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/lit/ - Literature

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21255080 No.21255080 [Reply] [Original]

Obviously he means self help books. The only type of books his followers would even consider reading. If books are such a waste of time to him, it would be interesting to know how he feels about video games or tv.

>> No.21255084

that was fast. this thread will continue as people shitfling unironically, failing to understand this is a grifter of middle school children.

>> No.21255086

You can notice how he emphasizes the lives that OTHERS have lived. He isn't even commenting on the lives of people who never existed.

>> No.21255105

Is he still seething because he can't read his pirate boat book?

>> No.21255119


>> No.21255123
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>literally meeeeeeeeee

>> No.21255127
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Mutt thread

>> No.21255128


>> No.21255129

He's right in a sense. We should be reading and thinking about doing things less and taking action more. There's only so much you can improve your life by thinking a lot. There's only so much you can actually learn without taking any steps.

>> No.21255134

Why do people criticize him without actually listening to him? I was pretty annoyed by his famous he was and not knowing why, but then I watched some of his long interviews and was impressed by his way of thinking and articulate delivery. I think his IQ is at least 135.

Also, it’s just a fact that he has helped a lot of men stop being depressed, pessimistic, etc. So people will say he’s just a “grifter” for incels, but so fucking what? He’s a positive force. He’s literally helping them! As he says, weak men are dangerous. He’s trying to help men be stronger. He doesn’t support drugs, he supports life and having a family, working hard, not being a criminal, having integrity, and being as free as you can through financial security and being in great physical and mental shape. People who complain about him without seeing more than a few seconds of his dramatic clips (which are not a good representation of how he normally talks) are NPC’s who think exactly what the media want them to think about him. He literally got banned from ALL platforms. They didn’t even give him a warning or anything. They’re afraid of him.

>> No.21255137
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>But you never REALLY learn unless you lived it.
Correct. Name one person who became good at something by reading about it.

>> No.21255142

Ok, I'll bite. post one clip where you thought he was worth listening to?

>> No.21255146

Name something you have been great at
Name a reason you're defending tate on a literature board instead of grinding to be great

>> No.21255154

Towelhead and youtuber.
You have to be at least 18 to post on 4chan™.

>> No.21255155

I don’t know of any clips. I watched his recent 5 hour interview with some billionaire named Pat-David, and a 2-3 hour interview with a real estate millionaire, can’t remember the name. Both interviews cover basically the same content, so pick either one. I had no problem watching the whole thing because he’s that good at keeping my attention. I could only do the same for a handful of individuals

>> No.21255156

>He literally got banned from ALL platforms
Maybe he broke the rules in those platforms

>> No.21255161

He isn't if you already know what he's talking about. But he is for a particular younger audience that lacks direction and desperately needs a wake up call. He's like JBP but not complete shit.

I'm older and I know this isn't for me. I don't agree with everything he says but I don't just shit on the guy because he's overall a force for good, even if what he says can be misguided.

>> No.21255163

brainwashed NPC

>> No.21255173

Ok, I'll watch the video and then respond, if the tgread's still alive.

>> No.21255181

He also grew up poor. And look where he is today. Seems exactly like the type of guy to take life advice from, no?

>> No.21255209

Fascinating no one brings up that he admitted to being a sex trafficker and a rapist.

>> No.21255213

>He's like JBP but not complete shit.
This. At least Tate has actual real world success. He isn't a complete talker. Also he speaks out against things that matter (the jab, technocracy, them, degeneracy etc.) unlike JP who's too much of a good goy.

He's clearly redpilled and he knows where the line is and constantly refences it but does not step over it. Because despite being cancelled for some non-reason, he knows he could end up dead if he says to much. Tate is against every one of their narratives. He says just enough to get them riled up but not enough to be unplatformable. If you know, you know.

>> No.21255233

You watch a fucking youtuber! Get a life.

>> No.21255235

>nooo not the precious angelic womerinos

>> No.21255247

I watched some of his interviews, a podcast. And I got a life thanks to him. Got my first job ever actually. Am no longer depressed and incapable of becoming depressed. I really don’t care about your uninformed opinion

>> No.21255260

What self-help books involve a “pirate on a boat”? He’s clearly talking about all books, including fiction. It’s bizarre seeing /lit/ defending a guy telling people not to fucking read

>> No.21255272

>Tate is against every one of their narratives.
You conveniently forget that he is against the traditional family, against christianity and he preaches hedonistic consumerism as the ideal life goal.

>> No.21255278

>I wish I would have …*breathes in*…read more…fiction….*dies*

>> No.21255280
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>> No.21255283

He thinks reproduction is the most important goal. And it’s obvious why he doesn’t like Christianity. It’s made people weak and retarded. Liberalism is worship of the suffering victim which goes back to Jesus

>> No.21255284
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Those who can't, teach.
Those who won't, read.

Reading is a fine thing to do once you've achieved the life of your dreams, but it's very unproductive for guys who literally have nothing.

>> No.21255288

If he was a real muslim he'd ve advocating for the destruction of the United States (the great satan)

>> No.21255292
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There is no dreams for westerners
White people have sold out their own futures for jewish overlords
Enjoy 500 years of american nigger worship

>> No.21255300

Really? What did he say exactly that helped you?

>> No.21255302

Well he recently said that Miami is one of the few places he’ll visit in the US, but only for a few days. He talked about how LA was basically Sodom and Gomorrah and that he doesn’t even want to be touched by its air. But sure, he should totally start acting like a terrorist. That will help his cause

>> No.21255303

This brown clown isn't /lit/

>> No.21255310

I openly support the taliban Infront of veterans
Tate is a pussy

>> No.21255313

>. And it’s obvious why he doesn’t like Christianity. It’s made people weak and retarded
As opposed to the mindless brand of consumerism he's shilling? This is the same literal nigger that makes you pay a fucking actual college semester's tuition for basic bitch life advice. Who care's what he thinks? He's literally in cahoots with Jordan Peterson and the rest of the right wing griftosphere. They have zero solutions to modern problems and often make said problems worse by their autism. I don't get why young men don't get this at this point: these people are not your fathers; they're snake oil salesmen.

This is really fucking dire.

>> No.21255323
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Im joking but im so tired of westerners worshipping illiterate mutts and dreaming about living lives they'll never have a shot at
Most people will never be tate and chances are his fans won't be like him either

>> No.21255326

>He thinks reproduction is the most important goal.
Then why doesn't he have any children himself? He's 35 years of age and has according to himself lots of money and no problem getting women. What's stopping him from achieving his most important goal?

>> No.21255327

How did Tate succeed with men and boys, whereas Peterson failed? And Peterson is supposed to be an intellectual and a psychologist

>> No.21255329

Americans are now majority mixed race and do not have the capacity for reading
Even white Americans can't read books
Americans are negrofied culture and worship niggers like tate

>> No.21255335

What a faggoted thread. Get this nigger shit off my patrician board

>> No.21255339

Peterson's own daughter left the father of her child to be Tate's whore, le benzo e-daddy is weak a cuck.

>> No.21255340

Mostly, that depression isn’t a real disorder and that it’s just a signal to fix your life. I also like how he relates making monkey with power/freedom, along with the importance of working hard. These are basic things but I had been brainwashed to always believe money isn’t important. So I was always torn between innate biological understanding of the world and my conditioning. I actually once thought about being some sort of monk and not caring about anything and being “enlightened.” Fucking ridiculous. But now I care a lot, and yes I “suffer” when I work. But I love it.

>> No.21255344

He has children, he just doesn’t tell the whole world about them.

>> No.21255353

but he has no wife. So his children are growing up in a single mother household. Great life goals right there. I hope his rented bugatti was worth it.

>> No.21255371

Sounds like when you were younger, you were a better person and wise beyond your age and you basically regressed spiritually and mentally into an edgy, basic bitch teenager.

>> No.21255375

He grew up like that though. From his experience he believes that it’s good for the father to only be around occasionally. Obviously the average man can’t achieve this and he doesn’t tell all men to try for this. We will see if he’s proven right or wrong ~25 years from now

>> No.21255380

I just wanna have a family, man

>> No.21255382
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Reminder that whites in America are proud to worship a mixed race illiterate man
May God bless china with a swift victory over the great satan

>> No.21255383

It’s pretty obvious to me this guy hams it up during videos so that his clips get farmed and he gets millions of views. This funny 20 second statement on books has led to at least 10 threads that I’ve seen on this board alone. If you watch a long form interview with him he comes across as a pretty reasonable guy.

>> No.21255392

Seethe more, Memerson cunt.

>> No.21255393

I don't know who this is. I don't care who this is.

>> No.21255395
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>Seethe more, Memerson cunt.

>> No.21255397


>> No.21255400

that's a good goal to have, but why on earth would you follow Andrew Tate's life advice to get there when he is directly opposed to such a goal? He literally tells his followers that no man should ever get married and to treat women like property. Did you grow up in a single mother household? Because if not, why don't you just use your own father as an example of how to get a family instead of some loser like Tate?

>> No.21255406

>I quoted you with a pic, therefore I win.
JBP school of reasoning.

>> No.21255408

>loser like Tate
post your bugatti with timestamped hoe in it

>> No.21255410
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>>I quoted you with a pic, therefore I win.
>JBP school of reasoning.

>> No.21255411

Good post.

Retarded midwit. I'm not even a Tate fan, you're just dumb and belittling something you can't even comprehend. You're probably some coomer who no self control, go dilate.

>> No.21255420

Follow the discussion. We already established that for this anon, the "win" condition is to have a family and Andrew Tate has not achieved this, thus he is a loser whose advice should not be followed. Unless your life goal is to be a social media influencer with a rented bugatti, in which case you should still not listen to Tate, but rather take notes on how to scam impressionable, young idiots.

>> No.21255422

Don't listen to this cunt.>>21255371>>21255400 He going say some bullshit about enlightenment, and take you on a crusade, and use you as a pawn. You are doing good, stick to it. Don't let other people use you.

>> No.21255433

Reminder that Americans will never succeed in life because they'll be replaced by third worlders soon
Have fun when whitoids get genocided

>> No.21255435

Not really. I said what I meant to say. If you have a good father and your goal in life is to have a family, you should use your father as an example of how to achieve that and not some hedonistic loser like Tate. People like Tate prey on boys raised by single mothers who don't have a father figure in their lives.

>> No.21255439

kek. Peterson bitch boy.

>> No.21255445

>N-No , people have seen through my bullshit.

>> No.21255446
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Peterson is a canadian and i want total westoid death

>> No.21255451
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>Nooo america is le good guys

>> No.21255635

Andrew has exactly what he has desired

>> No.21255869

why the fuck is /lit/ out of all places shilling for this ape

>> No.21255892

Refute him?

>> No.21255926

Take life advice from a con artist? Yeah im gonna pass on that.

>> No.21255933

Spoiler he will be proven wrong

>> No.21255945

if you agree with him then what the fuck are you even doing on this board
"my favourite eceleb says books are le bad, I'm going to go to the literature board and ask what anons there think about that"? that is you thought process?

>> No.21255984

Sócrates didn’t like writing

>> No.21256000
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This is the biggest cope I've ever seen in my life.

>> No.21256009

>boys without fathers
>use your father as an example
You're a self important retard hating on Tate for no reason. Wow good for you if you were raised with a proper family.

>> No.21256104

I feel like this guy is shilling himself everywhere. Anyways:
>video games
Actual, 100% pacifying wastes of time.

>> No.21256125

Only if you consider being a social media influencer an enviable position in life.

>> No.21256214

All he does is interviews and he gets famous. He didn’t get rich through YouTube lol

>> No.21256250

>patrician board

>> No.21256828

that was fast. this thread will continue as people shitfling unironically, failing to understand this is a grifter of middle school children.

>> No.21256856

wasn't his dad a chest master and a glow in the dark? Can't imagine that a dad with positions like that earned so little

>> No.21256881

Andrew Tate is unironically based

>> No.21256885

Trying to justify not liking something is a sign of insecurity. It's fine if you don't like reading. You can still get information from other formats, but trying to claim that you're too smart for it is just a cope.

>> No.21256899
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fully automated nigger slavery

>> No.21256902

Does this include the Quran?

>> No.21256909

>it would be interesting
Would it?

He's yet to say anything smart, let alone worth listening to, so why do you care about yet another snake oil salesman in a sea of herpes?

>> No.21256960

Zoomer here. I've watched his videos before. He will contradict this opinion anytime soon, like he always does. He's a mentally ill insecure quadroon. Like half the things he says are projection that he says in the heat of the moment, it's like he can't control his emotions. He's a "force of good" in the same way Jordan Peterson telling young men to clean their room is a force of good, it's retarded.

>> No.21256997

>abuse the unrestrained shitholery of developing eastern bloc nations to make money
Yes, surely this is good and constructive life advice for those living in the West.
Tate is a carpetbagger. That he was a world champion in a controlled, performative combat sport is irrelevant and adds no credibility to his message of unremittant abuse of capital.

>> No.21257041


>> No.21257058

This place obsession with ecelebs is hilarious.

>> No.21257069

>world champion
This isn't as impressive as it sounds. He never fought in any of the major kickboxing organisations.

>> No.21257397

His ears are funee too.

>> No.21257409

What's wrong with grandma?