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21237508 No.21237508 [Reply] [Original]

Why do women love true crime?

>> No.21237526

why do children love toy shop catalogues?

>> No.21237528

women want novelty and excitement and a deep emotional attachment with violent deranged men

>> No.21237533


>> No.21237552

Because they were told to.
They don't truly love/enjoy/understand it, of course.

>> No.21237591

Of course women want to associate with rage and crimes of passion. It mainly helps them hone their own persecution complex (stalker stories). She needs every benefit of every doubt to go her way when the next person gets sick of her meddling and snaps.

>> No.21237603

Because it allows them to vicariously experience the thrill of danger. True crime focuses mostly on the types of crime women are more likely than men to experience.

>> No.21237605

Why do I love watching street fights and footage of Chinese accidents?

>> No.21237609 [DELETED] 

Months ago some anon explained why and essentially it has to do with sex.

>> No.21237613

you have a predisposition to violent behavior, which is what women want. you just need to tap into your violent side and women will find you irresistible.

>> No.21238763

It's basically porn for them.

>> No.21238838

My girlfriend can't fall asleep if she doesn't listen to an audiobook or a YouTube video. It's getting really tiring to listen to all those True crime videos she puts on where this dumb blonde bitch tells murder stories. Definitely isn't a meme

>> No.21238912

Gives me a reality check that anyone could stray towards the path of absolute human depravity. Also women experience a lot of anxious emotions being out in public, learning about what types of behaviour to attach to violent criminals helps to separate the crazy man from the dangerous man.

Inb4 freudian pseudo analysis, leave me alone

>> No.21238927

True crime is Kiwifarms for normal people.

Seeing someone fuck up their life worse than you could ever hope to and feel a little better that you're not such a piece of shit.

Alternatively, you empathize with the criminal a bit too much and grow even more disillusioned with society.

>> No.21238950

they want to be entertained by someone else's suffering but they want that suffering to be real.

>> No.21238972

>all of these posts about women experiencing danger vicariously
guys women love true crime because they love gossip. it's literally just gossip that gets juicier and more salacious with every episode.

>> No.21238990

Why do you care?

>> No.21239002
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>Why do women love true crime?

>> No.21239005

Why not ask a woman that?
No discord troons that haunt this place do not count for obvious reasons.

>> No.21239009

This. You people are fucking nutcases. It has much less to do with serial killer attraction than you think. Look up any comment section to any true crime video on youtube, it's full of extreme moralfagging (understandably so).

>> No.21239011


>> No.21239016

Don't act like this desire is completely alien to you.

>> No.21239022

You're talking about people getting tortured/raped/murdered. What the actual fuck anon

>> No.21239030

A reminder that you are on a website where people casually make jokes about suicide, genocide, pedophilia, bestiality and all sorts of things.

>> No.21239042
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We are killer apes

>> No.21239064

>troon posts for attention
>"teehee as a woman I.. "
>*zero replies

Fukken based

>> No.21239098

A reminder that assuming women - or just people for that matter - take pleasure/comfort/joy in others getting killed, merely because they consume true crime content, is still a sociopathic idea. We know they exist, guys like to seek out the worst of porn and darkweb atrocities and explore the wretchedness of the world. Men and women have equal morbid fascinations

>> No.21239190

We all want to stare the forbidden in the face

>> No.21240515

Women i think do enjoy being manhandled to a degree. They don't want to be raped or killed, but they do enjoy low level forcefulness.

>> No.21241524

>Why do women love true crime?
Because they like to read.

>> No.21241540

>all these emotional answers from men
>forgetting women are spergers
It's because it's detail orientated and littered with counterfactual conditionals.

>> No.21241542

I think it's hard to really explain accurately but I'll try to put it simply.
Crime is just a facet of power in that it represents the ability to break beyond some boundary which, in essence, is all power really is. Women are attracted to power biologically for obvious reasons.

>> No.21242140

you do understand women get wet as soon as they see a convict on tv

>> No.21242149

Does it count as true crime if it’s oppression from multinational corporations and politicians? That’s what I like. I am not a fan of serial killers and the like, that’s too small scope for me.

>> No.21242153
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>> No.21242154

Oh and I forgot to add: true crime is too America-centric. As a non-American I don’t care about that.

>> No.21242189

all women love soap operas, which are 50% sex and 50% crimes+''emotional abuse''

>> No.21242197

Idk. Maybe cause I am not American but true crime being so American centric irks me in all the wrong ways.

>> No.21242220


>> No.21242223

Lazy Masquerade is the best yt channel for international tc and mystery

>> No.21242236

I can fix him mentality.
Even someone as depraved as BTK recieved marriage proposals

>> No.21242242

Ffs people. Not all true crime is about charismatic serial killers. A lot of it is about pathetic incels no one remembers. A lot of it is about MOCKING the criminal.

>> No.21242266

Go back

>> No.21242314

The obsession with true crime™ seems very perverse to me. Here is a video of a woman doing her make up while talking about a high school girl that was raped, tortured and murdered. It's all extremely tastleless but normalcattle are unphased.


>> No.21242329

>true crime & makeup
women are subhuman
she's picked one of the ugliest crimes ever as well

>> No.21242360

>making all sorts of amoral jokes is fine but doing makeup while telling about crimes??? now that's just despicable
Why are chudcels like this

>> No.21242370

>4chan is one person

>> No.21242399

For every woman that salivates at deprivated losers there's a woman that is disgusted at the mere idea of it
