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File: 229 KB, 563x1024, KantMoralityIsFreedom.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
21252836 No.21252836 [Reply] [Original]

Why bother with Kant if you can't enjoy occasional simple pleasures? Why take yourself so seriously?

>> No.21252998


I think that any type of pleasure makes you lose some kind of freedom. However the correlation is not linear. You can lose x freedom and get 10x pleasure or even the other way around. A mother gets a lot of pleasure just by having a kid, she loves it and the kid loves her back. However she loses a lot of freedom, she can’t go outside all day long and she must care for it. I think that in this case, this exchange of freedom for pleasure is good.

This is a very simplistic way of seeing things but I think it’s a good start. How much we value freedom and pleasure, how we value them, if it is subjective or objective and other questions to further clarify this model is up to debate I guess.

Morality maybe could even mean a good ration of pleasure gained (high) to freedom loss (low) or the inverse.

>> No.21253000

I tried to enjoy simple pleasures, but I just Kant.
Though I hear that Herman Kahn.

>> No.21253053

This screenshot made me come to /lit/ for thr 1st time

>> No.21253059

Why? Its not even from lit

>> No.21253068

Someone mentioned /lit/ in the replies of the post