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21261700 No.21261700 [Reply] [Original]

Schopenhauer is irrefutable

>> No.21261711

So fucking what? Did you expect life to be a hard cock in every hole all day, every day?

>> No.21261721

So fucking what? Did you expect life to be a hard cock in every hole all day, every day?

>> No.21261723

Find another site to sully, you evil coward.

>> No.21261724


>> No.21261729

suffering is Good

also it was refuted by the tao te ching

>> No.21261730
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>suffering....LE GOOD

>> No.21261735

His hedonic view of happiness is absolutely dog-shit. I could be happy while not in the process of pleasuring myself, such as after I'm done running a marathon.

>> No.21261737

That is still dopamine being flooded into your brain.

>> No.21261738

>he's not happy WHILE he's running the marathon
read the tao te ching and stop being a retard. suffering isn't real. there's just the eternal Being of God

>> No.21261741

>To will something is to experience a lack or deficiency and thus to suffer
False. Maybe he and you suffer but I and a lot of other human beings are okay with experience lacking. In fact a case can be made for lacking the wanted being better than having it, at least, in some circunstances

>> No.21261746

>read random ching chong nigga
no, there is no ''eternal being''
That is just a cope, your brain subconsciously blocks out your visceral fear of death and the insatiable amount of desires only lead you on a journey to attain that desire and when you do it merely satisfies you momentarily until the next desire pops up.

>> No.21261751

holy crybaby

>> No.21261759
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Never made his women orgasm. I'm glad he's dead.

>> No.21261764

Reddit post

>> No.21261767


>> No.21261768

Ignoring how ridiculously anachronistic your defense of Schopenhauer is, happiness can subsist without the constant satisfying of pleasures, such as domestic life with your spouse and children despite how much they annoy and bug you (something Schopenhauer didn't do, unsurprisingly).

>> No.21261790
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>the will is the essence of life

There is no essence of life. Peel off the layers and you will be left with nothing.

>> No.21261805

again, you must be talking about yourself

>your visceral fear of death
we don't have any of it here, go check it out in Hardman's, it's just across the street

>insatiable amount of desires
they are actually satiable. You would say 'but others arise', okey but that doesn't make the already satisfied unsatisfied all of the sudden. Moreover, some claim to have no longer desires through e.g. meditation. I don't claim they speak the truth but it shouldn't be ignored without further investigation

>> No.21261826

>suffering is Good

>> No.21261837

You are still satisfiying your self with the serotonin associate with having children and satiating the will to life by procreating. The insatiable desire will be trying to provide your children an education.
>but that doesn't make the already satisfied unsatisfied all of the sudden
It does since you just had another desire, for example you satiate your hunger but then a couple hours later you suddenly feel hungry.

>> No.21261845
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>Copenhauer thread
Into the trash it goes.

>> No.21261876

suffering only came about because we evolved to suffer. that means suffering is in accordance with out goal. It is a high-level manifestation of the will of God to eradicate non-Being.

>> No.21261880
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"[3]" is the only true thing there. He's refuted right from the start. Refuted centuries ago. Stop dredging this old tumor out.

>> No.21261883


>1. The will is the essence of life

>2. To will something is to experience a lack or deficiency and thus to suffer
False. A being cannot live outside of itself, therefore will cannot lack.

>3. It is impossible to fully and finally satisfy the will
False. Same as 2. Will is fully effectuated at all times.
>4. To be alive is to suffer, continuously

Suffering is a by-product of subjective fragmentation (representation). When representation becomes paranoiac it wants to be cistalized with the will, but it can't be because the subject is mounted over the will, as a byproduct.

This nigger were se afraid of being teared appart by what he saw when he was a child, that made his entire trauma a philosophical system. At least Nietzsche tried to show how representation can play its part in the production of the übermensh.

>> No.21261900

Hmmmm would someone conscious but who didn't will for anything be not alive by definition in that case? I've considered the idea of life being defined as something that wills (something is alive if it wants something. This being what differentiates dead matter from alive matter). I suppose if you define life in this way then yes suffering forms part of life always and it's impossible to live life without suffering.

>> No.21261902

You're right OP. You should just kill yourself since it's the only logical conclusion to end your continuous suffering :^)

>> No.21261905

Schopenhauer, Nietzsche, Descartes, etc... literally spent their whole lives trying to create world systems whilst deeply unhappy and in many cases mentally ill.

>> No.21261907

how is suffering real nigga hahahahaha just meditate like just remember it's an illusion hahahaha

>> No.21261920

>False. A being cannot live outside of itself, therefore will cannot lack.
Will can lack, Nietzsche just arbitrarily changed the definition of Will and its insatiable desires in relation to the motivation to the subjects will to life that manifest as desires for sustenance, reproduction, and other various forms. When you experience hunger you satisfy it momentarily until it arises once again. The will to power was already covered by Schopenhauer, it isn't a will in the same way the will to life is, it is when the intellect is emancipated from the will through the apprehension of representation, and therefore painless.
>Suffering is a by-product of subjective fragmentation (representation).
It is the product of deficiency, pain from hunger as a deficiency of food.

>> No.21261927

> author makes one slight analogy to animals and nature

>> No.21261931

not that anon but he said "a being cannot live outside itself" and you went on some rant about Nietzsche. I don't see how it's related or how you refuted that guy. also will to life is just a kind of will to existence which Nietzsche refuted in Zarathustra. Everything already exists. The Will to Power is the only true will.

>> No.21261938

>It is the product of deficiency, pain from hunger as a deficiency of food.
Yeah, so the will as the essence of existence can lack of something. I don't get how many retarded people can believe that kind of self evident contradiction. It doesn't betray asian philosophy because their concepts are poetic; but Schopenhauer's will is suposed to fund the very ground of physical reality.

>> No.21261939

Schopenhauer sucks, his pessimism is trash

>> No.21261944

Amazed this becomes a /lit/ meme five years after it went viral. I mean I still Kek when I read it but the lag time has been emence.

>> No.21261957

shut up philoso-phytard.
Imagine needing a philosophical proof to prove to someone that life is suffering. Gay af. You're not much better than a tranny going to his therapist to receive the validation that his preconceived notions are correct. I.e. I AM a real woman, I don't care what you say. Pessimism IS true, I don't care what you say.

>> No.21261958

The will to life as the thing-in-itself is different then it's phenomenal manifestations.
>§ 23. The will as a thing in itself is quite different from its phenomenal appearance, and entirely free from all the forms of the phenomenal, into which it first passes when it manifests itself, and which therefore only concern its objectivity, and are foreign to the will itself. Even the most universal form of all idea, that of being object for a subject, does not concern it; still less the forms which are subordinate to this and which collectively have their common expression in the principle of sufficient reason, to which we know that time and space belong, and consequently multiplicity also, which exists and is possible only through these. In this last regard I shall call time and space the principium individuationis, borrowing an expression from the old schoolmen, and I beg to draw attention to this, once for all. For it is only through the medium of time and space that what is one and the same, both according to its nature and to its concept, yet appears as different, as a multiplicity of co-existent and successive phenomena. Thus time and space are the principium individuationis, the subject of so many subtleties and disputes among the schoolmen, which may be found collected in Suarez (Disp. 5, Sect. 3). According to what has been said, the will as a thing-in-itself lies outside the province of the principle of sufficient reason in all its forms, and is consequently completely groundless, although all its manifestations are entirely subordinated to the principle of sufficient reason. Further, it is free from all multiplicity, although its manifestations in time and space are innumerable. It is itself one, though not in the sense in which an object is one, for the unity of an object can only be known in opposition to a possible multiplicity; nor yet in the sense in which a concept is one, for the unity of a concept originates only in abstraction from a multiplicity; but it is one as that which lies outside time and space, the principium individuationis, i.e., the possibility of multiplicity. Only when all this has become quite clear to us through the subsequent examination of the phenomena and different manifestations of the will, shall we fully understand the meaning of the Kantian doctrine that time, space and causality do not belong to the thing-in-itself, but are only forms of knowing.

>> No.21261962

Wtf, reddit is based?

>> No.21261970
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You suffer because you want.

>> No.21261982
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Premise 2 is wrong. Desire is an uplifting experience. The thrill of falling in love, aspiring to be greater, or creating is what we live for. Every day, I’m grateful for the opportunity to achieve.

>> No.21261985

Op here
The fact that is isn’t, is my suffering

>> No.21262020

Yes, will is lack but see how this lack, e.g. hunger, also gives you knowledge and force (instinct and activity to chase your food). Lack is nothing more than the potential to overcoming itself, that is: power. Power and Emptiness go together. Schopenhauer tries the buddhist escape: which is no escape at all.

>> No.21262048

>Lack is nothing more than the potential to overcoming itself
The potential to overcoming itself is inherent to the will. I could grant that Schopenhauer's conception of lack was that, but in his own words lack is reffered as the vulgar lack of subjective desire; not that of impersonal will. Also, as >>21261938 sad, Oriental concepts don't work as Occidental concept do. When he posited the form of lack ---as overcome potential--- and then filled the empty form of lack with the concrete occidentalized experience of subjective lack he destroyed his own discovery of the will as the real in itself.

>> No.21262087

That's just the first noble truth.

>> No.21262100
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It fails at the first step, the intuition that will is the essence (the Ding an sich) of life.

>> No.21262124

Schopenhauer is so intelligent he loops back to being retarded. some of his arguments are irrefutable but he loses the plot too often. I love his work though, he pulls the right triggers for me.

>> No.21262129

>§ 23. The will as a thing in itself is quite different from its phenomenal appearance, and entirely free from all the forms of the phenomenal, into which it first passes when it manifests itself, and which therefore only concern its objectivity, and are foreign to the will itself. Even the most universal form of all idea, that of being object for a subject, does not concern it; still less the forms which are subordinate to this and which collectively have their common expression in the principle of sufficient reason, to which we know that time and space belong, and consequently multiplicity also, which exists and is possible only through these. In this last regard I shall call time and space the principium individuationis, borrowing an expression from the old schoolmen, and I beg to draw attention to this, once for all. For it is only through the medium of time and space that what is one and the same, both according to its nature and to its concept, yet appears as different, as a multiplicity of co-existent and successive phenomena. Thus time and space are the principium individuationis, the subject of so many subtleties and disputes among the schoolmen, which may be found collected in Suarez (Disp. 5, Sect. 3). According to what has been said, the will as a thing-in-itself lies outside the province of the principle of sufficient reason in all its forms, and is consequently completely groundless, although all its manifestations are entirely subordinated to the principle of sufficient reason. Further, it is free from all multiplicity, although its manifestations in time and space are innumerable. It is itself one, though not in the sense in which an object is one, for the unity of an object can only be known in opposition to a possible multiplicity; nor yet in the sense in which a concept is one, for the unity of a concept originates only in abstraction from a multiplicity; but it is one as that which lies outside time and space, the principium individuationis, i.e., the possibility of multiplicity. Only when all this has become quite clear to us through the subsequent examination of the phenomena and different manifestations of the will, shall we fully understand the meaning of the Kantian doctrine that time, space and causality do not belong to the thing-in-itself, but are only forms of knowing.

>> No.21262146

>The will as a thing in itself is quite different from its phenomenal appearance, and entirely free from all the forms of the phenomenal,
Yet it perceived within introspective perception, that comes under the form of time, and hence is phenomenal.

>> No.21262155

>author name clearly posted in title
>twenty thots ask who it is because they’re too dumb to read the title
>Schopenhauer is proven correct yet again

>> No.21262167

>Only when all this has become quite clear to us through the subsequent examination of the phenomena
We only aware of will as phenomena, yet he requires, as a desiredatum, that we must take a leap of faith and speculate that will is not-pheomenal. Schopenhauer's house of cards collapses here, as was pointed out in the first reviews of his rightly disregarded work>>21262100.

>> No.21262191

But the will reflected upon by the intellect is non-spatial as it resides in the consciousness, it's phenomenal manifestation is non-spatial but transient despite it recurring through the individual's life. Thus, it is manifestation of the thing-in-itself in the non-spatial realm of consciousness, but it isn't the actual thing-in-itself. It is like a coin; we know that one side is representation, and the other will, but we cannot see the full coin.

>> No.21262205
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The will to life is a manifestation in the non-spatial realm of consciousness, but since we are transient manifestations of the will, we can only know the part of thing-in-itself. >>21262191

>> No.21262218

So Schopenhauer does not identify this lack, nothing, emptiness inherent in the ontological will, but only in the particular, subjective will? I'm not sure where your conception of eastern will comes from (buddhism?) but I'd like to hear if there is any resemblance to Boehme's conception:
>For out of nature is God a Mysterium, i.e. the Nothing; for from out of nature is the Nothing, which is an eye of eternity, a groundless eye, which stands nowhere nor sees, for it is the Ungrund and the selfsame eye is a will, i.e. a longing for manifestation, to discern the Nothing". The Ungrund thus is the Nothing, the groundless eye of eternity, yet together with this it is will, without foundation, unfathomable and indeterminate will. But this -- is a Nothing, which is an hunger to be something.

>> No.21262276


Time and space comprise separate grounds of being. These a priori (prior to experience) forms respectively allow for an “inner,” temporal sense and an “outer,” spatial sense for the subject; subjectively, these are the forms of pure sensibility—they make sensations possible for a subject. The will as thing-in-itself is different as it's phenomenal manifestation as living things driven by insatiable will to life.

>> No.21262284

>I'm not sure where your conception of eastern will comes from buddhism?
I was talking by what I've heard of contemporary scholars on Oriental Philosophy (India, China, Japan ---most of them living in China). The contemporary conjecture seems to say that the oriental concept of 'void' is closer to the occidental concept of 'abstract' than the occidental concept of 'nothing'. So lack as the vector of desire would not mean 'nothing' or a lack of something 'concrete', but a tendency to 'abstraction' (which could be called 'virtualization' to contemporary standards). I have a friend who is a Schopenhauer scholar and is studying oriental philosophy in China who also says that what was considered as a mediocre translation of oriental philosophy ---the one that was trendy on Schopenahuer's time--- didn't put enough emphasis on the symbolic nature of oriental philosophy (i.e. it was not as rational as Schopenhauer and Nietzsche ---and Maindbrainlet--- would like).

>> No.21262302

The very concept of a thing in itself repels the idea of lack, you idealist mongrel. The will is suposed to be the very thing that terminates the possibility of a thing-in-itself/thing-for-us dichotomy, since it is not permeable to subjective ---ie representational--- analysis or speculation. That's why its so retarded to inject lack on the will... something ancient greeks ---Heraclitus (prolly), the stoics and the epicureans--- and even Spinoza already knew.

>> No.21262320

trying to terminate the last vestige of religion in Kant's philosophy, Schopenhauer still injected the ideal ground of all religion: lack as the reality of transcendence, that's to say, that there is an object for the real (and that the real, in that movement, is incomplete).

>> No.21262332

Take in consideration what Nietzsche, and then Deleuze did to the theory of the will: They considered what Schopenhauer said about the Will and Representation as true, but the part of Lack as false; ergo, Will and Representation are simultaneous, but asymetric, and the will is the very posibility of representation, but not the ground of representational desire (lack). So thinking is no more reduced to representation, but to the Idea: that which expresses the will in abstract form: the ground of the possibility of objects.

>> No.21262352

I hate all of you fucking worthless retards in this shit thread. If you're not going to post a nuanced take than why post at all?

>> No.21262353

But what was trendy in Schopenhauer's time was what Orientalists were divulging, that is, a lot of buddhist and vedantist texts. Would you say these schools did not recur to highly abstracted ideas? What you reference probably has something to do with the Kyoto School, which in fact diverge from classical buddhism and vedantism, maybe for heideggerian influence, I haven't studied it yet though.

>> No.21262359

Seeing these replies without a hint of irony behind them makes me seriously believe in the existence of NPC's.

>> No.21262362

no art without it

>> No.21262369
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He misses the forest for the trees. Life is but the movements of Spirt, part of the coming into being of the Absolute.

If he hadn't insisted on lecturing to a completely empty room and had instead packed into the overcrowded lecture hall across from his room to hear the speaker everyone had come to see he would have understood this.

>> No.21262389

I'm trying to localize Heraclitus and Spinoza in what you said. Could you expand a bit on it? The thing-in-itself is a full expression, so to speak, so this lack of will wouldn't be ideal?

>> No.21262631

Absolute Idealism is really the misuse of language trying to overcome the subject-object distinction put in place by Kant. Hegelianism presupposes language, and as Wittgenstein pointed out utterances only derive meaning in the aggregate of their uses in relation to a motivation, behavior or in other words a will.
>The very concept of a thing in itself repels the idea of lack
The thing-in-itself manifesting as the subject doesn't repel the idea of lack, if the will to life is the thing-in-itself we are just manifestations of it. To will (i.e., to desire) by very definition contains an object of desire which entails deficiency. The will is a primordial force, it manifests into our consciousness, not as the thing-in-itself but as a part manifestation and due to it being non-spatial it is therefore part of the thing-in-itself.
Desire is not representational idiot; it occurs in the consciousness and then manifests in representation.

>> No.21262695

Hands down the greatest western philosopher

>> No.21262698

Mofo looks like a ferengi.
> RoA 11. Greed is eternal
> RoA 11.1 The insatisfaction of greed is a source of suffering.
> RoA 11.2 Therefore suffering is also eternal.

>> No.21262728
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>The thing-in-itself manifesting as the subject doesn't repel the idea of lack
...because it, it just don't, ok?

>if the will to life is the thing-in-itself
There is no thing in itself when you make the claim about the will. The will-to-life is not the will, but a vector-defined will: vectors don't lack either. The thing is that you illiterate mongrels read philosophy as it was writen by USA brainrotten youtube-consoomer kids. It doesn't. Copenhauer must have been an incel and its whole philosophy is smeared by that (its compulsion with lack and its child trauma with suffering), but you insult is own intelligence and insight in abstract matters (which was real and undeniable).

>> No.21262766

There is a thing-in-itself that lies out of space and in the noumenal realm, which is the will to life outside of space and time, and it manifests as non-spatial but temporal manifestation in men. How is that hard to conceive? We can know that the will exists, and that it is the thing-in-itself, but we can only know it as manifest in consciousness retard.
You cannot talk about the will to life as anything other than its manifestation as in the non-spatial realm of consciousness, it is outside the province of the principle of sufficient reason.

>> No.21262783

the principle of sufficient reason is not the will, but the vectorial will. Will to life is the name for the sufficient reason of life, that being "a will defined as the production of life". Still, there is no lack in that. You misunderstand the intuition of will with its synthetic effects ---you mistake its empirical effects by the idea of its sufficient cause...

>> No.21262830

By vector I assume you mean that the will has a magnitude and direction, that direction and magnitude being sufficient in of itself thus there is no lack. That the will to life accomplishes its aim for existence that there is no lack?

If that is the case, then to accomplish that goal of a will to life must have insatiable desires to continue existence such as the desire for sex, sustenance etc.

>> No.21262945

>The will is the essence of life.

>> No.21262953

The principle of life is autopoietic individuation.

>> No.21262957

Pretty simple to refute. I is made up

>> No.21262969

Well if we are to believe Schopenhauer, suffering is nothing but the shadowside will. That would make it a privation of the Good at worst.

>> No.21263203


>> No.21263216

There's this fat cunt from India something something three days meditating under a tree.

>> No.21263222

Yes, but why is suffering supposed to be bad? Can anything thrive and grow without suffering?

>> No.21263329

1 is an asspull with no grounds
3 omits the fact that it can be satisfied temporarily, which means 4 would be life is to suffer INTERMITTENTLY, which is very different than continuously.

>> No.21263351

>the will is the essence of life
[citation needed]

>> No.21263378

Wasn’t this obvious. Life is suffering. Now, get on with it. Suicide is for pussies.

>> No.21263410

>It is impossible to fully and finally satisfy the will.
A logical leap only true from an atheist materialist perspective. 1 and 2 can just as well lead to realisation of God like in Plotinus.

>> No.21263420

If you NPCs aren't completely and apodictically obvious to you then you might just be one.

>> No.21263447

NTA but the orientalist texts of Schopenhauer's time were awfully translated garbled versions and western understanding of the eastern, even in academic philology circles, was quite poor.

>> No.21263467

Could it be said then that the Will to Life is a higher dimension object and so we, being bound by temporality, can only perceive one side (or cross-section) of it?

>> No.21263475

not every domestic life is a tolerable one

>> No.21263491

>The Will is the essence of life.
Doubt. Why? With modern takes of consciousness, Will isn't that a special concept. Quantitative energies or motivation would be more fitting.

>To will something ... Lack.
Bro even Lacan did this much better. Yes desire might be structured around a lack, but Deleuze and onwards there's no need for everything to center around lack but around production instead. As in we are biological machines that produces. That doesn't need to center around a lack.

>impossible to satisfy the will
People will play WoW Classic and repeat safely known patterns fully content. Freud was right here the reduction of anxiety through rituals is a stronger force than "will" and its satisfaction.

>To be alive is to suffer
Only through is reductionist point of view where will is key and only is structured around lack. Like a basic biological understanding doesn't even has this negative bias and understands dopamines roles in motivation as a positive driving force etc. And even in a high-brow philosophical state of thinking, again, Lacan really did this much better.

>> No.21263510

>Circular reasoning about how someone is miserable is impossible to refute
Wow how compelling here's an alternative: Schopenhauer was a clinically depressed navel gazing asshole who spent his entire life trying to make everyone around him as miserable as he was. His observations are good but they're all from the perspective of someone who should be on a steady regimen of lithium and oxytocin.

"refute", fuck you, here's a refutation, Schopenhauer didn't shoot himself. If I actually believed one word of this shit I'd kill myself immediately, but I don't because I'm not a walking periapsis of the human experience.

>> No.21263613

I can tell you're a pseud by the way you use the word "hedonism"

>> No.21263636

Yes, we live to suffer. None of those desires which you list have some finer end point at which the will is satisfied. What is entailed by desire, lack, is perpetual and never fulfilled. And the cessation of desire is not found in desire itself.

>> No.21263685

> You are still satisfiying your self with the serotonin associate with having children and satiating the will to life by procreating. The insatiable desire will be trying to provide your children an education.

This is not a counter argument at all, on the contrary. Schopenhauer says that desiring is to suffer. The position you're trying to counter is that you can feel pleasure without satisfying desires.

> You are still satisfiying your self with the serotonin associate with having children and satiating the will to life by procreating
You won't always be high on serotonin, especially when you're trying to accomplish a long term goal. Grit is something you have or something you learn to have, and it pushes you to keep on chasing a goal EVEN if your situation is shitty. You can be fully unhappy, and still want something bad enough to keep on going through some heavy shit. Chances are that having children and satiating the will to life by procreating won't be accompanied from start to end by a constant flow of serotonin because, well, the human body doesn't fucking work like that. It's not reasonable to reduct having children and then raising them to any amount of serotonin you might get yourself high on, at any point of it happening.

So knowing that, this statement
> The insatiable desire will be trying to provide your children an education.
Is just saying that some insatiable desire might be a botomless source of hapiness. Some decisions you make and follow through with grit won't and cannot be accompanied with a constant flow of serotonin and so, therefore, the nature of the pleasure might not be as volatile as the pleasure you get solely from endocrine source. Because the body can't constantly produce serotonin and yet we still observe that one might still be motivated to accomplish difficult tasks, it is possible that one can feel great pleasure by just engaging in an accomplishment that won't conclude with a satisfying output.

>> No.21263754

The method of identifying the will as the thing-in-itself by Schopenhaur is dogmatic, not critical or transcendental. It's pre-Kantian and invalidated by Kant. Hence the ridiculous appeals to the dogmatic scriptures of India in a supposed philosophy.

>> No.21263767

Making mediocre women seethe one century and a half after he's dead, absolute chad

>> No.21263822

Now time to move onto Nietzsche.

>> No.21263830


>> No.21263895

Kindly learn to read.
Lao Tze would say that good is not different from bad, not that suffering is good.
The will is not for satisfying, but for exerting. You are at your happiest walking the path, not reaching its end. Full satisfaction of the will is not required.

>> No.21263906 [DELETED] 
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>Life is but the movements of Spirt, part of the coming into being of the Absolute.

please, hegelchad... stop scaring the AI

>> No.21263944
File: 63 KB, 600x600, 1660347884348.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Once you pop... you... just... can't... stop.......

>> No.21263987

Well it's entirely up to you to make it a tolerable one.

>> No.21264056

Premise 2 is false

>> No.21264065

>Lao Tze would say that good is not different from bad, not that suffering is good.
You can’t into logic can you? If bad and good are the same things, and suffering is bad, then suffering is good.

>> No.21264115

You don't refute it, you accept it. Though I think Schopenhauer's view leaves out conflict and suffering as being possibly reframed into good things. The power of reframing I think challenges his thesis.

>> No.21264215

the will I dig
but the lack is wack

>> No.21264726

You can refute any syllogism by simply rejecting the premises. If your opponent objects, tell them "tough shit, faggot."

>> No.21264732

You've never read Schopenhauer have you? He is unfairly characterized as being some miserable sod. Most of his writing is simply observational and much of it is rather cheerful. You are projecting your own unhappiness onto his neutral observations.

>> No.21264733

He may be right, so what? Just kill yourself if you don't like suffering

>> No.21265141

>Most of his writing is simply observational and much of it is rather cheerful. You are projecting your own unhappiness onto his neutral observations.
He was pretty clear that the injection of suffering in the will was originated in his contemplation of forced work. No one is saying that his entire philosophy is trash, but that the overdetermination of the will as lack is contrarian to its core feature of being the general cause of what happens.

>neutral observations
The very concept of will is the implied 'who?' in the question about the cause of actual affairs. He never said that his observations were 'neutral'...

Also, you need to be 18+

>> No.21265147

These arguments never convinced me.
They all sound like semantics play.

>> No.21265828

>I don't fear death
>Well sweaty, ackchyually you're so, so scared of death your brain just magically makes you think you're not.

>> No.21266035

It's premised on the dogmatic identification of will as the "essence" or thing-in-itself. The earliest readers saw through it>>21262100

>> No.21266253

> life is suffering
good, suffering is a prerequisite to joy

>> No.21266256

b-but that's only for le unborn not for me! (actual pessimist cope)

>> No.21266611

Did you fags even read him? Schopie's worldly pessimism is a justification for art, not for suicide/LDAR, as he says himself.

>> No.21266817

Well, take a look at this post; Schop apologetics are but illiterate childs; and most of Schop respecters, not sharing the incel idea of lack on the will, still aknowledge him...

>> No.21266821

You cant refute moronic ramblings.

>> No.21266857
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>It is impossible to satisfy this will


>> No.21266870

That's true, but this thread is about Schopenhauer, not Hegel

>> No.21267303
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>To will something is to experience a lack or deficiency and thus to suffer.
This is wrong, to will is indeed to experience a lack or deficiency that you wish to fill, but if you can achieve what you will, then you won't necessarily suffer, you might even find more enjoyment in seeking what you will than in possessing what you will.
And if you wish for truly unattainable goals, you need to touch grass.
That being said, life is a struggle, but you can enjoy the struggle, you don't necessarily suffer from it.
There, I refuted schoppy.

>> No.21267324

>Thots giving posthumous victory to schoppy in a debate in which he cannot even participate 150 years after his death
Bros this is too much

>> No.21267998

Incel idea of lack lol, but genuinely asking why though? Why is the idea of lack inherent in will wrong? I think it works like a cycle through which the will “moves”.

>> No.21268841

>not an incel =/= thot

>> No.21268903

I have no idea what you're trying to say here. I don't see why "utterances only derive meaning in the aggregate of their uses in relation to a motivation, behavior or in other words a will," would undermine Absolute Idealism.

The key point of Absolute Idealism is that the noumenal/phenomenal aren't different worlds or a true dichotomy, but that both are part of a whole and are necessitated by one another.

>> No.21269182

Schope was pretty much an incel. He did have some relations with improvised women (he himself inherited his wealth) but they didn't go great. This isn't really saying anything, most philosophers we're incels. Nietzsche got zero pussy outside being brought to a brothel once and contracting a (then) fatal venereal disease (lol). Kant was an incel too. They're all either incels or some sort of sex pervert, but not even the happy swinger kind.

There are rare exceptions. Socrates had sons, seemingly with a much younger woman given his age, but never wrote anything so that hardly counts. Unlike most philosophers who, if they fought in war, did medical like Nietzsche or Wittgenstein, Socrates was also a frontline soldier and fucked up the Spartans toe to toe.

Aristotle is another exception, having a good family life. Hegel is another one. Part of what drove Schope so insane about everyone fawning over Hegel while ignoring him was that Hegel was out at beer halls, having affairs, and then nabbed a teen bride when he was 40 and had a happy marriage with five sons. But the norm is inceldom.

>> No.21269272

You're assuming they were celibate involuntarily, which doesn't make much sense given there used to be whores on every street corner after nightfall. More accurate statement would be that vast majority of philosophers up until early 20th century saw little value in interaction with women.

>> No.21269428

Nietzsche never had syphilis.

>> No.21270038
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Just is. Simple as.

>> No.21270069

If suffering is bad, then the best antidote to suffering is what causes one to cease suffering.
The most absolute antidote to suffering is to embrace suffering.
Therefore suffering is good.
Therefore "to be alive is to suffer continuously" is a contradiction: suffering cannot be both absolute and continuous.
Therefore suffering is inescapable for all living things, precisely because it cannot be overcome for it is not absolute.
Therefore suffering is not a negative condition, but a neutral one.

>> No.21270091
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Don't use western way of thought (logic) for eastern philospophy, pseud.

>> No.21270102

By not reading him?

>> No.21270123

Dostoevsky and Camus would argue that suffering is good and intrinsic to happiness.
Buddhism would argue that suffering stems from desire which can be eliminated.

>> No.21270151

Also, life without suffering is for bitch niggas

>> No.21270238

That's the premise of Nietzsche's 'Tragic Thought': suffering has nothing to do with lack, since it is just one of the outcomes of the realized will (the actual state of affairs), the other being happiness. Affirming life ---what the will implies in itself--- is affirming chance as manifested in both, happiness and suffering.

>> No.21270286

Yes. Surely 'power' is the feeling of a realized will? Happiness and suffering in conjunction cease to be a dichotomy/dualism of good and evil, and become the conduit for power?
So power is 'just' if one has related the two in such and such a way that, for the subject, is equivalent to power?

>> No.21270415


He should have to explain exactly what these things are, and where they come from before going to step two.

>> No.21271252

>t. bitch nigga
I will cuck you and you will be happy.

>> No.21271708

>18th century minor nobility
stop posting you embarrassing mentalcel

>> No.21272175

Bitch niggas always tryna prove themselves

>> No.21272585

Fuck you wyladcel I know this is you, or at least you are here in this thread somewhere

>> No.21272726

this. so much this.

>> No.21272988

Nobody in this thread read Schopenhauer's work as anons like >>21270415
show, why do people even discuss him here?

>> No.21273009

kek, based schoppy

>> No.21273263
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What about the time I felt very happy, does he have an explanation for that?

>> No.21274667

>Schopenhauer is irrefutable
He isn;t though.

>> No.21274874

Yes he did realize the noble truth of suffering
There are three noble truths left

>> No.21275052
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why is it the people who never really suffer are always the ones extolling the virtues of suffering?

>> No.21276206

Your post is really dumb

>> No.21276240

Once you've read the philosophers concerned you'll realise no one on /lit/ reads any of 'em.

>> No.21276341
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Is it possible to refute pessimism without cope?

>> No.21276391

He actually countered that with and I'm paraphrasing here "in order to quench the will one must live with as few attachments as possible and become an ascetic" if I'm not mistaken.

>> No.21276399

Wait until they read Otto Weininger

>> No.21276412

By refuting "cope"

>> No.21276415

The essence of life is to obey God

>> No.21276418

The Holodomor never happened

>> No.21276420

We’ll [1] is an axiom, he doesn’t give any reasoning for it, at least none in this image. You can reject the axiom

>> No.21276437

Ultimately both Schopenhauer and the Redditors are being irrational. Neither of them are using scientific studies or statistical methods of analysis to prove their point. Schopenhauer can perhaps be excused for this because he lived before the time that such things were widely available. But now we have the IQ data which shows that, in fact, the average woman is as smart as the average man — the difference being that male IQ has higher variance (ie there are more smart men than smart women but also more dumb men than dumb women, even though the average is identical). And as for lying, well, judging by the rates of conviction for fraud, men are much more likely to lie (at least criminally) that women are. Perhaps there are studies focusing on non-criminal lying that show the opposite result; I don’t know. The problem with the Schopenhaurean style of social analysis is that it’s all based on subjective impressions. It could be that the women in his life were like that, but as we can only know a few hundred people throughout our lives, our subjective experience is not going to be a representative sample. This is why it’s important to have scientific studies and statistical data.

>> No.21276483

Why is he/the translator using the word "will" as both a transitive verb and a noun here? I can't follow [1]=>[2] or [2]=>[3].

>> No.21276484

Anon, I...


>> No.21276506

>t never even read schopenhauer

>> No.21276547

There are medical documents attesting that he never had syphilis and that his illness had other causes.

>> No.21276558

So because there’s a replication crisis we should just jot down our own subjective experiences and act as if they’re fact? Do you not understand how human bias works? We know very few people in our whole lifetimes. We know a handful intimately and the rest we only know as acquaintances. You cannot extrapolate from this small sample, biased by circumstance and subjective prejudice, to the whole population.
Look, just perform a thought experiment. Imagine 50% of women and 50% of men were pathological liars. Everything they ever say was a lie. And imagine a random person who knows 5 women intimately. Then the chance that person has of picking out 5 women liars is 1/32. In other words, out of every 32 people, 1 of them will randomly pick 5 women liars. If that person then extrapolated his subjective experience to the whole population, he will assume that all women are liars, because all women he knows are liars, when in fact it’s only 50%, identical to men. And also 1/32 will pick out 5 women non-liars, and such a man will conclude that no women are liars. This is just assuming that we pick our friends randomly but obviously in the massively complex structure of human society people get together in predictable ways, and our friendships are influenced by a myriad of factors.
So it makes absolutely no sense to take your subjective experience and extrapolate it out to the whole population. Scientific studies, statistical analysis, these are the rational tools to use when doing social analysis, assuming we’re interested in truth. Yes there’s a replication crisis but you can look for studies with sound methodologies whose results have been replicated over and over again. It’s not perfect, but it’s the only rational tool we have.

>> No.21276632

>the original incel
These retards don't realize that involuntary celibates have existed for millions of years. The way in which these redditors use "incel" is the same way in which a normal person would use the word "misogynist".

>> No.21276656

Normal person doesn't even use "misogynist", it's a term thrown around by gender studies roasties, midwit journalists and cuckolded simps.
Not to mention that Schopenhauer wasn't celibate at all - he fucked maids, actresses, dancers and even minor aristocrats in Italy.

>> No.21276949


>> No.21276954

paragraphs, dumbfuck

>> No.21276985

>He should have to explain exactly what these things are
He does. In his books you didn't read, despite posting here. Retard.

>> No.21277630

I agree with this

>> No.21277641

True. Although, I suppose maybe in the future we can hook up into Matrix style drug machines that will be able to keep you happy constantly, but that's too much like being in a weird kind of coma.

>> No.21277803

>Schopenhauer tries the buddhist escape: which is no escape at all.
Schopenhauer seems to misunderstand the goal of buddhism and vedanta. In both it's not that the person gains freedom from "the will", but that "the will" gains freedom from the person. Although it's not really a gain, but rather the realization that it is already free. It's not really desire and lack that cause suffering, but the misidentification with an imaginary "I" which seems to experience and own that desire and lack.
He seems to have gotten close to this intellectually but didn't have any real insight into it, otherwise he would have conceptualized life and the will differently. Schope claims that life is suffering but that a rare kind of liberation is possible if the person denies the will via asceticism; but the Buddha's noble truth of suffering/dukkha is not so much merely a truth as it is a tool for discernment, which points specifically to the realization that the person you think you are isn't real. The latter doesn't require asceticism, monasticism, nor renunciation as is commonly believed.

>> No.21277832

[2] is refutable. Where he sees the will as coming from a lack (a negative), you could also see it as a positive, an impulse to something.

>> No.21278790

Suffering as I understand it refers to one's neurotransmitter concentrations and mental profile. As to whether or not his conception of the term "suffering" works in the scheme he produced is beyond my knowledge and I don't care because the true meaning of suffering is what I care about. All it seems like he's describing is that one does something because the current state of affairs is not optimal; people would only do nothing if everything was already perfect. That does not entail a certain set of neurotransmitter concentrations or a certain mental profile.