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[ERROR] No.2125680 [Reply] [Original]

Any Robert Anton Wilson fans? I love Cosmic Trigger, so much. Praise Eris!

>> No.2125715

He's original and funny, haven't read any of his stuff, mostly just listened to interviews etc but I like him from what I know about him.

>> No.2125747

I like his attitude and he's pretty entertaining and funny at times but that's about it--I don't think you can take him too seriously in terms of his various confused ideas. He's way better than Dan Brown though, I'll give them.

>> No.2125779

Illumninatus Trilogy I found vaguely amusing, but I think that was only because he had a co-author.

Schroedinger's Cat Trilogy didn't make any sense at all and I dropped it after 100 pages because reading it was a complete waste of time.

Cosmic Trigger and Promethius Rising were full of such ridiculous straight-up bullshit ideas that I regret ever buying them.

tl;dr I don't see what all the fuss was about, the man was clearly confused.