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File: 207 KB, 1334x656, thinlyveiledtrollthread.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
[ERROR] No.2127736 [Reply] [Original]

I fucking loved these two books.

I read Neuromancer around feb 2010ish and thought it was boring, and so I stopped giving a shit about cyberpunk. Then I read this two books and HOLY FUCKING SHIT. Can you guys recommend any books as good as this?

>> No.2127759

I can't really help you because I've never read any cyberpunk. Well maybe Altered Carbon, but it's more like harboiled noir with some cyberpunk-ish sci-fi. I'm planning to read Neuromancer and Snow Crash someday though.

Anyway I like how you made picture for this thread so have a free bump.

>> No.2127764
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Sometimes I dream.

>> No.2127765
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I am in the seeing of what you have done.

>> No.2127767
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Just finished this and liked it a lot. Though I was caught off guard and a little put-off when I reached the end and saw it was only the first in a planned trilogy, with the second and third not coming out for years. I hate when that happens.

>> No.2127769


I tried to read something else this guy wrote and ended up bored.

>> No.2127792
File: 323 KB, 1236x2045, F451.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also, I haven't actually started reading Name of the Wind, but I've heard a ton of good reviews, so I'm looking forward to it.

>> No.2128008

Christ, Cyberpunk is fucking twilight for neckbeards.

>> No.2128768
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That's just how I'm wired, bro.

>> No.2128772

Fuck the imitators! The Stars My Destination is the original and best cyberpunk novel.

>> No.2128781
File: 32 KB, 500x610, tumblr_lmnsxekD0p1qdc32wo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like a majority of the books I've read, but I'll list those I liked especially:
The Book Thief
The Foundation Trilogy
The Hitch-Hikers Guide to the Galaxy
Crime and Punishment
Candide and other Stories
The Cossacks
The Adventures of Tom Sawyer
The Code of the Woosters
Mother Night
And many others, but I don't wish to bore you. I recommend all of these.
(picture unrelated, just a great quote).

>> No.2128804

>I read Neuromancer around feb 2010ish and thought it was boring

What is this I don't even

>> No.2128813

I love Jasper Fforde's stuff.

Read the Thursday Next series maybe? The first four are good, I can't remember the 5th and 6th.

He makes heaps of literary references in Thursday Next and it got me on to stuff like E. W. Hornung's short stories about Raffles the gentleman thief.

>> No.2128823
File: 100 KB, 280x245, the fuck am i reading.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just gave up on Ready Player One. Because it's shit.

Here's the writing in a nutshell:

So I got out of my chair, and walked into my garage, which looked like the garage from "Better Off Dead," then walked past my Delorian and my Ghostbusters Car. I did a slide like what Tom Cruise did in "Risky Business" into my spaceship, which was the Millenium Falcon, but I named it "Serenity." I hit "WARP DRIVE," but then said, "too slow, let's go with LUDICROUS SPEED" like the speed from the 80's movie "Spaceballs."

That goes on for the whole book. It's not even making any sort of judgements on 80's pop culture. It's just acknowledging that it exists.

>> No.2128836

I just finished Henry Millers Tropic of Cancer.
Jesus tap-dancing christ I love that one.

>> No.2128854

I'm currently reading Radix by A.A. Attanasio. It's not bad but it's like a sci-fi fanfic or some shit. And there are three more books afterwards.

>> No.2128884

Confederacy of Dunces
both made me chuckle a little bit

anyone here read the dice man?

>> No.2128951

>I read Neuromancer around feb 2010ish and thought it was boring, and so I stopped giving a shit about cyberpunk. Then I read this two books and HOLY FUCKING SHIT.
hey OP are you me? neuromancer aged so badly it's not even funny

>> No.2128960
File: 16 KB, 300x300, 41xothvTcnL._SL500_AA300_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

AND Metamorphosis by Kafka. Both were sooooo good.

>> No.2128962

>>2128008 Cyberpunk is fucking twilight for neckbeards.
nope, that would be Warhammer and Halo novels.

>> No.2129150

had to read this for a class on Ulysses
thought it was going to be a wimpy weird euphemistic read
turned out to be actually erotic and well written!

>> No.2129278


>Liking most of the books you read.

>> No.2129305

Not hard if you use good sources on what to read.