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/lit/ - Literature

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21278715 No.21278715 [Reply] [Original]

>From a fan, Tolkien received a goblet with the Ring inscription on it in Black Speech. Because the Black Speech in general is an accursed language, and the Ring inscription in particular is a vile spell, Tolkien never drank out of the goblet, and used it only as an ashtray.
What the fuck was his problem?

>> No.21278729 [DELETED] 

Delusional thief who memed himself into believing his own phony potpourri.

>> No.21278832

is there a butthurt finn on this board or is it just a meme?

>> No.21278833 [DELETED] 

It's a meme. There are various anons with the same views.

>> No.21279040


>> No.21279267

It's trendy to shit on Tolkien among hacks whose stories are even more derivative than his

>> No.21279275

His problem? What was the problem of the guy giving him an evil talisman?

>> No.21279292
File: 123 KB, 1200x1720, UvPJvgPXB10852O4Tri5nIHlM7KcL5c8zf20nztYGzc.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Seethe you depressed suicidal faggot lard.

>> No.21279364
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hey man top 20

>> No.21279509

lol that asterisk sure is something

>> No.21279519
File: 68 KB, 516x636, pol-11.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The sheer amount of anti-tolkien and anti-English authors posts suggests it is a coordinated efforts by kikes, niggers and other undesirables to consciously alter board culture and create further subversion of a much beloved childhood storyteller.

>> No.21279541

>what was his problem
He received a pseudy gift - full of feeling and symbol, but thoughtlessly done, and politely accepted it, but never used it, because it was out of line with his principles and true feelings. A proper gentleman.
>t. brainletlet tinfoiler
Yeah, or the obvious coincision with Amazon's launch of a pseudy LOTR series has catalyzed interest from a lot of pseuds - of which you are one, irrespective of when your interest began.

>> No.21279564
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>repeated instances of subversion of the same subjects across multiple threads across an increasing timeline
>threads go off on a tangent for a while then all of a sudden have multiple replies
>all replies within 1-3 minutes with short, one line condemnations of Tolkien and English authors
>happens multiple times on multiple threads at the same time then goes dead for another fifteen minutes
>what country could have a volunteer force that would manipulate public opinion like this?

>> No.21279611

>t. coordinating response before replying

>> No.21279612

Tolkien thought Nazis were retards

>> No.21279624
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Why would that detract from what he wrote?

>> No.21279758

I'm not happy, in 2050 there will be few poeple who look like me in my own country.

>> No.21279768

Finland also tops the list for suicide, anon.

>> No.21280070

>the sheer amount of anti-tolkien and anti-English authors posts
What, one post? Shut up ESL

>> No.21280082

If you’ve ever met a Finnish person you’d understand that they were responding to this poll ironically. It’s how they roll.

>> No.21280094

If Tolkien was still alive today he'd think they were right

>> No.21280101

>based on GDP per capita
Money is only loosely related to happiness
>social protection
Nice I guess, but some shitty dental coverage or food stamps don’t a happy person make
>health and life expectancy
I guess that’s appropriate
>freedom of choice
Don’t know what that means because all results are about abortion.
How’s this measured and how often does the generosity of others make you happy? A few moments per year?
>corruption perception
A source of a little frustration, but that’s about it
98% of studies like this are utter bullshit. Just a few “experts” pointing out things that they think might contribute to happiness

>> No.21280139

Because he thought his own books were revealed to him in a dream or some shit, so that Arda was real.

>> No.21280145

Considering he smoked from the minute he woke up and basically verbatim said “smoking is the greatest thing in life” him using it as an ashtray is kind of a compliment.

>> No.21280167

I'm surprised at how many people in this thread don't get it. There's no diss; in the ontology he created and curated for six decades the script (which he created) is a shortcut for evil. He got a gift from a fan and didn't piss in it, didn't throw it out, he chose not to put it to his lips the same way one wouldn't eat out a syphiloid. This is on the same level as an agnostic treating a Bible with respect, or not pissing on the grave of a relative just because you don't believe in a life after death.

Elevated fiction is allowed its own space of reality in our world, if it is worthy to that individual, and we're talking about the creator of that world. Treating it with reverence isn't pretentious, it's internalization.

I suspect many of you have never been truly moved by a work of fiction before, to the point that it reflected a piece of reality and took on that tone. The fiction isn't made real, but it becomes a symbol for something that is. The profane and the sacred are worth acknowledging, if only as an internal moral compass.

I'm in my cups and I Refuse to proofread.

Also, citation needed on this whole story.

>> No.21281059
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Not so fast, friend.

>> No.21281095


>> No.21281167

>Some seething Anglo Crypto-Jew literal who decides to slander about us despite knowing nothing about us or economics or anything close to that
And I'm supposed to care why?

>> No.21282002

Same time he was wiping his ass with the pages of The Kalevala and monetizing on Finnish myths by infantilizing them for anglo audiences

Sad little man, sad little estate. He never respected his fants, neither did he respect the Finns he stole so much from.

>> No.21282008


Honestly, respec the Finns. Without them you would not even have your LOTR or TTRPG or whatever fantasy trash you waste your time with

>> No.21282031
File: 1.24 MB, 1707x2560, Debunking Utopia.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>won't read things that challenge utopic outlook


>> No.21282187

Sounds perfectly reasonable

>> No.21282468

>Nima Sandaji
pajeets and pakistanis hate the nordic countries because they are given ample opportunity to integrate and succeed, yet they are still poor criminals.

>> No.21282483

Tolkien has a quote speculating that it might be better for the Nazis to win the world war, instead of the cultural void that are americans
Of course he fell in line like a good Englishman because the eventual progression of British society was somewhat inconceivable back then

>> No.21282489

>The happiest countries in the world
>Based on anything except any actual reporting of happiness
Well done, libschizos

>> No.21282530

It's trendy to shit on Tolkien among hacks whose stories are even more derivative than his

>> No.21282575

There was some loser in another thread shitting on Tolkien by saying he copied Finnish for his language while ironically praising Lovecraft as somehow superior/more original. Then someone explained to him how linguistics work and how retarded he sounded, and he got even more mad.

>> No.21282581

Finns sound pretty chill to me (no pun intended) https://youtu.be/ATXV3DzKv68

>> No.21282638

Read the asterisk, the result is based on gdp and how much socialism the country has, they asked 0 Finns if they were happy. Isn't Finland one of the countries with the highest rate of suicide by the way?

>> No.21283167

Seems rather appropriate to be honest. If it's of Mordor, it would probably get covered in ash and some flame.

>> No.21284268

What I love about these rankings is that when you inevitably look at the suicide rates, you find out it's made up. Your happy countries report far more depression than others. They are only "happy" because said happiness is measured in inane and stupid ways.

>> No.21285650

>What the fuck was his problem?
What, he honored the gift by giving it an apt purpose.

>> No.21285979

Post quote.

>> No.21286639

Good post.

>> No.21287139

look, the mongrel with the reddit spacing is back again!