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21271167 No.21271167 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.21271182


>> No.21271258

He was not.

>> No.21271270

His targets were wrong. He sent bombs to some literally who smalltime computer store guy. Rather than tech millionaires or someone more influential. This is why I think he was a psyop. Have you guys noticed that? All these supposed radicals only go after nobodies. They never attack the status quo, the powers that be.

>> No.21271280

Is this a copypasta now?

>> No.21271293

No, it's alphabet soup.

>> No.21271325

Right is subjective, a neet who jerks off to anime porn and plays vidya all day thinks society is perfect as it is right now, but from a human animal pov, yes, society after the indrev fucked everything up, just because we are naturally drawn to the machines.

Theoretically, and practically we could live in small settlements (think CHOP/CHAZ but functional) where we share technology and resources. Trade and wealth are pretty crazy concepts, to think we evolved empathy to be able to look out for fellow men to keep social cohesion and then to think about the horrors of a selfish massive society just points out how the modern human ecosystem has changed the way we think to be more selfish and disconnected, which is not surprising if you live with another 230 million people all inside the same society. If we limited ourselves to small societies that interacted with each other in small ways rather than a globalized system that tracks every single person in the borders of their territory we could be happier even if you just reduce it to brain composition; our brains are still somewhat adapted to african mud huts and we cannot evolve fast enough to embrace technological progress.

TLDR; technology isnt the problem, a society built around industry is, however, since it pushes to dehumanize the workers it needs just by the sheer amount of people it draws into a small area.

retarded post, he got what he wanted, his manifesto published, the bombs were just a method to get his word out

>> No.21271340

I believe it’s actually more effective if you go after literal whos compared with if you go after the people in positions of power as it effectively makes anyone a target, and the people in positions of power already have little choice but to continue to adhere to their hardline ideology but literal whos can be swayed.

>> No.21271366

To add to what the others are saying, when you reach the level of tech millionaire, there's a good chance they having someone screening their mail or opening it for them, which makes killing them via mail bomb difficult.

>> No.21271395
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one of the few philosophers who actually lived his ethos

>> No.21271397
File: 1.77 MB, 5100x2000, after the singularity.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he doesn't want to ascend

>> No.21271399
File: 626 KB, 2518x1024, virgin ecologist chad transhumanist.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.21271409

i never understood the foreign policy of all these anti tech fags
you know, the thing that is half of the fucking budget
how do you deal with technologically superior foreigners and enemies?

anti tech fags dont have an answer, they never did

>> No.21271412

why are there like 5 fucking threads about discount ellul right now, fuck off

>> No.21271414

He has been refuted by historical materialism

>> No.21271420

It is written in ISaiF. No policies should restrict technology in a nation because that would allow pro-tech nations a competitive advantage. The only goal is destabilization of the entire globe. He literally wrote that any revolution must be global because of the reason you stated.
Read the source material weiner.

>> No.21271427

>just become global bro
how tf does one man act globally? especially if he lives in a wooden shack and doesnt use any technology???
leads to glowie infiltration and prison cell

i dont know why do people read ted like some great revolutionary who had everything figured out, guy is a fucking convict rotting in a cell

>> No.21271434

had never thought about it this way, but that's also why the Zodiac killer or school shooters are so scary, because they could target anyone

>> No.21271445

He was a deranged eleutheromaniac terrorist. End of.

>> No.21271448

autisticaly fascinating

>> No.21271461
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>not thinking globally

u, sir are quite the retard

>> No.21271469

All you need is one country to create a secret underground stash of high tech, wait for everyone else to return to monke, and then conquer the world. And then you realize each country will be thinking the other countries are already doing this and then everyone ends up with a secret tech stash.

>> No.21271482
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so the revolution must be total

got it

see u on the flip side, friend

>> No.21271494

I bet most chuds don't know this but it is well know that he was a trans ally , who couldn't freely transition in his oppressive times and thus wanted to create a world free from any restrictions.

>> No.21271504

Holy mother of God are you just ironically retarded

>> No.21271517

wonderful, thank you.

>> No.21271942

Humans will always band together because it's the immediate easier way

>> No.21272543

I guess the massive communities are some form of exploitation we weren't ready for

>> No.21272641

He wrote an entire book on this stuff, Anti-Tech Revolution: Why and How. He says an anti-tech movement needs to have a few characteristics to succeed, including:
- Being utterly committed and having zero moral qualms about the fallout of destroying tech
- Actively turning away anyone who isn't utterly committed
- Having knowledge of tech for the purpose of overthrowing it
- A single, simple goal: destroy the infrastructure of the system when it is in a crisis. No goals of seizing political power.
- Actively destabilise the system, but do not try to unilaterally start a revolution too early, which would inevitably fail

I think he realises it's a very long shot, but the impression I get is that he thinks presenting it as a realistic possibility increases the chance of it happening, so as a strategy he makes it sound as plausible as he can.

It relies on his assumption that a catastrophic failure of part of the system will cascade and make the whole thing irreversibly collapse. He does explain why he thinks this, in chapters 1 and 2, but because he's talking about global phenomena he's very broad and admits his theories can't be proven.

So I think he is quite a strategic writer. No matter how unrealistic he actually thinks this revolution is, he knows that any anti-tech group would need absolute belief in their cause, so he won't discuss the shortcomings. Kaczynski isn't a philosopher, his interest is confined to practical 'common sense' reality. I imagine he would reply to philosophical objections by saying that revolutionary movements don't succeed or fail depending on what philosophers think, and his goal is for a successful revolutionary group to form so anything else is secondary.

From the perspective of his world view it makes total sense, but his world view might be wrong!

>> No.21272655

What is this from?

>> No.21273377

who keeps editing his height markers

>> No.21273383

No idea, but his life is a sad story.

>> No.21273402

Maybe back in the day it might have caused terror but nobody gives a shit now. Killing literal whos changes nothing. Killing billionaires destabilizes things, it might even destabilize an entire industry.

>> No.21273460

>his oppressive times
I think you mean *her* oppressive times, chud

>> No.21274139

When was the last time a billionaire was assassinated?

>> No.21274163

Transhumanism will be pushed by all the terrible actors in the current western metapolitical order - and will be abused and twisted by those who push the current cultural waves i.e. modern radical gender/opression etc etc politics. The only way it could ever be a positive is if it were pushed by men seeking to follow a trajectory of great quality and achievement, rather than political elites who are stupid and 'third worldist'

>> No.21274188

Read man and his technics by Spengler

>> No.21274459


>> No.21275017

No and stop making multiple threads about this.

>> No.21276173

He made threads before?