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/lit/ - Literature

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21265219 No.21265219 [Reply] [Original]

Who else lifted and read today? What's your routine and what are you reading atm?

>> No.21265250

Keep your fitcel cringe on your containment boards.

>> No.21265263

im sick so im just reading some epitome historiae sacrae for latin and herodotus' histories. otherwise it would be back day.

>> No.21265313
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t. pic related

>> No.21265339
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Doing a 5x5 program, also reading Eggers, plan on some fiction next.

>> No.21265347

>Doing a 5x5 program
Switch to PPL, 5x5 will make you look goofy and destroy your lower back

>> No.21265360


>> No.21265420

I'm doing calisthenics, reading Proust and Nietzsche

Also looks at this greasy fatass: >>21265250

>> No.21265451
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Ive heard its great for building up lower body strength, squats are fine jf you do correct form. Ive 6 or 7 weeks left, come January i'll be doing something different.

I see you both seperate your scholars from your warriors.

>> No.21266194

Writing 1k words a day ATM, spreading is taking a backseat, but about to finish The Dubliners. Been throwing up major weight, finally getting back into pre-covid figures with a 4-plaet deady

>> No.21266201

So reading*

>> No.21266301

Me. Just finished reading Eliade's The Sacred and the Profane, and was upper body day, mostly ohp, dips, pull-ups and bench with some forearm isolation excercised.

>> No.21266720

finished A Canticle for Leibowitz, did some calisthenics+stretches, and began Victory by Joseph Conrad. A comfy day

>> No.21266734

Training for a muay thai fight next month. I do pplpplx for lifting and do as much cardio as I can tolerate. Reading treasure island atm

>> No.21266735

I am lifting for one month only. 5 days a week, full body or splits. I only want to gain a few lbs to see if I like how it feels.

>> No.21266756
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I do four of these on alternating days.
The Witcher audiobooks because I’m a degenerate.
I can barely deadlift 120lbs. It just helps me concentrate.

>> No.21266775

Today was same as every day, I swam.

And I'm reading Don Quixote

>> No.21266792
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Cardio anons wya. I’m about to run 6 miles. Just started Sherwood Anderson’s ‘Winesburg Ohio’.

>> No.21266820

I had this thought after going down the rabbit hole and watching a ton of makeup transformation videos: women, on average, are really not more beautiful than most men. Makeup really gives them a leg up, and men don't have a makeup-equivalent. I started doing some more thinking and I realized that when men are beautiful, truly beautiful, they outclass just about every truly beautiful woman I can remember seeing. I don't think this is as much a physical thing as it is a psychological thing, but for some reason I have this sense that men have much more potential and are capable of much more development than women are.
This is also slightly related to another thought, the thought that women, on average, tend to be seen as more valuable then men, just because they are women. You here these women on social media and the general impression you get is that they can't find men that are "worthy" of them, they can't find men who meet their standards. And for a long time my reaction to this was to tell myself that their standards were too high, that they were too entitled and too picky, and move on, my hatred for them growing. But then I wondered if I could make myself "more valuable" than them, to change things so that I was in a position to say that they weren't worthy of me. And this lead me down a general track of self-improvement (not in the meme way; perhaps a better term would be self-development), and of course physical fitness is a large part of this.
Anyways thanks for reading my blogpost

>> No.21266823

>You here these women

>> No.21266839
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Why do fags hate women so much

>> No.21266841

I'm so out of shape I can jump barely 40 times before I have palpitations. I will cheer you on from the sidelines, anon. Good luck.

>> No.21266846

I never said anywhere in my post that I hate women. If you should have realized that the thing that spurred me to self-development was women in general, and how they perceive me.

>> No.21267011

Enjoy the Witcher books, but the other part I agree with. It does help clear the mind. Fuck a plan. Just feels good.

>> No.21267159

I consider myself straight and agree with you. Read Aristotle.

>> No.21267171

I would bet that I am the fittest person on /lit/ (who reads).

>> No.21267186

Can you even lift 1/2/3/4?

>> No.21267359

At my peak I was deadlifitng 500, benching 300, could run 5 miles in 30 minutes, do 20 pull-ups, swim an Olympic pool down and back in one breath, climb mountains in full kit faster than the afghans, all at a shredded 185lbs. I fell off a little after I got out of the army but recently started lifting again.

>> No.21267370

I have no idea how people deadlift so much without their back just snapping in half and their discs popping like gushers.

>> No.21267882

I didn't lift today, but I'm running an 18-week program called Bullmastiff. It's pretty fun so far.


I'm reading a Star Wars book.

>> No.21268033

Thanks anon. There's actually an Aristotle thread in the catalog and they have some book recommendations so maybe it was meant to be.

>> No.21268104
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Your books won't help you when I smash your head against my knee. In your final moments, you'll think of this one tweet: "I guess memorizing poems ain't that much helpful, huh?"

>> No.21268354

they went through decades of child abuse... so hating women is just cope, otherwise they would have to acknowledge that what happened to them was not something good, true, or beautiful
the irony is that it's women who encourage and catalyze such child abuse, especially after they hit the wall i.e. reach the ripe old age of 25 (although I will confess that I've seen "liberated" girls who abused drugs & gay cock who look like 50 even though they are just 24)

>> No.21268369

I'm the anon who posted >>21266820 and I want to clarify that I had an amazing childhood and was never abused or mistreated by either of my parents (or by anybody), both of which were entirely present for my childhood and are still together to this day. I have a great relationship with my father who is in many ways my role model.

>> No.21268407

Where do I workout? The library

>> No.21268420

yeah it was not necessarily a comment on you, more like exploiting what the other guy said in order to get rid of some hate i consider valuable but would not put in any work of literature i may be working on (or not)
i am happy you have a nice life, although the relationship with the father is more relevant for a girl... in that book about IQ (Bell Curve? can't be assed to look it up now) there were longitudinal studies that pointed out that a girl raised by a single father did as well in life as a girl raised by a splendid family... meanwhile a girl raised by a single mother was always a disaster
anyway, regarding your original post, there is more than meets the eye. there is a saying (probably by Goethe) that goes something like "we like girls for what they are, and we like boys for what they promise to be"; by that standard you ARE gay.

>> No.21268493

What app is this?

I just read some cheap fiction and greek/roman history later tonight.

>> No.21268867

Post physique

>> No.21268917
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>> No.21269407

Strong. It’s good, but I haven’t tried any other ones so I have nothing to compare it to.

>> No.21269414
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I did neither

>> No.21269470

Stfu, retard

>> No.21269473

>randomly grabbing a photo off /fit/

>> No.21269484

Being completely honest with you.
It is good to be physically fit, and it is good to read books. It's good to discuss how to do these things better. I learned a lot from fit, and I got many good reccomendations from lit.
But you posted a black and white picture of a male model on an anonymous website, in order to accompany you essentially saying "I read books and lift weights"
Despite being good things that everybody should do, the way you've gone about the creation of this thread, and the image you project, from my perspective at least, is that of somebody who isn't mentally well

>> No.21269487

Today I went bouldering, then did deadlifts, BB rows, curls, and some wrist stuff. I'm reading The Tatar Steppe by Buzzati.

>> No.21269968

Chest needs work but storng core and biceps, mired bro

>> No.21269978

I can fit Durant's first two volumes in my hands and have been pumping that back and forth for a while. What's the best motion? The burn is mostly in the joints so far

>> No.21270157
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Based. r/fitfag was btfo

>> No.21270176

>Chest needs work
Not him, but you are retarded. Every chest looks flat when you lift your arm like that. Do you even work out?

>> No.21270256

Read a chapter, do 30 pushups. Read a chapter, do 12 pulls ups. Repeat.

>> No.21271677

>all at a shredded 185lbs
Ah so you're 5'5

>> No.21271683

>there is a saying (probably by Goethe) that goes something like "we like girls for what they are, and we like boys for what they promise to be"; by that standard you ARE gay.
I don't see how he is. He does like girls for what they are as he said.

>> No.21271689


>> No.21271700

Genuinely wondering: is it worth it getting so /fit/? I'm an intermediate lifter with average genetics, mog most normies, and don't really feel like dedicating any more time to it. I would rather spend the time reading and studying, maybe pick up a sport.

>> No.21271715

Doesn't take more than an hour a day really.

>> No.21271746

Doesn't take more than an hour a day to diddly 500 and all that other stuff?
Fair enough, I took the bait

>> No.21271758

Why would it take more? It's about consistency. You just have to actually work hard when youre in the gym...

>> No.21271806

Consistency isn't enough to get to an elite level. You need high volume, optimal macros, a ton of rest, a strong nervous system, and if you're like me training and nutrition lives in your head rent free all day hindering you in other areas.

>> No.21271807

genelet cope

>> No.21271809

I guess I'm not like you.

>> No.21271811
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Describe what's in this picture right now if you're not a bot

>> No.21271816

reading the witcher saga, 2nd book
generaly doing upper/lower split, cardio on saturdays

>> No.21272029
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This is the gayest shit I have ever fucking seen.

>> No.21272097
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Is it because you fail every aspect? And like a mad troon, will attack and destroy any objective standard you fail to meet.

>> No.21272099

ur mom is taking a bath

>> No.21272180

because you are a girl raised by a whore mom while your dad was off shooting s.o.y. in his veins in a stinky alley

>> No.21272345

you're absolutely fucking retarded if this is your argument against lifting

>> No.21272368

I levitated over your mother

>> No.21272499

>t. 300 pound pseud incel

>> No.21272502

Everyone you know thinks you're a repressed homo

>> No.21272598

>thinks we know anyone
pull that fat cock out of your mouth for a second and take your meds

>> No.21272619

Agreed.It's like these niggers think the sage advice of staying fit and healthy to enjoy a long life should become a meme political/social movement to obfuscate their homoerotic urges and clear lack of a father figure, as exemplified by >>21266820, who unironically says that men are more beautiful than women. Even if he isn't talking about the physical bodies of women (which I think he is frankly and is objectively wrong about), most women and men are just as psychologically and spiritually
dull as the other sex.

The fitness community is full of faggots. It's a well known fact and something you dumb niggers either are trying to lie about or are oblivious to. Just stay fit without the gay melodrama. How hard is that?

>> No.21272713
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Most decent wrestlers I know are jacked, with big arms. Is this posters gripe with lifting that it doesnt lead to competition?

>> No.21272735

stop rationalizing your gayness, you faggot

>> No.21272736

Absolutely fucking based. It is hilarious to me, having been at the elite amatuer/low level pro end of a sport, how different the attitudes are of elite athletes and these repressed homosexual Instagram lifting faggots. It is incredible how they manage to turn a few hours of lifting into the gayest, most cancerous, empty movement on the internet. Like how vapid do you have to be to make fucking inspirational images with Roman statues, targeted at young men with no father figures to make them think they are in the fucking SS.

Kill yourselves. BAP is a Jewish plant, you are all his marks. Himself and solbrah are laughing all the way to the synagogue at you pathetic fucking manchildren.

By all means, stay fit, but stop imbuing it with any real value. Because ultimately it has absolutely zero from a transcendental standpoint, and from a profane standpoint, you are the same as a thot devoting her life to makeup.

>> No.21272739

Stop talking to yourself.

>> No.21272742

Kek you won't do shit retarted nigger faggot

>> No.21272761

The fitness community is the gayest shit ever. Its no surprise that its full of unathletic losers desperate for a father figure and creepy ass grifters. These retards made a community about something that should be as routine as taking a shit and regularly bathing. Now they want to act like reading is a personality.

>> No.21272777

>both a schizo and a faggot
see? I was right >>21272598

>> No.21272786
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>Constantly looking at other men's bodies and idealizing them
>Calling other people gay
>Also can't understand the concept of people responding to his retarded posts

Absolutely shameful. But then again, what would I expect from a faggot?

>> No.21272873
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>> No.21272889

After 2 years without going to the gym, I started again this week with my friends.
It's nice, my body hurts but I feel much more satisfied and I'm sleeping better.
The body really is a temple, ruin it and all thought in it will be rotten as a result.
I'm not saying everyone should be a bodybuilder, you can even be fine without going to the gym if you have a decent diet, but don't allow yourself to become an unhealthy lardass.

>> No.21272961
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>By all means, stay fit, but stop imbuing it with any real value. Because ultimately it has absolutely zero from a transcendental standpoint, and from a profane standpoint, you are the same as a thot devoting her life to makeup.
Not a /fit/izen but that's some peak hylic shit right there. There's a reason physical culture used to be a big part of most religions and occult movements up until very recently and still is in the east. Imagine comparing bodily fitness, something healthy which requires discipline and hard work, to makeup, which is the exact opposite in terms of virtues.

>> No.21272978
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Do it anon. I wish i had earlier.

>> No.21272998
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These men want you weak and ashamed of your body.

>> No.21273015

I'm 5'7, I will always be ashamed of my body no matter what the jews might say. If struggle could solve that, hell yeah, but it can't.
I'd rather lift just to keep myself healthy honestly.

>> No.21273016

Go back to misc and tiktok with your gay fitness shit.

>> No.21273027

I don't care if you get fit or not. I am and I'd say it's a good thing to keep yourself healthy and happy, but it's your life. Just stop acting like faggots and more like a normal functioning without cocklust. There's a reason why Greeks and Romans (cultures known for being massively gay) though that hyper-masculine, muscular men were the ideal body type instead of women.

>> No.21273035

*functioning man

>> No.21273042

realized that Salammbô is a precursor to Blood Meridian. It's both brutally violent and extravagantly descriptive. Flaubert set out to create a savage and primal yet ornate and splendid depiction of a long gone civilization that was swallowed up by history and so removed as to almost seem alien in its golden glory. The great master succeeds in almost every account and in that respect the book is flawless.

>> No.21273047

Oops I pasted in only part of my post.

I haven't worked out in two weeks and have been off track with my fitness goals. It's unfortunate but setbacks are inevitable in life.

I'm reading Flaubert's sublime and magnificent Salammbô, his utterly unique , baroque, lurid, brutal and lavish "Carthaginian epic." It's about Carthage during the Mercenary War, an incident which arose after Carthage's defeat in the First Punic War. The First Punic War was of unprecedented scale, lasting over two decades and involving massive expenditures for warships and manpower. Carthage tried to wiggle its way out of paying its mercenaries fully, triggering a broad uprising .

As I read it I realize that realized that Salammbô is a precursor to Blood Meridian. It's both brutally violent and extravagantly descriptive. Flaubert set out to create a savage and primal yet ornate and splendid depiction of a long gone civilization that was swallowed up by history and so removed as to almost seem alien in its golden glory. The great master succeeds in almost every account and it's fair to say the book is flawless.

>> No.21273123

So true goy... Make up your own fake asceticism, ignore the holy books. Direct all your attention towards profane goals such as health and muscles... Yes goy....

That is decadent purity and of ZERO value for a spiritual aspirant unless mandated by a holy order/vows. It is COUNTER TRADITIONAL!!!!

>> No.21273128

This man wants you muscular and proud of your body so he can jack off over your Instagram posts.

>> No.21273130

>he doesn't know about kshatriya orders
>he hasn't read the fitness manifestos of medieval knights

>> No.21273169
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>> No.21273357



>> No.21273365
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hour of yoga every day
every second day 100 pushups program
every another day 100 pullups program + situps
I am not much concerned with being big but i hope to at least look like Brad Pitt in Fight Club by following this routine
today gonna read some Kant

>> No.21273403

I don't give a shit what you look like fag.
Post compounds and bodyweight.

>> No.21273412

I deadlift 405+ at 130 and I've probably got a 30-inch vertical--haven't tested it in a while.

>> No.21273425

If you're already in decent shape, there's not much of a point to it. I enjoy lifting because I hate myself.

>> No.21273587

Kekkd n chekkd

>> No.21273622

I beat your deadlift and pullups but I do no cardio.

Current reading Tropic of Cancer

>> No.21273641


>> No.21273668
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>western aesthetic dotcom
by god you're a queer, don't use my ideology to cope with your absentee dad you pigface retard, unfollow solbrah, drop some shrooms and commit a hatecrime or get the fuck back to /pol/

>> No.21273713
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I'm working on this stack atm and lifting dumbbells (lateral rise, upright row, bicep curls), doing squats, bicycle crunches, and take a cold shower.
Hyperatrophy is gay, I just want to continue to be able to lift my kids up.

>> No.21274046
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>he fell for the calf raise meme
>he does dumbbell "deadlifts"
>he does dumbbell bent over rows

>> No.21274074

dumbbell deadlifts and rows are funny to watch :D
but whats the deal with the dumbbell calf-lifts? I've just started doing them and they cause some good atrophy if you do them heavy enough.

>> No.21274093

Redpill me on calf raises brother.

>> No.21274105

you're looking for hypertrophy. Atrophy is the opposite of hypertrophy.

>> No.21274159

(You) are a faggot

>> No.21274321

Calf raises require a shit ton of reps to do anything. This is just because of the muscle itself. In this way, the best exercise for your calves is running / walking. If your calves are pathetic there isn't any harm to the exercise itself, but you should focus more on compounds (squat/bench/dead/ohp) and maybe do them as a superset or something.
The calf muscles are also the most genetic dependent muscles in your body. Arnold Schwarzenegger famously had shitty calves and couldn't do anything about it in spite of the concoction of top-of-the-line steroids he took in his prime.
I would say you should look at your body and consider what parts you want to improve, and ask yourself if your calves are really so unabashedly shit you want to spend time focusing on them instead of anything else.

>> No.21274330

No. Train a good sport, do your reading and studying, knock your lifts down to 2 days a week, bang for your buck heavy compounds. I did this, my life has improved a lot. Find shit that is fit, and that you love doing. Forgive this heavy handed thing I am about to say, but just lifting will get you nowhere. Most lifters hate lifting, they just cope by turning into the heckin' gymtok zoomed irony bro schizo lifter identity. You will see within the next 5 years that 99% of lifters will literally turn into skinny fat goblins again. Don't make fitness a damn chore lads.

>> No.21274736
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What weird tangent are you on? I lift weights, I read books, I'm about to start a family. Your unpleasant response suggests that you are the very untermensch that would not be permitted in the new order you dirty, subversive, dark-hued kike.

>> No.21275153

Big tit chests are for bugchasing faggots

>> No.21275182
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I do pushups every day, currently up to 5x26
currently reading Rewired: The Post-Cyberpunk Anthology

>> No.21275195
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You can't obtain the broad chests on the globo-homo diet you fucking mong. Are you truly that fucking stupid that you assume great physical fitness is what globo-homo want?

>> No.21275348
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Anon's chest is well developed, just look at ancient greek statues or renaissance satues, or George Sandow who has an ideal non-roidtranny bodybuilder chest, none of these have big titty chests. Big tits on men are for homos and is not even indicative of physical fitness lol kill yourself
>You can't obtain the broad chests on the globo-homo diet
On the contrary, all the hormones and estrogens in globohomo food will make your chest look like tits if you lift, or just give you saggy mantits if you don't. Pre-industrial normal food could never dream of creating such disgusting physiques as pic related lol

>> No.21275358

kek jerking off to your imaginary anime waifu doesn't count as starting a family you fucking fag

>> No.21275487

I've been stuck on a deadlift plateau for a while. I can clear 3 plates all day long but as soon as I add a pound above that I can't move the bar. Which of Plato's works do I have to understand before I can progress?

>> No.21275748

I think you mean Eugene Sandow, but anyway I agree with you, men who get obsessed about getting their asses and chest big are ridiculous and look like narcissistic feminized retards.

>> No.21275878

Deez nuts

>> No.21275892

Keep lifting three plates. Do it for however long it takes- even if it takes years.

>> No.21275896

PPL. Definitely my fav type of split after doing 5x5 for a while and trying out PHUL
Banco: The Further Adventures of Papillon by Henri Charriere

>> No.21275907

Yeah I'm gonna take this advice, lifting has become a fucking chore and there are inevitably injuries too. Fitness is a lifetime thing for me so there's no point rushing it and trying to get jacked fast.

>> No.21275909

Tactical Barbell (basically a 5x5 program for people aiming for multi-discipline fitness) because I'm a .milfag
Genesis, finished chapter 41 yesterday

>> No.21276326

I have a naturally scrawny upper body and stronger legs so I never train them but still they look disproportionate. I hate this. Reading Fear & trembling

>> No.21276771
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The sheer volume of negative posts and anti-fitness types here has motivated me to become fitter and better than them. Thank you /lit/ very cool.

>> No.21276786

>naturally scrawny upper body and stronger legs
You're not naturally scrawny, you just have a weak upper body and probably consume a caloric deficit naturally. You must be on your feet more than you realize. Simply increase calories a little and begin a simple program.

>> No.21277035
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It is one of my great regrets of my life that I never got /fit/ and remained a skeleton despite all of the /fit/ shilling. Sickness got me in my early twenties. But disease was already developing in my body from a long time, doesn't matter anymore. Now I just wait for death.

>> No.21277196

Pfft, at my peak I was deadlifting 550 lbs, benching 350, could run 6 miles in 25 minutes, do 28 pull-ups, swim an Olympic pool 5 laps in one breath, and climb mountains in full kit while dragging a tire behind me faster than whatever your best time is, and I weighed 178 lbs all muscle. You're a pussy

>> No.21277314

I deadlift 551 pounds, bench 351 pounds, do 29 pull ups, and swim 6 laps in one breath. You are gay

>> No.21277358
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I'm sorry anon, my next set will be for you.

>> No.21277481

What is your illness lad

>> No.21277976

No amount of lifting will change your 350 ngdL t, amerimutt.
You'd do better to just say subhuman, by the way.
Oder sprich halt deutsch du Lappen, aber ich bezweifle, dass du das mal abgesehen von erlesenen Lehnwörtern auf die Reihe kriegst.

>> No.21278895

The only good post.