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/lit/ - Literature

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21265671 No.21265671 [Reply] [Original]

Would you rather have this or femoid shilled "reviewers" in your sub box?

>> No.21265679

Does "sub box" mean gas chamber? Then both

>> No.21265696

His channel is dead

>> No.21265713

I dont sub to to shit and english language booktubers are dogshit every last one of them.

>> No.21265756

Neither, because both are equally retarded pseudointellectuals

>> No.21265783

Wdym? He’s bigger than ever

>> No.21265791

Are there any booktubers that are

>not women
>not "uwuu I'm such an intellectual" phaggots
>have a taste/world view that is more sophisticated and unique than your basic bitch goodreads reviewer, basically someone who is not a basic bitch

>> No.21265842

Do you speak anything other than english? Do you care about production and presentation?

>> No.21265852
File: 434 KB, 1849x918, 84BD2D80-7027-447D-B6F0-E1D8EEC383AD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don’t want to hear from any of them unless they’re discussing the trinity

>> No.21265856

I can kinda bumble my way through german and french.

>Do you care about production and presentation?

No, not really. I don't need purple neon bars and silly costumes.

>> No.21265859

Cliffposting made sense back when we made fun of people to have fun. Those days are no more.

>> No.21265866

Shame i only got some decent schizo spanish and jap savant channels.

>> No.21265990

Legit don't get why people on here hate on this guy so much. He seems normal, not a genius but fairly acquisitive when it comes to the material of whatever he's reading. Feel like you guys need to stop being haters for no reason. Like, damn, you don't have to either hate or love everyone you know about. Just don't watch him if you don't enjoy his channel

>> No.21266047

Paper Bird is pretty chill. A lot of time doesn’t really go over an individual book as much as he goes over an author’s whole project and some impressions from the book.

>> No.21266064


>> No.21266070

Leaf by Leaf is pretty good

>> No.21266077

Post the Japanese one.

>> No.21266137

Female, since I'm not gay.

>> No.21266263

Male, since I'm not gay.

>> No.21266321


>> No.21266335
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>> No.21266424

he is a larper and such a pretentious douchebag. look at his cioran vid https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U217y0b5Zuc&t=590s . Other than that he gives good book recommendations. Only good booktuber i know is paperbird and maybe leaf by leaf because he actually loves reading https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=awvJzIPcD-g

>> No.21266430

Fat by fat is a retarded pseud who has never said anything insightful in any of his “reviews”

>> No.21267389
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>> No.21267678

The problem with the majority of these types is that their so-called reviews are plot summaries then reading from the writers wiki page.

>> No.21267719

How is Eggplant part of anything? Nobody ever read it or discussed it here, it failed to mimic the success of Gardner's ad campaign

>> No.21267824

this pic goes so hard

>> No.21268172

No one can beat The Master Bather.

>> No.21268188

Watched his video on Absalom Absalom and instantly realised that the guy either didn't read more than 50 pages or didn't understand anything he read, possibly both.

>> No.21268302

Who are the spanish ones ?

>> No.21268440

>watching videos about books instead of reading essays by real authors on the works in question
Modernity and univeral literacy was a twofold mistake, the consequences of which have been a disaster for the human race.

>> No.21268453

>posting on an anime site instead of hosting a salon with your erudite friends

>> No.21268480

A bunch of people in /wg/ read it.
Also, if you know that it was another book written by an anon and advertised here, then you know why it’s included?

>> No.21268580

Watch any review of his that isnt high school curriculum and you will immediately realize that his whole shtick is posing for the camera while smoking or drinking coffee. Also talking slow as fuck to pad out the wikipedia article he barely read. Weirdo shit.

>> No.21268626

For me it's Benjamin McEvoy

>> No.21268788
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This guy always selling something in his vids, the only /lit/ validated youtuber is forest anon