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File: 450 KB, 1264x1920, George_bernard_shaw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
21257614 No.21257614 [Reply] [Original]

A warning of the dangers of autodidacticism?

>> No.21257625
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>> No.21257633

You probably have Asperger

>> No.21257651

OP here, btw I'm trans, if that matters

>> No.21257661

i collect beefy books and get filtered and sad that some biggus dickus out there finished the books before I did and is walking around with a GIANT HEAD FULL OF KNOWLEDGE

>> No.21257911

What a devilish looking fellow

>> No.21258071


>> No.21259477

Who is that?

>> No.21259564 [DELETED] 

Honest question, do you put on the girl voice when you're among other trans women? I ask because a trans woman came into my work and did the girl voice with me, but then sat down with another trans woman and they were both using their deep masculine sounding voices. Is it a front stage/back stage thing?

>> No.21259732 [DELETED] 

That makes me think. MtF trannies (the ones seriously trying to pass, not the "linebacker+lipstick" ghouls) go hyperfeminine. But when two of them get together:

a) Do they instantly recognize the other as a tranny? (I bet they do.)
b) Do they drop the pretence entirely and talk about, I don't know, how to tuck their cocks back so they don't show in a tight dress, or something?

>> No.21259755

>451 KB
>451 KB JPG
> A warning of the dangers of autodidacticism?
What dangers? What happened to him?

>> No.21260847
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>> No.21260856

Both yes. Read some /tttt/ threads.

>> No.21260892

pterodactyls are fucking scary my guy.

>> No.21260963 [DELETED] 

>a) Do they instantly recognize the other as a tranny?
Yeah. Saw a webm a while ago and this one omegel “girl” stopped on another “girl”, stared for a couple of seconds and then said in his deep voice “oh you don’t pass!” “You either bitch!” But they were chummy about it actually.

>> No.21261008
File: 442 KB, 1920x1243, AverroesAndPorphyry.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

knowledge is power dude
with great power comes great responsibility

>> No.21261181

>I didn't go to university, I went to the library
Oh it shows Bernard, it shows.

>> No.21262278
File: 10 KB, 316x316, Graham_Chapman_Colonel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.21262526
File: 52 KB, 750x900, sonnerad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Auto-didacticism has a very high chance of leading towards National-Socialism and the noticing of patterns in history and groups that society does not want to confront.

>> No.21263703

What's "very high" in percent?

>> No.21263742

Nah, I'm still a liberal free-market Georgist guy but I definitely started noticing patterns when I started to do some research in history and world cultures. These last two centuries have been the most "coincidence" filled by far...

>> No.21263996

Sometimes you go crazy at least temporarily

Talking like 3-6 months stints as a schizo

>> No.21264129

Jordan peterson an autodidactyle? I never knew that

>> No.21264145
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>liberal free-market Georgist guy

That addresses only one small aspect of life. A small economic section. I am the guy you responded to, and would support National-Socialism if it found a way to be implemented, but I have questions for you, ones i genuinely struggle to see a good answer to.

You mentioned being a Liberal, i assume you mean a classical liberal with liberty and democracy? Not giving hormones to kids. if so, my questions are as follows.

How do you address the atomization/destruction of culture and personal relationships under Liberalism?

Your description strikes me as placing economic matters first and foremost. That if we all just had a little more freedom with our money, things would improve. Why do you think an economic system would improve society?

What aspect of the Liberal Tradition can stop the patterns we all notice? From crime, predatory groups, demographic replacement, anti-white/european actions and rhetoric? The only way of stopping these, from my point of view, is ethno-nationalism in the form of National-Socialism.

Hope to have a good discussion anon.

>> No.21264200

Adrian Marcato

>> No.21264220

No it sure doesn't. Your cult is more about indoctrination and corruption of youth.

>> No.21264309
File: 122 KB, 576x1024, 1667930560795655m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>controls all educational institutions in the world
>refuse to allow open discourse on alternatives
>majority of teachers profess to be member of this ideology
>entire system of government is trying to implement a system based on some of its principles
>has entire dialectic dedicated to viewing the world through
>any mention of a contradicting view is punished
>has countless NGOs who try to get more people in to its ideology
>has youth groups that spread ideology online and in public
>cause the death of millions if people it claimed to help
>pic unrelated
>be marxism

>> No.21265735
File: 370 KB, 1561x1960, Yousuf-Karsh-George-Bernard-Shaw-1943-1561x1960.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Let me rephrase: Was he reddit?

>> No.21265744

leddit progressives are not marxists. Stop the retarded conflation of neoliberal globalism and their useful idiots with communism

>> No.21265772

Nice audio production of Man and Superman. Unfortunately the directors rant about Radio 3 being faggots is not included.

>> No.21265773

>hold enlightenment values to be true and sacred
>end goal is the leveling of all differences, globalization at all costs

In what ways are they actually different besides the speed with which they want to achieve what they want to achieve?

>> No.21265789

le enlightenment metaphysics is cancerous university level storytelling crap. The progressives (with power) don't want to level class differences at all, it's just a new twist on the human rights schtick for neolibralism.

>> No.21266048

Who was in the right here?

>> No.21267288
