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File: 30 KB, 566x565, heaven.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
21271015 No.21271015 [Reply] [Original]

Any books / resources on the subject would be appreciated.

>> No.21271022

Swedenborg is what you want.

>> No.21271032

the eternal orgasm

>> No.21271074

Moist and musty smelling. Still a nice chill in the shade but a warm morning sun rising.
No cares in the world, only gleeful optimistic play. You’re six years old. And you’ll never have that day again.

>> No.21271112

It will be grander than anything we can describe here. Looking for a book on it is useless.

>> No.21271132
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>> No.21271230

a lot of the text makes me think it is a more abstract existence, but at the same time, the talk about christ and the kingdom of heavan sounds less so. so i really dont know

>> No.21271282

I remember some anon theorising that judgement day would involve the dissolution of all boundaries between people and that everyone you've ever known would become aware of everything you've ever done. Following that presumably painful process, everyone would be united in love and become one with one another. That seemed like an interesting interpretation, although I'm not sure what to make of it exactly.

>> No.21271309
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>> No.21271312
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>> No.21271314
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>> No.21271318

Infinite and eternal ontological growth.

>> No.21271333

Can you expand on that a bit?

>> No.21271384
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>> No.21271389
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>> No.21271405

It's called Theosis.
Our nature as humans is to move toward or away from God. God by nature is infinite and eternal, while we are finite and temporal by nature. However God by incarnating as man as Christ is both God-Man by nature, thus man can become by nature like God. While we can't be God, we have the free will in this life to become like-God (Good/Holy) or to become unlike-God (Evil/Nihilistic). Thus our lives act as trajectories for our eternal paths: we either enter the orbit of the Divine and continually become more God-like through our energetic relationship with an Infinite God (Heaven) or we cast ourselves off into the darkness of that-which-is-not God and reflect off the emptiness of substance and in-turn become Nothing-like (Hell).
While I can't describe what that Heaven would be like experientially, I'm glad that I can't reduce it to mere words. It recursively beyond each new horizon like regenerative circularity (Perichoresis); where everything including your own being makes more and more sense.
As for Hell, that can be imagined as asymptotically falling into a black hole of absolute loneliness; where you'd wish for a cartoon devil to poke your ass with a fork in the face of ever totalizing nihilism: the Abyss of chasing shadows and becoming them.

>> No.21271474
File: 24 KB, 315x404, 00home.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>move toward or away from God >God by nature is infinite

how can you move towards or away from infinity? logically, ontologically, practically not possible

try again

>> No.21271479

fuck off hylic

>> No.21271505

Because the proof of impossibility of your claim. If an Infinite being can create finite Creation, than Creation has to have interacted with the Infinite being in order to be created. Otherwise you are arguing for the impossibility of Creation not being created and appeal absurdly to Absolute Nihilism (Created out of Nothing by Nothing)
So we must have on a coherent logical and ontological level interaction with the Infinite due to Creation and being creatures. If we can have that interaction that it is possible to have more or less interaction with our Infinite Creator (at His Will and Grace).

>> No.21271515
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if a fish is swimming in an infinite ocean, no matter what direction he swims in or for how long, he is neither moving towards or away from the ocean. i don't think u understand the implications of infinity

>> No.21271521

That doesn't follow since the fish isn't by nature the ocean. If it were the case, you'd have Monism and the fish would be ontologically indistinct from the infinite ocean.
As with our reality, we are distinct in essence from God.

>> No.21271524

I don't know. I guess it is just sweet nothing. Dying has to be like a really painful sensory overload and it leads to a great sense of relief while all the pressure of existence just fades away. And then you get born again and everything sucks again, fuck. Need to live a life worth living.

>> No.21271533


ow can anyone, anything be distinct from infinity? seems like a contradiction

>> No.21271540
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The fish can spend its whole life never knowing its in an infinite ocean and just assume itself erroneously the "infinite" reality.
You have a choice whether to acknowledge the infinite or not.
Free will toward or away God is movement on a metaphysical level. Either way, God is there.

>> No.21271553

That sounds similar to the hindu idea of the atman. Instead of the western conception of individual souls, they believe in a single "universal" soul, and every individal form of life is nothing more than a false seperation, that upon achieving spiritual enlightenment, that you become one with that universal soul

>> No.21271555

>You have a choice whether to acknowledge the infinite or not

not really. the vast majority of humans have lived and died without ever hearing of or contemplating infinity. it a relatively modern concept, likely only around since early civilization

>> No.21271557


>> No.21271560
File: 64 KB, 847x1138, 4ee4d4c708109a34937419fcd703758b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any chance the afterlife resembles the human instrumentality project?

>> No.21271568

>What is heaven actually like?
Which one are we assuming is real? The Christian one? The Muslim one? The Pure Land Buddhist one? The Zoroastrian one?

>> No.21271570

Not the guy you've been responding to, but regardless of whether or not humans have contemplated infinity itself, most people have at least contemplated the idea of things that are "grander" than themselves, whether its divine beings, or even physical things like mountains or the sky. The awareness we possess as sentient beings, often pushes us to make comparisons, and we often make comparisons to things which we are already familiar with, and one of the things that we are most familiar with are the dimensions of our own bodies, and as a result, when we find ourselves observing an object or concept that is difficult to compare to our own bodies (or less physical things like the time we're alive vs. the age of geological structures), we can see that as a universal human experience of contemplating the infinite

>> No.21271574

Argumentum ad populum isn't a real argument; it's true regardless of who believes it or not. For example, people didn't know about microscopic bacteria or electro-magnetism for most of history but they were still true all along.
As for God, I'd say He's been known to man since the start of man; we're made in His image. But our nature has fallen away from Him since Creation as we wanted to know Good & Evil: what is like Him and what is not-like-Him. So we have to choice to know what is the latter at the expense of the former; hence the ignorance.
You can still look at the world without the Infinite, without God, but you're getting an incomplete, inconsistent, and incoherent view of reality. Much like the fish who seems to know everything other than that he swims in an ocean of water.

>> No.21271584

Yeah although this anon didn't say anything about enlightenment. I gotta admit the whole 'rebirths continue until enlightenment improves' thing as always seemed a bit hard to swallow for me.

>> No.21271596

Hell if I know

>> No.21271608

>Keep getting reborn without memories (effectuvely death as usual)
>gain "enlightenment", lose both ego and self, and become part of a pointless consciousness
I can't imagine how enlightenment would be rewarding.

>> No.21271641
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>> No.21271655

Swedenborg is what you want.

>> No.21271778

At least annihilationist buddhism has a cool aesthetic.

>> No.21272409

please guys this is important

>> No.21272853
File: 52 KB, 162x172, chronoverse – transcetimer – space for all types & time for all species.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In Paradise is consummated space for all types, and time for all species, itself transcending them in, and through, the syntheotic constancy & immediacy of the Holy Spirit (aether) —within the parameters of nobility, and the perimeters of virtue.

Paradise is the only place that accommodates, and where one can fit, one’s plenitude, in the same way that one is at one’s best in the body of Christ.

>> No.21272869

It can't be "like" anything if it doesn't exist

>> No.21272877

Dantes paradiso