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File: 239 KB, 1200x1799, 1200px-Jordan_Peterson_by_Gage_Skidmore.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
21236457 No.21236457 [Reply] [Original]

No matter how hard you try you can't escape mediocrity. You can even fool everyone around you, but you can never fool yourself.

>> No.21236465

Zizek killed him. Why is he not arrested for so cruelly beating a man?

>> No.21236478
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>> No.21236488

It's so crazy that this guy kickstarted my intellectual journey and now, years later, after doing a ton of reading he seems to me like a complete clown. Fate loves irony, I suppose.
Are you referring to that one Zizev-Peterson debate, or has there been another? I watched the full first debate and they literally barely disagreed on anything.

>> No.21236497

lmao where is this from?

>> No.21236507

Maybe if you're a Jordan Peterson fanboy, you'll indeed never be able to escape mediocrity. In fact, that's what being a lobster is all about, the desire to become profound, while at the same time remaining completely mediocre.

This is exemplified by the phrase 'clean your room'. This may be one of the most middle of the road, meaningless phrases in all of English, and yet lobsters have raised this phrase as the height of human invention. It goes to show what Petersonian philosophy truly is, the most mediocre disguised as the least mediocre

>> No.21236511

Peterson's house. That's how it looks.
Peterson isn't a philosopher retard, lol.

>> No.21236516
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You don't wanna know bucko

>> No.21236520

Maps of Meaning is a gold mine of clowning material, it seems. I remember seeing some leftists shitposting about another section of the book where Peterson describes a dream about his grandma asking him if her pubes are soft or something like that. Not sure if I should be appalled at Peterson's lack of common sense for putting that to paper, or admire his courage for doing so.

>> No.21236534


>> No.21236543

Why is that bad?
Brilliant man suffers for he's alone and misunderstood in his greatness
Stupid man suffers because everyone takes advantage of him
Mediocre man drinks his monster ultra and enjoys a book, content with life around him

>> No.21236654

I'm mediocre today? Ah well.

>> No.21236732
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>Petersonian philosophy
Bruh, he just tells young people to take care of themselves and have some bare minimum level of order in their lives. It may sound ridiculous but at this point "clean your room" is useful advice for the youth which are completely lost.

>> No.21236764

Uhhmmm the youth is lost because of toxic masculinity

>> No.21236893

True in a way, the boomer "masculinity" is kinda retarded and toxic.

>> No.21236922

juden peterstein

>> No.21237264

No that’s toxic femininity

>> No.21237271

>but you can never fool yourself.
But he literally did. He thinks so highly of himself.

>> No.21237286

Every parent gives this advice. No Perterson needed.

>> No.21237382

But I like mediocrity. I don't have the impetus for great actions, let alone change the world. I just want a quiet, peaceful life, bothering as fewer people as possible.

>> No.21238133
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>clinical psychologist who spent decades personally helping hundreds of people severely afflicted by mental illness
>academic who published dozens of widely cited papers ranging in subjects varying from practical counseling, historical/philosophical roots of psychology, research paradigms in neurology...
>research scientist working on the operationalization of personality constructs as well as the neurobiological basis of addiction
>university professor who mentored dozens of grad students into academic, research, and counseling careers
>assisted in the development of software that increases the likelihood of at-risk students reaching graduation as a side project
>accidentally became internationally famous and ended up publishing 2 best selling books (so far) as well as organizing lectures in various countries throughout the world
>he's a drug addict tho!
>his office was messy once!
>er...you don't have a dad!
>er...wash your dick!
>his daughter is a slut!
>he likes the Jews!
>he's controlled opposition!
Still triggering trannies who don't like the truth, libtards who propaganize, racists he won't associate with, and pseuds who can't tell the difference between a media personality and real life.

>> No.21238423

The proper thing to do would be to look at the context in which he is describing those dreams because the vast majority of critics who play gotcha with him are disingenuous retards.

>> No.21238584

You are fully correct. Still, I find it pretty bizarre that he would put stuff like that to paper. I don't think too many people would.

>> No.21238734

50% of the population has an IQ in the double digits. Something being done by "many" people hardly even plays into my value judgements anymore, whether good or bad.

>> No.21238739

nicest thing anyone has ever said to me

>> No.21239121

You are also fully correct.

>> No.21239236


>> No.21239512

Based, refute those bitter bioleninists

>> No.21239539

mediocrity meme is retarded. good ideas actually present themselves better in bad writing.

>> No.21240578

Didn't he say he has in excess of 160 iq points? High iq midwit

>> No.21240582

ima real nigga doin reall nigga thangs

>> No.21240602

can i have a nazi bf?

>> No.21240643

Same bro. I read stuff from him and those in his circle (i.e., Ben Shapiro) in college and can't help but cringe when I think of it. I have a separate box in my basement of these books because I struggle to get rid of books in general, but don't want to see them on my shelf.

>> No.21241012

>be anon
>[midwit reading talking head shit]
>can you not see how different, edgy, and smart I am?!
>oh no, my behavior is cringe?
>I'm so above that now...
>can you not see I've grown?!
>I'm a bigger person and so much smarter than people like Peterson!
>[actually learned nothing]
>[pats himself on the back over "critical" understanding of books meant for general audience]
>[still internalizing the opinions of others]
Kek, you're pathetic.

>> No.21241040

Yeah, I only have something like 30-50 books so I keep everything on my shelf, but the Peterson stuff goes in the far back section which is not visible from within the room unless you lean over to look at it lol.
In what direction have you headed since you discarded the Peterson/Shapiro stuff? I am going to be frank and say that for me both of those guys actually helped a lot with breaking me out of my previous opinions, so my experience with them is technically positive, but now I basically disagree with everything they say.
Why are you writing fanfics about anon? Isn't that kind of weird?

>> No.21241046

>Why are you writing fanfics about anon?
Stay mid.

>> No.21241067

There's no such thing as

>> No.21241078
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>"Stay mid."

>> No.21241080

To be medicore is to relinqush one's freedom; many relinquish certain liberties, but few keep their freedom intact, and excel.

>> No.21241101

>still seething

>> No.21241124

>still seething

>> No.21241139


>> No.21241203


>> No.21241246

>see what I did there?

>> No.21241250

>obviously doesn't see

>> No.21241290

>y-you just didn't get it

>> No.21241311

The reasons you listed are all god reasons to ignore his shit. He doesn't even take his own advice and people unironically think he has the key to life itself. I can respect the hustle, but I have zero respect for the idiots that finance the hustle because he's not even attempting to hide the fact that he's a con artist

>> No.21241325

Oh boy coin toss time, time to see whether these uninformed opinions are coming from a dilating tranny or a seething white nationalist.

>> No.21241328

>still seething

>> No.21241335

>has to repeat himself (which was just repeating me in the first place)
Unbelievably mid.

>> No.21241337

How does it feel sucking the dick of a man you don't even know? I'm not an absolute faggot like you so I wouldn't know, let alone ever want to figure out.

>> No.21241338

Holy shit anon. You really set him off.

>> No.21241339

Unironically get a hobby bro I have shit to do I can't humour your dumb ass all day.

>> No.21241343
File: 24 KB, 220x183, Trollface_non-free.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.21241344

I'll say it each time I see these Peterson spams: Peterson is simply a pseud necessary for certain laymen to start waking up. I tried rereading 12 Rules and I now see it's typical self-help schlock but it was the schlock I needed to move on to actual thought years ago. He's a gateway authir, like Harry Potter is to literary fiction (although the masses tend to just remain at the base levels rereading essentially the same works ad infinitum with HPtards rereading YA and 'adult' genre fantasy and Petersontards listening to whichever pseud grift is in vogue whether it's Peterson, Shapiro, Milo, etc or ye olde youtube skeptics/antifeminists)
Whoever keeps making these threads, stop, please stop. It is obvious Peterson is pseud but that he had merits. That's all that needs to and has been said and these threads should be deleted by the mods whenever they appear in the catalog.

>> No.21241360

>can you not see how edgy/smart I am?
>this behavior is cringe...
>can you not see I've grown?!
>I-I'm better than this!
>[actually learned nothing]
Get it now, faggot? Thanks for playing along.


>> No.21241382

You write like a tranny.

>> No.21241397

Yeah I agree anon, Peterson is in my opinion the best pseud we've had in years. There's not much you can typically expect from public intellectuals, but Peterson's style and general orientation means that if you have a serious interest in important subjects, he will get you to start thinking, and that's the most important part - what he actually says and believes is totally irrelevant. For example, in retrospect that Jungian stuff is total nonsense, but the fact that it got me seriously thinking about the meaning of myth, religion, spirituality etc played a very important role in my development, without which I would be a totally different person.
Anon all you've been doing this entire thread is crudely implying that everyone else is a retard with a sense of inflated self-importance who easily succumbs to peer pressure. I didn't succumb to yours, and still do not. If anything, you self-own yourself - it is hard to escape the profound irony of you thinking that your transparent larp makes you some above-it-all, mysterious and self-aware intellectual in position to give his ineffable teaching to us non-understanding midwits. In reality, your desperate urge to affirm your own self-importance and undeserved sense of your own intelligence is almost blindingly painful.
Thanks for playing along. Low.

>> No.21241414

>>harvard professor

You know what... I am a lefty, I used to get mad at Jordan Peterson, but people are being so retarded about this that I'm really starting to slack on that position. This is stupid.

It is ridiculous to me, too, that you would take your little resentment for a stranger and use it as motivation to DISCOURAGE OTHER PEOPLE. As weak and buglike as that would be on its own, you take it further, and do so with a lie of all things. And a lazy one at that.

No matter how hard you try you can't escape mediocrity? Sure you do, that is how life is and it's obvious to anyone with the slightest experience in the world. You would prefer to believe that your life is unchangeable and preordained because to believe otherwise makes you accountable and puts a task in your hands that you aren't able to handle. The weakness here is one thing, but the ugly part is that you really want other people to stay down. Why?

>> No.21241422

>blah blah blah
I'm not reading all of that, sperg. You're mid. Cope.

>> No.21241479

Projection: The thread

>> No.21241481

you know he's not reading your thread, right?

>> No.21241505

On the contrary, you read it, and are already crying. I'll leave you to that anon! I've got good /lit/ to read.

>> No.21241683


>> No.21241737
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>This is exemplified by the phrase 'clean your room'.

>> No.21241806

12 rules for life is written for a popular audience. read maps of meaning

>> No.21242930


This is true. Jordan Peterson is a great example of this.

>> No.21243592

>announced he was leaving

>> No.21243598

Perhaps their parents never told them to clean their rooms

>> No.21244679

This man said "have the courage to say redicilous and embarrassing shit just in case you're not wrong" and stuck by it.

>> No.21244808

Where do you go after Peterson?

>> No.21244972

The reading list on his website is pretty based. He changed it from being academically oriented to lots of fiction and general audience shit after he became famous.

>> No.21245470

What a retarded person you are.

>> No.21245530


>> No.21245558

Dostoevsky. Always Dostoevsky.

>> No.21245811

> need to reply to me after 11h

>> No.21245905

Why do people pay attention to this pseudointellectual hack?

Besides he talks so fast and in such a robotic fashion his words are incomprehensible.

>> No.21245911

Celebrity is often a sign of mediocrity, the true greats always being misunderstood and demonized by the masses.

>> No.21245916

I have a confession to make. For me, it was Sargon of Akkad who made me want to become well read. In like 2013 - 2015 he was reading stuff like The Wealth of Nations and (infamously) John Locke and it motivated me to read the source material itself to form my own opinion. Years later, I have read everything from Smith to Marx to Hayek to JSM to Hobbes to Hume etc. and essentially I now stand in complete opposition to his current viewpoints to the degree that I can't even stand him any more. The Austrian school of economics is trash and the single greatest threat to human freedom is centralized capital and it's capture of government.

>> No.21245939

>still came back and couldn't just ignore it
>predictable response
I'm not the one who felt the need to annouce he was leaving (twice), faggot. I actually left because toying with you got boring. You're boring. You're mid. I now give you my permission to take the last word (we both know it will just be recycling one of my insults/"no you" again--because you're mid).

>> No.21246107

Did you samefag? Because the first post wasn't me lol. So either you're so desperate you are samefagging or some other anon is pulling your chain.

>> No.21246114

Yeah life works in mysterious ways lol. For me, I had to read the first liberals like Mill and all the rest when I was studying history at uni so I never really fell for the liberal meme. Those guys were the most boring and incoherent folks I have had the displeasure of reading.

>> No.21246116

What political philosophy do you subscribe to?

>> No.21246225

My own. My principles and values are all Traditionalist (via Evola), but when it comes to the modern state and to policy, I think we need various anti-capitalist reforms, including socialist ones.