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/lit/ - Literature

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21264579 No.21264579 [Reply] [Original]

I believe the contrary of basically everything he believed, yet I'm obsessed with this man.

>> No.21264898

Sounds like you're a faggot OP

>> No.21265982

Do you want a cookie or a good boy sticker mate? Make better threads next time spastic.

>> No.21266050

Such happily unhappy times some people had the privilege to have. It will never be the same.

>> No.21266199

I'm the exact same with Calvin

>> No.21266257

I like Voltaire's wit and humor, but I detest everything he stands for.

>> No.21266646

I like his big juicy cock but detest everything he stands for

>> No.21266653

I have nothing but seething hatred for everything the XVIIIth century has produced

>> No.21266826

Can't hate something that are products of their respective cultures. Their "philosophical" treatises are simply self-confirmations that allow people to be themselves

>> No.21267243

Do you want a cookie or a good boy sticker mate? Make better threads next time spastic.

>> No.21268043

Let me guess you love Plato, Plotinus, Aristotle, Augustine etc.

>> No.21268085

I’m not a fan of his writing, but I can’t deny that he was a really fucking handsome guy, no homo

>> No.21268146

>christcucks still seething

>> No.21268530

I also admire him while taking his ideas with a dash of salt and saltpeter for good measure. Even if he was mildly autistic, he was one of the few thinkers of his time who truly didn’t give a shit what others thought and stuck unerringly to his own path. And he even wrote a best-selling book for good measure and to just prove a point. Also generally a better nonfiction writer than Voltaire.

>> No.21268585

>doesn't even know who is on the picture

>> No.21268988

I only know Voltaire for his Reddit Gold quote
Everything else is unknown to me

>> No.21269001

Retard I know that's Rousseau but I was sharing the sentiment expressed by the OP.

>> No.21269042
File: 146 KB, 750x504, Thomas_Carlyle_Photograph.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Despite his criticisms, Carlyle admired Rousseau's sincerity: "with all his drawbacks, and they are many, he has the first and chief characteristic of a Hero: he is heartily in earnest. In earnest, if ever man was; as none of these French Philosophers were." He also admired his repudiation of atheism:

>Strangely through all that defacement, degradation and almost madness, there is in the inmost heart of poor Rousseau a spark of real heavenly fire. Once more, out of the element of that withered mocking Philosophism, Scepticism and Persiflage, there has arisen in this man the ineradicable feeling and knowledge that this Life of ours is true: not a Scepticism, Theorem, or Persiflage, but a Fact, an awful Reality. Nature had made that revelation to him; had ordered him to speak it out. He got it spoken out; if not well and clearly, then ill and dimly,—as clearly as he could.