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21275119 No.21275119 [Reply] [Original]

here are mine
1. Death is impossible, but your self will not be preserved
2. There are no other universes, but this universe is infinite.
3. All truths are equal; there is no division between metaphysical or physical worlds. There is only one world and all divisions are arbitrary.
4. God is always becoming something more perfect.
5. The maximal character of God is fully exhibited in every moment and completely present in all things experienced. No part of God is incomprehensible but every part of God is fully present at all times.
6. All relations between objects or of an object with itself exhibit a primitive form of consciousness that passes into oblivion immediately but can be reflected on and brought to higher levels by other organisms.
7. The future does not exist but is continually being determined by God.
8. Humans are the most perfect thing created by God up until this point.
9. Humans will experience their own "end of time" where they become a fully integrated part of the universe and no longer change and evolve, as has already happened with matter. This will be called "paradise" by humans.
10. Everything in God will reach its own end of time, but God himself can never stop becoming more perfect.
11. Every moment is entirely new and repeats nothing in the past, but represents an absolutely new creation of the universe that did not exist even potentially before. However, the entire memory of every previous moment is built into the present one.
12. The entire universe is the mind of God and every individual is inside it, literally, as space itself and movement in space represents movement within the mind of God.
13. The Human mind and the mind of God and the matter in the universe all operate on the same most fundamental principle, which is Being, and the character of Being fundamentally involves Time, as becoming is the product of the nature of Being actualizing itself against indeterminacies. Thus there is pragmatically no difference between materialism, rationalism, and any form of religion or spiritualism once each is taken to their conclusions.
14. Everyone must do what his Being necessitates, as that is all that God does and every individual is just a part of God.

>> No.21275124

>The world is rational
Lmao even

>> No.21275125
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>Blood & Soil
>Nothing else matters

Why must you complicate things?

>> No.21275146

>1., what do you think death is if not the dissolution of the self?
>2., sure
>3., trivial tautology
>4., 'more perfect' is contradiction
>5., trivial taxonomy
>6., sure
>7., cringe + refuting your own third point
>8., ultra cringe, humans aren't special just because you are one
>9., cringe + contradicting your seventh point
>10., repetition of a contradiction
>11., sure (I like this one)
>12., cringe taxonomy + contradicting third point
>13., sure but also cringe
>14., make me faggot

2/10, apply and humble yourself.

>> No.21275154

none of my points contradicted each other, I don't even understand what you are saying
>>4., 'more perfect' is contradiction
it's not, because the future doesn't exist, the more perfect state doesn't exist until it is brought into existence, thus life is already maximally perfect but also becoming more perfect.

>> No.21275157

also death is the cessation of all awareness, which is impossible because Being is identical to a kind of qualia or self qualia, which entails awareness and cannot be destroyed.

>> No.21275161

Goedel was thoroughly Leibniz-pilled.

>> No.21275170


>> No.21275173

whatever, post yours

>> No.21275180

If something is perfect it cannot be improved. If it can be improved, it is not perfect. "Greatest so far" != perfect.

>> No.21275188

The improvement doesn't exist until it gets actualized by the perfection that already exists though, and even if it did exist potentially it would be imperfect by virtue of not existing yet, so only past states are imperfect when compared to the present, but the present is always perfect. besides, if something is really perfect it will always create a universe where it can become more perfect, because if it didn't do that it wouldn't be perfect.

>> No.21275226

Start with the scholastics, please. There is literally 500 years worth of philosophy from the medieval era which refutes exactly this argument.

>> No.21275234

>there are literally 500 years of religicuck seething trying to prove that God never changes because their book says it's impossible
I have already considered arguments against this, anyway unless you post the argument that supposedly refutes me I can't say anything more.

>> No.21275243

Perfection is not a gradation; it is a binary state. and an abstract, imaginary, and arbitrary one at that. You also overlook that (accepting the flawed gradation of perfection) that the past is less perfect than the present and future.
>If something is perfect then it will always create a universe where it has always been and will always be perfect, because if it didn't it wouldn't be perfect
See I can do it too. The underlying flaw is in entertaining an idea of perfection at all, at least one that extends beyond "the sum of what is".

To address the other contradictions:
>7. The future does not exist but is (stop reading here)
If it does not exist than it cannot be further predicated.
>9. Humans will experience their own end of time where they become a fully integrated part of the universe
I already am (along with everything else) a fully integrated part of the universe. I don't call it paradise, excepting of course that I and everything else are what we already are, returning to the point of the arbitrary equivalency between perfection and being. I do prefer existence and consciousness to their lacking, but only because I exist to do so in the first place.

>Perfection's pronouns are He/Him
Do you not see the chauvinism caked into your ideas? Are you not suspicious of the extremely privileged position you give your own locality? Do you also think the sun is the center of the universe?

>> No.21275246

>Perfection is not a gradation; it is a binary state. and an abstract, imaginary, and arbitrary one at that. You also overlook that (accepting the flawed gradation of perfection) that the past is less perfect than the present and future.
only if you use strictly binary and outdated aristotelian logic.
>If it does not exist than it cannot be further predicated.
that's the paradox of time and why I have redefined Time to only include Being. of course nothingness does not exist and cannot be predicated, however there are many high-level manifestations of nothingness usually characterized as absence or indeterminateness, none of which are themselves nothingness.
>I already am (along with everything else) a fully integrated part of the universe.
You are still changing and evolving in your nature is what I mean
>Do you not see the chauvinism caked into your ideas? Are you not suspicious of the extremely privileged position you give your own locality? Do you also think the sun is the center of the universe?
Yeah I don't care that my ideas only make sense in western culture, I am nevertheless a person from the west therefore I cannot stop believing them.

>> No.21275248

1. Love your family
2. Love the earth
3. Love yourself
Basically what he said

>> No.21275265

If your ideas only make sense in western culture, then why are you trying to extend them to a universal scale? If you want to believe self-serving druidism, at least be honest about it like >>21275248
but don't confuse it with a serious attempt at understanding Being.

>> No.21275268

Being is not what is culturally specific, the stuff about God and the end of time is.

>> No.21275272

Sorry, but this world isn't any less rational because you can't get laid (in fact, it may be more so).

>> No.21275273

I'll see if I can spell it out as simply as I can. The other anon who is responding to you doesn't seem to be much more intelligent either.

>The improvement doesn't exist until it gets actualized by the perfection that already exists
You're also stating after this that the relative "perfection" can exist as potency, which would per se make it imperfect as potency is (ex hypothesi) less perfect than act. Then if an actualization of said potency was what made it perfect, it cannot be the potency which made it perfect, ie there is no "superior perfection" to what is already in act, and therefore all perfection comes from whatever is already perfect as such and not "less perfect." Consequently "perfection" is timeless and has no relation to either past or future, because it is always in act at all moments (if it exists, which no argument has established yet, we are again arguing ex hypothesi) and cannot be or contain a potency (which would necessitate a contingent distinction between being and not-being, which would make perfection imperfect, contradictio in adjecto). This is what St Augustine refers to as the "eternal present", which you are conflating with a contingent present (set against past, future, etc.)

>besides, if something is really perfect it will always create a universe where it can become more perfect,
This is the weakest part of your argument. If something is really perfect, by definition there will be nothing better than it. Perfect is a superlative, there can't be anything better by definition (so if you were to alter the terms of your argument, then your argument would stand). If there is a universe in potency (now) which is better in act (in a potential future), and this continues as an infinite progression, then "perfection", according to your own argument, does not exist, unless you concede that act is perfection and potency has no positive relation to the idea of perfection, only a negative relation (potency is a privation of perfection).

>> No.21275278

There is no logical sequence of events.

>> No.21275279

all this criticism doesn't work in the face of an understanding of nothingness. The idea that the future doesn't exist refutes all of this because it allows all your assertions about there being nothing more perfect than perfection AND perfection becoming more perfect.

>> No.21275285

why do women always go straight for this insult

>> No.21275294

>sequence of events
Dumb faggot can't think outside of his own head.
>If I close my eyes the world stops existing!
Not a woman, seethe.

>> No.21275304

Because vagina is the only currency they understand

>> No.21275307

The future does not exist for that which is entirely in act, that's partly the point I made. The future is only even a hypothetical entity for that which possesses potency, ie that which is imperfect. Consequently there is nothing perfect which is subject to the conditions of past and future, ie God is not subject to time, ie God is eternal, immutable truth.

>> No.21275310

I already said that the future doesn't exist even in potential. this is why I have point 11 as well.

>> No.21275398

Then why conflate them instead of reaching beyond the cage you were born into and apparently comfortably reside?
Why call it God or perfection with all the unnecessary baggage that comes with such labels? There is no value-added (besides feelgood) to describing what you do as anything other than Being. Nothing is perfect for the term is itself meaningless opinion upon a state of affairs, even an eternal one.

>> No.21275410

The self dissolves so there is no "me" besides this "cage" which isn't a cage because there is no division between physical and metaphysical world. at death you just return to God. It's also impossible to "reach beyond" your own Being seeing as the self constitutes my Being I will always attempt to bring into reality the end of time for humans, and in THIS world, not some otherworld. God would not just put us here for no other reason than to leave it.

>> No.21275427
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>World is rational

>> No.21275442

You said the future could exist in potential, which is what I responded to (because it is the correct answer):
>and even if it did exist potentially it would be imperfect by virtue of not existing yet,
Secondly, if there is no potential at all (which is what you're claiming now), ie the future does not exist, then perfection could not become more perfect because there is no way for it to become. It's very, very simple logic.
>Why call it God or perfection with all the unnecessary baggage that comes with such labels?
God and Perfection are synonymous, there is no baggage, just necessity. The transcendentals are all transitive yet distinct, in an almost similar way to the Holy Trinity. Perfection and being are different aspects of the same thing, so it is necessary to distinguish in order to perfect wisdom.
> Nothing is perfect for the term is itself meaningless opinion
This is entirely your opinion. Perfection does exist, is objective in itself, and it is what every being works for, however imperfectly they work for it due to lack of knowledge, reason, etc. This is both true a priori (we know we will always do what we think is most perfect, or strive for it, within our ability and knowledge), and posteriori, because we observe the same phenomenon happening all around us with other beings, even non-human beings. The only being excepted naturally is God, who is the source and progenitor of all perfection and lacks nothing.

>> No.21275451

>You said the future could exist in potential
that's not what even if means
> then perfection could not become more perfect because there is no way for it to become.
That's why I comprehend becoming in terms of pure Being. The PRESENT becomes, not the future. It is "becoming" into nothing, which is the mysterious part, but also nothingness can be eliminated because the Being is what determines the process of becoming. You don't need the future for becoming.

>> No.21276061

>The world is rational
Human beings aren't rational beings. They're irrational.