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21274295 No.21274295 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.21274301

Is the Italian translation: "Get Bitten By the Tiger"?

>> No.21274306

Allah pour bleach in my eyes and deliver me from the wicked visions of this dunya

>> No.21274309

without ever having read evola and only knowing him from browsing 4chan lit threads im going to assume it has something to do with rejecting modernity, lifting, and embracing traditional/a new modern form of masculinity while simultaneously falling for the same trap of creating another generic caricature of masculinity

>> No.21274583

I read only Revolt Against Modern World, so I cant comment on his entire philosophy, but I will try to make some summary of his views.

Man has primordial spiritual origin. Materialism bad. Caste system good.
Man and woman are opposite principles.
In his idealized spirituality is man viewed as equal to "supernatural", affecting it just as much as being affected by it (magic).
There are two kinds of spirituality:
Northern light: symbolized by Sun, man, concept of divine leader, heroism, magic
Southern light: Moon, woman, priest class, submission.
He believes that royality is defined by its spirituality and royality based on "blood" is materialistic degradation. Holy Roman Empire is most close to his ideal in Western world.
He hated protestants, he liked some forms of catholicism such as templars.
Civilizations have life cycles. Created from primordial origin, and then degrading to lower forms. There are 4 phases in life of civilization
1. Golden age: Northern spirituality, Sun, divine royality in the lead of civs, Rome, Egypt, India at its peak, orientation to heaven
2. Silver age: Southern spirituality: priest caste as leaders, submissive spirituality, orientation to soil, Christianity, Cult of Isis, Aphroditian cult
3. Bronze age: degenerated forms of N.light and S.light fighting for dominance. Rise of materialism, rise of merchant caste, late Euro monarchies
4. Iron/Dark age: democracy, socialism, death of caste system, death of tradition, technocracy, government of mass.
Contrary to popular belief, he despised most modern forms of nationalism (deprived of their spiritual roots). He also despised biological racism based on Darwin´s evolutionarism. If he speaks about racism he means "race of soul" and "race of spirit". Jews (as a culture) degenerated Roman spirituality through Christianity and later degenerated western world as a "merchant caste".

>> No.21274613

Is the Italian translation: "Get Bitten By the Tiger"?

>> No.21275071

>tfw no qt schizotrad bf

>> No.21275099

Our anime is called ´revolt against le modern world´. Our protagonist was some guy who was discontent with the modern world and turned to old stories from lots of different cultures and times, cherrypicked some of them, misinterpreted them, and made a mishmash narrative that he called "tradition", which happened to concur with his political opinions. This "tradition" is supposedly objective, trascendent, eternal (despite being just made up by him). Coming back to this tradition (which, again, happens to concur with his political opinions) would save us from modernity.

>> No.21275105

and all of that while giving no proof whatsoever

>> No.21275126

>Holy Roman Empire is most close to his ideal in Western world.
I feel like this is such a unique position to take since I can't recall anyone ever being FOR the HRE

>> No.21275132

Cute socks, man.

>> No.21275144
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keked and checked

>> No.21275163


>> No.21275179

fascist esoterica
nonsense to make its readers feel smrt

>> No.21275193

I don't want to RETVRN to tradition though, at least not for it's own sake, I want to make a new world order with an older racial hierarchy not because it's old but because it's good for us

>> No.21275306

>older racial hierarchy
Please elaborate

>> No.21275316

>Caste system good
Our of all the stupid ideas you've just listed, this is probably the most stupid

>> No.21275349

thats a man

>> No.21275392

Different anon here
I believe the caste is meant to be meritocratic and not assigned by birth.
Which is a logical system, you'd want the most capable persons in positions of power, wouldn't you?

>> No.21275401

I'd say it's the one that makes the most sense personally. Even if you're not a tradlarper it makes the most sense from a eugenics and order-maintaining perspective.

>> No.21275407

Are you illiterate? Read Dante, De Monarchia.

>> No.21275424

>I believe the caste is meant to be meritocratic and not assigned by birth.
That's not a caste system then. The whole point and definition of caste is that its assigned to you at birth.

>I'd say it's the one that makes the most sense personally. Even if you're not a tradlarper it makes the most sense from a eugenics and order-maintaining perspective.
Eugenics only works in theory. In practice, due to their sheer number, many of the individuals you want to weed out of the population become the weeders themselves, and the system becomes abused as a mere box of sadistic pleasure for these wretches. Eugenics based on race alone is unreliable, since the desirable traits in humanity are often only weakly correlated with race at best, though usually race and good traits (strength, intelligence, virtue, etc.) are utterly unrelated.

>> No.21275459

>With this text, the poet intervened in one of the most controversial subjects of his period: the relationship between secular authority (represented by the Holy Roman emperor) and religious authority (represented by the Pope).
ok? So thoughts on that relate to supporting something that lasted another 500 years ? Does the book touch the socio, spiritual or any other impact the HRE had on the people that lived in it?

>> No.21275479

>That's not a caste system then. The whole point and definition of caste is that its assigned to you at birth.
No its not.

>> No.21275572

YWNBAW .Marx , guenon and Voltaire would have all drowned you in acid.

>> No.21275641

Probably a bait thread but whatever.
There's nothing to explain. Read his books if you want to understand his thought.
The best abstract summary I can give you is this:
Spirit rules matter and not vice versa. Personality can be a vehicle for spirit, so it is worth defending it from pure matter. This is why he defends aristocracy, race, sovereignty etc against leftism, internationalism and so on.

>> No.21275711


>> No.21275989

Why? And why should I care?

>> No.21276664


>> No.21277178

no, it's based on birth, not merit.

your place in a traditional hierarchy is principally not a reward or punishment based on your "merit", you are in your cast because it best fits you and benefits your personal development. meritocracy is only concerned with achieving results. when it's not subordinated to a higher principle of justice, it only serves to create a cruel machine of maximum efficiency that suffocates personality. in a normal and healthy civilization, man is born with a definite personality, that is cultivated by the structures around him.
in the modern world, the lack of social mobility is frightening exactly because noone is in the right place. and how many can find it?
who you are in the deepest sense, the core of your self is already determined when you are born - and according to traditional doctrine it is determined by a volition before conception. being born into the world in a certain time and place, and into a cetain life is a choice - and this doctrine goes far beyond an apology for the caste system, it's something to remember and contemplate in your own life. it is no coincidence heredity emerges in classes and crafts in so many cases in the world of tradition; when there is a stable place for a certain type to be born, he will choose that place. the indian caste system is only the most fully articulated example of this principle.
"to each his own"

>> No.21277212

>There are 4 phases in life of civilization
these are not (only) phases of civilization, but of the humanity and the world. it's fractal, it can be seen on all levels and scales, but ultimately it's stages in the very manifestation of our world.

your classing of civilizations is wrong. all of recorder and known history is from the kali yuga, but the yugas aren't homogenous.

>> No.21277220

The least gay Evola reader

>> No.21277282

neetch with guenonian tendencies

>> No.21277322

>shitskin shudra cope

>> No.21277351


>> No.21277675

even if you don't look at the knees, you can see a mile away that the skin is too thick
yes, I know with absolute certainly the best person who can explain Evola to you: Evola himself

>> No.21277678

White people in their mostly white countries with stable, sustainable birthrates at top, everyone else below.

>> No.21277732

Femboys and Fascism go together like white on rice

>> No.21278338

>divine royality in the lead of civs, Rome
So The Roman kingdom? He obviously wouldn't be talking about the Roman empire considering how degenerate everything was.
But then how does he address that the kings quickly turned into tyrants and were removed?

>> No.21278344

It's forbidden knowledge to the faggots

>> No.21278877

Good post

>> No.21279085

Lmao this is a typical speculation but is rooted in the misunderstanding of what Evola means by Traditional.
The traditional/modern dichotomy is non-linear and the historical analysis Evola provides is merely to demonstrate that both have appeared in their fundamental characteristics many times.
His reading of history is centred around the notions of vague cultural cycles that engender certain aspects of Tradition or modernity but do not necessitate an inevitable transition.
Also in his work Ride the Tiger, he basically says that no outward surviving tradition has the vitality necessary to be considered truly Traditional and immanence is to take the focus of our lives; in that the appearance of what is the fertile soil for tradition must be watched for, but it is more likely that we are to spend our time being part of modernity but not being affected by it. That does not mean a LARP in any way shape or form.
The details of what he means by tradition and all that, you can read for your self. Just know that you’re making him sound like JBP when he would have mind fucked that cry baby liberal.

>> No.21279123

Give me the daily routine of a Traditional man living/Riding the Tiger in 2022.

>> No.21279234

Not that anon, but that's a pretty ridiculous question. In this environment, a Traditional man simple does as he wills, whatever that may be. If you want, you can go fight the bourgeois war for Zelensky, you can be a homeless NEET practicing Zen all day until the inevitable death from starvation, or you can be a Wolf of Wall Street retard doing cocaine and engaging in money laundering. The exterior acts don't really matter that much - what matters is the internal state. You can do anything, so long as it works for you - in the current environment, it's not like anyone can accuse you of shirking your duty or whatever, because modernity has made a joke of the very word itself.