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File: 114 KB, 397x600, spengler21.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
21264804 No.21264804 [Reply] [Original]

who is the smartest person in recent history, and why is it picrel?

>> No.21264841

it is some 7 year old MIT professor

>> No.21264843

sex gifs

>> No.21264851

an MIT kindergarten taught by children would be great
>advanced coloring theory
>object permanence 401

>> No.21264855

David Graeber, Ted Kaczynski, Hawking. There's loads of smarter people than this guy

>> No.21265021

Literally who?

>> No.21265497

dont you dare utter uncle Ted's name in the same sentence as those midwit trash

>> No.21265529
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>btfos misogs & racists

>> No.21265530

All humanities fags are retards , and spengler is just a fiction writer. Read about von Neumann.

>> No.21265564
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>> No.21265708

He’s literally me.

>> No.21265851

yep physics maths and computer science is where big brains are at

>> No.21266220

We know Spengler's IQ was 170 because he had to do an IQ test to get his teaching job. It was the norm back then. And he would've done the chad IQ test they had back then, not this modern shit

>> No.21266224


>> No.21266242

>the decline…
what did he mean by this?

>> No.21266243
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>> No.21266298

whats a good work of his to start with? decline looks pretty intimidating

>> No.21266461

essay -> DoTW-> MaT

>> No.21266478

Just Decline. The essays are interesting, but not particularly insightful or profound.

>> No.21266527

This anon

>> No.21266591

Where are there other new high cultures forming other than Russia right now? Spengler considered his work as the start of a new science so it's clearly incomplete. Someone needs to update it for the modern world with new observations of emerging cultures.

>> No.21266621


>> No.21266843

>Where are there other new high cultures forming other than Russia right now?
what you talking about?

>> No.21267040

New one probably in South America or Africa

>> No.21267785

Osw Sepng
The Decline West

>> No.21267850
File: 429 KB, 706x790, 4FBCB654-3DA7-4629-ACF5-DCF95F8FE31F.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>dont you dare utter uncle Ted's name in the same sentence as those midwit trash

>> No.21267867

What does the JQ have to do with Ted?

>> No.21267906
File: 570 KB, 712x1024, Edmund_Husserl_1910s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Normies and non-readers like >>21264804 won't appreciate or understand - but it was, indubitably, Husserl.

>> No.21267917
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>> No.21267958

Well, if you accept Spengler, Husserl would be necessarily worthless and Nietzsche would be the final word in Western philosophy.

>> No.21267973

When your poetry sucks but you're black AND female

>> No.21267978
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Because his superior geological knowledge allows him to expertly differentiate minerals from rocks.

>> No.21267980


>> No.21268093

Spengler is just wrong.

>> No.21268108


>> No.21268253

Read Spengler

>> No.21268263

Great refutation bro
Seriously we need a post ban for low effort comments like r9k has

>> No.21268271

If I was a billionaire, this is the type of shit I would fund.
I unironically have faith in children's intellectual abilities and want to see how complex they can get and what they can comprehend when pushed to the limits.

>> No.21268428
File: 317 KB, 498x427, zoomer-tide-pods.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Since Zoomers are terrible at surfing the web, being disconnected even from themselves, in the average one's head, if something is not popular/famous enough to be served by a short browsing session, it is not good enough; "Tik Tok", "Tw33t0r", and "*Jew*tube Shorts", partially are to blame for facilitating & aggravating this ineptitude.

>> No.21268459

>chad IQ
You mean 24 sd tests with duboius research behind them? before the flynn effect? His score would probably be in the 140's on a modern test. Not super high.

>> No.21268471

not me you solipsistic pseud

>> No.21268648

Its the opposite as I explained

>> No.21269020

read sloterdijk

>> No.21269025

spengler was wrong about russia

>> No.21269056

Smartest midwit

>> No.21269114

midwest smartit

>> No.21269172
File: 69 KB, 971x546, normalcy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>a bunch of autistic high-sudoku score human calculators
>people who write so boring the fool thinks its profound
>religious fanatics
>political fanatics
>people who are conventionally perceived as intelligent
>professional scheisters

way to show your hand guys lol

>> No.21269662

Wow you're so incisive bro

>> No.21269667

jesus christ marie theyre minerals

>> No.21269952

Wasnt Husserl more into Egyptology?

>> No.21270000

Spengler was a based poet

>> No.21270012
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Pic related

>> No.21270039

what was his endgame anyways? where can I learn more about him besides the yt channel

>> No.21270062

Phenomenology is just another flavor of idealism.

>> No.21270067

t. oversocialized 112 iq social constructivist who can't bench press his bodyweight

>> No.21270217

Is that the Judge?

>> No.21271586

The decline if the sex dot gif

>> No.21272390

someone pls ,whats his yt channel i forgot

>> No.21272576

>wrong about everything
He was retarded.
Probably why it took him to realize W. W. was Walter White.

>> No.21272647
File: 578 KB, 1125x1262, 64BCA100-B6F7-4F42-B37C-207301542C23.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Step aside faggots

>> No.21272651

>who is the smartest person in recent history

>> No.21273457

Spengler himself said, in an essay specifically about the Russians, that technology was an alien concept to them. They utilize it like you would utilize a guitar for the first time as a child, but have no further understanding of the instrument than the impression you make upon (i.e. you are unsure of how it is manufactured, produces sound etc.) It is true when you look the Russians who, like the Chinese, who can become adept at creating tech and using it, but have no faustian inspiration as, in the end they are asiatics, and look to the west for innovation and counterfeit it. The exceptions of course are those who call themselves Russian who are really of a non Russian origin, actual Europeans. These people are dying out in Russia, which Spengler also foresaw. When he said they were going to rise, he specified that their identity would be completely different from what we see today, hardly what you could call remotely European, and maybe wholly Asiatic, but the vastness and richness of Russia leaves a lot of possibilities. He had no insight on this aspect, but if current natural climate cycles continue, Siberia will be comparable in Climate to the American Midwest in a couple hundred years and become the most fertile breadbasket on Earth.

>> No.21273570

Lol this guy’s a dumbass compared to schopenhauer

>> No.21273591
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(Heidegger also agreed with Spengler on that point, btw)

>> No.21273594

For all Spenglers insights, Vico had much more

>> No.21274559

New high cultures don't form in Russia. Russia, always being on the periphery is like the kid who's the last one at school to get into a fad.
>Oh, the Byzantines! Let's align ourselves with that!
>Byzantium becomes irrelevant a century later
>Oh, Western Europe! They look like they're on top of things, let's try that!
>West declines
They can only copy (and it can be a pretty good copy) but never build anything of their own that lasts. I'm really curious who they're going to copy next? The arabs? I'd personally like to see them larp as poos. Imagine Bollywood but with Russian chicks.

>> No.21275077

based choice, that mf was the ultimate knower and simply left this earth and all of us behind

>> No.21275145

Neil deGrasse Tyson

>> No.21275159

You have him to thank for basically everything good you have today.

>> No.21275174

Both are Felaheen, they cannot produce High Culture, at best they can have it forced upon them externally.

Putin's Warhammer 40k tank church is the Russian Prime Architecture. I've posted about this on here before, go look it up on warosu.

Also, according to Spengler there are no more High Cultures. Russia fulfills itself, then Faustian Man kills it, and all of the other Culture-Civilizations, then Faustian Man cleanses the planet in nuclear hellfire and humanity ends (as in, the end of the human species, not just "planet Felaheen").

>> No.21276144

>David Graeber, Ted Kaczynski, Hawking. There's loads of smarter people than this guy
Are all Americans this insufferable?

>> No.21276182

Such as?

>> No.21276300

Neil Tyson
Jordan Peterson
Elon Musk

Those are the smartest people alive.

>> No.21276311

Bait. Kek.

>> No.21276320

U forgot Bill Nye

>> No.21276858

Spengler is a mathematician you dimwit. He talks about mathematics, science, law, economics among other things in the most of his book.

>> No.21276861

Can we get much higher? (So high)

>> No.21276938

Russia isn't a high culture because it's an artificial formation. Every facet of Russian society and statescraft was made by westerners as the Rurikids and Romanovs were European, Germanic royal families and their reign was ended only by the proponents of a Western, alien ideology which Spengler called capitalism for the lower classes. All of them were of mixed origin as well, Stalin being Georgian, Trotsky Jewish and Lenin God knows what. Russia now is in a condition of disarray with the whole state, economy and industrial capabilities being a bad reflection of western ones. This was always the case in some capacity with foreigners being the bulk of Russian statescraft and industry up until the 19th century where certain intellectual circles were the exception, thus people such as Dostoyevsky and Russian realism emerging.

Is on point as we're in a position that we cannot predict in amy capacity what will happen to Russian society. First there ought to be a total collapse of global society or at least the western-like conditions in Russia for this to take place. The moment we'll start seeing genuine Russian inventions and art is the moment people there won't have electricity, running water or even a high literacy rate. For anything genuinely Russian to appear they must be immersed in the landscape entirely.

What you described is just like talking about Roman Judea as if it's the Abbasids or Turks. There were many cultured states in the Middle East which immersed into Hellenistic or Roman culture such as Palmyra, the same can be seen even on the border of Rome and Germanic tribes, but genuine culture can come only after abandonment of foreign ones.

>> No.21276981

Nowhere. He focused heavily on Russia at the time of his writing, and made some remarks about the importance of Japan. You could argue that he'd be interested in China, but I don't think those are good arguments personally. There was nothing in his book that implied there need be more than one budding culture at any one time. In fact, he almost implied the unique circumstances of this current epoch would make that impossible. Russia is unique in part because of its unique relationship to Western Europe and America.

>> No.21277023

Spengler implied that as the West was entering a planetary character, and technics becoming so important as to be a necessity among politically competitive nations in order to make for economy and military power at all, all nations would enter a sort of pseudomorphosis that could arrest their development as a culture. He never said this outright, but it's implied if you read carefully. Russia is different because it was formed, in part, by it's particular relationship to Western development, embrace with Peter the Great, reaction with Lenin, and now, arguably, detachment in with Putin.

Moving away from Spengler, you might be interested in the ideas of Friedrich Nietzsche, who thought that cultures were formed with barbarian pastoralists with good instincts for breeding rode into settled agricultural societies and dominated them, and Halford Mackinder, who saw world-history as a series of rotations around a central pivot point in Asia. Looking at Spengler's high cultures, China, India, Persia, the Middle East, the Greeks, and now the West (France, Germany), there does appear to be a sort of wolkerwanderung that occurs in each where barbarian nomads come down off the steppe, fuse with the settled people, and bud a culture. So if there are any nascent cultures other than Russia, perhaps they're sitting along the periphery of this pivot point.

>> No.21277029

And to clarify about Japan, he seemed to have thought that the East Asians, the Japanese in particular, were well-suited to take up Western technics as a way of developing the economy and waging war. Looking at Japan and China, he seems to have been at least somewhat right.

>> No.21277263

Western affluence and everything that comes with it

>> No.21277276


>> No.21278092

Sex gifs.

>> No.21278173

>peripheral peoples
Indonesia, the Maya, South American highlanders, the Malagasy, Afghanis, and Papuans are all peripheral peoples who could detach and form something novel. They also all don't have super low IQs (which excludes all of Africa sans the Malagasy, for example).

I think it's important in this day and age to recognize the sea not as a barrier, but as a surface of travel.

>> No.21278666

The Sopranos> Breaking Bad

>> No.21278696

We can be much worse if you'd like. Besides modern European people are masochists.

>> No.21278830

Do Spenglerians really believe that Russia is gonna develop some high culture? I'm not seeing it. Seems like Spengler had a great system but its fundamentally flawed like every single other German philosopher.

>> No.21278977

Oswald Gottfried Arnold Based Spengler

>> No.21278979

Yeah, but the question is how and why that's the case.

I don't see why it's not possible.

>> No.21278982

I'd also say Man and Technics and Hour of Decision, but he refers back to Decline a lot in both of those.

>> No.21279004

Huge retard

>> No.21279003

Well, looking at the US and Late Rome, it seems like you can get into death-spirals where a power-holding party refuses, even to its own detriment, to let anyone else hold power. In Rome, these even happened twice, with both the Emperor and the Pope. This eventually creates a surplus of good-men who have nothing to do, as they're locked out of any kind of power-process. The only thing that they actually CAN do is work against "their own" government. This just makes the death-spiraling party even more paranoid, furthering centralization.

Enter some kind of virtuous-barbarian people who come in, knock over the power-structure, and suddenly find themselves in control of a large number of virtuous-men, and thankful women, who can put their talents to use under the new barbarian regime. This is the steppe-nomad cycle, it's just abstracted away from the steppe (you can look at New Zealand and see an example that occurs by sea, with the British being the barbarians).

>> No.21279550

>Spengler implied that as the West was entering a planetary character, and technics becoming so important as to be a necessity among politically competitive nations in order to make for economy and military power at all, all nations would enter a sort of pseudomorphosis that could arrest their development as a culture
this already happened.

>> No.21280154

Russia becoming a high culture is not necessary to the crux of his system. In Vol. 1 of the Decline, at least, he casts Faustian culture as the only one in the process of its fulfillment.
Even so, we could put Russia at about where the West was at somewhere between 900 to 1200 AD, and the Magians at somewhere between 0 to 200 AD. But, Russia, according to Spengler, is under a heavy pseudomorphisis. And they'd be the first ever high culture to grapple with the Industrial Revolution in their infancy, and in their own development at the cultural stage.
One interesting thing that Spengler says is that Russia is perhaps the seed of many peoples. In the same way basically all the many people groups of Europe and also America come from the same Germanic source (and maybe we could include the Celts there). Most high cultures have some central ethnic, spiritual, or religious dichotomy at their center, with several ethnicities involved. In ancient Mesopotamia, you have the Semites (Akkadians) and the Sumerians, with two entirely different languages. Upper and Lower Egypt (plus the Hittites). Dionysian and Apollonian (plus Greek and Italic) for the Classical. Celts and Germanics, later Prussians and Englishmen for the West.
What Russia is today will change. What Charlemagne's Empire was at the beginning of our civilization is not quite France or Germany.
It lends credibility to his schema, because this was not quite the case in the 1910s and 1920s.

>> No.21280166

There is no causal mechanism for the birth of a high culture. It is, to Spengler, a mystery. Thus, there need be no reason to believe there must be a constant cycle of dying and birthing cultures.

>> No.21280195

Decline Vol. 1 basically defines the rest of his work. In many ways, he presumes the ground he covered in the Decline 1 and 2, in the rest of his writings.
Still, in my opinion, a lot of his other work isn't necessarily a further development of his model, but works like the same core idea manifested in a different plane of thought. This makes his essays seem a little polemic and philistine at times, compared to his main work. For example, Prussianism and Socialism is simply Spenglerian thought oriented towards a more political plane. But once you get the sense of the core soul of his work, the other projects become far more valuable and insightful. If you read something like Prussianism and Socialism without having a basic idea of Spenglerian thought, it might seem a little trifling. If I picked only that up as a German or Englishment in the 1930s, I'd see it as an amusing piece at most. But for me today, it explains so much about the world as is.
Incidentally, this means his big text is in some ways like a library, because each chapter has its own big idea that follows from his central premise about civilization and culture, and ultimately metaphysics and being.

>> No.21280245

who's the current Ceaser?
will the west united into imperium?

>> No.21280388

Hold your britches my dear. We have to get through our current Gracchian period, then go through our Marian/Sulla period, and THEN a Ceasearian age.

>> No.21280423

I don't know my man...
seem like everyone and everything in this world is in the last stage of the Zeitgeist and I fear that our western civilization will die before we reach these ages.

>> No.21280471

Christopher Langan

>> No.21280516

Elon Musk

>> No.21280971

Definitely the Cecil Rhodes of our era

>> No.21281136

>not super high
Nigger you cannot be serious

>> No.21281201

How do people have time to construct these bizarre hairstyles

>> No.21281238

I see almost no similarity at all. Cecil Rhodes colonized much of Africa and was highly active in Parliament. Musk is a run-of-the-mill entrepreneur who gets a lot of media attention (and state funding).

>> No.21281289


Why is he considered a right wing author when DotW had some surprising left wing takes?

>race is just a social construct, blood lineages disappear over time
>environment shapes humans so much that it is the basis for their culture (he talks about the mountains of Northern Europe developing Faustian culture and the islands on the Aegean Sea developing Greek culture)
>reviews other cultures, including fucking Aztec culture, and even goes on saying that the achievements of each culture should be considered on their own, and that no culture is superior to another
>dislikes Darwin but speaks favorably of Franz Boas

Also, his theory about the Faustian Spirit being about points on an abstract plane explains modern constructions such as Gender Theory (Gender is on a spectrum, so its kinda like an abstract construction on a plane) or Human Rights (Rights are considered abstract entites and not priviledges granted to subjects of a particular territory)


I don't know, but a Faustian Caesar would resemble Biden or Obama more than Trump or Hitler. LGBT rights are way more Faustian than prattles about race or territory, and current Ukraine War is shaping the West as a Faustian Superpower centered about Human (Western) Rights and Democracy (Western Liberal Democracy)

That means, if you want to suppot a Faustian Caesar, you should support Biden over Trump.

By the way, why did Spengler fawn about Nietzsche and Goethe when it is obvious that he was a Hegel copycat? He just ripped of Hegel theories about the World Spirit and stuff like that, and the cultures becoming into civilizations is pretty much what Hegel is about.

>> No.21281290

Kinderheim 511

>> No.21281312

Many soviet prodigies had this in common. Private lessons in their discipline done at home starting from an early age.

>> No.21281370

This nigga knows what’s up

>> No.21281381

Funny how it seems like all prodigies were just taught well and pushed hard early on

>> No.21281384

>environment shapes humans so much that it is the basis for their culture

This is neither or a "right" or "left" take. It's just a blatant observation.

>> No.21281399

Pharaoh (1999)

>> No.21281488

Spengler is "Right Wing" in as much as he reified
>meaningful biological differences between humans
>meaningful cultural differences between humans
The fact that the biological/cultural differences in the long term come from evolutionary processes conforming to certain environmental factors is irrelevant, because the basic tenet of Left Wing thought is absolute human equality. He also rejected the idea that forcing human homogeneity was a good thing.

>Spengler's thought is pretty fucking sour on the whole "Western Christian Universalism" thing
Yep. Christianity is the grandmother of Bolshevism after all (literally; Christianity > Hegel > Marx). You'll notice that Right Wingers either embrace or grapple with the fact that you can't be Right Wing and not some kind of European Pagan.

Genealogy (of ideas) and rejection of Whig History. This is why calling him a Hegelian isn't really correct, as Whig History is a key part of Hegelianism. Spengler's Genealogicality prevents him from adhering to Whig History. He absolutely believes in the predictability of the future, however, due to his belief in historical mechanism (which Hegel rejected, he thought that all of history was just Yahweh fucking around until he got to the End of History when Jesus came back). Hegel's thought rejects the idea of World-Spirits, plural, there's just one. Spengler's Culture-Civilizations are more like higher-dimensional brain fungi than Hegel's World-Spirit.

As a German Spengler was contractually required to suck Goethe's dick.

I've been saying exactly what you've said here about how Faustian Caesarism is going to fucking SUCK for some time now btw.

>> No.21281544

a Husserl was valuable
b Spengler says Husserl was worthless
∴ Spengler was wrong

>> No.21281872

When he called Christianity the progenitor of Bolshevism, he was not making a moral judgment. Universalism is built into the Western way of being, like it or not.

>> No.21281879

And you could easily trace lineage from Christianity to Hegel to Gentile and Mussolini, or from Christianity to Hegel to Carlyle to Russkin to whoever else the Nazis liked to Hitler.

>> No.21281884

He didn't say it was a social construct. He said it was spiritual something and bound up with a particular landscape.

>> No.21281925


>> No.21281939

They’re all pretty smart, duder. Intellect runs in several different directions and you need to accept their differences. Stop being a little crybaby for your favourite daddy.

Go ahead and name some non-English speakers. They’re the “loads” I was referring to there.

>> No.21281976

He was only against the idea of race being absolutely biological

>> No.21282014

Why not? The high culture will be alien to us, and will seem like barbaric. Like most people would say about middle-eastern magian cultures, which also were high culture.

>> No.21282054

guys, i want you to help me be that person. what do i need to do. i want this in my life.

>> No.21282086

>I don't see why it's not possible.

Two more weeks? Spenglerians are erudite idiots.

>> No.21282093


It is a very left wing take. A right wing take would be saying that human culture is shaped almost entirely by the genes, or because of some intrinsic "human nature". In both cases, it's about essentialism, which is very right wing.

Spengler on the other hand focuses on environment, hence, he can't really be considered right wing.


>the basic tenet of Left Wing thought is absolute human equality

I think its more nuanced than that. I believe one of the tenets of Left Wing thought is the rejection of essentialism, hence that stuff about Gender being a social construct. Searching for absolute human equality is somewhat fringe actually, most Left is content with having good environmental conditions.

Also, forcing human homogeneity is not exclusively a Left Wing position. Right Wingers getting autistic about Race Essentialism or Gender Essentialism are very homogeneizing actually. All that stuff about Blacks and Asians having certain behaviors or IQ points is, in the end, classifying people into rigid categories, which is homogeneization actually.


>Christianity is the grandmother of Bolshevism after all (literally; Christianity > Hegel > Marx)

Christianity is the grandmother of any European intellectual movement since the Middle Ages. So is Greco-Roman paganism, which is European Paganism too. Greek Philosophy is as pagan as it gets. I don't think its fair to blame exclusively Christianity for the whole Universalism thing, considering that Christian thought in turn was influenced by Greek Philosophy.

>rejection of Whig History

Just because he rejects Whig History, doens't mean he doesn't use anything from Hegel. Spengler is similar to Marx and Engels, who used Hegelian Dialectics but repurposed for their brand of Materialism, rejecting Hegelian Idealism. Spengler repurposed the Hegelian notion of the Spirit self-actualizing for his brand of historicism.


That is really a long way to say that it consist of an idea shaped by environmental factors, that is, artificially created by humans (inspired by their surroundings)

>> No.21282124

>shaped by environmental factors
>that is
>artificially created by humans
These are somehow the same things for you? Are mountains and rivers artificially created by humans too?

>> No.21282152


No, but the idea that you should be searching for an abstract dot in the Infinity because you were born in a land mass with mountains and abysses comes from the human mind, hence, artificial.

And that is without considering the concept of Niche construction, which no doubt would have delighted Spengler, considering he already enjoyed Boasian anthropology


Forgot to reply

>Faustian Caesarism is going to fucking SUCK for some time now btw.

Indeed, Faustian Caesarism, with its enfasis on LGBT, will have its fair shares of suck. Are you prepared for it Anon?

>> No.21282164

>smartest person in the world
>coincidentally shares the exact same views as me
tumblr tier thread bros...

>> No.21282331

India is an imminent superpower

>> No.21282388

>I believe one of the tenets of Left Wing thought is the rejection of essentialism, hence that stuff about Gender being a social construct
I disagree, Leftists love essentialism. They do it with Blackness, Whiteness, every special-snowflake kind of gender-confusion, "working class" vs "bourgeoisie", and so on.

I am trying my best.

>> No.21282421

Shut the fuck up bugman autist

>> No.21282501


Yes and no. Leftists reject essentialism because they reject the idea of a "human nature", and they too reject the existence of (lets get Stirnerian) spooks like Gender or Manhood. For a Lefty, a tranny isn't mentally ill, because you can't be delusional about being a Woman because being a Woman has to do more with how society views women rather than a "woman nature" which exists independently of human existence, sort of like Platonic forms.

Problem is, a lot of Lefty thought is rooted in Marxism and Psychoanalisis, which are very essentialist, although of course they will deny that. Stuff like Whiteness and Blackness, despite their avowed antiessentialism, ends up being very essentialist in practice.

So, it's really a mess, consecuence of using anachronistic philosophy, but for the most part Leftism reject the idea of "human nature", and so they really can't be considered wholly essentialists

>> No.21282555

>Why yes the ideas of a literal idiot savant that proposes the destruction of industrial society that will magically be replaced with prancing faeries has to be listened

>> No.21282557

Just a soft-core midwit washed version of his literal main inspiration Jared Diamond

>> No.21282643

>race is just a social construct, blood lineages disappear over time
Not totally accurate. Spengler didn't consider race to be purely biological, but he didn't take a modern Leftist view of race. And the blood isn't meaningless.
>But the history of West European technics marched on. By 1500 the new Vikingism begun by Vasco da Gama and Columbus is under way. New realms are created or conquered in the East and West Indies, and a stream of Nordic blood is poured out into America...
Even so, the very thing Spengler emphasized (race and peoples born out of great events and land, steeped in history) is exactly what leftists of today want to deconstruct. That is, they have the nihilistic impulse to deconstruct what they call 'whiteness,' which is not so much about white people, but Faustian culture. They don't care about assimilating nonwhite migrants into European-American civilization, to forge them into proud Faustian men.
It's inherently an anti-left take (relative to today, at least), even though the leftist can appreciate Spengler's critique. And many leftists have appreciated Spengler.
Now, the thing is, both the Left and Right wings are Faustian in character. They manifest the Faustian spirit in different ways. All things, in a Spenglerian sense, are manifested around the prime symbol. Perhaps we could think of them as another Apollo/Dionysus dichotomy. Even degenerates are degenerates within their own cultural framework. Even homeless vagrants in San Francisco are Faustian bums.
>a Faustian Caesar would resemble Biden or Obama more than Trump or Hitler.
I totally disagree, except with Hitler. Hitler and Obama are ideological types. Caesar will not be, which is why he's closer to Trump (though Trump is not Caesar).
>LGBT rights are way more Faustian than prattles about race or territory,
That's delusional. It's eminently clear that "LGBT rights," in terms of the discourse, are culturally artificial and only exist because certain money powers capitalized on it. Propaganda and psychology have become gamified. This is nothing but the domination of capital liquidating all boundaries for itself. Maybe there's something Faustian about the principle of formless disembodiment (which trannies have, because they're own bodies make them dysphoric), but it's not some central tenant. Just how the Faustian spirit manifests itself in cosmopolitan, formless degeneracy, something of the masses.

>> No.21282653

christianity is literally proto-socialism anon.
It promise everyone an egalitarian society rule by god where every races regarding their skin, culture as long as you believed in Christ you will get into heaven the same as Black, Asian or White. It’s not that Christianity is the problem but the egalitarian aspect of it that give birth to socialism.

>> No.21282658

just do as any /pol/lack does.
Get /fit/ + Self Improvement, Get /lit/ read shit tons of books and wait for the collapse.

>> No.21282666

this dude so smart he really makes you feel diminished

>> No.21282680

If you actually read his work, you’d know that he gives no positive description about the future should his goals be achieved—it is merely the pressing need to stop the infrastructure of Industrial Society.
For better or worse. He explicitly says it might be painful, it might make things worse in many ways, but it would put a stop to this runaway train.

>> No.21282686

>Christianity is the grandmother of Bolshevism
This is wildly decontextualized when quoted on the internet. It really isn't an indictment of Christianity.
Incidentally, Spengler saw the coming Russian Christianity as the third major evolution of Christianity, from the Magian and Faustian forms.
>You'll notice that Right Wingers either embrace or grapple with the fact that you can't be Right Wing and not some kind of European Pagan.
That's ridiculous.
I actually think egalitarianism required the Faustian spirit, and that Christianity itself would not necessarily produce it. This is why Paul wasn't much of a social reformer, in terms of actually changing social relations (slaves obey your masters, he writes).
This is why the conservative wings of the Roman Catholic Church were so aghast at leftist movements (from the French Revolution to the Spanish Civil War). Almost always since the French Revolution, the egalitarian takes an anticlerical character. Both Roman Catholicism and Egalitarian revolutionaries are Faustian in nature, but they represent dichotomies.

>> No.21282705
File: 3.00 MB, 1298x1650, magicworld.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thoughts on this? https://www.themeparx.com/magic-world-russia/

Just discovered it the other day. It's a theme park dedicated to Russian history and culture.

>> No.21282735

bruhhh optimism is cringe fr fr no cap.

>> No.21282862

Unfortunately for the Indians, India is probably peaking both in economic output and industrial capability.

>> No.21283154

Hank from breaking bad?

>> No.21283200
File: 16 KB, 308x459, Ulick Varange.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.21283219

unfathomably based

>> No.21283490

Okay, I'll bite. Why is this obscure postwar fascist the smartest person in recent history? You aren't just posting him because you saw him in that hoi4 mod, are you?

>> No.21283515

>hoi4 mod
what hoi4? I actually read his book.

>> No.21283522

That's good. What makes him so smart?

>> No.21284292
File: 56 KB, 880x714, witt4 (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the gay autist

>> No.21284438


kill(ss)ing asuka?