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File: 330 KB, 632x592, literally me except there is no gf and there is no army at my side.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
21246835 No.21246835 [Reply] [Original]

>my plight is the source of my anguish, my agony, but it is also what makes my tale heroic so I strive

I want to be able insert myself in characters that are literally me fr fr

>> No.21246844

A Guenon thread died for this.

Kys fag

>> No.21246876

>A Guenon thread died for this.
Good, time for you to some thinking on your own instead of shallowing whatever garbage you read

>> No.21246881

You have to go back anon

>> No.21246912

Back to where? I can go nowhere but the past, and the past is only there to haunt my nights with my regrets and cringe

>> No.21246934

I yearn to rest my weary head on a fair maiden's lap...

>> No.21246940

amor fati


>> No.21246958

amor fati is complete nonsense to me, you should learn with your past to not repeat it, not love your mistakes

>> No.21246977

It's about seeing everything that has happened in your life as necessary and therefore a good. It had to be this way. You should love your mistakes because you will make them and learn from them.

I wonder though if your past is that of regretting your past can amor fati still apply? It seems to loose it's meaning.
I am coping with some terrible mistakes I have made I must view them as fated and necessary otherwise I will suffer immense crippling regret.

>> No.21247058

Relate to the first fantasy, the second one is horrific. Even the idea of my own mother calling me a good boy is disgusting. I have no idea why you people want women to patronise you.

>> No.21247103

Both are pretty rancid.
Finding love enough to abandon suicidal leader-asses is strength. You actually want a girl to tell you to stop being strong? You can stay strong in her arms. Strength can feel safe and loved

>> No.21247113

I would die of cringe if a woman said that to me

>> No.21247128

A male wrote this. This is a male’s cringe.
Women want a strong guy to protect them, but who will melt into a tender lover.
Not a sofboi who needs a mommy. Unless you can find a true dominatrix I guess.

>> No.21247130

Sounds like an mk ultra victim
Many such cases

>> No.21247235

If my wife said that to me, I'd die of shame

>> No.21247253

dworkcelibacy and it's consequences have been utterly disastrous for the white woman's dating pool they have no fucking idea
>yeah lemme get uhhhhhhhhh mommy issues suicidal touch starved retard faggot

>> No.21247279

Mommyfags should be stripped of all human rights.
You don't speak for every man or even any man you subhuman manchild.

>> No.21247285

commas would really add to the poignancy of your insults

>> No.21247413

>I wonder though if your past is that of regretting your past can amor fati still apply? It seems to loose it's meaning.
I spent 4 years alternating between neetness and random tasks like sorting out my files, wasn't consistent nor focused in anything that mattered, only in things like videogames, youtube and anime

I also realized I was always such an asshoole to the girls that liked me and the ones I wasn't an asshole to I barely talked to them. If I was a better man then I could have a wife and children by now.

I have only a few years ahead of me before I become old, I must reach a marriable point of income and find a good wife on my own.

>I am coping with some terrible mistakes I have made I must view them as fated and necessary otherwise I will suffer immense crippling regret.
I jsut deal with my thoughts thinking they are the past and thinking about them won't change anything, I can only see what I did wrong and not repeat it

>> No.21247422

I relate to the second one because I want a wife, but metaphorically speaking that girl is my mind calming myself from my bothering thoughts

>> No.21247478

That's fair I suppose. Yin and Yang. The soft overcomes the hard and whatnot.

>> No.21247500

>act strong

Why do w*men and sois think it's an act?

It's more like the opposite, I have to act WEAK around them, so I don't offend them or make them cry.

>> No.21247539

you sound like a badass. You even censored women.

>> No.21247555

W*m*n can't comprehend self-reliance. They filter everything through their primitive w***n brains and think everyone is just like them. I hate w****.

>> No.21247561

Unfathomably cringe faggotry (left)
This shit is made for obese carb kaiju who need to larp to remember they're men, as their dicks are too far buried in the rolls to suffice as proof.

>> No.21247645


>It had to be this way.

Only works if you actually managed to put these "lessons" into the right context. Fatalism isn't exactly the way to do so ...

>> No.21247723
File: 100 KB, 917x329, daughter-nightmare.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You are living someone else's nightmare.

>> No.21247740

Fuck that would have hit me hard 3 years ago, good thing I can manage my anxiety and stress now. Also talked to random women and got their number and some hugs, but I realized it's pointless since I don't have any money to raise a family.

Raising a daughter must be headache though.

>> No.21247748

Reminds me when I found out my life so far would have led many people to suicide, at least I got that going for me

>> No.21247758

I feel ya, anon.
I figure the woman I was meant to meet either killed herself, or married some handsome asshole that treated her like shit, blackpilling her against men forever.

>> No.21247848

I always worry she was aborted, but I think she’s still out there

>> No.21247868

It's too late for me to start a family, so it doesn't matter if she's out there.

>> No.21247880

Gayest shit i’ve read all day

>> No.21247885

don't be so sure, there are plenty of busted 35 and 40 year old women out there ready to settle down

>> No.21247891

>dyed hair
>ten million opinions about useless bullshit
>entire personality constructed around social media for 10+ years
>bitter nobody wants her and her life turned out this way
>takes it out it on you, the one person who does want her
fuck that, let her have her cats

>> No.21247900
File: 203 KB, 778x1024, national-lampoon-dog.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Family is more than a wife.
It involves having kids and building a life together.
Definitely too late for me.
All I have to look forward to is retiring, so maybe I can do something I want to do for once.
But the economy and my 401K are shitting a brick, so that's probably out.
No wonder I'm left with nothing but shitposting on 4chan.

>> No.21247903
File: 144 KB, 1000x1000, jenna-abff9b33a6d74cc686865ac05c3ab46c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nah man, I'm talking about women like pic

>> No.21247910

>posts a bloke

>> No.21247914

I'll be your son, anon. I'll disappoint you even harder than I disappointed my real dad.

>> No.21247915

(pbuh) fag

>> No.21247931
File: 428 KB, 1275x1650, radar coordinates.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>wanting a hopeless last stand instead of a high-stakes mission behind enemy lines
>wanting a gentle mommy instead of a cocky monstergirl futa (emphasis on the MONSTER, none of that "anime girl with cat ears" weak ass shit)
To each his own, I suppose.

>> No.21248001
File: 507 KB, 1601x2000, 1648327427488.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why stop there?
If I can become rich, I can land someone like picrel, without even being attractive myself.
That's no less realistic than ever being able to retire some day, so why not dream.

>> No.21248009

>fighting for/against ukraine

>> No.21248016

The bloodbath fantasy is there all right but my right-hand panel is me domming some kind of nasty female monster into submission (lovingly) and achieving multiple simultaneous orgasms with her in a mating press.

>> No.21248046

>I can land someone like picrel
that's a prostitute, you don't "land' that, you rent that.

>> No.21248048

>no one has recommended or even named a book so far

>> No.21248058

yeah bcause the thread itself is fucking stupid

>> No.21248084
File: 141 KB, 1069x1069, south-park-butters-pimp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

“Kyle, every boy pays for kisses. Do you know what I am saying? If you’ve got a girl, and she kisses you, sooner or later you’re paying for it. You’ve gotta take her out to lunch, take her to a movie, and then spend time listenin’ to all her stupid problems. Look, look at Stan right there. Why he’s gotta sit there and listen to her stupid motherfuckin’ problems ‘cause she kisses him. If you ask me, that’s a lot more than the five dollars my company charges.”

>> No.21248089

Maybe no one here reads those kinds of books.
Have you tried Reddit?

>> No.21248142

>Have you tried Reddit?
I don't want to create an account in a chinese data gathering website moderated by convicted pedophiles and human traffickers


>> No.21248156
File: 46 KB, 788x699, pepe-greenglow.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So you'd rather post on a forum with all the same problems except you don't have to create an account?

>> No.21248159

Moby Dick and The Count of Monte Cristo.
There, you have two now.

>> No.21248162
File: 99 KB, 297x244, Good_Ol_Days.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not fighting every time you can
Give war a chance!

>> No.21248214


>Moby Dick
From the excerpts i've seen here it sounds boring

>and The Count of Monte Cristo.
Have seen the anime, trying to figure out which version i should pick


>> No.21248228

>chinese data gathering website moderated by convicted pedophiles and human traffickers
Just remember the reason 4chan hasn't been taken down is that it's a front for alphabet soups

>> No.21248257

Exactly. You're not anonymous to *them*.

>> No.21248415

dont care, alphabet soups can kiss my ass for all i care

>> No.21248443

>A Guenon thread died for this.

>> No.21248510
File: 554 KB, 982x565, Screenshot_20220907-025215.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not even a tough guy, but Jesus people this is fucking pathetic. Mommy figures are for children, not for adult men. You can still find plenty of emotional consolidation, respite, and love within male comradery and in adult relationships with women, but obviously it won't be in the form of this shit.

>> No.21250142


>> No.21250148


>> No.21250165

Amor fati is about having an undiagnosed neurosyphilis infection and being driven to the brink of insanity with nonsensical, irrational metaphysical imaginings caused by your progressive neural degeneration which is unable to differentiate logical from illogical.

>> No.21250295

>still posting the Nietzsche syphilis myth it's been confirmed false for years now
go be a pseud somewhere else thanks

>> No.21250382


>> No.21250751

Can't you just accept that at that very moment you decided it was the best choice, and at the present moment you wouldn't make a similar choice?

Fuck's sake.

>> No.21251008

mommy mommy gimme gimme milky milky

>> No.21251033

I was going to tell OP to kill himself, but when you put it like that....

>> No.21251833

hugging and resting your head on your gfs chest or belly is the most relaxing and enjoyable thing in the world.
it should be a human right. I get why japs pay women just to hug and not simply to fuck.

>> No.21251924


>> No.21251926

Your gf doesn't actually respect you because you showed emotional vulnerability.

>> No.21251989

i choke slap and spit on her.
she knows her place.

>> No.21252051
File: 2.09 MB, 5700x1824, bloom-county-03-233-great-snake-massacre.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sadly, the fantasy usually turns out to be little more than this.

>> No.21252070

>I got to sit home and jerk off all day while the government paid me AAAAAAAA I'M GOING INSAAAAANE

>> No.21252073

I remember that a good looking popular girl in high school started being really nice to me when I have never talked to her before, and it horrified me because I realized that I must have come off as the most likely student to commit suicide or something, and they sent her in to try, or she took it upon herself to preemptively stop it.

>> No.21252090
File: 2.21 MB, 4500x3288, bloom-county-03-235-postmodern-personal-ad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

...and the second fantasy, more like this.

>> No.21252112

more like
>Any books with charlatans like this
get a grip boe, fuck some pussey

>> No.21252283
File: 58 KB, 528x522, pepe-lel-point.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>telling a 4chan poster to get laid

>> No.21252299
File: 1.06 MB, 1366x2048, 16655068763610.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>dying for le greater cause (tm)
>getting consoled by a talking uterus
Those are dreams of a child, not a man. A man's true dreams is to vanquish his foes and to find a sweet boy to imbue with his wisdom and his seed.

>> No.21252403
File: 48 KB, 600x650, 1655056124955.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Mfw people at the start of lockdown were having mental breakdowns but I'm nodding along and smiling because literally nothing in my regular routine has changed and I'm realising that what I call "my life" is what other people call "hellish solitary confinement."
And they said 4chan wouldn't prepare me for the real world. Who's laughing now, you normie fucks.

>> No.21252488
File: 185 KB, 500x375, tumblr_lysdeyme721qfxv5io1_500.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A bit of advice anon keep your feelings to yourself and don't be overtly sentimental to an audience of deaf ears

>> No.21252531
File: 87 KB, 828x828, f586e1e4aa221ad8886951dc80da0150.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you were (are?) literally this guy

>> No.21252532
File: 909 KB, 685x787, 1666914703825102.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I do not understand why anyone would want the fantasy of the right
Even when i was with my ex, i wasn't emotional and never wished to express emotions. Is it just a mommy kink or do people really want to share emotions with others?

>> No.21253134

The difference between your life and the football player article you linked is that the teenager had something before the pandemic and government imposed authoritarianism drove him to suicide while you never had anything to begin with and were comfortable with that.

>> No.21253145

zoom zoom zoomie

>> No.21253156

Both of these are fucking cringe.

>> No.21253300
File: 4 KB, 200x194, 849819f66db7a6d0b1bebbbf842f113c--look-at-funny-things.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.21254224


>> No.21254737
File: 18 KB, 600x350, m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.21254765

How do I start with the Greeks?

>> No.21254846
File: 84 KB, 600x681, pipe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.21255218

Who tf wrote this gay shit? Terrible execution, anime does a better job

>> No.21255633

>teenager kills themselves because of a first world problem
The weak get culled, that's just how it is

>> No.21256062

Hesiod, Homer.

>> No.21256348


>> No.21256447

The scenario on the left is only feasible if you are a cute teenager boy being cuddled by a young adult woman.

>> No.21256454

Ops, I meant the scenario on the ight

>> No.21256793

Your genetic line ending is a culling of a sort