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21270008 No.21270008 [Reply] [Original]

Any good books about changing your habits/turning your life around?

Have been a brain fried neet (10+ hours online daily) since the start of may and while it was comfy I now need to get back into work again because I'm just pissing away my valuable lifetime being a complete degenerate

>> No.21270026
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Also I managed to get into some online meme certs but I can't simply do anything productive anymore without getting completely distracted (desu im wrestling for ages with procrastination issues)

I'm hoping that some anons can chime in who at least made it out of their pathological neetdom and got a decent joberino/learned a skill (and ?mention the books, that were the most helpful because bookcope is the only one I can afford now)

>> No.21270777

find a job that requires attention and takes you away from electronics. being a mcwagie helped me a lot with focus as i physically couldnt procrastinate while grilling or frying stuff, i eventually started talking to coworkers on breaks instead of phoneposting and made friends with some of them.

>> No.21271243

The bible
Atomic Habits
Power of Habit
Thinking Fast and Slow

Have a conversation with yourself. You're scrooling cause it's fun. It's not what you wanna be doing. You're like a kid asking for ice cream but all I have is a sandwich for you. When you need to do something (when you HAVE to eat the sandwich), say to yourself what is honest.

I'm sorry I can't give you what you want, but I have this sandwich, and Id really appreciate it if you ate this instead. Next time, we can plan ahead and we can maybe get you something we both like. You might eat it, and you might not, but you're more likely to take a bite than if I said well no ice cream, just eat your sandwich.

Doing that makes you run for ice cream. For scrooling. Take a second, breathe, and assert control with your thinking brain over that lizard brain.

You can target triggers that spur these scrooling habits. Next time you end up with YouTube just opened, take a moment and see what happened to make it pop open. See if you can't understand what you were escaping and why. Reflect. Don't be a drone. I believe in you to work on what you know you need to do.

>> No.21271276

>Any good books about changing your habits/turning your life around?
find a job that requires attention and takes you away from electronics. being a mcwagie helped me a lot with focus as i physically couldnt procrastinate while grilling or frying stuff, i eventually started talking to coworkers on breaks instead of phoneposting and made friends with some of them.

>> No.21271361

Should I get a job if im getting by fine on NEETbux?

I will pretty much have to work 30 hours to earn what I get on NEETbux in a fortnight for doing nothing. So say if I work full time it's like im basically working for half the wage. And that's without getting taxed yet btw so it will be even less. Plus with inflation and everything costing more, that money is worth even less.

I was fired from my old job I loved for refusing to get vaxxed so I kind of don't care for work anymore. I've used this time to purge myself or most desires and Ive been at my most content in my life over ever been. It's quite strange really. (I really don't understand what societies end game goal/plan was by firing the unvaxxed, like were they honestly expecting me to die or something?)

On one hand I wouldn't mind a job but the whole idea of working 30 hours for nothing is bothering me lol

>> No.21271422

Work sucks balls but even though I have a shit job with shit pay it does me some good. Really helped me with social anxiety stuff and I tend to be more disciplined and goal oriented, in my freetime, when working. When on vacation I likely fall back into degeneracy for some days, before catching myself.

I don't really feel like I've gotten out of neetdom but I'm way better off than 10 years ago.
I read everything by Nietzsche and currently got into Evola. Also I got /fit/. I don't know where this will lead into but my contempt for normies keeps me going.

>> No.21271435
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>> No.21271982
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I actually have the possibility to work as some frontend codemonkey for a boomer business of my dads colleague. Pay is absolute shit tier but its better than nothing and im just running in circles right now so im going to pull the trigger

Now I would have one month to get at least somewhat good at some meme js frameworks -> which books can help me to get my shit together in this one month (discipline and habit wise)? should I start with pic related?

>> No.21271992

if your life has no purpose, no book will help you to change it around. once you find purpose, things will start falling into place on their own.

>> No.21272054

The Holy Bible can change your life around

>> No.21272343

backend is the shit, atleast you don't bloat websites up with fancy javascript

>> No.21272394

Life is online now. 10+ hours doesn't even sound like a lot. If you have an office job, there's a good chance you're online from sunrise to sleep.

>> No.21272410

op im from fucking serbia where welfare is science fiction concept, i am essentially a neet just like you, except my neetdom is spending 11 hours EVERY DAY (77 hours a week) at exploding factories or collapsing construction sites
these are the only jobs i can find
my blisters have blisters, and they bleed on both hands and feet, there is no healthcare or pension or safety equipment or legal contract, i am officially unemployed
all begging is controlled by the mafia, and being homeless would break your legs if you refused to go to prison and kill someone in there for said mafia
i make ~600$/month and my rent is ~400$/month

i broke the neet habit tho
i did it by exercising to join the french foreign legion
i see salvation in joining the legion
i already have the commando grip from all the pull ups and hanging from a bar, on one construction site i was i closed the bottle and just watched in amazement whole crews being unable to open it
i have also doubled my aerobic capacity which cured my depression, i wanted to kill myself to escape my life but seeing my breath lighter and lighter after each, even longer run with even higher tempo gave me hope that something is in fact improving

i broke in and robbed one of my bosses so i can quit my job and exercise full time, calculating that in prison i would simply exercise and read books all day which i already do, but i wasnt caught so from the guns, jewelry, electronics and cash (you can still buy houses here for cash, we are 3rd world) i bought myself at least 7 more months of rigorous exercise before i apply for the legion

the key is having a goal, any would do, physical exercise is an excellent choice

>> No.21272418

should add to this: virgin, sick mother is the only family, no friends, late 20s, place i rent is full of mold and cockroaches, water pressure is so bad i learned to keep a barrel of water for my showers
the post is already too long and no one would read but it paints the picture more vividly

>> No.21272444

>Have been a brain fried neet (10+ hours online daily) since the start of may
Try since November 2017.

>> No.21272855

oh shit its you again i remember your first posts, you seem like a very driven person
how come you dont try to study or get eu residency from croatia or bulgaria or something like that so you can go to germany like most competent balks do, there is no way the french foreign legion is your only or best option

>> No.21273184

having blue eyes and blond hair, i would get shot the nanosecond i'd overstay my visa, i cant really claim im a random jihadi running from famine and all that
studying of any sort would require finances 10 times greater than i currently have
i dont know what other options are there, i would obviously do anything legal

>> No.21273242

making it with crypto was supposed to be the climax to my decade long internet addicted neet journey but that didn't come to pass so now i'm just rotting and hoping the reaper claims me in my sleep

>> No.21273318


>> No.21273346

You're living the life yet you don't realise it?

>> No.21274671
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Based serbian semi neet with a goal, I hope you will truly make it

>> No.21275029

How is he living the life?

>> No.21275207

Crypto is a meme.

>> No.21275323

I wish I was a friendless NEET. I'd wake up, do whatever, read, shitpost, play some music, stay comfy, take a nap, lift, take a walk and go to sleep. A truly beautiful existence, devoid of stress and worthless pursuits, just comfy living.

>> No.21275327

Nigga, honestly, just do mathematics. Calculus will change your life.

>> No.21275352

I am like pic related when I am off work, but I only scrool 4chon and compulsively play chess. How do I escape this hell

>> No.21276172

You really find that life attractive

>> No.21276184
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So tired of this dumb meme

>> No.21276194

Don't tell me that you haven't read the Novel Welcome to Nhk

>> No.21276361

Hated this anime because it assumed you should feel guilt and shame for being in his position. fuck that shit

>> No.21276373
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normies should feel ashamed to be a NEET, so there would be less of them. I want to get the fuck out of society, but don't really like the idea of many people doing the same. They should work while I stay comfy