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/lit/ - Literature

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21274058 No.21274058 [Reply] [Original]

Who is the closest to be considered literary fiction?

> Tolkien
> Le Carre
> Lovecraft
> Asimov
> Arthur C. Clarke

>> No.21274100

Le Carre, no question.

>> No.21274120 [DELETED] 

Lovecraft. But on that same lane we have Clark Ashton Smith who puts many so-called literary writers to shame in terms of prose.

>> No.21274124

>Arthur C. Clarke
>Le Carre

>> No.21274127 [DELETED] 

This but backwards.

>> No.21274382
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You have a peanut size view of reality you are part of.

>> No.21274388
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Meant for the other guy.


>> No.21274395 [DELETED] 

Tolkien ripped off the Nordics and had a workman-like prose. Very little literary merit. Lovecraft, on the other hand, created his own mythos and had an aesthetically better prose, if a bit purple.

>> No.21274463

Lovecraft. But on that same lane we have Clark Ashton Smith who puts many so-called literary writers to shame in terms of prose.

>> No.21274481
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Anon...you already said that...

>> No.21274483

Le Carre

>> No.21274497

Lovecraft or Tolkien, both for very different reasons though, Lovecraft's prose rivals some of the most respected modernist writers, he could be called the Faulkner of pulp fiction, and Tolkien is a master of worldbuilding and style and will go down as one of the greatest innovators of the genre of fantasy. Asimov is a close 3rd though because of the concepts explored within his work, he's on the same level as Philip K. Dick though if I'm going to be completely honest.

>> No.21274503
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I'm from Rhode Island, so it's my own state culture to jerk off Lovecraft, but he was a middling wannabe academic who wrote stories in pulp magazines for a living. Tolkien was a philology professor who wrote his own languages.

>> No.21274528 [DELETED] 
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>Tolkien was a philology professor who wrote his own languages.
lmao he just ripped off the languages of other people. He was a fraud. Lovecraft at least created his own shit and had a better prose. Lovecraft is closer to being literary than the goyslop maker Tolkien. Where they published their stuff or what they did for a living is irrelevant.

>> No.21274649

You used the word "goyslop" unironically, that invalidates your entire argument. Better luck next time

>> No.21274678 [DELETED] 

I accept your concession.

>> No.21274751

You accepted mine first

>> No.21274760

I want to have sex with Asuka.

>> No.21274781 [DELETED] 

You didn't offered a counterargument but an excuse, therefore, you lost.

>> No.21274795 [DELETED] 

You didn't offer a counterargument but an excuse, therefore, you lost.

>> No.21274909

Are you retarded? Every language rips off other languages. Just look at English. Elvish is a pretty impressive creation all things considered.

>> No.21274913

Finngolian cope.

>> No.21274918 [DELETED] 

> Every language rips off other languages
This is meant to be a constructed language, not a natural language, retard.
>Elvish is a pretty impressive creation all things considered.
Nah. It's not impressive at all once you know where all the stuff comes from. It's a remix, a bastardization, a cheap imitation.

>> No.21274927 [DELETED] 

Not even a Finn, just making a case for my boy Lovecraft agains the overrated Tolkien.

>> No.21274949

There's not a single linguist who would agree that Elvish isn't impressive. There's no such thing as a purely constructed language that exists in a vacuum. That's not a real language, just gibberish. Tolkien studied languages, he understood that. You probably think to make a language you just have to come up with a bunch of random vocabulary words. So I'll repeat myself: every language takes from other languages. That's how "language" works, and you see that in Elvish. Try using your brain before giving such retarded takes.

>It's a remix, a bastardization, a cheap imitation.
And you're a cheap imitation of Nabokov by the looks of it.

>> No.21274953
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>better prose than Tolkien
Genuinely the most low IQ take I've seen in a long time

>> No.21274992 [DELETED] 

>There's not a single linguist who would agree that Elvish isn't impressive.
I never liked these kind of omniscient, generalizing statements. Sure, like you know every linguist ever and did an exhaustive poll.
>There's no such thing as a purely constructed language that exists in a vacuum.
I never said that it was but people can at least try not being copy-cats.
>Tolkien studied languages, he understood that.
He made an artificial dialect of Finnish. I'm not sure where the impressive element is supposed to be. And the other ones are barely even developed.
>You probably think to make a language you just have to come up with a bunch of random vocabulary words.
I know you need to establish a syntax, a grammar, and all that beforehand. Considering that, there are far more original and interesting conlangs than don't just blatantly rip off existing languages.
>And you're a cheap imitation of Nabokov by the looks of it.
I didn't even intend to sound nabokovian but being a cheap imitation of Nabokov, a much superior writer to Tolkien, is a compliment in my eyes so thank you for that.

>> No.21275057

>I never liked these kind of omniscient, generalizing statements. Sure, like you know every linguist ever and did an exhaustive poll.
Dude you can't be this retarded. This is like saying any physicist will tell you flat earth is bullshit and you respond "but have you polled every physicist?" The point is that anyone who understands linguistics will tell you Elvish is a good made up language. You can actually study and speak it. There's a reason why it's held as the pinnacle of made up languages.

>I never said that it was but people can at least try not being copy-cats.
You can't create a working language that can be spoken without "copying" other languages. Everyone has a biological language instinct that creates universal similarities. A good example is how in almost every language mother sounds similar. This isn't a real criticism, you're just mad Tolkien gets more respect and attention than some loser like Lovecraft.

>He made an artificial dialect of Finnish
I don't think you know what dialect means. Elvish and Finnish are entirely separate languages. One is not a dialect of the other.

>Considering that, there are far more original and interesting conlangs than don't just blatantly rip off existing languages.
Examples? I hope you don't mean Cthuvian, which is a great example of a bad language. The reason no one studies it or speaks it is because there's no substance or coherence to it, it's just a bunch of gibberish.

>I didn't even intend to sound nabokovian
I think you're trying way too hard to sound smart lmao

>> No.21275069

This is the correct answer.
This is the edgemaster fedoralord answer.

>> No.21275076

>workman-like prose
What form of retardation is this?

>> No.21275082
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Then thou shalt remain a consternated virgin all thy days, *raises a pointed finger slowly in condemnation* for she is an imagination and her imitators, witch-harlots!

>> No.21275107 [DELETED] 

His prose is closer to GRRR Martin and other genre writers than to a literary writer like Peake or Nabokov.

>> No.21275111

Lovecraft's aesthetic is a major contribution to 20th century literature (and art as a whole). He may not be the best writer but he is clearly the most respected of the lot even among literary writers and poets and painters.

>> No.21275113 [DELETED] 

trips of truth

>> No.21275130 [DELETED] 

>This is like saying any physicist will tell you flat earth is bullshit and you respond "but have you polled every physicist?"
That's not the same at all. You're mistaking opinion with fact. It is statistically impossible that every linguist has the same opinion on a fake language.
>There's a reason why it's held as the pinnacle of made up languages.
Maybe in your delusional mind but the go-to conlang is Esperanto.
>The point is that anyone who understands linguistics will tell you Elvish is a good made up language.
Again, it's a glorified artificial dialect of Finnish. And even if it weren't, that still doesn't make Tolkien more literary than Lovecraft.
>You can actually study and speak it.
That's cool and I'm sure the classroom will be filled with sex-having manly men with big brains. Doesn't mean that a meme of this size makes one a more literary writer.
>You can't create a working language that can be spoken without "copying" other languages.
There is copying and there is copying. Tolkien stole from existing languages A LOT and also from existing mythologies A LOT. So what is the supposedly impressive thing, then? What am I supposed to be looking at? He doesn't even have a remarkable prose which would make his phony folklore more bearable. Lovecraft was far more original, even without attempting so. When I look at Tolkien all I see is an overrated try-hard thief. When I look at Lovecraft, I see an original artist with a unique vision.

>> No.21275470

>his work is closer to GRRM
Of course it is. Martin, like nearly every fantasy writer is caught within an anxiety of influence to Tolkien. It isn't Tolkien who is like Martin, but Martin who is like Tolkien - a completely different phenomenon.

>> No.21275480

there's no distinction between genre and literary fiction, the discussion only exists for psueds to feel smart

>> No.21275484 [DELETED] 

genrelet cope

>> No.21275535

you enjoy the drama genre, you are a genrelet

>> No.21275541 [DELETED] 

I'm a literarychad. Try again, pleb boy.

>> No.21275547

i would just be repeating myself. you read genre fiction, you're just in denial

>> No.21275597 [DELETED] 

"Drama" is not a genre.

>> No.21275628

it is

>> No.21275673

No one can be this ignorant.

>> No.21275676

you're in denial, and you can't refute me

>> No.21275680

Alectura lathami
on one's guard

>> No.21275686

No one can refute you in your mind because you've already decided that your retard take is the objective truth. But to anyone else it's readily apparent that you don't have the slightest clue. When even was the last time you read a book that didn't revolve around irrelevant non-literary filler like magic systems, world building, plot, etc?

>> No.21275696

post of lead.

Happy birthday!

crayon board

>> No.21275698

you have to resort to thinking about magic systems and dance around my claim because you can't refute me. last book i read was runaway horses, can you guess what genre that's in?

>> No.21275750 [DELETED] 

Kek the retard can't understand that if there weren't any distinction, the terms wouldn't exist to begin with but they do exist and they define different things. I would advice you not to waste your time with this troll.

>> No.21275765

the reason the distinction exists is for people like you to pretend they're not reading genre fiction. only reason you call me troll is because you can't prove me wrong

>> No.21275790 [DELETED] 

But my reading diet consists of both genre fiction and literary fiction, Mr Troll.

>> No.21275797

they're the same thing, just different genres

>> No.21275802 [DELETED] 

>they're the same thing!
>but they're different!
lmao alright. spoiler alert: they are not the same.

>> No.21275803
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>Lovecraft had better prose
It’s so obvious you have no clue what actually means

>> No.21275811 [DELETED] 

>normo tears
>simps for the most reddit commercial normie schlock writer after Stephen King and JK Rowling
lmao @ your life

>> No.21275812

when you say literary fiction you're just referring to another genre

>> No.21275820

Who actually is the last truly canonical writer in Western literature? Beckett?

>> No.21275833 [DELETED] 

It's not a genre.

>> No.21275839

it's a collection of books that you'd like to pretend aren't part of whatever genre. usually they're in the drama genre

>> No.21275871

i fucked her

>> No.21275880

the literary vs genre fiction divide is a crude proxy for the more important (but still nebulous) distinction between "novel-as-art" and "novel-as-entertainment". Literary fiction is not genreless, it has simply been deemed more important than the genre boundaries that would contain it.

>> No.21275886 [DELETED] 

Depends what you mean by genre.

>> No.21275906


>> No.21275912

realism is

>> No.21275921

The genres that are called genre fiction, predominantly fantasy and scifi, are so utterly filled with garbage when compared to "genres" like modernist literature, realism, or whatever, that your point is totally meaningless. You're just masturbating with semantics.

>> No.21275926

If I were to read but one book from CAS, which should it be?

>> No.21275929

the ratio of quality to garbage is exactly the same. there's so semantics, just your inability to accept that the books you read fit within certain genres, out of some delusion of status

>> No.21275930

The Dark Eidolon And Other Fantasies has a solid collection of his short stories and prose poetry.

>> No.21275933

2 + 2 = 5

>> No.21275935

that's all your argument can come down to, unable to show me i'm wrong

>> No.21275936

modernist literature isn't a genre but anyway just go and read le guin's essays that refute you, i'm too lazy to get them myself

>> No.21275940

It's literally the same argument you use. Anyway have fun trolling.

>> No.21275944

you can only dismiss as trolling because you can't counter what i'm saying

>> No.21275946

Genre fiction is better than literary fiction.

>> No.21275947

CAS is way above Lovecraft. Lovecraft's writings look like a teenager's scribblings in comparison.

>> No.21275953

Thank you senpai

>> No.21275971

When will this "pulp has no literary merit" shit end? You faggots are insufferable. Clark Ashton Smith routinely blows authors like Hawthorne and Poe out of the water yet because he wrote for a pulp magazine that makes his literary contributions invalid? Dashiell Hammett is one of the greatest authors that America has ever produced yet you're going to try and say that because his work was published in pulp magazines it has less literary merit than fucking hacks like Bellow and Updike? Robert E. Howard's work is more genuine than anything Arthur Miller or Gore Vidal ever wrote.

>> No.21276005

whats updike

>> No.21276011

>For the past 30 years the greatest novelists writing in English have been genre writers: John le Carré, George Higgins and Patrick O'Brian.

>> No.21276035

GGM, McCarthy, Toni Morrison.

>> No.21276040

>Toni Morrison
>Western Canon
Are you braindead?

>> No.21276046

CAS had not one original thought in his life though. And he is mediocre compared to the good literary stylists, but better than the good genre stylists. AKA he is the perfectly middling author.

>> No.21276050

If you can't read the sign of times to come, then it's on you and your low IQ.
Toni Morrison probably has the most secure position in the expansion of western canon than even the 19th century writers we venerate presently.

>> No.21276055
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>lovecraft is less normie somehow
How about you read Lovecraft’s own thoughts on his work you ignoramus

>> No.21276273

Anon you're actually retarded. Like I'm not even trying to insult you, just based on your comments defending lovecraft over tolkien your iq clearly can't be over 110.

>> No.21277345 [DELETED] 

Lovecraft has better prose, is original, and not a thieving fraud.
That's not based on Lovecraft.

>> No.21277401
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tfw no asuka gf

>> No.21277860

She probably does. She perfectly represents the direction that literature took after the 60s and 70s.

>> No.21278097

>thieving fraud

If he were stealing shit he wouldn't have been completely open about where the inspirations came from.

>> No.21278219

none of them wrote literary fiction because literary fiction means not-genre-fiction

>> No.21279262

Do you know what "closest to" means you FUCKING NIGGER RETARD?

>> No.21279722

Your logic is pretty weak and doesn't demonstrate anything other than that quendi is heavily inspired by finnish. It's not enough to make any judgements on the overall quality of the writing or even the language itself desu, since that chart clearly looks like it was made specifically to show similarities between the two languages. By this logic, it's like you think lovecraft is solely good because he comes up with completely original gibberish names like nyarlathotep.

>> No.21279736

Lovecraft, in the moments he's come back down to earth and earthly things.

>> No.21279745

why live?

>> No.21279875

Literary fiction is a genre in all but name.

>> No.21279993

Butterfly, chime in.

>> No.21280057
File: 341 KB, 1920x796, latest.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I feel like, for all that Tolkien is considered the father of modern fantasy, when you actually read his more serious stuff it's surprisingly grounded and concrete.

Like, The Lord of the Rings is heavily invested in very literary concepts: the inevitable decay of time, the seduction of power, the illusion of innocence, the virtue of showing mercy, the hidden power in small things. It doesn't feel like throwaway fantasy fiction. It doesn't feel like fast food, which a lot of fantasy fiction does. It has a great grimness and sadness to it that I think elevates it significantly.

I think if Frankenstein can technically be science fiction and still be considered great literature, then The Lord of the Rings, despite being technically fantasy, can be considered great literature.

>> No.21280802

It was always a great literature

>> No.21281645

Can you guys stop arguing and come to a conclusion already?

>> No.21281730

Le Carre (Cornwell)
Though in time they’ll all be accepted/included. Genre snobs be damned

>> No.21281775

why are so many of these replies deleted

>> No.21281792


>> No.21281794

>literary fiction
99% of people who care about this are just trying to vicariously achieve superiority over Le Common Man®. The remaining 1% don't have enough real-life experience, education, and/or humility to find honesty or depth in what is ordinary.
In any case, you're just being a pretentious faggot when care about this stuff. That's was the entire point of Modernism.

inb4 some pseud cries about Modernism being Totally, Like, Le BAD!!™ because it challenges his presumption that he's special because he consumes """"""art"""""""

All that shit aside, I think Asimov and Tolkien had the most to say about being a person - followed closely by Clarke - while Le Carre highlighted the moral ambiguity and disaffection of the post-war world, something that would absolutely be stuffed down in the intervening decades of endless Cold War propaganda.
Lovecraft had lovely prose and an evocative style, and that's all I can really say about that. But, we're discussing art from the Modern era, so it's pretty fucking weird that people would highlight the quality of the rendering of a thing instead of the idea behind the rendering.

Like I said, I'm not really shocked to discover that most posters ITT either misunderstood Modernism or rejected it without investigating it. /lit/ is obsessed with 19th century and earlier philosophers, like the completely childish fanboys they are, so it's no surprise their critiques of art also stopped evolving past the 19th century schools. All you idiots are caught in the romanticism of how good it feels to read words on a paper instead of how inspiring or elucidative the ideas held by the words are. You conflate lovely language with lovely ideas, mostly because it is often that lovely ideas are incidentally behind lovely words - that intelligent creatives will be good at the art they choose to make should be fucking obvious to anyone bothering to think for just a single moment.

Stay pseud and mid forever, /lit/.

>> No.21282080

Or it could just be that genre fiction is mindnumblingly boring and doesn't leave an impact?

>> No.21282622

>The remaining 1% don't have enough real-life experience, education, and/or humility to find honesty or depth in what is ordinary.

>> No.21282652

Genre fiction is never about the ordinary, so your point doesn't make sense

>> No.21282671

Unfathomably based post. Trying to talk about anything post 19th century is impossible on this board. It's too hard for some retard to understand that you can Like Ezra Pound and Shakespeare at the same time. Fucking hell even this anon >>21282652 is too stupid to even read and accurately understand what you just said within your comment

I really like how "epic" Clark Ashton's smith poetry is, the language is beautiful and mythologica--but it's a far cry from what I consider great because the actual ideas behind it are trivial and he isn't really saying much with it.