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File: 57 KB, 700x956, quentin-socratic-dialogue.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
[ERROR] No.2127667 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.2127680


>> No.2127684


this is such utter bullshit. weed doesn't make you a stoner. you make yourself what you think you want to be. just like smoking doesn't make you a smoker. you choose a label and live up to it. nicotine is not nearly half as addictive as the notion that other people expect you to behave in a certain way. weed wont close your future. you will by living up to other people's expectations of what a stoner should be like.

>> No.2127689

Quentin is known as a once active troll. His ways aged, and I have not seen him for a while. Actually, he believe himself to be an intellectual, and actually smokes weed. He makes it to be like he sympathizes with the anti weed logic, and make stupid comments, for those right wing scum to become conscious what stupid things they believe.

Sage because OP is a raging idiot that recycles content and needs a picture to communicate his stance, because he's insecure about typing out those scary words.

>> No.2127699
File: 49 KB, 1036x244, Fabulous Faggot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2127708

uhhh Quentin does not smoke weed

>> No.2127719

This reminds me of last sunday when I smoked a bowl and then did my math homework and got everything right. Complex analysis is pretty mind-blowing when you're high.

>> No.2129647

I'm bumping this from page 15 so we can all look at how pants Quentin is.

Just let his shitness wash over you like a late tide.

>> No.2129649

>I'm bumping this from page 15 so we can all look at how pants Quentin is.

you FUCK

>> No.2129670

bump because i fucking love quentin

>> No.2129697

Uhh, I hate that Pot opens your mind bullshit.

Getting a new job, reading a book or going to live in a different country all 'open your mind' but half of these assholes never do any of that stuff.

It's always seemed like bullshit to me anyway. I get high, the room goes a bit wavy, time sort of blacks out and everything is very funny. What kind of mind opening crap is that? Why not go smoke some DMT you fucking pussy?

>> No.2129710

anybody want to deal with quentin's alleged socratic dialogue and show in multiple ways that his logic fails in an epic way? i'm not really into pot (it's not my bag, man) but his fundamentalist and dogmatic approach turns me right off

>> No.2129714

man i just don't care to. like, it is so inessential why even bother doing it.

>> No.2129726

the legality of an issue has no moral bearing

>> No.2129727

The idea of pot opening your mind is mostly an idea borrowed by stoners from users of psychedelics, which can at times actually open your mind. That said in strong enough doses THC does get pretty trippy, and for some people moderate amounts help them with free association (although most of the ideas produced are dumb)

>> No.2129729

I can understand using a tripcode if you're an intelligent person who says interesting things, so people can recognise you and so...

but if you're going to say retarded stuff about some topic you don't even know about, I dont really get the point

>> No.2129739
File: 22 KB, 420x418, 1317896013402.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

These never fail to make me laugh.

I am quite convinced Quentin is a god tier comedian, no one can make shit this funny by accident.

>> No.2129797

>implying stupid people know they're stupid

>> No.2129806

he clearly is and he's funny as fuck, honestly, as long as he doesn't implicate the board in wider-scale trip bullshit. as long as it's not him and d&e and faboo and tybrax posting about their trip clique bullshit all the time, like it was this spring iirc, quentin is pretty damn funny.

>> No.2129832

well, I'm not a very clever person, and I know

>> No.2129865

Rejoice! you may not be very clever, but you are not stupid.

>> No.2129875

I think one of his pics made me chuckle. once.

>> No.2129877

Deep&Edgy is more consistently funny than stag, when he's not just straight-up saying the truth, of course.

>> No.2129891

i dont think theyre very comparable. but love them both :]

>> No.2130504
