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File: 72 KB, 618x824, christian-bale-the-machinist[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
21240350 No.21240350 [Reply] [Original]

>However, alongside the weight loss, Bale has previously said the diet left him unable to sleep - much like the character he played - and that all he ‘wanted to do was read’.

>He told GQ: "The main point was that somehow losing all the physical weight put all the energy into my brain and so I only slept two hours a night and all I wanted to do was read. And so I would just sit and read endlessly and I found that I could read without stopping or moving or needing a distraction. I could just sit and read for 10 hours straight without moving a muscle."

>> No.21240358

nah, your heart will be beating like crazy

>> No.21240366


>> No.21240409

IDK about reading in specific, but if I fast for a while (like 18 hours) i feel particularly alive and vigorous (and hungry)

>> No.21240426

Where does even fasting end and starvation begin?

>> No.21240517 [DELETED] 


The fact that fasting strengthens the spirit, focuses the mind, and cleanses the body, is a well enough known fact.

>> No.21240524


The fact that fasting strengthens the spirit, focuses the mind, and cleanses the body, is a well enough known thing.

>> No.21240549

Fasting should not make your heart beat quickly anon

>> No.21240574
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It definitely focuses the spirit, at least if you try to hold that inward light while you do it. I'm on day two of a water fast right now. I spend 30% of the year fasting. I'm considering adding a bit more to be close to the divine.

(I've only lost 10 lbs since I started about 4 years ago. Just enough to put me back in my ideal BMI.)

>> No.21240579

B-but winter is for bulking.. how am I supposed to work out if I don't eat?

>> No.21240587

Fasting is the voluntary foregoing of food. Starvation is what happens to your body when it is deprived of chemical fuel. The terms aren't mutually exclusive.

>> No.21240597

Starvation I think is when shit starts breaking down because of either nutrient deficiency or you have literally no fat or muscle left to consume for energy. If you're getting all your micros you can survive for a literal year without eating if you have enough fat, a fat guy actually did exactly this.

>> No.21240925

I found it can make you very calm as long as you're not also very active. There is definitely clarity to it. Just not using the internet for 2 weeks would be better for state of mind, concentration and productivity tho

>> No.21241023
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This is also one of the reasons why I read only upon waking up —beside browsing during the day—, and, afterward, do some other physical activity before eating: there is no better breakfast than black coffee, and no better way to feel one's spirit than unbloated.


You should also become vegan, and take cold showers everyday, if you are not/do not already.

>> No.21241054

I'm so ashamed of myself for ever getting fat I've been neglectful to my own body now I have horrible scars from my skin stretching. Any book to help me cope with this? I've been a fool and a coward.

>> No.21241076


I managed to accidentally waste myself down to 58kg as a 187cm man due to work and stress. Even with that little amount of emaciation, I still experienced cognitive and physical difficulties. It was difficult to read anything without either losing concentration or wanting to sleep. I also found that I was far more impulsive and emotional than normal. Any level of physical exertion was difficult, and would leave me wanting to immediately go to sleep.

An interesting experience, but not one I'd ever want to experience again.

>> No.21241117

/fit will help

I lost 4st once I hated myself enough.

I come to /lit to heal the mental scars of the process.

>> No.21241206

I have never eaten meat, but I'm not going to take a cold shower. I'm not in it just for the self flagellation.

>> No.21241236

i get cranky, tired and lazy when starving myself

>> No.21241273
File: 441 KB, 426x521, revolvvlvs – crepuscular (ef)fusion – aetheropressurization – metarteriogenesis.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I have never eaten meat

Good, but veganism consists in abstaining from ingesting, wearing, using any animal derived products in general.

>I'm not in it just for the self flagellation.

It is not merely like that; it is done to render distance, and to build resistance, without unnecessarily damaging the body; to improve breathwork, and ae(the)ropressurization; the colder the water, the closer it is in inverse intensity to fire.

Cold straightens, as silence vastens.

>> No.21241321

it's why wizards are often weak in STR and strong in INT

>> No.21241416

>chemical fuel
midwit detected, it's called food or nutrients

>> No.21241546

nah, your heart will be beating like crazy