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21256025 No.21256025 [Reply] [Original]

I've problem finding the right motive for my story, These are the options:

>Murderer kill people to escape the numbness of life, To feel anything
>Murderer kill people as part of his artistic projects
>Murderer enjoy the mind games
>Murderer kill people as revenge for rather minor things
>Murderer kill people for financial interests
>Murdere is just sadistic psychopath
>Murderer is sexual deviant

Which one of these is the least shit?

>> No.21256035
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Murderer kills, rapes and eats people to make bitches wet

>> No.21256070

There is a moment, the moment right before they die, that the feeling returns to me. I don't think I would want them to die, but the moment happens when it's already too late. It's not when they lose their strength. It's not when their eyes fall behind eyelids. It is not when you hear their breath leave. The moment is when their heart suddenly gets too weak to overpower my fingers. That is the only moment I feel alive. But it's over too soon. And they are already gone. So today I set out to find another. Another moment to feel alive.

>> No.21256074

I dislike most of these. The financial motive is good, but the risk is that a reader will often follow the money and it may be too obvious. I think building a motive from a relationship between characters is the best way to go.

>> No.21256079

overbearing mother

>> No.21256083

They're all shit for an interesting serial killer

>> No.21256096

I may have been a little vague here. I mean that the motive should come from the unique circumstances between the victim and the murderer. In general, it is difficult to write a satisfying serial killer.

>> No.21256102

Any of these could work if you show not tell the traits slowly throughout the plot. I think what sounds the most interesting on paper is the financial interests motive, but like I said any could work if done well.

>> No.21256240

Serial killer is a sadistic psychopath (mind games as form of sadism too) that murder people for financial interests

>> No.21256361

I dislike most of these.

>> No.21256427

most serial killers (real ones, not just spree killers or teenagers having a tantrum) suffer from a form of anhedonia, and killing is something they can actually feel.

>> No.21256491

I like the recipe of
>Murderer kill people to escape the numbness of life, To feel anything
>Murderer kill people as part of his artistic projects
>Murderer kill people as revenge for rather minor things(That were irrelevant and happened to them by other people decades ago)
>Murderer kill people for financial interests
An empty husk of a narcissistic loser goes on a spree that he paints as some "deep" artistic project just to conceal that he has absolutely nothing going for him except desperation. He's only motivated by feeling powerful for the first time in his life and also getting some minor monetary benefits. This only starts to become clear towards the end as his "art" becomes exponentially more pseud.

>> No.21256562

feels like he deserves more then life is offerinh him, kills out of anger

>> No.21256567

>Murderer kill people to escape the numbness of life, To feel anything
Imagine your character strangles a woman to feel a high. Then once the deed is over he complains to her corpse about how disappointing she was and how she probably wouldn't even get it as he tells her everything is just so shit.

>> No.21256592

"Do you even understand how frustrating this is," he asked, before dragging on his cigarette. A trail of smoke formed a ring in the room as he paced about in a circle, feeling the stray clouds break against his naked chest. "You know, it's like, I can't ever get a break in life. All I do is work and work and even putting up with you was just more work. You know what's that like? When even trying to relax is just more shit like any other in life?" He stopped, realizing the girl had been cold for five minutes now. He smiled bitterly, realizing his questions had been rhetorical. "No. No, you wouldn't know," he flicked the spent cigarette between her dull, still open eyes. "I think I like you better when you're not yapping. Anyone ever tell you that?" No response. Tough crowd, he thought. "Ah well, that's life, isn't it? Guess you figured that much out." It was always so much work to get the saw out. His disappointment resumed as he understood, yet again, it was time to get back to work.