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21270839 No.21270839 [Reply] [Original]

Books on how to be a British gentleman?

>> No.21270845
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>Books on how to be a British gentleman?
there's no point. thats not how you get the girls anymore

>> No.21270853
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>> No.21271842

no books, just be born rich. clothes make the man.
England is so backwards it’s funny and I for one welcome their decline in every aspect.

>> No.21271849

He was German...

>> No.21271895

Read the books of Sir Roger Scruton. He covers everything from wine tasting and fox hunting to art, philosophy and politics.

>> No.21272035

You have to be born into it. I'm not saying it isn't theoretically possible, but the people that know won't give you a step by step guide, they just assume that you'll tend to your own education and be able to see what is "obviously" valuable from the English perspective.

>> No.21272041

Few centuries of incest and luck.

>> No.21272349
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Being born in Britain is a part of it, but there it is also related to how one caries himself and what his values are. Mostly it has to do with how you treat other people. A gentlemen is always courteous, polite and recognizes his own worth and dignity, as well as that of others.

>> No.21272414

Why the fuck would you want to be?

>> No.21272429
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Because we are dashing.

>> No.21272446

All this trash talk, can we get some Anglosphere etiquette books in here please.

>> No.21272480

These thing are deliberately not written. It is quite literally a club and you ain't in it. You would do well to read good English lit and essayists however, they tend to reference worthwhile tips and important do-nots.

PG Wodehouse, EM Forster, the Amises, even DH Lawrence and Hitchens. There's nothing easy about this.

>> No.21272562

bruh british gentlemen are goated no cap

>> No.21272884
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Can we flip this thread to suggestions around a "Southern Gentleman" reading list? If we get enough together I'll make a chart.

>> No.21272887
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You should remember to find yourself a faithful gal.

>> No.21272891


>> No.21272904
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pic rel, maybe.

>> No.21273008

southern as in Italian, right?

>> No.21273012

>looks at pic
frankly, my whop, i don't give a damn

>> No.21273033

As in Southern American.

>> No.21273203

He was a danish prince

>> No.21273211

Just read some war memorials of some highly decorated anglo-german officers. You don't want to become a sleezy type of gent like the new king.

>> No.21273212
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there are no gentlemen in America, except pic rel

>> No.21273231

Any suggestions? I will add them to the list.

>> No.21273257
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Show some respect, cur!

>> No.21273269
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although good advice, I spit at your dubs for disrespecting the king

>> No.21273351

The Nameless War by Captain Archibald Henry Maule Ramsay
Storm of Steel
I would also add Slaughterhouse Five for it contains some examples of true gents, the ones Kurt meets in the prison camps.

>> No.21273358
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There is nothing to respect. He lost his foreskin.

>> No.21273539

is there a novel about sucking black cock and sinking Atlantis?

>> No.21273568

You should read: the book of the courtier, Meditation and, Down and out in Paris and London. You should also check out the moon and sixpence and gentleman in Moscow.

>> No.21273580

>If we get enough together I'll make a chart.
Good idea.

>> No.21273596
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>> No.21273605

If there is one, there's a 99.99% chance it's written by an anglo. Cuckoldry is their business.

>> No.21273667

Best is to read books by or about the sort of person you have in mind, and get a feel for how they think and behave.

A few typical non-fiction titles:

— The Voyage of the Beagle
English gentleman with a sort of scientific bent goes on a sea trip.

— Goodbye To All That
English [well, sort of] gentleman dislikes public school and then dislikes WWI.

— The Ascent Of Everest
English gentlemen climb mountain.

— The Lonely Sea and the Sky
English gentleman sails round the world.

— A Time Of Gifts
18-y-o English gentleman-to-be decides to walk to Constantinople carrying nothing but The Book Of English Verse and Horace's Odes.

>> No.21274473

Will it actually help?

>> No.21274634


>> No.21275498
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I'm a man of the British gentry, and while you have to be born of the class to truly be in it, I suppose with many years of study and practice you could try to fit in with us. But honestly, why would you want to? Most of us are terrible people with bad manners and corrupt values. Just be yourself.

A fun, if outdated book is the Sloane Ranger Handbook. If you don't get the references, your pursuit is hopeless.

>> No.21275516
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>mfw she literally looks like a thick Lady Edith Crawley

>> No.21275537
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Au contraire, mon ami. Texas is full of Southern etiquette which is oddly similar at times to the English, yet more terse. We're gentlemen cowboys and southern belles down here, but not exclusively.

>> No.21275545

Tell us something fascinating about gentry life! Giv' a drop o' water to an 'elpless pleb across the pond, will ye?

>> No.21275835

I've lived in NYC most of my life, watched the last vestiges of Wasp high society here die firsthand. It might be time to return to the ancestral home in Sheffield, hopefully it hasn't been overrun by Pakis.

>> No.21275876

Yes, here is a good guide: be more french than normal.

>> No.21275883

My grandfather used to watch Walker: Texas Ranger when I was really little. Chuck Norris would kick a guy and blow up a barn every episode.

>> No.21275917

I would very much appreciate this
>i was going recommend a book but all that comes to mind is gunsmith books

>> No.21275927

I'm a black anon, actually - despite loving Edith Crawley, gentlemen, and Texas Rangers. You might be surprised; I don't know. I can't imagine what Wasp society really was for you, but I mourn the death of such Americana no less. To me it was a sort of shadow of British influence and of our past, the kind which helps worthy past ideals to continue on into the future, and at its best something very wholesome, but that's my outside view. I don't, for obvious reasons, lament non-whites entering that world - of high society or education, but I lament that their entry has been thematically obliviating, though not necessarily subversive on an individual basis. It has been an infusion of fundamental cultural mutation, rather than exponential proliferation, and I don't think that had to happen. Were I to simplify my view, perhaps it could be said as, too much diversity, too quickly. I fear the same may happen hear in Texas, though in a different manner. Anyway, I hope your home will feel like home if you do return.

Haha! Yeah, and occasionally locate airplane crashes by scent! That show was something else. I never watched it much, but I loved the Walker Texas Ranger lever Conan O'Brien had on his show at one point.

>> No.21275956

As in, actually making your own? Have you done it? That sounds pretty awesome, actually.

>> No.21276631
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>bunch of redneck hicks

>> No.21277440

My family and its social circle was profoundly dysfunctional by the late 70s, plagued by drug and alcohol abuse, physical violence, incestuous rape, and suicide. Being of gentle birth in a dying hegemony is probably worse than being a common pleb in many ways, since it’s so much further to fall. Seeing outsiders like Jews moving in, at first in emulation, but then as scavengers to pick over the bones of our dead empire is just sickening. The government of Britain itself maintains that there are no ethnic British people. We are now homeless, rootless, and unrepresented, just like your ancestors when they were kidnapped and sold by their neighboring tribes. Such is the fate of all great things made by men.

>> No.21277508

"The Complete Tales and Poems of Edgar Allan Poe,"
"The Complete Works of Tom Sawyer,"

>> No.21278387

Rednecks and hicks aren't gentlemen, but there is a certain kind of gentlemanly cowboy that exists here in Texas. In truth, he isn't always even a cowboy, nor always academically polished, but you don't insult me if you're implying I'm a hard-working black simpleton, filled of naïve awe for the whites of my society. I'm not sure whether you are to be honest, but It isn't the case. I just love strong character and graceful manner wherever I find it, and strength of character is to me, gentlemanly. If I had to put it another way, very simply - imagine taking the heart and soul of a Matthew Crawley, a Mr. Darcy, or a Doctor Thorne and put it into a rancher, or an oilman. Its affect will be very different, but the impact upon persons will be much the same. What we do lack fully in Texas, is any vestige of aristocratic lineage, and in that regard there's nothing gentlemanly at all.

Brutal and sad - the personal, familial sorrows as well as the tragic erosion and collapse of your class as you've described it. I consider much of the general trend purposefully executed by elites, whose sole aim seems absolute control over all men - especially control over the channels to power, and to that end subvert the might of those outside their control to every degree they are able, but their influence is only clearly discernable to an outsider like me in more recent years, and exists only as shadows and implications the further one looks back in time. Would that we all, when in relative strength to our fellows, would uplift rather than salivate, perhaps the rising powers of your society might have preserved what was salvageable of the waning houses, but God only knows. The future may yet hold something bright for us all, anon, despite of those who would wish otherwise.

>> No.21278397
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>> No.21278848

You can't smoke in pubs anymore. And you're not keeping Nigel out of the pub.

>> No.21278853

So like, Argentinian?