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/lit/ - Literature

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21276749 No.21276749 [Reply] [Original]

The 'chud' is a stranger to life's warm center for the same reason space travel is so difficult … Both are the effects of finely tuned teleological filters … What if 'I' am unloved not because of le demiurge but because, by all rights, I shouldn't be? If we agree with Marcion that the cosmocrator is the god of justice then we must also accept he is the god of the anti-psychotic mean or beautiful humanity (or that in humanity which is beautiful because of the world and not in spite of it): something of Gnosticism really is born in a Lynchian (even Gigerian?) horror of feminine potential dominated by the masculine God: the Gnostic so-called always watching from the closet and afraid that he likes what he sees: always this momma's boy horror of the no-thing taken from behind by the thing (of the symbolic): the Manichaean Ruha is that aspect of the nothing which “enjoys” its desecration by Being: not an identity but a parallelism of Sophia and Acamoth: the horror of being coalesced with heteronic fascinations: degrees of syntony with these drives corresponding to the planets, with the Sun as axiom of experience/local demiurge: desire is not a break or rupture within the infinite but something like a (perverse & ramifying) relaxation of the reality principle … against Daoism's turtle-vampires the Chinese Buddhists opposed the phoenix of self-immolation: at death you don't float up but sort of rapturously sink into your ground, become worldless: there is no community in the afterlife except in hell, where, as the Hermetics say, you are judged and uploaded into the 'open air' of the universe while earth's seraphs sing holies in the Van Allen belt ... In the center of heaven there is a dark point which the celestial light never touches: for Milton this was supposed to be the kingdom where Satan dwells, but for us it is the void-fountain of individuality, the 'unprethinkable' excess of existence over essence in ourselves: here we might be tempted to identify Lacan's Real with the gnostic 'spark', so long as the former is understood in a dirempted mode (having renounced the drive to fill the 'void of signification'): generally speaking, 'gnostic' individuality – the built-in soteriological grammar of the Real which shelters me from all power-systems and is more me than me myself - is the cause-in-the-last instance of the impossibility of the sexual relationship: what haunts in the other's gaze is that which has given its identity to itself, a circuit of exchange which brooks no God or Other and so no blame if you don't like what you get: Schelling's Cybelians are not afraid of their flesh so much as the a posteriori, which in the last instance IS the flesh and its lace of nerves: but on a long enough timeline, everyone is bound to become a Buddha: radical foreclosure giving way to radical eschatological optimism: 'the Good is infinite in Time':

>> No.21276892

>esoteric autism

>> No.21276908
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Getting better, I see. God only knows what is happening in there...Anyway, I hope you don't mind that I filled in for you, once: https://archived.moe/lit/thread/21218094/#21218094

>> No.21276931

The soul is a rate of phenomenal speed, given in the heart: Origen was right that reincarnation is also a kind of island-hopping, from world-feeling to world-feeling until I've quit the world altogether: the true Satan dwells in the celestial light tugging at the 'withdrawn breast': the 'One is neither exclusive nor inclusive of the World': there are no a priori (in)accessible domains

>> No.21276934
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Also, I will refrain from replying so as not to drive you INSAAAAAAAAAAAAANEE AAAAAAA again. Have images instead.

>> No.21276936
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>> No.21276940
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>> No.21276944
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>> No.21276951
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>> No.21276956
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>> No.21276966
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>> No.21276968

Based Christ.

Cringe Schizo

>> No.21276975

Can't believe I missed this

>> No.21276980
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>> No.21276986
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>> No.21276992
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>> No.21277013

> UN tries to stop US from committing genocides all the time
> This causes Americans to freak out and think the UN is satanist
Why are Americans so violent and evil bros?

>> No.21277366

You should go back to posting your threads here.

>> No.21277386

So, what's the axis on the top part of the alignment cube?
In fact now I want to do all sides and turn it into a rotating animation.

>> No.21277418

The true God

>> No.21277433

in a way, theorizing (zung) about God becomes an image of thought theorizing about God: a plastic copy, or, as they say, a 'larp'. being far too remote from the place, from where the centre of gravity is (we are currently in). so, the Soul not in history as it is far too remote and cgi-augmented but the Soul in a thread. Soul as a thread. Micro cosmos as an analogy to the macro cosmos.

Chud is an Alpha's projection. His complementary shadow. Speak FuentesTM (and they shall appear) are cementing the frame. Chüd, on the other hand, is a non-dialectical twin-brother, an alteration, an original variation of the spirit doing speaking memes amongus and dances like he over stepped his chances. what gives? Chüd-pa can

>> No.21277569 [DELETED] 

as a true resentment bro you only react to some other man's output; covering it with 'muh Christ' only shows how deformed your understanding of life is.
>aah heckin'ly cool AI photerinnos where papi christ beating those evil opressive demons inhabiting my mommas son's head
>'I will refrain from replying so as not to drive you INSAAA'
So much for Honour.

>> No.21277637
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Currently getting the "Posting from your IP range has been blocked due to abuse" whenever I try to make a thread...but I can still reply. Totally worthless jannies won't even ban me. This site is a landfill. Was gonna post another impersonation schizopost about spinosaurus. Don't see the point. Garbage.

>> No.21278327
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>> No.21279643

Well, the board could use you.

>> No.21280761

The world is the best of all karmic accountants: animals suffer and die at a scale always commensurate with the depth and complexity of their cognitive maps, unless they aren't: left to its own devices, nature will always pursue a condition of maximal freedom for the least 'evil', least sacrifice: anything else is unsustainable: the principle of sufficient sobriety, what must have made the Valentinians discern behind the curtain a repentant oaf, never a tyrant.

>> No.21281108


Orientalism: not even once.

>> No.21281439
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>> No.21281637
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>> No.21281992
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What did it mean by this?

>> No.21282114
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>> No.21282222
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>> No.21283277

this is amphetamine, not schizophrenia.

i see you everywhere, your posts are also crazy but in a nice way. dont take op too seriously, he's writing just to write.

>> No.21283540

do modem threads still happen on /x/?

>> No.21283681


>> No.21285157


At least make an account somewhere to archive any stuff you want to keep. The chan archives are following the boards themselves to the sewer.

>> No.21286052


Make the COCKSUCKING account already.

>> No.21286326

I'm becoming increasingly convinced that Philosophy (in the subject sense not the vaguer, wider "life philosophy sense) is actually a mechanism of a spell conjured upon the human race rather than an actual system of thought, and that every single modification we've had in World History from Pythagoras moving across the land leading to the two classic schools opening to the industrial revolution, modernism and post-modernism, fascism, communism, our current conceptions of state, family, race, and institutions at large, how we react to phenomena, both physical and intellectual/esoteric, are all purposefully derived and engineered from this initial moment, the zero-point, not because of any of the more traditionally schizophrenic school of thoughts (the jews, the freemasons, any other sort of secret or not-so-secret society who're pulling the strings for profit), and not in a religious sense either, because if we look at the development of mankind in general, any one holder of this objective would have been long gone or lost their power by now (not implying that we don't have people who try to shift things into their favor every few hundred years, of course, maybe even longer depending on who you want to take seriously), actually maybe it doesn't even come from a conscious effort but something inherent to mankind that sets us apart from everyone else. In the two fundamental problems of ethics, essay I, Schopenhauer elaborates on his perception of Free Will, saying that it isn't possible for someone to choose between two equally charming possibilities 'freely' because he will always have inherent biases or tendencies or motivations for picking one over the other (this is a gross oversimplification, but the idea being that one's character, experiences, what have you, will gear one toward making certain decisions over others, unknowingly or even knowingly, so saying 'I will do what I will' is anachronistic because what you 'will' in the first place isn't up to you, and I've been thinking about that maybe being applied on a wider scale, are we naturally propense to committing the same mistakes, or successes, over and over again anons? Are we literally just molded by the technological or societal advancements that, given the sample size we have and the natural instability of human life, might not even be permanent in the first place? Not to buy into or entretain time being a flat circle and everything like that, but who knows, maybe two thousand or so years from now, or ten thousand, or however long, our current issues lead into more and more people dying, and then society resurfacing far later, forming a new greece, then a new rome, then a new europe (as a institution), a new america, you get the gist of it. Who is to say that it won't? And can we actually break free of it anyhow? I don't know, I try not to be too pessimistic about things, but things tend toward pendullums and we are on the downswing. On a related topic, which philosophers should one re

>> No.21286355

ad before starting on Hegel besides the 'classic' recommendations for it? I'm unsure that certain trains of thought going back to the ancient greeks or the more tangentially related topics would be of sufficient use when reading him or understanding what he meant, but at the same time you never want to go into something without its prerequisites and ending up making completely wrong assumptions (a way to go contrary to this some might suggest would be secondary sources, such as a book explaining the basics of Hegel that you read before going into it, I've seen this recommended for Kant before, but I always felt like this was counter intuitive, because it definitely will color your perception in a certain way the same exact way it would had you just read the primary source without reading those that came before them). I sincerely do not understand how influential he was because, maybe unfairly so, there is such a culture of shying away from his writings and saying how obscure and hard to read he was (and this is partly true, his text can be hard to pierce through at times, though I feel like this is also perpetuated by the so-called Hegelians in the same way a software engineer will tell someone with a humanities degree about how hard their homework is - sometimes not necessarily wrong, but definitely flattered up to make themselves seem smarter, or more dedicated, etcetera). On the topic of college, it is quite incredible how many people get into them without any sort of game-plan at all and just breeze/cruise through, trying often enough on exam season, getting their C's and moving forward, not really internalizing or making use of any of their knowledge, which they did not gain in the first place. I don't think everyone needs to be the most dedicated student in the world, or have a 4.0 GPA (or whatever equivalent for perfect grades they use), but still, if you're doing something, why not aim to do it as well as you could? If you just want to go to college to be employed, why not go through trade-school instead, beside the biases people have toward that type of work (somewhat unfairly, considering how well professionals are paid?) Maybe it has something to do with the image of college, but I don't think academia/institutions, besides the obvious degree mills and classes that are founded on doing the same things over and over again, just expouting propaganda by whatever tenured professor or the like would like to say because they don't care (and I'm not even against academia as a whole, or getting a degree, but if you're doing something like gender studies without having a trust fund you should realize how screwed you'll be and how utterly unecessary it is and how worse-off you'll be for it). Speaking of which, how do you look back on your youth? Some people are definitely too embarassed, or too ashamed of what they used to be like (this leads to low self-esteem issues in general, which are a plague upon modern society imho), but I think

>> No.21286362

having a general sense of negativity about your past-self is always good for self-development, which, at the end of the day, in my opinion, is the end-goal for everyone, or at least should be. Speaking of which, I'm becoming increasingly convinced that Philosophy (in the subject sense, not the vaguer, wider "life philosophy" sense), is actually a mechanism of a spell conjured upon the human race rather than an actual system of thought,

>> No.21286390

There were 30 millions years between the Spinosaurus and Tyrannosaurus Rex.

>> No.21287469


I know. I was talking about Jurassic Park 3.

>> No.21287490

>words words words
I like your image though. Fuck that antichrist guy.

>> No.21288597


Or not. You can continue to have foreign objects inserted into your rectum at the asylum. Whatever.