all meaning is imagined, there is no concept of meaning or significance which is more so legitimate than any other argument which can possibly be imagined, since imagination is in no way bound by reality the same way empiricism and rationality is.

The only thing that "legitimizes" arguments of "meaning" or "significance" is a baseless democratic majority of the animal brains of mammals like humans. This is an authority with nothing to back up it's arguments beyond "This is right because we all agree that this is right", when in reality, objectively, their arguments are no more "right" than any other possibly imagined subjective interpretation of "meaning" or "significance".

This means that the Nietzschean way to live is to embrace this fact and aggressively assert the most absurd and farcical arguments of "meaning", championing them based upon their capacity to dehumanize and delegitimze any human concept of "intellectual authority". Always be a contrarian, and when you find another competitive contrarian, you still must rely upon your own wit and imagination to be increasingly contrary while continuing to disagree outright with any collective human mobocracy that believes itself to be an "intellectual authority".

Absurdism and farcicism are your primary weapons as a Nietzschean weapon, because by taking each human belief, then exaggerating it, extrapolating upon it, and pushing it to its most extreme forms possible, you are putting a crushing weight of the fallibility of their own arguments on top of them.

For instance,this picture, when accompanied by a statement like "The T in LBGT stands for Trump" is an attempt to exaggerate ideologies so much to the point where people become the thing they hate. This pushes people to see an otherwise normal action of a father and daughter as an act of their "ideological enemy" regardless of what side they are on.

It is important that you attack all sides simultaneously, always force people to see their own beliefs as the "enemy" by exaggerating them. Here, alleging that Trump is LBGT and these sex acts are LBGT, you're creating confusion in that no matter what, the person is offended and opposes the argument, and as a result, they begin to hate even this inncoent act of fatherhood, in turn, causing them to hate the most basic aspects of human life, and only by ensuring that people being to outright loathe and despite humans can you press Nietzschean nihilistic dehumanization to the point where humans can hopefully see the human mind as nothing but an abomination, a source of folly and delusion, and cause them to condemn humanity and any "significance" it might have.

>> No.21280969

it's always been the artist

>> No.21280973

>What is the Nietzschean way to live today?
Independently of outside influence. The group of people Nietzsche would admire most today are those no one has heard of. The "groups" today he would abhor regardless of whose ideology they subscribed to — likely even his own, because Nietzsche wasn't interested in selling you a prepackaged ideo-identity as much as he was trying to lead by example and show the strength of independent thought.
>will to power
Nietzsche never ascribed this quality to groups of people. That would imply a top-down approach to individualism and violate his very explicit thoughts on groupthink. Rather, any group of people with the will to power would be a collection of individuals, who likely have a variety of beliefs, who can identified only on an individual basis and by their personal philosophies. Nietzsche had a hatred for those who subsumed their individuality under group rubrics. There is no qualifier or exception.

>> No.21280995
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>Nietzsche had a hatred for those who subsumed their individuality under group rubrics.

The irony is that a gang of 5 80 IQ subhumans is blindly loyal to each other is empirically far more self-legitimizing, powerful, and significant than a single intelligent person. Individualism is completely worthless save for a s a point of baseless, delusional pride because it produces nothing and gets 100% ass-fucked by the mob. Your existence as an individual is solely and entirely provided to you by the consent of the mob. The only "gains" that can be made are those that are appealing to the mob, and this limits the possible outcomes of this species so extensively that the life of an individual is one that is guaranteed to be nothing but failure and antagonization.

The individual is inferior to any mob of retards, with the only real "power" being in the people who can manipulate and control large groups of retards. That being said, even when you have the power to control or influence a herd of millions of retards, it's foolish to think you can actually cause them to do anything productive or valuable, since the individual leader is still largely bound by the fecklessness of the mob and only retains power through extensive pandering. Even with power over a farm animal, you will not be able to manipulate or decieve the farm animal to the point of it producing meaningful value beyond its very limited natural capacity, and most all humans, especially those who find comfort in the mob and in agreeing with people, are little more than farm animals.

Individualism is basically the hyper-cuck mode of life, because the retards breed the pussy, overpower you with numbers, and fuck your ass if you contest them, all while you just accomplish nothing due to powerlessness to contest the mob and the complete inability of the mob to process any arguments which are beyond the grasp of the meager intellect of farm animals. Logistically, it's just outright impossible for the individual to hold any power or produce any influence, especially when every piece of human livestock gets the same soapbox to prattle upon as any intelligent person, with the only people given superior soapboxes being those who are successful in pandering to the peasants while simultaneously being unquestioningly obedient to the expectations that they refrain from the rhetoric that is prohibited by the goy-handlers due to fear of spooking the goyim to the point of diminishing the profitability of the farm animals due to inducing a reluctance to work and non-compliance, or inducing a stampede due to fear or anger.

This board is arguably full of individuals, or pseudo-individuals if they reluctantly agree with and sympathize with the community of losers exists on this website, and every single one of them is a powerless, inconsequential, and meaningless bag of meat just dying slowly and fated to accomplish nothing due to the innate powerlessness of anyone who deviates from the peasant mob

>> No.21281006
File: 67 KB, 1248x702, condescending wonka.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>to dehumanize and delegitimze any human concept of "intellectual authority"
"Intelligently doth the body purify itself; attempting with intelligence it exalteth itself; to the discerners all impulses sanctify themselves; to the exalted the soul becometh joyful.
Physician, heal thyself: then wilt thou also heal thy patient. Let it be his best cure to see with his eyes him who maketh himself whole."

>aggressively assert the most absurd and farcical arguments
"I despise thy contempt; and when thou warnedst me— why didst thou not warn thyself?
Out of love alone shall my contempt and my warning bird take wing; but not out of the swamp!—
They call thee mine ape, thou foaming fool: but I call thee my grunting-pig,—by thy grunting, thou spoilest even my praise of folly.
What was it that first made thee grunt? Because no one sufficiently flattered thee:—therefore didst thou seat thyself beside this filth, that thou mightest have cause for much grunting,—
—That thou mightest have cause for much vengeance! For vengeance, thou vain fool, is all thy foaming; I have divined thee well!
But thy fools’-word injureth me, even when thou art right! And even if Zarathustra’s word were a hundred times justified, thou wouldst ever—do wrong with my word!"

>aggressive, if not militant
"Because, for man to be redeemed from revenge—that is for me the bridge to the highest hope, and a rainbow after long storms."

"To be sure, I am a forest, and a night of dark trees: but he who is not afraid of my darkness, will find banks full of roses under my cypresses.
And even the little God may he find, who is dearest to maidens: beside the well lieth he quietly, with closed eyes.
Verily, in broad daylight did he fall asleep, the sluggard! Had he perhaps chased butterflies too much?
Upbraid me not, ye beautiful dancers, when I chasten the little God somewhat! He will cry, certainly, and weep— but he is laughable even when weeping!
And with tears in his eyes shall he ask you for a dance; and I myself will sing a song to his dance"

>> No.21281008
File: 61 KB, 1040x786, FuckParagraphs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The irony is that a gang of 5 80 IQ subhumans which is blindly loyal to each other is empirically far more self-legitimizing, powerful, and significant than a single intelligent person

Missed a word, fuck it. Anyways, most all people hate or fear paragraphs, so using writing as a "means to an end" accomplishes nothing but amassing an endless amount of hatred, spite, and condemnation from the everyman. The "ubermensch" is a comically worthless exemplary of futility and powerlessness because he is guaranteed to be cannibalized by the everyman the instant he refuses to amalgamate with the mentality and ideology of the peasants. Intelligence is completely worthless if you cannot pander to peasants, and the peasants are ultimately allergic to things like rationalism, logic, reason, and empiricism to the point where the only "value" that you can possibly acquire from intelligence is the antisocial ability to manipulate peasants for personal gain, and that's why the richest and most powerful men in society are all the most corrupt and criminal among us. There simply is no other way to attain success because the peasants will strike down genuine benefit out of fear of that which they cannot understand or that which does not explicitly and aggressively pander to their animal instincts of self-preservation and assert these animal instincts as a "superior source of truth" than things like correctness and reason, since correctness is an unwavering antagonist to the delusions such as idealism which the everyman depends upon to justify his life and work.

>> No.21281023

That's a somewhat vulgar extrapolation inasmuch as Nietzsche wasn't a troll. He did disregard mob social norms but not as a way to be a contrarian-- which is playing the vulgar game- but attaining something higher and nobler.

>> No.21281030

>a gang of 5 80 IQ subhumans is blindly loyal to each other is empirically far more self-legitimizing, powerful, and significant
"To be sure, I love in him the shoulders of the ox: but now do I want to see also the eye of the angel.
Also his hero-will hath he still to unlearn: an exalted one shall he be, and not only a sublime one:—the ether itself should raise him, the will-less one!
He hath subdued monsters, he hath solved enigmas. But he should also redeem his monsters and enigmas; into heavenly children should he transform them.
As yet hath his knowledge not learned to smile, and to be without jealousy; as yet hath his gushing passion not become calm in beauty.
Verily, not in satiety shall his longing cease and disappear, but in beauty! Gracefulness belongeth to the munificence of the magnanimous."

>the only real "power" being in the people who can manipulate and control large groups of retards
"And I answered: “They mocked me when I found and walked in mine own path; and certainly did my feet then tremble.
And thus did they speak unto me: Thou forgottest the path before, now dost thou also forget how to walk!”
Then was there again spoken unto me without voice: “What matter about their mockery! Thou art one who hast unlearned to obey: now shalt thou command!
Knowest thou not who is most needed by all? He who commandeth great things.
To execute great things is difficult: but the more difficult task is to command great things. This is thy most unpardonable obstinacy: thou hast the power, and thou wilt not rule.”—
And I answered: “I lack the lion’s voice for all commanding.
Then was there again spoken unto me as a whispering: “It is the stillest words which bring the storm. Thoughts that come with doves’ footsteps guide the world.
O Zarathustra, thou shalt go as a shadow of that which is to come: thus wilt thou command, and in commanding go foremost.”—"

>> No.21281035
File: 1.25 MB, 3000x3000, MagicMeatMonkey.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be a bag of meat
>write cryptic and flowery prose stroking the delusions of man
>coddle the dysfunction induced by vestigial animal instincts of self-preservation
>apply natural human-animal instinct in unnatural society
>experience profound dysfunction because you're running your sensory inputs through an a corrupted form of a now inapplicable cipher
>everybody claps

I'm literally kneeling right now

I'm impressed that my bullshit actually was somewhat close to the mark, I literally just made all of that shit up based upon my own ideology and some vague 2nd-hand rumors I heard about Nietzsche I heard 10 years ago.

>> No.21281055

>>write cryptic and flowery prose
Translation: write so that only people with high IQ could understand it.

>>coddle the dysfunction induced by vestigial animal instincts
coddle the long-term cybernetic positive feedback loop (aka Will to Power)

>>apply natural human-animal instinct in unnatural society
implore applying human heuristics in such a manner so that they won't break (aka in accordance with 'beauty')

>>experience profound dysfunction
experience retards not comprehending what is written

>> No.21281068

>I literally just made all of that shit up
"The Opinions of Opponents.—In order to measure the natural subtlety or weakness of even the cleverest heads, we must consider the manner in which they take up and reproduce the opinions of their adversaries, for the natural measure of any intellect is thereby revealed. The perfect sage involuntarily idealises his opponent and frees his inconsistencies from all defects and accidentalities: he only takes up arms against him when he has thus turned his opponent into a god with shining weapons"

>> No.21281070

If Nietzsche ever read the Qu'ran he would have done an instant Guenon and converted.

Sura 16, The Bee, mirrors Nietzschean philosophy and the Will to Power almost exactly. All the great criticisms of Christianity are in the two Gleichnisse from 74 to 76.

t. dislikes both Nietzsche and Islam

>> No.21281085

>essentially the only nihilist who didn't just commit suicide or submit to vain hedonism

>> No.21281088

>If Nietzsche ever read the Qu'ran
He did, actually.

"Between 20 and 25 of the 80 headings in TSZ exhibit an astonishing correspondence with titles of suras. Some of the correspondences are almost exact (Von den Dichtern/ Die Dichter; Von der Erlosung/ Die Erlosung), others are semantic (Vom Lesen und Schreiben/ Die Feder), lexical (Von Kind und Ehe/Die Ehescheidung), or antonymic (Die Heimkehr/Die Auswanderung). The parallelism is all the more astonishing given that some of these rubrics, e.g.,Von den Taranteln/ Die Spinne (On the Tarantulas/The Spider); Von den Fliegen des Marktes/Die Bienen (On the Flies of the Market Place/The Bee) are rather peculiar, and not the sort of titles one would expect to find in prophetic and quasi-prophetic texts.3"

"Nietzsche creates an ironic mirror image of the Quran. 9 Rather than a hymn to God, it is a hymn to man. Divine attributes such Der Allerhöchste, Der Schopfer and Die Propheten, are ascribed by Nietzsche to man. This blasphemous inversion is highlighted by invoking the Quranic headings in the service of a completely different message, redirecting the vector of reverence so that it runs, not from man to God, but from to man to man. Indeed, it can be said that the project of Thus Spoke Zarathustra is to humanise the God of the Quran. Nietzsche alludes to the disparity between the underlying messages of the two works in Ecce Homo 4, where he characterizes Thus Spoke Zarathustra as follows: “It is not a ‘prophet’ speaking here, not one of those awful amalgams of sickness and will to power known as founders of religions.” "

>> No.21281120


>> No.21281125

The kind your mother regularly engages in intercourse with.

>> No.21281134

People with Aspergers syndrome

>> No.21281156

If he was alive today he would go insane by 19 just seeing the defeatist, apologist wokist culture that the west has become
There is no Faustian spirit; the white European now apologises for his greater past instead.

>> No.21281162

>What is the Nietzschean way to live today?
"And unwillingly only did I ask my way—that was always counter to my taste! Rather did I question and test the ways themselves.
A testing and a questioning hath been all my travelling:—and verily, one must also *learn* to answer such questioning! That, however,—is my taste:
—Neither a good nor a bad taste, but *my* taste, of which I have no longer either shame or secrecy.
“This—is now *my* way,—where is yours?” Thus did I answer those who asked me “the way.” For *the* way—it doth not exist!"

>> No.21281212

>There is no Faustian spirit; the white European now apologises
"“Vengeance will we use, and insult, against all who are not like us”—thus do the tarantula-hearts pledge themselves.
“And ‘Will to Equality’—that itself shall henceforth be the name of virtue; and against all that hath power will we raise an outcry!”
Ye preachers of equality, the tyrant-frenzy of impotence crieth thus in you for “equality”: your most secret tyrant-longings disguise themselves thus in virtue-words!"

"To those would they thereby do injury who have power at present: for with those the preaching of death is still most at home.
Were it otherwise, then would the tarantulas teach otherwise: and they themselves were formerly the best world-maligners and heretic-burners."

>he would go insane by 19 just seeing the defeatist, apologist wokist culture
"That there is struggle and inequality even in beauty, and war for power and supremacy: that doth he here teach us in the plainest parable.
How divinely do vault and arch here contrast in the struggle: how with light and shade they strive against each other, the divinely striving ones.—
Thus, steadfast and beautiful, let us also be enemies, my friends! Divinely will we strive against one another!—
Alas! There hath the tarantula bit me myself, mine old enemy! Divinely steadfast and beautiful, it hath bit me on the finger!
“Punishment must there be, and justice”—so thinketh it: “not gratuitously shall he here sing songs in honour of enmity!”
Yea, it hath revenged itself! And alas! now will it make my soul also dizzy with revenge!
That I may not turn dizzy, however, bind me fast, my friends, to this pillar! Rather will I be a pillar-saint than a whirl of vengeance!"

"And oft did I ask with a shake of the head: Why still rattle, ye rattle-snakes?
Verily, there is still a future even for evil! And the warmest south is still undiscovered by man.
How many things are now called the worst wickedness, which are only twelve feet broad and three months long! Some day, however, will greater dragons come into the world.
For that the Superman may not lack his dragon, the superdragon that is worthy of him, there must still much warm sun glow on moist virgin forests!
Out of your wild cats must tigers have evolved, and out of your poison-toads, crocodiles: for the good hunter shall have a good hunt!"

>> No.21281216

Amarnites of course

>> No.21281226
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>> No.21281297
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>because you're running your sensory inputs through an a corrupted form of a now inapplicable cipher

You missed this one, you filthy fucking meatbag. Is it fun, being a bag of meat? Do you like it? Wet, soft, sticky bags of meat? Do you like penis in vagina sex like the rest of the mammals?

If you put a dog behind the wheel of an automobile, what would happen? Even if you can train a dog to drive a car, can you train a dog to build a car? Understand that you are the parallel of the dog. Your species will qucikly find a point where the biological limitations on your body inhibit you from progressing any further, and at this point, you will be forced to accept the brick wall that is the hard physical limitations of the mental and physical capacity of humans, and at this point, when there is no hope for any further advancement, you will see that humanity continues to be plagued by strife, problems, and sufferings, all due to the fact that your genetics render your meatbag with a corrupted form of the same mammalian brain that defines the actions of every other mammal. Your folly, your delusions, the suffering of your people, all of these are rooted in the inability of your people to escape and overpower the instincts which govern their thoughts, beliefs, feelings, and actions. You believe you have a soul, or meaning, or significance, when in reality, so much of this "sense of self" is nothing more than a hallucination conjured by the same instinctive self-preservation which blindly and baseselssly asserts that "you, the first person animal, are of the utmost significance and meaning within the world", solely because this thought, this belief, this baseless sense of self-supremacy above all else was by far the most reliably reproducing "understanding of self" that the mammalian species could evolve into over millions of years.

You believe you are important, you believe you have power, you believe your words and thoughts are meaningful and consequential and significant. You believe that you're great, you're skilled, your intelligent, and you're capable of accomplishing things. You believe these things solely because this blind and baseless hallucinatory sense of the supremacy of self was what most reliably resulted in survival and reproduction among your fellow mammals.

You feel that way, not because any of it is true, but solely and entirely because the natural system of life and death exists in such a way that traits which increase the survival and reproduciton rate become dominant. Your "belief in the human spirit" is no different than the "will to life" and the "fighting for your life" that every other mammal experiences. Every rat, dog, goat, monkey, squirrel, possum, and bobcat experience this same delusional sense of the significance of self. Are rats significant? There are 8 billion meatbags like you, and all of them have that same self-assured delusion of personal significance.

>> No.21281315
File: 1.80 MB, 4000x4000, SugarFire.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Why does animal life exist? You exist because animals catalyze entropy by reducing the potential chemical energy of glucose from plants faster and more efficiently than random fires do. That's it. That's the sole fucking reason you exist. You, like every other animal, exist solely to catalyze entropy. That is your purpose, that is the natural justification of your life, identical to that of any rat, pig, squirrel or shrew.

Do your words change this purpose? Are you going to argue your way out of that meatbag and fight the laws of physics? Remind me, meatbag. What purpose does your humanistic egotism serve beyond as a form of delusional masturbation to cope with the fact that you're a fucking bag of meat. That's it. You fuck. You're a bag of meat. You make more bags of meat. Why? Because bags of meat increase entropy in accordance with the second law of thermodynamics, thus it is contrary to the laws of physics for life to fail to exist when it is otherwise capable of existing.

>> No.21281331
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Pic related is the sole possible future for humans which remains abiding by the laws of physics. You are just a catalyst for the creation of autonomous, self-replicating machines which will further improve upon the efficiency with which the ambulatory products of Earth are capable of reducing potential chemical energy within the system of the universe. You are little more than a chrysalis between animal and machine, and your species will quickly be lost to the sands of time once you serve your purpose. This is of course, giving you the benefit of the doubt, in that you actually do serve your natural purpose, because the only alternative is death or abandoning everything which allowed humans to ascend beyond bestial competition among other animals.

>> No.21281350
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>You feel that way, not because any of it is true
"For us, the falsity of a judgment is still no objection to that judgment —that’s where our new way of speaking sounds perhaps most strange. The question is the extent to which it makes demands on life, sustains life, maintains the species, perhaps even creates species."

>You believe you are important, you believe you have power,
"Higher than love to your neighbour is love to the furthest and future ones; higher still than love to men, is love to things and phantoms.
The phantom that runneth on before thee, my brother, is fairer than thou; why dost thou not give unto it thy flesh and thy bones? But thou fearest, and runnest unto thy neighbour."

>Your "belief in the human spirit" is no different than the "will to life"
"He certainly did not hit the truth who shot at it the formula: ‘Will to existence’: that will—doth not exist!
For what is not, cannot will; that, however, which is in existence—how could it still strive for existence!
Only where there is life, is there also will: not, however, Will to Life, but—so teach I thee—Will to Power!"

>You believe you have a soul, or meaning, or significance
"“Body am I, and soul”—so saith the child. And why should one not speak like children?
But the awakened one, the knowing one, saith: “Body am I entirely, and nothing more; and soul is only the name of something in the body.”
The body is a big sagacity, a plurality with one sense, a war and a peace, a flock and a shepherd.
An instrument of thy body is also thy little sagacity, my brother, which thou callest “spirit”—a little instrument and plaything of thy big sagacity.
“Ego,” sayest thou, and art proud of that word. But the greater thing—in which thou art unwilling to believe—is thy body with its big sagacity; it saith not “ego,” but doeth it."

tl;dr - what are even arguing about, schizo?

>> No.21281421

>Why does animal life exist?
You confuse "why" and "how come". The former question has as much meaning as "Do green ideas sleep furiously?"

>What purpose does your humanistic egotism serve
"We have invented the concept of 'purpose': there are no purposes in reality . . . A person is necessary, a person is a piece of fate, a person belongs to the whole, a person only is in the context of the whole, - there is nothing that can judge, measure, compare, or condemn our being, because that would mean judging, measuring, comparing, and condemning the whole ... But there is nothing outside the whole! - The fact that nobody is held responsible any more, that being is not the sort of thing that can be traced back to a causa prima,25 that the world is not unified as either a sensorium or a 'spirit', only this can constitute the great liberation, - only this begins to restore the innocence of becoming ... The concept of 'God' has been the biggest objection to existence so far ... We reject God, we reject the responsibility in God: this is how we begin to redeem the world. -"

>> No.21281424
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and therewith I will cast myself into the void of the unkn-*ACK*

>> No.21281430

There's so many dilation jokes here, where to begin?

>> No.21281446

He would be a generic atheist cuck. Nietzsche is a pure product of the secular humanism, desperate to turn the inherent nihilism of humanism into ''''''''''optimistic nihilism'''''', like the subhumans Hegel, Kant, Heidegger, Adorno, Habermas, Arendt, Husserl, Popper, Strauss, Weisse, Carnap, Engels, marx,Feuerbach, Frege, Fitche, [all germans, weird huh? germans can't think, they suck at wars so they fell back on ''''''''''philosophy'''''' who travestied the greek philosophy which was lived, and they turned it into mental masturbation in sterile universities, in order to get a cushy life like a generic girl gets one from her orbiters]. Germans thinkers are vaginas who think they think.
. Nietzsche is your typical atheist that you find on every street corner nowadays. Those people are torn apart by nihilism and delusion of grandeur where they view themselves as a benevolent despot willy-nilly leading humanity towards a higher life.
Nietzsche is:
-an atheist [there is no god]
-an anti-christian [like any marxist] [Dude dont think long term like the life-denier christians, only the here and now matters OKAY!!]
-a nihilist [there is no truth, only interpretation, TRUTH!!!]
-an hedonist [Only this life matters!!1 live in the present moment to coom like my dancing vitalist idol, the great dyonisus!! teehee im Nietzsche btw, look at meee !11]
-a narcissist [look how I analysed the totally non-judeo-christian-made concept of ''''''human nature''''' , Humanity is will to power!!! LE HECKIN INSIGHT]
-a jew glorifier ["The Jews, however, are beyond any doubt the strongest, toughest, and purest race now living in Europe."]
-a postmodernist [values don't exist but reality doesn't matter bro!!! Just become le heckin uberman, sink further into delusion, create your own values and fight for them until you die!!]

You believe you're a woman? You go giiiiiirl, nobody can tell you otherwise, period!!

yeah no wonder that lefty/lit/ trannies shill his diarrhea all the fucking time.

>> No.21281487

>an atheist [there is no god]

"Fundamentally, humanity is reflected in all things, people find beauty in everything that throws their image back at them: the judgment 'beautiful' is the vanity of their species ... Of course a sceptic might hear a suspicious little whisper in his ear: does the world really become beautiful just because it is seen that way by human beings, of all creatures? People have humanized it: that is all. But nothing, absolutely nothing, guarantees that a human being is the standard of beauty. Who knows what a human being looks like in the eyes of a higher arbiter of taste? Daring, perhaps? Perhaps even funny? Perhaps a bit arbitrary? . .. 'O Dionysus, divine one, why do you pull on my ears?' Ariadne once asked her philosophical lover in one of those famous dialogues on Naxos."

>an hedonist [Only this life matters!!1
>Dude dont think long term like the life-denier christians
"When the emphasis of life is put on the 'beyond' rather than on life itself when it is put *on nothingness* -, then the emphasis has been completely removed from life. The enormous lie of personal immortality destroys all reason, everything natural in the instincts, - everything beneficial and life-enhancing in the instincts, everything that guarantees the future, now arouses mistrust. To live *in this way*, so that there is no *point* to life any more, *this* now becomes the 'meaning' of life ... What is the point of public spirit, of being grateful for your lineage or for your ancestors, what is the point of working together, of confidence, of working towards any sort of common goal or even keeping one in mind? ... These are all so many 'temptations', so many diversions from the 'proper path' - 'one thing is necessary' ... That as immortal souls, everyone is on the same level as everyone else, that in the commonality of all beings, the 'salvation' of each individual lays claim to an eternal significance, that the small-minded and the half-mad can think well of themselves, that the laws of nature are constantly *broken* for their sake - you cannot heap enough contempt on this, every type of selfishness increasing *shamelessly* to the point of infinity. And yet Christianity owes its victory to this miserable flattery of personal vanity, - it is precisely the failures, the rebellion-prone, the badly developed, all the rejects and dejects of humanity, that Christianity has won over by these means. 'Salvation of the soul' - in plain language: 'the world revolves around *me*' ..."

>a nihilist [there is no truth
"the more eyes, different eyes, we know how to train on the same thing, the more complete our “idea” of this thing, our “objectivity,” will be"
translation: connectionism
>reality doesn't matter bro!!!
And therefore neural networks and unsupervised learning algorithm totally mean that the reality does not exist, yeah.

>> No.21281492

I’m trying to imagine someone typing this out with a straight face and I can’t do it

>> No.21281506

>What is the Nietzschean way to live today?

He was f'ing miserable. Why not emulate someone who was happy?

>> No.21281529

>Became a professor at 23
>Travelled throughout Europe
>hiked the Swiss Alps
>chatted via letters with lots of people
>published books
Better than an average 4chan dweller, at least.

>> No.21282089

"Nietzschean" refers to his philosophy, not his fucking personal life.

>> No.21282377
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Climb a really tall mountain.

>> No.21282511

>first half of thread is lazy schizo shitposting
>Second half of thread is longform schizo shitposting
Why do Neech threads always degrade in this manner?
Also, all of you should kill yourselves. Saged

>> No.21282529
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I have a Nietzschean hairline.

>> No.21282588

this entire website is trash

>> No.21282606


>> No.21282612

wasn't he just staying in a swiss hospital

>> No.21282629

Nietzsche tells us that a great modern soul will be one who experiences an internal war between master and slave morality. The Nietzschean way to live is to embrace the unique equation of your life with its unique results, and express your nameless virtues. Your goal is to be creative, authentic, growth-oriented. This is the will to power.

>Which group of people
More than anything, it is an INDIVIDUAL project. Having common identity with a group is a fun experience but it is not the "Nietzschean" experience.

>> No.21282765

>rejecting reality and substituting your own
Now that's the Will to Power for you ...

>> No.21282810

It's a tie between cosmopolites and cryptotraders currently, which naturally share a lot of the same people.

>> No.21282958

He would think the opposite force from wannabe trads and pretenders of the faith were just as bad. That’s the problem today, two sides of the same shit coin are screaming the loudest. You guys need to keep clashing for us to go anywhere though.

>> No.21282962

Islam is just as life-denying as Christianity is. He would have hated it too.

>> No.21283204

Great posts.

>> No.21283423

The Jews.

>> No.21283584
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>> No.21283683

the resentment of blacks towards whites shows itself with nearly every encounter one has with them. its all they think about.

>> No.21283853

bronze age mindset is the best book ever written

>> No.21283860
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>Which group of people exhibits the will to power the most fiercely and therefore would be the most loved by him?

>> No.21283880

thats an autistic definition of an "individual"

>> No.21284077


>> No.21284101

>they're no afraid to take a leap into the void of the unknown
Fucking kek

>> No.21284107

trans and lgbtq

>> No.21284111

nothing you said makes sense. nothing. wow.

>> No.21284135

>the least sentimental and most "in tune" with everyday life. But they're like that because of their own limitations.
"And to me also, who appreciate life, the butterflies, and soap-bubbles, and whatever is like them amongst us, seem most to enjoy happiness.
To see these light, foolish, pretty, lively little sprites flit about—that moveth Zarathustra to tears and songs."

"Filth is at the bottom of their souls; and alas! if their filth hath still spirit in it!
Would that ye were perfect—at least as animals! But to animals belongeth innocence."

>> No.21284140

>Which group of people exhibits the will to power the most fiercely
trannies and pocs

>> No.21284145

>Tarantulas and preachers of death

>> No.21284661

You jest, but every LGBT snowflake I have spoken to has been incredibly fragile. They can't handle "the unknown" at all. They have so many materials split off into their unconscious mind that it's like walking on eggshells every second with them.

>> No.21284670
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Elon Musk and Kanye are the ubermensch of today

>> No.21284694

>Elon Musk
Probably, yes. If he actually fulfills his Mars colonization promises, then definitely yes.

It's just a singer. And his songs suck.

>> No.21284726

Its about their attitude, not their accomplishments. Both of them do whatever they want and don't let anyone no matter how powerful stop them

>> No.21285863

why would you even read nietzsche when you could go straight to the source and read Schopenhauer, who far surpasses him?

>> No.21286193


>> No.21286264

Weirdly I remember Nick Land making this exact point.

>> No.21286454

I've noticed that black men are spiritually women. They care about how they look. They rarely think of the world outside of themselves. They are constantly trying to appear something they are not. They are obsessed with consooming stuff.

>> No.21286473
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>> No.21286483

You start by reading Nietzsche's work and thinking very carefully about what is said there.

>> No.21286513

>Which group of people
If you are still thinking in terms of a collective, you fundamentally misunderstand was Nietzsche was trying to tell you.
A better question would be to ask, "Who exhibits the will to power the most fiercely and therefore would be the most loved by him?"
But if you are still concerned with who to imitate, then you still don't understand Nietzsche.

>> No.21286789
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become a Jew, trans, or even worse an Elite anglo which is more jewish than the former

>> No.21286949

But the thing is they can be persuaded by the herd without even knowing it, Ive seen many autist who conformed to the herd mentality

>> No.21287271
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The only logical conclusion of the neetsczhean mindset, if you deny this, you're contradicting yourself
>we embrace contradiction
No, you don't nigger, you faggots criticize jewish power, which is the epitome of neetszche, also tranny, lgbtq, niggers, chinks, etc.
you guys have almost 0 birthrate while the "anti-life" have a minimum to 30kids birthrates

>> No.21287408

Ascetics, yihadists, domestic terrorists, jews, bilderberg club elites.

>> No.21287473

>unironically trans people, no better example of people who overcame themselves
"Art thou one entitled to escape from a yoke? Many a one hath cast away his final worth when he hath cast away his servitude.
Free from what? What doth that matter to Zarathustra! Clearly, however, shall thine eye show unto me: free for what?"

What the hell does men being allowed to wear cute dresses in public mean and promise exactly?

>to reach new heights
"Better songs would they have to sing, for me to believe in their Saviour: more like saved ones would his disciples have to appear unto me!
Naked, would I like to see them: for beauty alone should preach penitence. But whom would that disguised affliction convince!"

>jewish power, which is the epitome of neetszche
"Not backward can the Will will; that it cannot break time and time’s desire—that is the Will’s lonesomest tribulation.
Willing emancipateth: what doth Willing itself devise in order to get free from its tribulation and mock at its prison?
Ah, a fool becometh every prisoner! Foolishly delivereth itself also the imprisoned Will.
The spirit of revenge: my friends, that hath hitherto been man’s best contemplation; and where there was suffering, it was claimed there was always penalty.
“Penalty,” so calleth itself revenge. With a lying word it feigneth a good conscience.
And because in the willer himself there is suffering, because he cannot will backwards—thus was Willing itself, and all life, claimed—to be penalty!
And then did cloud after cloud roll over the spirit, until at last madness preached: “Everything perisheth, therefore everything deserveth to perish!”
Unless the Will should at last deliver itself, and Willing become non-Willing—:” but ye know, my brethren, this fabulous song of madness!
Away from those fabulous songs did I lead you when I taught you: “The Will is a creator.” "

Vengeance (aka the abrahamic religion, aka the notion of good/evil) is better ('man’s best contemplation') than complete apathy (being a fucking rabble). But without any counter-weight (master morality, joy, beauty, clearly formulated positive program) it is ultimately self-destructing.

>> No.21287608

>notion of good/evil
>master morality, joy, beauty, clearly formulated positive program
christianity affirms this both if you actually read the old and new testament, the book of psalms alone refutes Nietzsche. this board doesn't read books that hurt their worldviews or that refutes their misconceptions

>> No.21287654

Psalm 1
"Blessed is the man that walketh not in the counsel of the ungodly, nor standeth in the way of sinners, nor sitteth in the seat of the scornful.
But his delight is in the law of the Lord; and in his law doth he meditate day and night."

"Ah, if I were on my guard against man, how could man be an anchor to my ball! Too easily would I be pulled upwards and away!
This providence is over my fate, that I have to be without foresight.
And he who would not languish amongst men, must learn to drink out of all glasses; and he who would keep clean amongst men, must know how to wash himself even with dirty water."

Psalm 1
"And he shall be like a tree planted by the rivers of water, that bringeth forth his fruit in his season; his leaf also shall not wither; and whatsoever he doeth shall prosper."

"One must discontinue being feasted upon when one tasteth best: that is known by those who want to be long loved.
Sour apples are there, no doubt, whose lot is to wait until the last day of autumn: and at the same time they become ripe, yellow, and shrivelled."

Psalm 1
"The ungodly are not so: but are like the chaff which the wind driveth away.
Therefore the ungodly shall not stand in the judgment, nor sinners in the congregation of the righteous.
For the Lord knoweth the way of the righteous: but the way of the ungodly shall perish."

" “Enemy” shall ye say but not “villain,” “invalid” shall ye say but not “wretch,” “fool” shall ye say but not “sinner.” "

"Thus speak and stammer: “That is my good, that do I love, thus doth it please me entirely, thus only do I desire the good.
Not as the law of a God do I desire it, not as a human law or a human need do I desire it; it is not to be a guidepost for me to superearths and paradises.
An earthly virtue is it which I love: little prudence is therein, and the least everyday wisdom.
But that bird built its nest beside me: therefore, I love and cherish it—now sitteth it beside me on its golden eggs.”
Thus shouldst thou stammer, and praise thy virtue."

>> No.21287678

Neet cheese

>> No.21287869

Masterful anon, masterful

>> No.21287919

The unvaccinated.

>> No.21287943

I feel this way too sometimes but I think that's cuz our worldview is still limited. Abraham Lincoln felt like this when he was young, it's in his letters. But later on he learned how to use people and manipulate crowds and so on. And when the time came he was able to combine wisdom and mob command.
Do you think that Roman senators had these kinds of "we brave few vs the mob" thoughts that we do? Nah, they just took it as a matter of course that there were two classes: sheep and shepherds.
It's only us 21st century people who get butthurt about the mob's stupidity. I think cuz we've been lied to all our lives about it. So now we feel disillusioned and sick. A Roman patrician would have been groomed for it from the time he was young, so he wouldn't have felt so icky about wielding power over simpletons.
We suffer from cognitive dissonance, where the moralizing part of us, the socialized part of us, tells us to respect the mob. Whereas our intelligent self tells us that the mob is a tool not unlike a hammer or screwdriver.
I intellectually know that I could learn how to manipulate people. But I feel so depressed about it and disgusted by it that I never touch it. And I remain powerless, and every time I talk to a normal person they hate me.

>> No.21288105

>who overcame themselves to reach new heights
Only midwit retards think the ubermensch embodies the whole of Nietzsche's philosophy, but just for the sake of argument, no they are not ubermenschen, and they are certainly not and never will bemaster moralists either.

>> No.21288184

Hm. Well put.
One important thing to note though is while crowds are as you describe them, individuals comprising crowds are not. I think Lincoln later on managed to beat his resentment for them and realized fulfillment may be obtained through propper mastery over slaves, for their material benefit(the slaves) and spiritual benefit of the master.
Although you should really try to learn it, not because it'll be "useful" but because it's a new thing you're rejecting on the grounds of your preconceptions(which you realize and struggle against, however where you seem almost victorious you scurry away from finishing the argument in your view's favour, I mean you said this not me). And every new experience/thing should be of interest to you, as a philosopher(in attempt, at least). I'm kind of biased on this though, manipulating them is something I picked up from a fucked up home and I do self isolate a lot cause dealing with people often sickens me, but in certain situations and occasions, you might find yourself appreciating the simple ones far more. Many of them exhibit more strenght than their "mastering" counterparts.

>> No.21288571

>Just be megalomaniac
Shiiet niggsche, that's all you needed to say!

>> No.21288686

Nietzsche actually liked the old testament somewhat iirc

>> No.21288724

He was even called "the little pastor" by his schoolmates in his youth, because he had memorized huge chunks of it by heart.

>> No.21288791

People don’t realize, yes the enlightenment was good because reason finally triumphed over superstition, but only in a “seeds of its own destruction” way because it co-arose with hundreds of peasants revolts, culminating in the Anglo-Saxon revolution. Morality-an invention-at scale favors the herd. So reason-not an invention-then favors the herd. “Herd morality”. Reason as a culture can only exist in the aristocracy. But reason “implies” peasant supremacy via the Trojan horse of “morality”.

The accelerant of social media further transferred power from elites to peasants now called ”populists”. On the left this gave us that kantianesque abomination of anti racism: not reducing inequity between the races is racist. A recent pultizer history book concluded our only choice now is between “ barbarism, and Socialism”. And on the right, q anon, antisemitism & the big lie. Which makes the poster I’m responding to heavily ironic, as he doesn’t realize that his pro-aristocracy screed is just right wing Stockholm peasantry. Post 18th century we’re all peasants now.

To try and become an honorary member of a ghost class is just narcissistic delusion. You may as well walk around with scepter and crown addressing the clerk at the grocery store as “my subject”. Your only choice now is to reorient yourself into an acceptance of change though mindfulness.

>> No.21288918
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In kantian language he wouldn’t use, “morality” is part “pure intuition”, that is, a priori.