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File: 183 KB, 775x1024, Napoleonstudy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
21244259 No.21244259 [Reply] [Original]

How do I studymaxx to become the next Napoleon Bonaparte? I'm willing to do whatever it takes. I'm INFJ and a Cancer sun btw

>> No.21244261

Yes, you are a cancer.

>> No.21244265

Why do you choose to be so cruel? Luckily I'm also a Taurus moon so I'm able to withstand your venom

>> No.21244276

Start with the Greeks

>> No.21244279

>next Napoleon Bonaparte
Literally no point. Existence of nuclear weapons makes conquest a no-go, the bond markets can get rid of politicians in a matter of hours, and the mob is no longer conducive to getting behind great men. It's done. We're done, as a species that is.

Just try to distract yourself with those fragments of worthwhile culture and wait out the end.

>> No.21244302

Read Rousseau

>> No.21244310

Read "Industrial Society and Its Future" so you know what you're up against.

>> No.21244314

Wouldn't the modern equivalent of Napoelon( great man from relatively humble origins climbing the ranks of the military aristocracy) be a we educated young man joining the financial aristocracy? Like a genius who works in fintech and is also a 33rd degree mason or something of the sort

>> No.21244352

Dosdoevskii, F _Crime and Punishment_ is pretty much a guide to becoming Napoleon.

>> No.21244355

No, he'd be a Twitter moderator, that being the last bastion of control in our administered society. And what's this? They just got nuked too. It's over, it's done. Make peace with it.

>> No.21244385

Yes, you are a cancer.

>> No.21244435

Raskolnikov does not achieve anything great THOUGH. Al he does is kill one person and confess

>> No.21244464

>Al he does is kill one person and confess
For /lit/ who is sad and pathetic, that is more than enough

>> No.21244509

>Raskolnikov does not achieve anything great THOUGH. Al he does is kill one person and confess
Oh son. The greatest act a man can conduct is confession.

If you want an actual Napoleon though what you do is you get a bunch of ethnic minorities on the margin of a decaying empire; and combine them with modern weapons systems targetted fields that rely on individuated contemporary knowledge in social systems.

Napoleon is a _Corsican_ _artilleryman_. Much like the UK artillery were run by Parliament as a weaponsystem and recruited therefore from the cities.

You'll want to do the sociology of capitalist revolutions with a fixation on the lower bourgeois (kleine not petits). So the Yeomanry, the Cities, the Universities, etc.

You can't become him though, you're already socially retarded because you're posting on 4chan. You are already a failure.

So go accidentally kill a woman and confess and do your 20 years.

>> No.21245052


>> No.21245065

>We're done, as a species
If only we could go out with such dignity. We are not done, far from it. The "man" of the future is the cockroach and his reign will last a millennium of millennia.

>> No.21245070

>correlating typology and astrology
Why are FJs like this?

>> No.21245096
File: 71 KB, 487x785, ED915AB8-579B-4A1B-A788-B9DEB1C55883.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>war is.. le poggers

>> No.21245143


>> No.21245149

Caesar, Cicero, Diderot, Abbe Raynal, Erasmus, Eutropius, Livy, Phaedrus, Sallust, Virgil, Cornelius Nepos' "Lives Of The Great Captains, Racine's Alexandre Le Grand, Horace and Attila, Polybius, Plutarch, Arrian (Anabasis of Alexander), Quintus Curtius Rufus

>> No.21245176

This was the gayest thing I've read today.

>> No.21245181

That's not the point, the world is stagnant, which is why people have to invent issues to make the world interesting (like covid)

>> No.21245223

To what field do you plan to apply your greatness to? The military is not longer that personality-driven

>> No.21245238

>get fake id
>donate sperm under false name
>make virus to sterilise all men
>hack medical databases plant randoError.exe
(designed to randomly swap "inconsequential"information between patients. Don't fuck with obvious end of life info, to avoid being found out too soon)
>hide fabulous progeny among unknowing populous to rise like jesus

captcha: ydooma

>> No.21245674

Honestly I dont know
I just want to be great. I want to effortlessly glide through life and excel st everything I touch. I hate being a cortisolmaxxed cuck. I cant even fall asleep because of my high inhibitions high cortisol incel traits and constant overthinking

>> No.21245715

So it sounds like you enjoy thinking about posting about greatness instead of reaching toward it. Not a good start.

>> No.21245730

you have to understand that all the men who heard of didnt achieve anything all alone. Bonarparte is the product of the french revolution and using it to his advantage. Same thing with all the conquerors before him

Nowadays, the guys who try to thrive on the mediocrity of the generic beta atheist cucks are Jordan Peterson fucking LOL

>> No.21245735
File: 155 KB, 676x380, 1646337533338.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.21245842

Hitler was superior
Schopenhauer agrees

>> No.21245848

xenophons cyropaedia is probably the most important work on this subject. I am certain caesar, hitler, and napoleon himself all read that book.

>> No.21246442

Have you read a biography of Napoleon? It reads as if he was extremely competent in schooling and training but otherwise was a neurotic manic-depressive mess. It was to his great benefit that he found himself in the army young and never left. It put him in a position to rise above.

>> No.21246452

>be a we educated young man joining the financial aristocracy?
There's no point in doing that. They don't have real power. Their decisions are slave to ROI.

>> No.21246485

Napoleon was from a minor noble family, but a noble family nonetheless. Those are all gone. If you look at American politics, for example, what you see is that it's dominated not by nobles, not by state civil servants, not even by wealthy people even though most Congressmen are millionaires eventually by default. It's Ivy League-educated lawyers and their professional networks.

>> No.21246515

The thing about every great man along the lines of Napoleon, Caesar, and Alexander, seems to have fate intervene while they were still in their twenties.

>> No.21246544

You have to 18 to post here.

>> No.21246551

Napoleon was just French Hitler, you don't want to be him because he was a Chud leading a rabble of other Chuds to their doom. Yes, I am Anglo.

>> No.21246566

I'm sorry but in this age, humanity no longer needs Napoleon, humanity needs Jesus.

>> No.21246583

you took the supersoi bait, the book is for whorish women to feel better about wanting to goad men with potential into a perpetual state of compromise. Most of the "great" books aim at this.

>> No.21246836

>Read Julius Caesar
>Read new innovations on military Strategy
>Become a artillery officer
>Write essays about suicide and read a lot of Faust
Its that simple, now you just have to wait for the current political order to be reshuffled in an irreconcilable way that catapults the younger generation into top positions throughout society, while of course, taking immediate advantage of such a situation when it becomes remotely apparent. Only begin reading about Oliver Cromwell when you are seriously considering overthrowing the committee or assembly based government

>> No.21246888

>Cancer sun
It's over.

>> No.21246994

Doesn't Trump kind of satisfy a napoleonic-tier character? I imagine that world conquest in the 1700s isn't a big deal for the common person. The map is always changing, meaningless to you, like a stream: the entire terrain of europe is basically a live game board for the elite class. Only history imparts such destiny unto him, just as it imparts the name of the first man to get to the patent office onto an inevitability. For the sake of the digestion of future peoples of the methodologies of the cause and effect of living history. Nowadays the field of play is different of course. The point of napoleon isn't even the war but the act of the war, right? And the scale? The same can be said of Trump, who is bolstered totally by his loyal adherents, born of memetic chaos. Trump is at the very least the closest modern analogue to a historical man, in the sense he is moulded by history itself.

>> No.21247003

I should add that it's likely Trump will also 'lose' to time, as that is the condition of becoming great in this world. And he will bring apart the political state of the world likewise, with his undoing. It is also, you must admit, necessary that the greatest men of all LOSE because their death is also permission for the best of a nevertheless ageing breed to go out with dignity. Napoleon offers an opportunity to the weary man: your life is now worth it's blood... make it flow.

>> No.21247056

No, not at all. Napoleon was first and foremost a military commander and a man of learning and letters and the modern equivalents of these are war and letters, not business. Trump did go to a military high school, but then an Ivy no doubt not by his own merit, and became a businessman and media personality rather than a military commander. Moreover, Napoleon was only as bold as Trump when he was winning or had won. As a young man, Napoleon appears as insecure, timid, romantic, he spoke of suicide, and feeling as if nothing ever worked out for him. I doubt Trump ever had thoughts like these. If Trump is somehow a modern Napoleon, that's somehow a condemnation of us and our time more than it is for either Napoleon or Trump, I think.

>> No.21247068

Trump is more like one of the many personalities of the Late Roman Republic that appear to us as insignificant among the likes of Gnaius Pompey, Mark Antony, Julius Caesar, and Augustus Caesar but which to their contemporaries were men larger than life. When you study the lives of the people between say, the Gracchis to Augustus, you immediately are struck by just how different Augustus was from all these. Trump isn't that frankly and Napoleon is world-historical person of Augustan rank. There's no equivalence in my mind.

>> No.21247090

New to thread. If no one’s told you already, I’ll repeat.
Napoleon was a man for his time and there’s absolutely no way to recreate that perfect storm that swept him into power. There are thousands of Napoleons in the world right now, all caught up in running businesses, nations, or crime families, even growing past all that and just ruling their own lives, confidently hiking across continents by themselves or some shit

>> No.21247594

>wait for the current political order to be reshuffled in an irreconcilable way that catapults the younger generation into top positions throughout society
That's a really underrated aspect, the French revolution got rid of all the boomers and in its aftermath younger people had a chance to rise rapidly based on their own merit instead of having to wait for decades until it was "their turn".

>> No.21248616
File: 930 KB, 1602x640, WaterMargin.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Five Great Chinese Classics, starting with Water Margin.

>> No.21250213

Nietzsche and Machiavelli