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/lit/ - Literature

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21253837 No.21253837 [Reply] [Original]

>Tell me about a complicated man.
Who fuck does that bitch think she is?

>> No.21253863

She has no ego, only self.

>> No.21253868

She has no talent, only nepotism.

>> No.21254012

>write in Iambic
>use predominantly one syllable words
>called genius
>get $500,000
*honk* *honk*

>> No.21254026

The fact that Emily Wilson rustles so many anons jimmies makes me like here. Perhaps I’ll buy her book to give her some money

>> No.21254043

>get $500,000
No way
>buying le shit book to own your fellow /lit/bros

>> No.21254391 [DELETED] 

I actually think she does an okay job of rendering the ancient Greek poetic voice into a form similar to popular modern poetic forms. It is at the point where she talks about Odysseus' men and Helios that she really falls on her face. She completely loses both poetic voice and meaning there, and for the next three or so lines at least.

I can't read the original Greek, only compare with other translations, so I'm sure it's even worse than I could imagine.

>> No.21254396
File: 963 KB, 3456x3456, Emily Wilson 00.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I actually think she does an okay job of rendering the ancient Greek poetic voice into a form similar to popular modern poetic forms. It is at the point where she talks about Odysseus' men and Helios that she really falls on her face. She completely loses both poetic voice and meaning there, and for the next three or so lines at least.

I can't read the original Greek, only compare with other translations, so I'm sure it's even worse than I could imagine.

Still, I love her type.

>> No.21254407

>Still, I love her type.
Her type of what?

>> No.21254425

She has no ego, only self.

>> No.21254465

kys doublefag

>> No.21254482
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This makes 4chins sneed.

>> No.21254485

This is exactly my reasoning for reading her translation. Fuck stuck up assholes pretending to read older versions.

>> No.21254518

>not even using an expensive new gen kindle
Pretty weak effort to trigger /lit/. Come on, you have to put your money where your mouth is and buy the more expensive things that /lit/ doesn't like to really own those chuds properly. Not just some cheap ass $2 ebook and a kobo.

>> No.21254519

I love how plebs think readers better than them must be "pretending" if they don't read the retarded goyslop version.

>> No.21254523

What the fuck do you think people have read prior to the Wilson translation? Not everyone is some fucking zoomer like you and many of us had to read the Odyssey in school.

>> No.21254538

she looks like she smells and has a bad breath

>> No.21254547

Anyone saying 'goyslop' is a 14-year-old larping an intellectual.

Kek defensive much?

>> No.21254600

Why would people have to be defensive for having read a proper translation of the Odyssey? You seem to be the one who has to defend your decision to read an objectively inferior and politicized version of this classic and instead of defending the actual merit of the translation, you are defending it by saying it has value purely because it makes people with higher standards than yourself mad that it exists. Which is kind of pathetic if you ask me.

>> No.21254654


>> No.21254667

Oh, no chudbros. He is consoooming! Isn't that so radical? We sure got told.

>> No.21254711
File: 3.49 MB, 1433x1746, Emily Wilson 01.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Slightly frumpy, bookish, cuties who look like they could get very excited talking about obscure nerdy things, or fly off the hat and get angry about trivial intellectual things no one else cares about. Women whose eyes tell me they live in their heads more than outside of it, and resultantly, their gaze never quite looks comfortable extroverting themselves. Long necks and broad foreheads are a plus, but not necessary.

I'm nearly the same as them, except I come across confidently, can blend in well most circumstances, and often get put in charge of others, but inwardly, I'm as bored as they are and would rather have heady discussions about obscura that bores the masses to death.

Woah! Take it easyy! That woman's a bibliophile, have some decency.

>> No.21254847

what´s a non politicized translation?

>> No.21255350

>You seem to be the one who has to
projecting lmao

>> No.21255370

Imagine thinking you need to care about political propaganda. Just ignore it lmao and read the story idiot. The entire Odyssey is just pushing the idea of men being nice to each other as a basis for a colonial system. You think that's not ancient greek prop?

>> No.21255390
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Should have really fucked with the chuds by using non-gendered language.
>Tell me about a complicated person

>> No.21255437

I would rather read the pidgin/ebonics version for giggles

>> No.21255442
File: 11 KB, 500x356, 8494921.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>popular modern poetic forms
But that's horrible and not poetry at all.

>> No.21255482

I prefer the writings of Bee Wilson 2bh.

>> No.21255515

Imagine thinking something is good just because your intellectual superiors hate on it. Literal capeshit consoomer behavior.

>> No.21255554

the actual point of that translation is to be easy enough for zoomers to read. literacy levels are falling and a lot of the people that get admitted to american colleges these days would struggle to make sense of lattimore or fagles. that creates the need for a translation that uses simple language, smooths out all the rough edges etc.

this is then masked with a bunch of vague references to progressive social issues, the fact that it's by a woman etc, so that the switch to an easier translation can be presented as a moral choice and not a sign of the ongoing decay of education. when /lit/ whines about the translation in culture war terms it only shows the misdirection was successful.

>> No.21255594

Stupid frogposter

>> No.21255616

I wonder how many anons criticizing the Wilson translation have actually read it. And I wonder how many of those anons can read Ancient Greek to compare it properly

>> No.21255620

you BTFO that pleb

>> No.21255624


>> No.21255634

She's a post-wall mediocre woman. You're blind.

>> No.21256625

There's nothing mediocre about a woman who spends her time in the Greek epics. You've forgotten the definition of the word; and that dim gaze of yours doesn't see well either.

>> No.21256628

I don't disagree with you, on average, yet I still think there's some merit for posterity in making a try at a truly modern translation. For those to come after us, it would be a thing of historical fascination.

>> No.21256630

I was clearly referring to her looks. And what's the point of her reading Greek poetry if she produces an ugly version from her ugly soul.

>> No.21256995

I only see one ugly soul here.

>> No.21257003

It's Emily Wilson's.

>> No.21257022

Honestly I can't see any ingenuity in it. It's just a degeneration the type and forms of which are expressed commonly in our culture and will be recorded easily. That is, there's nothing of Homer in it, it's just the language of Rupi Kaur. Which has nothing original in it. It's just plainly bad, and laughable as a translation.

>> No.21257033

>She looks like she fucks ______

>> No.21257034

You mean spends her time mercilessly butchering Greek epics while engaging in currish canine copulation.

>> No.21257043


>> No.21257053
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>> No.21257780
File: 47 KB, 647x674, 1664149095430352.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The man, O Muse, inform, that many a way
>Wound with his wisdom to his wished stay;
>That wandered wondrous far, when he the town
>Of sacred Troy had sack'd and shivered down;
>The cities of a world of nations,
>With all their manners, minds, and fashions,
>He saw and knew; at sea felt many woes,
>Much care sustained, to save from overthrows
>Himself and friends in their retreat for home;
>But so their fates he could not overcome,
>Though much he thirsted it. O men unwise,
>They perish'd by their own impieties,
>That in their hunger's rapine would not shun
>The oxen of the lofty-going Sun,
>Who therefore from their eyes the day bereft
>Of safe return. These acts, in some part left,
>Tell us, as others, deified Seed of Jove.

>> No.21257792

>that video where she's doing a Q&A and a native Greek speaker corrects her pronunciation and she's just awkwardly smiling and nodding like nothing is happening