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21245815 No.21245815 [Reply] [Original]

The more I read it the more things I understand and notice, I literally feel in head like my mind is getting a deep cleaning with the purest water while I read it too.

Even stranger, the more I live vicariously in that ancient world through the letters the more I feel like I'm becoming some sort of a refined caveman frfr. Having a beard to touch really enhances the experience along with listening to this ( https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7eNs6rRd9qQ ) every so often.

I started with 5 minutes a day but now I'm thinking of increasing that to 2 hours. I highly recommend the book.

>> No.21245853

yep, its probably the most studied piece of literature, you have so many resources you couldnt even exhaust in a lifetime.

>> No.21245921

it's a cool fanfiction about your rulers

>> No.21246313

>it's a cool fanfiction
Fanfiction about what? What is the canon?

>about your rulers
Why do "the rulers" seem to be hell-bent in making people not believe and not follow that so called fanfiction though? I thiink it is true and makes you and your clan strong, makes you tribal, goes directly against humanism

>> No.21246321
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>> No.21246572

You like incest, do you?
From Genesis 19:
[30] And Lot went up out of Zoar, and dwelt in the mountain, and his two daughters with him; for he feared to dwell in Zoar: and he dwelt in a cave, he and his two daughters.
[31] And the firstborn said unto the younger, Our father is old, and there is not a man in the earth to come in unto us after the manner of all the earth:
[32] Come, let us make our father drink wine, and we will lie with him, that we may preserve seed of our father.
[33] And they made their father drink wine that night: and the firstborn went in, and lay with her father; and he perceived not when she lay down, nor when she arose.
[34] And it came to pass on the morrow, that the firstborn said unto the younger, Behold, I lay yesternight with my father: let us make him drink wine this night also; and go thou in, and lie with him, that we may preserve seed of our Father.
[35] And they made their father drink wine that night also: and the younger arose, and lay with him; and he perceived not when she lay down, nor when she arose.
[36] Thus were both the daughters of Lot with child by their father.

>> No.21246617
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>You like incest, do you?
>From Genesis 19:
See the commentary, they thought the entire world was destroyed. If you want to know what God considers good and thus what you should do, read what the law is in Leviticus and Deuteronomy (Leviticus 18 and Deuteronomy 23 for example)

Even what seems easy to understand to me really isn't comprehensible to some people it seems, specially if you already have a deep hatred against what you're reading, hence why we need to read things with the rabbis commentary

>> No.21246631

If they thought the world was destroyed, then who were their children supposed to marry & procreate with?
Face it, this is plain-up nasty incest, advocated by your holy book.

>> No.21246636

>the law in Leviticus
Yeah, great law.
13.45: And the leper in whom the plague is, his clothes shall be rent, and his head bare, and he shall put a covering upon his upper lip, and shall cry, Unclean, unclean.
I could be wrong...perhaps this is how we should have dealt with COVID.

>> No.21246645

>If they thought the world was destroyed, then who were their children supposed to marry & procreate with?
They should have consulted God before anything and trusted Him alone instead of their own thinking, that's one point

>Face it, this is plain-up nasty incest, advocated by your holy book.
Your point is nonsensical if you read the rest of the book like Leviticus 18 and you're a hypocrite for your morality is subjective, your worldview has no god and everything is relative, yet you condemn the Bible for the morality you think it has, you are wicked and a liar

>> No.21246661
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I don't know what translation you're using but tzara'ath is not leprosy

More importantly, you not only are ignorant about the book you're criticizing but also you are dishonest since the chapter I gave you refutes your initial statement that claimed God supports the type of incest you mentioned yet you don't acknowledge it since you are not seeking the truth, but only trying to discredit something you hate because you are wicked and you hate good and being told to be good. You want to live without rules, without guilt, without punishment for your actions, without being told you are wrong and that you are not always right.

>I could be wrong...perhaps this is how we should have dealt with COVID.
We whom? Just take another booster of that science juice you idolize

>> No.21246664

You are jumping to conclusions madly and resorting to ad hominem attacks.
Is this how you gain converts to your cause?
Because I have my doubts it'll work.
The quote is from the KJV.
>science juice
More jumping to conclusions and ad hominem attacks.
I would venture your proselytization is a great disappointment to your god.

>> No.21246702

What language are you reading it in? If it's in English, what translation are you using? I tried to read it (JPS translation) and although I liked some parts of it, I found it more often than not a little dull.

>> No.21246724

>You are jumping to conclusions madly and resorting to ad hominem attacks.
An attack on your character isn't an ad hominem since in case you didn't reazlie there is an argument in all my posts. Also, I'm not attacking you, I'm describing what you are and what you do.

>Is this how you gain converts to your cause?
I'm not trying to convert anyone to a cause as opposed to the humanists. Almost the entirity humanity was wiped out once, so God doesn't need more than a couple people to start a nation, actually He doesn't ened even a human, he can create another if He wants.

>The quote is from the KJV.
And? Why is that supposed to mean anything? The KJV is an English translation of a hebrew book written in an oriental culture.

>I would venture your proselytization is a great disappointment to your god.
I'm not proselyting, I'm telling the truth as I see it, as opposed to you, which indeed is trying to convince someone to join your humanistic ways of thinking and thus damn themselves in this world and the next by living a lawless life.

Chabad's translation with Rashi's commentary.

The interpolated version is really good too if you want to understand everything without working throught he commentary and comparing it to the text

>> No.21246750

I am seriously stunned that /lit/ now has at least 3, if not more, people who have been intellectually justified by the Holy Spirit to understand Scripture and also communicate it. The prose of someone like that is just so clearly pure and full yet with the edges all aflame. Proud of your work, OP, and seriously so amazed at the era it feels like is being beckoned in by God.

>> No.21246862

Yeah last Spring I casually started my own refinement to a translation of a portion from the book of Numbers (3:14–4:20) which I sought to make more faithful to the source language while still retaining a classic literary English style which I'd say it was a pretty amusing endeavor.

>> No.21246867

Thank you anon though I don't even know what prose means

>> No.21247016

>I'm describing what you are and what you do
Except that you're dead wrong, and therefore, are acting like an arrogant jerk.
This is exactly why so much of the world has moved on from invisible-sky-god religions.

>> No.21247170

That's because it's an ancient chain letter. It threatens the reader and promises good fortune if they spread the message, bad luck and illness if they don't

>> No.21247389

>Except that you're dead wrong, and therefore, are acting like an arrogant jerk.
Sorry then

>This is exactly why so much of the world has moved on from invisible-sky-god religions.
To it's own detriment I assure

>> No.21247434

>Sorry then
Is that what you say to the infidels, several months after you've burned them at the stake?
>To its own detriment
There's only one thing more bloodthirsty than religious people...
...and that's nonreligious people.
Part of me wants to compare the death toll of communism with Christianity or Islam.
The rest of me is embarrassed to share a species with either type of cretin.

>> No.21247459

And what about Jews using genital mutilation and humiliation rituals to suppress and control entire nations of people for the sole end of generating the most degeneracy possible? Christians circumnavigated the Earth, Christians pioneered and mapped the north and South American continents and established the most powerful country to ever exist in history. This was done by God’s will at the hands of His warriors and scientists, to be damned the opposition who attempts to prevent God’s plan. Manifest destiny 2.0 is coming soon

>> No.21247515

>And what about Jews using genital mutilation and humiliation rituals to suppress and control entire nations of people
That only happens in america because of some protestant called Kellogs

>> No.21248051

can someone explain what i'm supposed to be getting out of reading it? i'm a little bit past the parts about isaac. but idk if it's cus i grew up going to church / sunday school so i'm already familiar with all the stories, but it just kinda feels boring and disjointed to me. i was expecting it to be more like the iliad or something where there was more detail to all the stories and stuff. it just feels like disjointed summaries, then random few details about this guy here, then lists of random names and how long they lived, how many children they had, etc. etc. i don't get what i'm doing wrong or thinking about it wrong, but it gets recommended here so often i thought it was going to blow my mind or change my worldview or something

>> No.21248069
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Another fitting to tune to your sentiment.


>> No.21248101
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Here's the tl:dr

>> No.21248132

>can someone explain what i'm supposed to be getting out of reading it?

>i was expecting it to be more like the iliad or something where there was more detail to all the stories and stuff. it just feels like disjointed summaries
It is kind of a summary, it is a book that contains 5000+ years of history after all in a narrative format

It has many more details than you can find at first glance though, for example you can arrive via deduction that Melchizedek is actually Shem, or looking which people of the first generation (Adam and his sons) were around before the Flood. You need to read it 101 times with Rashi's commentary or some other sage.

Some details were only transmited orally too, which you can't find in the Written Torah (like the wars of the sons of Jacob)

>i don't get what i'm doing wrong or thinking about it wrong
Keep reading it, read a jewish translation, do it 101 times

>i thought it was going to blow my mind or change my worldview or something
That only happens if you also compare and apply what you're reading with the world around you and to your life.

Good tune

>> No.21248148

>compare and apply what you're reading with the world around you and to your life
By that metric, God is completely indifferent to our fate.

>> No.21248164

>By that metric, God is completely indifferent to our fate.
Not the case, you're put in the best possible position given your merits and past sins

>> No.21250020

it's a cool fanfiction about your rulers

>> No.21250040

>I feel like I'm becoming some sort of a refined caveman

No, you're becoming what the Bible is designed to turn you into, a petty manchild who demands that his every need is met and has an existential meltdown if he doesn't get absolutely everything he wants

>> No.21250135

Trust in God that He knows the right time to give you things is one of the major topics of the Bible so you're mistaken

Refined caveman in the sense that I feel like the customs of my modern society are alien and even stupid sometimes.

>> No.21250560

OP, you need to read the Qu'ran. Once you start studying it you'll begin to understand how the Bible is essentially a corrupted text. It completely changed my life.

>> No.21250570

>Once you start studying it you'll begin to understand how the Bible is essentially a corrupted text
You do know there are people who argue otherwise right?

>> No.21250581

A lot of people - unfortunately - don't give the Qu'ran the chance it deserves to understand it, because of cultural hatred for Muslims etc implanted by the atheistic American government. There is a VERY good reason for that.

>> No.21250593

The problem I have with muslims is that they consistently lie, are more than willing to use violence and harassment if they can't convince others with fallacies, and are not righteous people at all. The jews are much superior to the muslims in all regards.

>> No.21250596

Do you judge Christians based on Nazis? Do you judge Jews based on the genocidal imperialists in the middle east?

>> No.21250611

>Do you judge Christians based on Nazis?
I jugde christians based on christians, on what they do on a consistent basis and what they say they believe

>Do you judge Jews based on the genocidal imperialists in the middle east?
Those "genocidal imperialists" have claimed explicitly that they are secular, that they want to destroy Judaism

I have seen many videos from david woods (who now has been forced to delete his channell thanks to muslims mass reporting his videos like the bullies they are) which directly show the most proeminent muslim scholars and muslim apologists either lying or contradicting common muslim apologism points like "Yasir Qadhi admits to Muhammad Hijab that the (Quran) standard narrative has holes in it."

>> No.21250614

>Those "genocidal imperialists" have claimed explicitly that they are secular, that they want to destroy Judaism
As usual, a Jew being exactly what you claim to hate... A consistently liar willing to use violence and harassment if you can't convince others with fallacies. Lmao.

>> No.21250618

You sound like a pretentious retard.

>> No.21250667

>"Yasir Qadhi admits to Muhammad Hijab that the (Quran) standard narrative has holes in it."
This is a good video which summarizes the problem in case anyone is interested

>As usual, a Jew being exactly what you claim to hate... A consistently liar willing to use violence and harassment if you can't convince others with fallacies. Lmao.
I haven't reported your posts, I haven't threatened ex-believers with death, I have linked sources that show what I'm talking about. Zionism from it's inception has been a secular movement that sought to make jews get away from their religion is slowly "modernize" (that is, adopt humanistic values and forgo spiritual aspects of religion), much like it had been done with Reform Judaism, Conservative Judaism and now Modern Orthodox.

>Zionism also sought the assimilation of Jews into the modern world. As a result of the diaspora, many of the Jewish people remained outsiders within their adopted countries and became detached from modern ideas. So-called "assimilationist" Jews desired complete integration into European society. They were willing to downplay their Jewish identity and in some cases to abandon traditional views and opinions in an attempt at modernization and assimilation into the modern world.
>A less extreme form of assimilation was called cultural synthesis. Those in favor of cultural synthesis desired continuity and only moderate evolution, and were concerned that Jews should not lose their identity as a people. "Cultural synthesists" emphasized both a need to maintain traditional Jewish values and faith and a need to conform to a modernist society, for instance, in complying with work days and rules.

When jews become immigrants anywhere, rape and murder don't increase to alarming levels, can't say the same for muslims now can we? The only people who actually give a damn about following the laws given by God at mount Sinai seem to me to be the orthodox jews and "judaizer" christians like pastor Dowell. Muslims seem more concerned with domination through any means possible, and then slowly removing anything that opposes them through taxes and persecution (see coptic christians and christians anywhere where muslims became them majority really).

>> No.21250694

I'm sorry if that's the impression I gave, I just shared my personal experience

>> No.21250703

War is common to all ideologies with political power, nations and tribal groups, but not all of them are elevated in mind and spirit.

>> No.21250733

ITT: JIDF and sandniggers.

Burn the shameless agents of orthodoxy.

>> No.21250749

> this is plain-up nasty incest, advocated by your holy book.
Kek, what?
Does it also advocate for the blasphemy of God, for the worship of Astarte and Baal, for murdering your brother, for killing of saints and prophets. How one dimensional your brain has to be that you think that whatever is described in the book is advocated by it?
>and trusted Him alone instead of their own thinking, that's one point
And it can be seen in the sane chapter when Lot refused angels' proposal to go up the mountain, which symbolized further enlightenment, and trusted his own reasoning more thereby neglecting the providence.
>You are jumping to conclusions madly
How? He simply called you what you are, a wicked liar, for you have said that incest is advocated by the Bible.
>Is this how you gain converts to your cause?
Certainly not by being dishonest and trying to artificially appeal to them, for whether they accept God or not is entirely up to them, it can't be forced. And who's trying to convert you?

>> No.21250818

> It threatens the reader and promises good fortune if they spread the message, bad luck and illness if they don't
Where? The Jews aren't even allowed to teach the Torah to the goyim.

>> No.21250828

It's that easy to expose bible faggotry

>> No.21250830


>> No.21250839

>accusing with no proof
Another favorite of bible fags

>> No.21251182
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Er, no.

>> No.21251193

>advocating incest
The Bible did that by not showing that Lot's daughters suffered any consequences for their actions.
Also, the descendants of one were called the Moabites.
One famous Moabite is Ruth, and she's an ancestor of Jesus.
Sounds to me like the Bible fully endorsed the incest.

>> No.21251203
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>> No.21251228


>> No.21251328

No, it isn't, your book literally promises eternal life in paradise if ypu subscribe to it. You're just coping

>> No.21251655

This is "silence is racism"-tier of argument. The Bible story of Lot ended there, why does it have to show any consequences? Moreover the incest itself was a consequence of relying on own judgement neglecting providence. Furthermore incest was explicitly banned in Leviticus and Exodus. Can you give a single historical example where someone thought incest was okay based on Lot's story?
>One famous Moabite is Ruth, and she's an ancestor of Jesus.
So? Another ancestor of Jesus was Rahab the harlot. Does it mean the Bible advocates fornication and whoring? And the fact that Judah was the ancestor of Jesus means that the Bible advocates selling your brother into slavery?

>> No.21251953

opinion discarded
>incest was explicitly banned in Leviticus and Exodus
ex post facto laws
>name someone thought incest was okay based on Lot's story
Lots of creepy grandpas living in the middle of nowhere

>> No.21251960

Agreed OP, i started reading it to plow through the rite of passage that is the bible, the cornerstone of western literature. The more i read, the more i started appreciating it, it became comfy and intensely interesting. I can honestly say that i love it.

>> No.21252028

>Lots of creepy grandpas living in the middle of nowhere
You seem to be a product of such a union.

>> No.21252186

>thinking anyone cares about British spelling
Your empire is gone. You're just an American missile base now.

>> No.21252423
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>The Bible did that by not showing that Lot's daughters suffered any consequences for their actions.

>> No.21252425
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>The Bible did that by not showing that Lot's daughters suffered any consequences for their actions.
see pic

>> No.21252460

>One famous Moabite is Ruth, and she's an ancestor of Jesus.
She was the woman of a moabite, not a moabite herself, she was an israelite. Deuteronomy 23:3 is proof of that, along with 1 Chronicles 2, Deuteronomy 17, Ruth 1, Deuteronomy 3 and Deuteronomy 29

Someone born in Moab is not the same as a son or daughter of Moab, in the latter case it has the sense of the descendant of Lot, in the former it has the sense it would have if you were born in Mexico

>Sounds to me like the Bible fully endorsed the incest
And you don't like being called for the wicked liar you are? Plenty of posts so far have already cited what God actually ordered concerning incest, I can't believe you think you're not being dishonest by saying the entire Bible endorses something it prohibits in so many places

>> No.21252476
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>No, it isn't
See pic, it is from 1 Chronicles 29

>your book literally promises eternal life in paradise if ypu subscribe to it. You're just coping
What made you think it was a good idea to talk about a book you don't care about with someone who does care about it and does know it more than you do? Why do you have the compulsion to speak against a book you don't follow and neither does 99.99% of the population?

>> No.21252543

>3rd party sources
you're gonna burn

>> No.21252604

>3rd party sources
Jews wrote the Bible in case you don't realize, so what do you mean by third party sources? You need the rabbis to explain the meaning of the text since I'm pretty confident you don't speak Hebrew and neither do I, and I'm sure neither you nor I spend as much time as they did studying the Scriptures.

About the wealth part there are many other sources like Deuteronomy 8:18, 1 Timothy 6:17-19, Proverbs 13:22, Philippians 4:19, Matthew 6:31-33, Proverbs 8:18, 2 Corinthians 9:8, Proverbs 10:22 etc.

I think you have the view of the BIble as a book of a "cult of death", though that is not the case since the point is to have a good life here and in the next despite what you read in atheist memes out there.

>> No.21252624

>Jews wrote the Bible
God wrote the Bible, not man!
You're really going off the reservation here.
Never said I was one.

>> No.21252660

>God wrote the Bible, not man!
The only things God physically wrote were the tablets, the rest God told what to write and Israelites wrote it (or as they are called today, jews)

>Never said I was one.
You have an issue understanding the words you parse
>despite what you read in atheist memes out there.
I said you probably get your criticism from atheist memes, not that you're one, you're probably a larpagan going by what I see in this board

>> No.21252789

The Hebrew Bible is key to understanding the state of the world today. Idolatry is ascendent. We are under judgement. Some things never change.

>> No.21252847

>Idolatry is ascendent

>> No.21252928

“Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength” — this is what God reveals at Mt. Sinai. God is the absolute highest object of devotion, and he has no partners. This includes false gods like Baal, Tammuz, Asherah, etc. just as much as it includes more subtle idols. Physical idols are rarer today, but conceptual idols and idols of things such as exaltation of one’s self as the highest value, or service given in the pursuit of wealth, materialism, government, celebrities, sex, etc. are the idols of today, and are just as much idols that ought to be smashed as abominations that prevent us from having total devotion to God. On top of this, obviously the modern world is slipping into a form of general paganism—this is what the Enlightenment really is, as is covered in books such as that by Peter Gay, and as any analysis of things such as the UFO phenomenon in popular culture and Hollywood will show. It’s just pagan deities in a modern contexts. Modern mythos. Reading the Bible, particularly the Prophets, Kings and Chronicles is amazing, given how we can see people forgetting God, and whoring after idols, descending into a bestial state.

>> No.21252958

I'm not even a Christian (or a Jew for that matter), but you have to be straight-up fucking retarded to think that that passage "advocates incest". Where in the passage does it say that what Lot's daughters did was good? It's just a narrative, describing an event.

>> No.21252981

Listen to OM where reading

>> No.21253028

I"m also working my way through the bible. I'm reading the new american bible. It got really interesting right around proverbs.

>> No.21253649

Good to know, keep at it champ