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21249028 No.21249028 [Reply] [Original]

Help me write a sentence that’s witty or intriguing but not to be taken serious to include in my dating bio.

>> No.21249037

Now I find myself faced with the terrible question…is a Tinder bio literature?

By the way, the answer is no.

>> No.21249045

Why are you trying to be witty with women? Only men appreciate wit. Just say "Lets go looking for frogs"

>> No.21249047

It can be prose

>> No.21249053

For sale: one condom, never used.

>> No.21249072

My anus is always moist.

>> No.21249082

when you tink too much about thing the thing becomes too much to do so


>> No.21249128
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Help me write a sentence that’s witty or intriguing but not to be taken serious to include in my dating bio

>> No.21249147

Write no bio, just be attractive

>> No.21249153

"Hello ladies, I am from 4chan! Please make pussy with me"

That kind of humor usually gets them right in the cervix and just pulls them in by the bucketload

>> No.21249180

I had a pic of me hugging a shopped Spengler on there and it worked, relax dude

[spolier] it was pretty bad and lasted for a very short while, but I still got to hit (no, she had no idea who the old guy was, it was all me) [/spoiler]

>> No.21249197

Hell yeah. My motherfucking man. That's what we call "using your resources"

>> No.21249250
File: 68 KB, 1200x628, 1504120258-aaron-rodgers-mustache.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just use a Seinfeld or spongebob quote to make myself appear normal and not like a 4chan poster.

>> No.21249255


>> No.21249259


>> No.21249274

Post the sentence from As I Lay Dying where Daryl (?) is lying in bed musing on existence.

>> No.21249275
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"i got my whole family gym memberships so i can get more out of incest porn"

>> No.21249285

>In a strange room you must empty yourself for sleep. And before you are emptied for sleep, what are you. And when you are emptied for sleep, you are not. And when you are filled with sleep, you never were. I dont know what I am. I dont know if I am or not.

>> No.21249314
File: 560 KB, 991x671, george (2017_01_18 00_20_11 UTC).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dude just say the N word

>> No.21249350

Great advice, thanks

>> No.21249370

Hey any time bro. Always willing to help a brother out.

>> No.21249428

Using Seinfeld quotes is actually a genius idea

>> No.21249455
File: 494 KB, 900x900, 1570442355786.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>22 yr old female
>247 days on tinder
>casual sex: 20

>> No.21249546

I have been using this for a month and answering a "whatsup" before getting ghosted was the closest I got to chatting with a girl. I have tried tweaking my profile, and I think I have a lot to bring to the table in terms of dating in comparison to some other profiles I have seen, so I really don't understand why is it so hard for me to even have a single conversation with a female. My guess is that this app is manly a visual thing, then with all of my pics being fairly boring selfies it is just impossible to stand out from the crowd of men that are available

>> No.21249576

Well anon, are you hot? Can you make yourself look hot?

>> No.21249577

It's the summer of George.

>> No.21249628

If I say I love you on the first date I am talking to the fucking salad

Excuse me, can you spare a square of toilet paper

Hello, you look normal, wanna go on a date where we ruthlessly direct every little thing about each other like an autistic Sherlock Holmes

Nice ass, how much for a handful

I can go on

>> No.21249805


Dating and relationships are frivolous time wasting copes unless you're willing to put your money where your mouth is and marry and to do that you need to have your life in order. You want to fix yourself, tinder isn't going to help. An adderall prescription and nofap will. You need to own a house thats paid off, have $130k salary at least to date without it being a cope that will take away from your ability to read learn new skills and better yourself. People cope with religion. People cope with recreational drugs like weed and alcohol. People cope with sex. You can in fact go without it and not feel LE SAD. This thread is written by pathetic types. I am hooked up with by friends and even have women ask me out on occasion and I always think of their petty careers, meaningless hobbies and stupid lives and while the appeal of FUCKING is intense by evolutionary impulse, I am able to see that this is temporary and after completion entangles me in drama. Fuck you bitch, I'm not copulating with some muh marketing plebiscite making 50k a year that thinks her adult softball league matters. Focus on yourself or you're going to be two people coping together with your copes and distractions. Here's some advice to everyone in this thread. Everyone smart and good looking and with high impulse control and IQ that is, the majority if you can kindly disregard. Develop a routine. Take a cold bath every morning. Read and learn as much as you can. Don't play video games and do consoomer shift.

>> No.21249827

meds STAT

>> No.21249834

What is your opinion of Atheists?

>> No.21249838
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look at that picture again. any dude has a .0006 percent chance of having sex with that girl and a ZERO pervecent chance of dating her. its not uncommon, either. ditch the dating apps and go back to meeting people IRL.

>> No.21249843

You're not special, bro

>> No.21249844

Most atheists are only atheists because they don't want to be judged for their failures in character and behavior which excuses their pathetic lifestyles to them. That's why they like memes like UNIVERSE IS LE BIG BUT SKY MAN MASTURBATION BAD? My opinion of them as a group is very low.

>> No.21249901

I found three chicks I wound up fucking on and off for a while through Tinder, one of whom I dated for a little while, though she did end up being a little booboo nutty. It's mostly bullshit, but Tinder hasn't been THAT bad to me, especially considering I got a girlfriend and a fuckbuddy who I fucked on and off for a good year and a half off of there. It's totally possible. It just takes some work and some confidence.

>> No.21249913

Guys always overthink it. If you're a cerebral 4chan guy don't try to compete with normies and their fucking catchphrases. Play up what's cool about a cerebral 4chan guy, and accept that you're aiming for the 1/100 girl who really likes that, and not the 3/100 girls you would just have the privilege of being ghosted by if you LARPed as a shitty version of a normie. Women on the apps are getting worse and worse, you can't take it seriously or personally. Don't look at it as you trying to impress women in general, or five million women, look at it as walking around at a big party trying to find the one person who just likes talking to you. It might not happen for months but if you learn how to game it and put your 5 minutes of swiping in per day, you can eventually find someone if you're around average looking.

But it takes brass balls to not let it affect you. You need to train your mind to remember it's a profoundly diseased place and everybody there is ill, desperate, and sad, especially the women. Remember, you're not there to "be good at talking to women," you're there to find one decent person so you can both get out of there.

Women are desperate as fuck right now, 4chan incel types can actually leverage their weirdness and offbeatness as an asset because the market is flooded with midwits who are just as basic as all the girls on there, plus lots of creeps. There is a demographic of autistic or autism adjacent girls who like autistic guys and will appreciate stuff you do even when you don't know you're doing it, like being thoughtful and saying real things, instead of just saying they like to smoke weed. But if you talk to that girl, and before you even know she likes you, you start trying too hard and doing forced weird shit because you're scared of rejection, or because fifteen other retard girls went "lol why do you send long messages that's desperate af fr fr," you will blow your chance and not even know it. That's why you have to always do what's right and what's dignified for you, while also not caring, and being cool with playing the long game.

I'm 50 50 on whether you should avoid apps altogether. I think most guys empirically speaking will just damage themselves because they aren't strong enough to do what I'm advocating here. But if you can do it you can do fine on the apps, I see short and ugly guys doing well enough because they just do not give a fuck and they lean into being weird and they get girls who are weird in complementary ways.

>> No.21249945

You get it. I have dealt with a crazy amount of chicks either ghosting me or just outright rejecting/unmatching, and you just kind of get used to it because most of the interactions are shallow on there anyway and you often find out very quickly who is and isn't into you (with exceptions of course). But yeah you're right and I did kind of lean into my autisinal features and found a few long-term fuckfriends and a girlfriend who was beautiful and sexy and into books. It's like you said, you just gotta keep pushing through the discomfort and the uncertainty while knowing what you have in your deck. It really is quite a bit like gambling.

>> No.21249964

t. NPC