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21235277 No.21235277 [Reply] [Original]

/wwoym/ Chicke Longships Epics edition

Previous thread >>21227446

>> No.21235292

Today I bought chickens. 3 hens and a rooster. I don't know why I do these things.

>> No.21235305 [DELETED] 

>out of uni
>quit job, so unemployed
>no wife or gf
>no creative projects
>no business prospects
I'm that chicken.

>> No.21235331

I envy you. I'm in a theoretically high paying industry but it also tricks you into wasting fifteen fucking years chasing the actual good positions, I'm five years past the point where I would have been a happy normal guy settled down and starting to think about long term goal shit like getting some land out in the country, and I'm still here grinding bullshit 6 month long "rushes" that mean nothing, all so I can theoretically make decent money when I finally reach a good position. But I will probably burn out and quit before then.

If I had just not gone to college at all I would have been some middle manager somewhere by now. Or at least a night security guard with a chill life.

>> No.21235334

It's me again:
Can anyone help me identify a short story collection I used to have as a kid? I don't remember the title or any of the authors.
I only remember one of the story titles: "A tin of sardines"
I've been looking for it for some time but I can't turn up anything on google

>> No.21235338

fuck it man every time I see one of these cool fantasy covers I want to write my novel but when I write my novel I realize I can't write for shit

>> No.21235372

If you're a frequent poster, statistically, someone has probably laughed at or found one of your posts enlightening. It's possible even, that if you post on multiple boards frequently enough, that the same person could have liked not only a post you did on one board, but also a post you did on another or even several other boards as well.
There is, in that case, a person who has enjoyed your posts the most and a person who has enjoyed them across the most boards.
This doesn't count if you're a trip or avatarfag though, it's not special in that case.

>> No.21235407

Have you ever recognized other posters? I am starting to notice writing styles and commonly used pictures they post with.

>> No.21235430

Date of when you read it would help. So would any other details you remember (length, pictures, words per page, characters, anything)

>> No.21235445
File: 144 KB, 1440x1080, pondering crow by Steve GM.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wish I were a happy raven during a time without man. I wouldn't mind being a golden eagle, blue whale, bear, or tiger as well. Being a human being is a pain in the ass. Imagine being a grizzly bear in the Tongass National Forest of Alaska relaxing around a river replete with salmon. Likewise, you likely wouldn't have to deal with issues such as the La Niña without mankind's existence. With time, I become more envious of animals and more bloodthirsty towards people. Granted, I feel great guilt over how industrialization makes life so difficult for non-human animals.
I resonate with Maldoror's dialogue with that human-fish hybrid and later the human-pelican hybrid in Les Chants de Maldoror. In addition, it reminds me of Irish Celtic tale "The Quarrel of the Two Pig-Keepers".
The day will come when I will read about Maldoror killing the young girl and removing her internal organs, and I will not feel anything. Despite this, I will never become callous towards animal suffering. The hatred I have for humanity is so strong that I could torture most of the edgelords here, and then record their cries of agony to listen to whenever I get depressed. A genuine homicidal urge makes you feel like your brain is splitting in two.
I wish I were a raven. Caw caw caw!

>> No.21235460

>raven raven raven
>posts a crow
What did he mean by this? dont torture me and record my cries of agony for therapeutic playback pls

>> No.21235481
File: 70 KB, 256x233, tsuki.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You will never be an academic. You have no talent, you have no mind's eye, you have no attention span. You are a midwit twisted by affirmative action and caffeine into a crude mockery of intellectual prowess. All the 'recommendation letters' you get are pity-borne and half-hearted. Behind your back your instructors mock you. Your research advisors are disgusted and ashamed of you. Your peers laugh at your dull presentations outside of classrooms. Professors are utterly repulsed by you. Dozens of semesters have allowed tenured to sniff out midwits with incredible efficiency. Even midwits who 'graduate' appear talentless and lost to academics. Your GRE scores are a dead giveaway, and even if you manage to get a PI to take you in, he'll turn tail and bolt the second he catches ear of your incoherent, droll monologues.

You will never be cited. You wrench out a thesaurus for every single sentence and tell yourself it's going to be read, but deep inside you feel the impostor syndrome creeping up like a weed, ready to crush you under the unbearable weight.

Eventually, it'll be too much to bear - you'll go on a sabbatical, go to Japan, walk in front of a moving train, and plunge onto the cold rails. Your students will find you, heartbroken but relieved that they no longer have to work under your unbearable advice and management. They'll write an obituary for you on the back of the free campus newspaper, and every reader for the rest of eternity will see your inanity summarized there. Your CV will stagnate and go back to irrelevance, and all that will remain of your legacy is a body of work that is indisputably pointless.

This is your fate. This is what you chose. There is no turning back.

>> No.21235483

Bros, am I the only one who literally cringes whenever they try to "reach around"? It's just seems so cheap and dirty to me.
I always say, "don't!" (only time I get assertive) and I say, "if its good I'll cum on my own" no handy needed.
Plus, if I'm honest, its a massive turn off that they want to service me when I exist to service them ~ <3

>> No.21235484
File: 434 KB, 1920x1080, cute crow couple.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It also wouldn't have bothered me if I had been a crow.
It is a pain in the ass to be human in post-industrial times. I cannot respect a species that creates a system as destructive and anti-life as this technological-industrial one.
I'm a code-monkey slave.

>> No.21235525

I just got into grad school and all I can feel is stress about performing well enough. I am trying so hard to do anything, even just one thing, of significance before I die. I’ve worked nonstop for so many years. Suicidal and working two jobs all through college while trying to work on art. Coming straight out of college into the covid market and working for a call center, self harming daily while on calls because it was so stressful, and still trying to work on art. Moving across the country alone for a job where I now work 60 hours a week and still trying to make art at night. Between art and a job, I’ve been working 70-80 hour weeks for six years straight, my entire adult life. It seems like the harder I try to get enough financial independence to work on art full time, the less time I have to actually work on art. Now I am going to drop all that and just go to grad school for art and go broke. And you know what? The chances are slim as hell that I’ll make anything worth seeing. I want to be excited for this opportunity so I’m putting on a happy face for the people who are congratulating me but the truth is I’m so tired and I’m really scared to fail.

>> No.21235656


>> No.21235692

nice song

>> No.21235757

I took two pfizer vaccines. My left breast (male) feels funny. Am I going to die?

>> No.21235759

>He thinks being an academic means anything

Bro, are you living in the 18th century? Academia is where true art goes to die.

>> No.21235765

if you aren't joking you should really see someone about that

>> No.21235773

The feeling is mutual.
Really, my man, how many geniuses have to tell you that academia is poison for both mind and soul before you get it?

>> No.21235780

Sorry, I'm a retard and thought you replied to someone else.

>> No.21235781

I don’t even have the energy left to be angry. I just miss you. Everything feels so empty and sad. I wish you would respond to me.

>> No.21235807 [DELETED] 

You are invited to visit my thread :)

>> No.21235876

I love these posts. They make me feel content with not being well educated or well employed yet

>> No.21235961

Fuck off with this spam.

>> No.21235981
File: 22 KB, 474x380, apu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I despise academia and acedemics

>> No.21236044

Guitar riffs. Face-melting solos. Improvised jazz licks at 400bpm in a smoky bar with the lights turned low. Blown speakers. The unity of the motion of the fingers and the expression of pure sound. Not thinking, constructing bolts of lightning from the clouds to the ground in one moment, thoughts that brush the world of forms at the liminal place where the tips of the fingers touch the strings, soundless expression of sound, mental vibration, not pure speed or shred worship and not pure sound. God, the ground of being, absolutely transcendent, and the world, absolutely immanent, united in the person-mystery. The form of the Beautiful summoned into the mundane physical plane and beatified, illuminated, upheld, praised by mysterious cooperation with a simple creature who came from dust and who to dust will return. Almost visible, grasping, able to reach into the air and pull it off the molecules like a rich harvest of golden grain, grapes on their vines, Melchizedek the high priest prefiguring the dreadful unity overshadowing simple wine of mere vines reaped and pressed only by hands. In the catacombs, under the streets and markets, in the basements of temples, in harsh caves far from welcoming doors, in blue darkness and hushed, an ear of grain in silence reaped, flour finer than human hands can make, risen bread without leaven. A wooden mug carved by an apprentice, a gilded chalice, two hands cupped, a vessel without entrance or spout-- Now without, exeunt, let us make an end of our prayer to the Lord, that rough beast which slouched naked toward its birth having found cradle, no lightning now but distant thunder and I-VI-IV and all the rest, rites of the equinox wend their way to hibernation, springtime bloomed and long past, to leave the waking hills and journey to that far country asleep under the fields.

>> No.21236081

I quit academia early (after 4 years in college) when I realized it was going to prevent me from having a chill life. What you have described is exactly what I thought was happening during my first internship. I was deeply afraid of being retarded and not up to par with the standards in academia. Turns out that even if you think you are shit at something, it doesn't matter as long as you have a clear understanding of what you are doing and can put it on paper. Failing is the norm, thinking you're retarded and your peers are exceptional is the norm, so just act along. Don't be afraid of doing research because of imposter's syndrome, even a drooling idiot can do research.

Now we come to the second part of your post. I probably would've been a good Microbiologist but research is a sinking hole. My professors were acting flabbergasted I would throw everything, the "dream" to become a simple manager in the pharmaceutical industry. When I told them I knew about the fates of PhD holders in my country (France) they just let me go. I was expected to shut the fuck up and throw my life at research while being underpaid and never able to land a stable job. Fuck "passion", and fuck academia.

>> No.21236098

Grad school for what kind of art

>> No.21236111 [DELETED] 
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>> No.21236112
File: 94 KB, 959x920, 1659456048699.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> When she did not call you and you realize you do not even cross her mind

It is so over.

>> No.21236122
File: 83 KB, 309x302, 1605279609042.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have 0(zero) friends

>> No.21236140

I don't have a creative bone in my body. Practiced calligraphy for years, still have to use an exemplar anytime I practice because my ductus sucks. Practiced guitar since high school, can't improvise to save my life. Practiced writing since middle school, everything I write has the same style as whatever I read last and the ideas I express are about as interesting as the comments on a 16 year old's MySpace page from 2005. I give up. I'm just going to passively consoom media made by actual talented people and forget about trying to make anything myself.

>> No.21236144

>another disillusioned artnarcissist seeking monetary return and ego points for something originally meant to fulfill in and of itself
this is your brain on capitalism

>> No.21236147

How did Nietzsche reconcile Schopenhauer's "will" with his own?

>> No.21236150

I'm worse than NEET. I'm ET (forever in EDUCATION and TRAINING)

>> No.21236156

He didn't, he just repudiates the idea that will is noumenal and instead posits a weird non-material atomism of will. This way wills are not all bound together "as one" as in Schopenhauer's theory, they are fundamentally atomized and eternally separate. I think he writes most explicitly about this in Will to Power which is where most of his metaphysical speculation is.

>> No.21236164

>be me
>giant fucking retard
>like, really fucking stupid
>holy shit I'm such a moron
>what dumb sack of shit
>stupid piece of shit you'll never be anything
>loser, brainless, drooling knuckledragger
>go fucking kill yourself retard

>> No.21236167

---- Solaria ----
(Sprawling angel)

To never delete anything
Is beautifully angelic, rare beyond belief.


>> No.21236170
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>> No.21236174

Do people still pretend that Will To Power is his sister's book, and not honest to God 100% Friedrich's book?
I recall years ago reading it and the "translators notes" and every review stressed how "this isnt FN's book its his sisters she edited it and disfigured it"

>> No.21236175

I think that there is both a noumenal and an atomised, personal will and I am too low IQ to understand why Schopenhauer would deny personal will or why Nietzsche would deny noumenal will

>> No.21236177

I don't in general.. Some of them are superlative when it comes to conversation.

>> No.21236178

I have about 13 uncomplete stories waiting me to give a fuck to start writing. And more work is coming so I would have less time.

>> No.21236184

Nietzsche's personal friend Peter Gast arranged the aphorisms in topical order, his sister proposed the title of the book, which from what I've been able to gather is all she contributed, apart from supporting Peter Gast in his arrangement of the text. The translation notes I read were convinced in this same direction, and convinced me as well based on the evidence they proposed (the fact that we still have the original manuscripts written by Nietzsche, and that there is no textual or physical evidence to support altering, like abnormal or abrupt changes in prose style or content. There is not even any anti-Semitism in the book which one would expect from Elizabeth, it only has Nietzsche's normal views of Wagnerian anti-Semites, etc., as "hypocritical Christians").
In Birth of Tragedy you can easily tell that Nietzsche is still positively under the influence of some of Schopenhauer's ideas, even though he is repudiating his particular view on tragedies. Schopenhauer doesn't repudiate personal will as far as I know, his argument is that individual will is phenomenal. Nietzsche has his own reasons for eventually rejecting it which are more complicated.

>> No.21236225

So I guess the views on WTP have changed then, because I do distinctly recall cope going around how "it isn't reel-nietzsche-book-his-sister-made-it-ree".

I should really read that Standford Nietzsche books or just learn german and read www.nietzschesource.org

>> No.21236236

What I heard was that his sister did edit the book, but the one we have now is the un-sister'd edition.

>> No.21236242

>So I guess the views on WTP have changed then
I doubt it. In cases like this there are almost perpetually people on both sides of the fence. You just have to rely on your own judgement of the facts. You notice a lot in academia that there are weirdly non-self-conscious fights over "claiming" authors.

>> No.21236301


>> No.21236318

---- Soraria----
(Bezos or The Average Oligarch)

Frightening freak of nature
Your best use is to be dissolved into jet exhaust.

You've less to do with science
Or art than ordinary whores.

>> No.21236326
File: 97 KB, 667x527, spurdo tapes.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Standing in the shadows at the end of my bed
Standing in the shadows at the end of my bed
Standing in the shadows at the end of my bed
Standing in the shadows at the end of my bed
The rats and the children will follow me out of town
Rats and children follow me out of town

>> No.21236345

Somewhere above, occasionally below,in the precise volumes of my rooms, I can hear now and then a liitle critter knawing. I wish the little bastard well, and can see him with my mind, but wish still more for institutes.

>> No.21236373

This cannot possibly be true. I cannot possibly produce anything worthy of attention, let alone something amusing — every last bit of me is worthless. Worthless!
*overturns the table, kicks the chair across the room, finds a bottle of rum among the clutter now scattered on the floor, realizes it's empty and smashes it to pieces, steps back until he's pressing against the wall, slides down slowly, starts sobbing, pulls out the phone, puts on "top 500 cheese", breathes steadily, falls asleep*

>> No.21236411

Can't remember. I'm just saying that's what I recall hearing.

>> No.21236432

I'm still worse, a retired cripple NEET. The United States Government is billed to my door about 100K annually in medical expenses and rent subsidies to one of the most peaceful places on the planet. I also own a luxury car in a rare state of preservation If this state ever turns red, which will happen only when Hell freezes over--or the Netherlands succumbs to a dictator--I'll regret it.

>> No.21236436

What? The US gives you 6figs and you live in the Netherlands?

>> No.21236440

It keeps happening that I know the obscure origins of popular meme concepts years before they go mainstream, but it doesn't matter because no one gives a shit.

>> No.21236447

I keep wasting my time by being idle. Nothing interests me.

>> No.21236455

It does give me about that much to live, with huge medical expenses, in one of the most peaceful rural communities in rural northern Illinois. If I were independently rich I'd move to the Netherlands, but I can't, at least not yet. In time you'll see why that is.

>> No.21236463

I think, therefore I reply to this thread.

>> No.21236503

I think I might have been unconsciously part of the clown world meme development in its infancy, or possibly even started it. In an outfit rate thread I posted a clown wig/nose, a trenchcoat, heart boxers, flip flops and a shotgun as a joke and I also made a song called "world of clowns" in early 2018~.
I also made a song called "requiem for a dumb whore" (the title was just random unconscious nonsense) about a week before that girl got her throat cut on /r9k/. That one was a little weird.

>> No.21236518

Prove it. Such talent would be spectacularly valuable, especially to the despots of planetary fame.

>> No.21236541

Really it's just shit that I knew from blogs. I knew about Soilent when it was a Lesswrong thing, PUFA oils when that was a Ray Peat thing, and sigma male when it was a Teddy Spaghetti thing. People treat the blogosphere as a relic today, but ideas from it keep winding into popular discourse.

>> No.21236559

What a waste.

>> No.21236566

If nothing interests you, then you're not wasting your time. Take the zen pill.

>> No.21236581

I am wasting time which is lost forever. Im feel so much regret that I dont think about it.

>> No.21236585

>there shall be wailing and gnashing of teeth
well they were certainly right about that part

>> No.21236590

I've made posts on imageboards that eventually spread to thousands of people, imagine how the wojak guy on krautpol feels

>> No.21236593

Facebook did that memories thing and sent me some posts of mine from 11 years ago, when I was about 14. Anything earlier than that and the person posting feels like a completely different person, but reading these posts from myself at 14 I was struck by how similar the writing style and cadence felt. Twelve year old me on Facebook might as well be an alien, but 14 year old me is recognisable. Weird to think about but that must have been the age when I was starting to become 'who I am' if that makes any sense. Of course I've changed a lot since then, but I guess 14 sounds about right in terms of my personality beginning to solidify what with puberty and everything.

>> No.21236639

im hungover as fuck. shits horrible

>> No.21236720

I think she is onto me I need to be way more careful

>> No.21236750

I've never paid attention to popular discourse except as an index of dead malls and such. Everyone in my family, except for me, works in finance. By now they must bring in about 1M per year, but I never ask them.

>> No.21236758

I lost 800k on ftx

>> No.21236760

Didn't know Tom Brady posts here, cool

>> No.21236763

That's a sad state. These days you'd have to be insane to go wrong.

>> No.21236861
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>> No.21236871

The suicide wills life, and is only dissatisfied with the conditions under which it has presented itself to him. He therefore by no means surrenders the will to live, but only life, in that he destroys the individual manifestation. He wills life—wills the unrestricted existence and assertion of the body; but the complication of circumstances does not allow this, and there results for him great suffering. The very will to live finds itself so much hampered in this particular manifestation that it cannot put forth its energies ... Just because the suicide cannot give up willing, he gives up living. The will asserts itself here even in putting an end to its own manifestation, because it can no longer assert itself otherwise.

>> No.21236944

Corvid propaganda or possibly anti-Corvid false flag?

>> No.21237008

Bru I never said I’d try to make money at it. I’m going broke for a year to good at painting, then I’m going back to working shit jobs while doing it on the side. I didn’t ask anything of anybody. But if I don’t get good painting, well, my life is for nothing.

>> No.21237030
File: 96 KB, 500x175, really not good stuff and i just want to want to die, but i don&#039;t have the will for anything, not even me.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm so messed my heart aches on the wrong side of my chest.

>> No.21237094

I think I'm going to kill myself because of how unhappy I am with how my life turned out. It's not bad objectively, but it's not what I wanted for myself and since I'm not an idiot, I can see it doesn't put me on a trajectory towards that at all.

>> No.21237100

bruh you're going to die anyway just chill and wait

>> No.21237111

For what? If I had lived to 60 already, I might as well just wait things out, but why should I endure a life where nothing works out how it should?

>> No.21237118

because that shit goes quick, 60 or even 100 years is nothing compared to eternity, and you don't know what might change
ride it out and stop being a bitch who is likely stressing out over shit that isn't even real
what is it that troubles you, fren
>muh job
>muh funny paper with numbers
is this at all accurate?

>> No.21237132

I am disappointed and bored with life in general. Sure, it's true that I can't know what might change in the future, but I can't help but see a certain future given how things have gone to this point. If I were a younger man, I might be more helpful, but then I might do things differently. I'm not young anymore and so I have to wrestle with the reality of things as they are, not as I'd have them be in retrospect, and things as they imply certain things about things as they will be. You can at least agree on that.

>> No.21237142

sure, but a man 20 years your senior would say the same thing about himself at your age in retrospect
it ain't over til it's over
even if whatever you want to do isn't exactly how you would imagine you'd do it at a younger age, you can adapt and adjust and also things are never how we imagine them in the first place.

>> No.21237158

Reminder: This sentence is a lie, and you will forget this reminder because it has been reinforced enough so now you won't need a reminder. Also, you must believe in free will because you have no choice
(You just lost The Game)

>> No.21237160

Well, this is the thing. What do I want to do?

>> No.21237169
File: 92 KB, 1000x750, 6346dba0d2050f0011d3f5b2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


These are the books I read this year after not reading books for nearly a decade lol:

The Idiot
Industrial society and it's future
Notes of the underground
Anna karenina
The Brothers Karamazov
War and Peace
Crime and Punishment (up to part 5)

I hadn't read a book in nearly a decade and just charged my kindle seeing if it still worked to sell. Just saw some books and randomly decided to read The Idiot and for some reason really got into it, it genuinely left me feeling really bummed out at the end though. I then got into reading more books. Anna Karenina might be my favourite book I've ever read so far. Im in my 30s and never even heard of it til I read it this year.

After im done with C+P I'm not sure what I should get into. I thoroughly enjoyed Dostoyevsky and Tolstoy and don't know why never attempted to read them even though I've heard of the names. When I started The Idiot I didn't even know who wrote it lol.

But yeah a lot of those books felt like it spoke of shit or had themes/opinions of things I felt inside for some years now, it was weird.

Think that's a good thing or a bad thing?

>> No.21237171

I was under the impression that you knew.

>It's not bad objectively, but it's not what I wanted for myself

>> No.21237177

I think you can say what you don't want without being able to be specific about what it is you do want, and then, there's what we want and what we will have.

>> No.21237215
File: 17 KB, 600x313, c2d11b80-2fd8-0132-4037-0ebc4eccb42f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm starting to waifu pornstars and similar sex workers. But some alternate reality version where they aren't whores but more pure trad girls

>> No.21237220

It's not about performing well; it's about networking. Anything and anyone who might help you book a show or get you money, get on that. Take a business course if you can find one.

>> No.21237219

I'm sorry if this is the wrong thread to post this question, but I'm looking for a highly regarded book that I believe was written by a French author who pretty much talked about this one specific poem.

That's it... the entire book is about how this author dissected and analyzed this poem.

>> No.21237226

These past 3 years have been a wash for me ever since I became a remote worker. I held onto the job because remote work made it easy, but I may as well have been a NEET. It's been a waste of time more or less.

>> No.21237227

I am so fucking anxious I want to die. Not even alcohol is helping. I don't know what the fuck to do.

>> No.21237237

I really do just think this civilization is an unmitigated disaster. Where can dignity and nobility even be lived? Nowhere, I think. Even war is more about gadgets and equations and the pictures I see coming out of Ukraine lately make that conflict look more like a bad car crash on a freeway than a proper war.

>> No.21237272

What are you anxious over?

>> No.21237292

I always feel quite fine on a binge. True I feel a little shaky coming down, but still enjoy enjoy long episodes of dreaming sleep.

>> No.21237302

I have no idea.

I'm not on a binge, that's the problem. I can't drink a lot because I'm actually meeting up with friends in a pub. I'm stuck.

>> No.21237323

Why are Russian women like that

>> No.21237327

something in finance? also your targets of envy probably have ennui. are the night security guards you know or middle managers typically happy with their lives, and if they are, is it due to their careers?

>> No.21237348

I've been considering graduate school, but honestly, the only reason I am even interested in it is that I'm dissatisfied with my undergraduate degree. I could've gone to a good school, but I went to a State school instead, got a degree I didn't want, and didn't get particularly good grades.

>> No.21237352

You shouldn't go to uni if you aren't going to a high paying job like CS or law. Fucking lol at taking debt and opportunity costs for some libshit sciences.

>> No.21237373
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how do I know if Love someone

>> No.21237378

How does that person make you feel? What is it like when you think about them?

>> No.21237386

Law is like Economics. Income stats are bimodal. Degrees in these fields by no means secure a high income.

>> No.21237402

Quitting my job. Taking a year to do nothing but travel and write. Wondering if I can even do this with only $22k in cash.

>> No.21237403
File: 29 KB, 750x718, 1654387427565.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well sir, there's the problem, I don't feel anything, towards anything / anyone, never have.

>> No.21237406

what are you up to now, chief?

>> No.21237433

Then why are you questioning whether you love someone? Who do you have in mind?

>> No.21237510

it gripes me when people call margarine/becel 'butter'

it also gripes me when people say 'creamer' instead of cream

>> No.21237521


>> No.21237541

My best advice on that is to get the exact training you need. If your current degree is serving you well, it doesn’t matter what kind of grades you got or whether it was a prestigious school. If you want to go into a different field, go back for a different field. And if you feel you need more in-depth skills to be personally satisfied (which is why I’m going)…well, it’s a stupid idea financially to go back for that, but it might be worth it mentally. It’s a hard call.

See above - it is a stupid idea financially and I lol as well, but here we are. I’m not doing it for the money, I just can’t live without doing it.

Also see above. But that’s not bad advice and I will definitely try to do that. I at least want to connect with people who are doing similar things and get into some shows.

>> No.21237570

do women understand books when they're alone

>> No.21237607

Well, I don’t need any particular training but I also can’t say my current one is serving me well because I don’t want to do it anymore. However, I didn’t know what I wanted to do before I received my undergraduate degree, and while I do admit I have regrets about it, I don’t think I’d be better off without it per se.

>> No.21237616

Falling in love with a woman online


Man with smartphone is monkey in jail.

>> No.21237622

You're not falling in love online you are just lonely anon

>> No.21237624
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Any books about still having constant dreams about high school crush you barely spoke with after 7 years?

>> No.21237633

Make that 15 years. 15 years ago was the last I saw her. She was visiting our home town where I still lived. On a bridge, she was riding a bicycle and yelled "Hey anon!" and when I turned back she was already gone. Barely a day goes by I don't think back to this. Hope she is doing fine.

>> No.21237725

I don't understand why everyone is so afraid of growing old and dying. We are living things, for anything to live it has to grow and die, demanding that the universe bend it's laws so you can stay young and attractive reeks of narcissism.
>Oh but my body will hurt
That's what heroin is for, and why you shouldn't do it when you're young

>> No.21237736
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Now tell me your opinion about how we closed Europe and USA for most part for 2 and half years to protect some elderly boomers from dying to spicy flu.

>> No.21237744

I'm not a medical expert so I don't have an opinion, I got filtered by biology class and therefore have no right to speak on it

>> No.21237748

You state that "NOBODY LIVES FOREVER, GET OVER IT" here >>21237725 and now you suddenly don't have an opinion how we forced young and healthy people to cuck up just so save 1 deprecit fat boomer?

Have you examined your beliefs and the logical conclusions their propositions lead to?

>> No.21237764

I'm talking about a cultural fear of aging, which is not really a medical issue per SE in the way COVID is

>> No.21237773

You should read Kirkegaard

>> No.21237779


Are you insisting that whole societies onanating and cooming on the altar of fat old boomers isn't part of "cultural fear of aging" which directly informed the PRACTICAL policies wrt. Covid ("no boomer left behind")?

Have you perhaps skipped the examination of your beliefs? We just had two - three years of fear mongering and other shit because these fucking people wouldn't let retirement home and hospicare care people die. Talk about fear of fucking dying.

>> No.21237785

How do you read while high?
It's proven to be impossible for me. I find myself lost in thought after 1 or 2 sentences.
Maybe the books I'm reading aren't the most interesting to me...
Or you just shouldn't read while high.

>> No.21237786
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>Any books about still having constant dreams about high school crush you barely spoke with after 7 years?
Visual novels.
Almost all of them are about this.
Most are about escaping into that memory forever; some are about finding solace and moving onー somehow, stronger than you were before.

>> No.21237790
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you just answered your own question

>> No.21237793

Thanks for posting a useless comment.

>> No.21237797

It was boomers who were hardest against lockdowns and masks though, at least where I live

>> No.21237806

read sober or get pulled over

>> No.21237805

Is Sylvia Plath's, The Bell Jar, as cringe and feminist as it seems?

>> No.21237808

>It was boomers who were hardest against lockdowns and masks though, at least where I live

Doesn't matter since the ENFORCED policy was what it was (informed by fear of dying and especially of old people dying).

>> No.21237823

faggot, it was a top-down decision for the most part, but the majority of the guilt-tripping was this boomer/immunocompromised genocide mantra. where the hell have you been since 2019?

>> No.21237825

There's a middle path between having a narcissistic fear of dying and having a disregard for life, I don't know what it is but I'm sure it's out there

>> No.21237831

China is winning because of zero Covid policy, your civilization and labor force are crippled by long covid, seethe

>> No.21237834

Covid was clearly not about protecting 0.1% of boomers from dying. What exactly the goal was remains unclear but the idea it was about public health is simply comical

>> No.21237837

The STATED reasoning used to MANIPULATE PUBLIC OPINION such that they got their POLICIES ENFORCED was for the most part "not a single boomer can die, close the stores in capital because of a cough 200kms away from it"

>> No.21237845

Public opinion is not real, you can simply tell normies to do stuff and they will do it

>> No.21237852

>long covid
yeah, mass mandated clotshot trials have irreversibly and dramatically screwed over the west. glad we could agree on something

>> No.21237855

In Tolkien's religious philosophy of creation and sub-creation, true creation is the exclusive province of God, and those who aspire to creation can only make echoes (good) or mockeries (evil) of Truth, of ideal forms.

>> No.21237861

>the majority will comply if you convince them to
so public opinion is real?

>> No.21237865

They dont have opinions. They do what they're told and repeat stock phrases. If they had opinions they would notice when the meanings of the stock phases contradicted each other but they dont.

>> No.21237868

Chinese are mostly vaccinated, they're fine

>> No.21237873

Their vaccine doesn't work.

>> No.21237874

Going along to get along is an active decision though, and it's usually the smart one

>> No.21237878

If you're entering art school at masters level in a good school, there is zero training. If what you meant was you're going into first year at BA level, then there is some training, but there is mostly deadlines. By masters level though, it's studio time and access to facilities and networking you're paying for, and should not expect to be given any kind of training.

>> No.21237883

Sure but they're not aware they're doing that. They just see themselves as doing the right/high status thing of their own accord. They're exceedingly smug about this

>> No.21237897

If they weren't aware they were doing it there'd be no reason to be smug

>> No.21237904

The smugness is related to their feeling they have chosen high status beliefs and behaviors. If they were aware they were just obeying a central command it would negate this self image.

>> No.21237925

The ambivalence of feeling superior to everyone while also knowing I'm probably one of the biggest losers on planet earth.

>> No.21237950

Anyone else have literally me moments with Stannis Baratheon?

>> No.21238094
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I cannot tell what goes on in her brain

>> No.21238103

we could have been heroes...

>> No.21238161

Tolkien art thread :) >>21237929

>> No.21238171
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>> No.21238317


>> No.21238338


>> No.21238406

Am I invited into your tight little ass hole too?

>> No.21238422
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Humanity in the 21st century has found itself in a seemingly unprecedented state. Not only has modernity provided a specific philosophy and culture that dominates much of the world today through an observable political and cultural hegemony, but it has found ways to propagate itself in ways never before realized. Liberalism’s universal values and principles have penetrated even the most resistant societies that have come into significant contact with it. This “neo-liberalism” of the 21st century spreads its spiritual empire through a type of “psycho-colonization” that uses a dynamic set of methods that include propaganda, soft-power, economic coercion and hard-power if necessary. While this may not be surprising in of itself, it is the complexity of this technocracy that reveals its unique and pervasive ingenuity. At its core, this technocracy appeals to the classical liberal ideals of post-enlightenment Humanism for its propositional foundations. Beyond this, however, it manifests a progressive individualism of sorts that ultimately deconstructs all opposing social constructs within the consciousness of the social groups it targets for conquest.

Seeking out any and all dissident personalities within an enemy social group, it attempts to empower them and use them in order to divide and conquer all enemies of the so called “rules based order”. Social media is used as a medium to target the worldwide youth and begin this process of “psycho-colonization”. The language that is primarily used for this purpose is English, however, other languages that have by and large been subordinated under this liberal empire’s hegemony also serve as vassals of the English language. Trendy terms and expressions such as “LGBTQ+”, “MeToo”, “Black Lives Matter”, “It’s ok to be White”, “Never Forget” etc. all get culturally transplanted into other languages in some form or fashion. These artificially constructed identities are then politicized within the framework of “universal human rights” and imposed onto the entirety of humanity.

>> No.21238437

Well bros, I have two options: drinking alone all weekend or going on some camping trip for my dads birthday. I havent had much time to drink alone in the past couple months and so the solitude sounds really appealing. Copious amounts of alcohol, loud music, movies, and shitposting without anykne else there to burden me. Or a campstie full of old people and young kids, absolutely none of whom i have anything in conmon with. Of course, there will be a shit ton of alcohol at the campite which is nice. But fuck man. I hate the idea of just sitting in a chair, drinking quietly while all the old people talk. It happrns every time.
Theres two things that push me to go on the trip. One, its my dads birthday. We dont do birthdays really. Theyre always awkward days. But he did hint to me that I should go. Two, I have this anxiety that the glamour of partying alone all weekend is just an illusion. Sometimes it is a great release to party alone but other times it seeds a deep depression into me. Its hit or miss. This time last year I ended up drinking alone a lot and it reawakened my old depression which haunted me most of this year. But on the other hand I have this deep craving for solitude.

>> No.21238449
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No social group that has the will to live should be satisfied with survival. The goal should be a total and utter counter-conquest against the current conquest that is being conducted. If any social-group seeks to revolt against the modern world, it must join a coalition with all other social-groups that pursue the same end. A universal crusade against Liberal Humanism, Egoism, Materialism, and Capitalism. Americanism must be the rallying cry of every social group that is today opposed to this liberal hegemonic empire. Even this is not enough, however.

Every social group must also develop itself to rise beyond the occasion and prepare itself for the inevitable hardships that shall follow in disciplining oneself and cleansing oneself of all the chains that have often been self-imposed and work only for the benefit of the enemy. Indeed, it is often the case that many members of a belligerent social group suffer from weaknesses that are either self imposed or proximally imposed and not properly remedied. In either case, they are weaknesses that are exploited to their fullest by the enemy. The first step in overcoming the enemy is to overcome one’s own “self”. It is the current “self” along with the kindred “others” that are the immediate obstacles in a world heavily governed by the enemy.

The only way to move forward is to think about the transcendental. To think about divinity, virtue and ultimately Godliness. And to transform one's own language away from the vulgarities and vanities of the contemporary and towards the noble praises and hymns of the eternal. In Christian sacred tradition the commandment is given as follows:

>> No.21238515

Do you not see exactly this happening with the alignment of BRICS+Iran? They might not be able to break psycho-colonization so easily, but economic coercion can be ceased and they're trying exactly that. These countries talk openly now about tools like the IMF and World Bank as tools of Liberal imperialism.

>> No.21238535

I’ve always viewed sex and sexual desire as something foreign to me, like a sort of animalistic frenzy that rushes over me and immediately dissipates once I ejaculate. I don’t even view the horny version of myself as being related to me in any way, because once I ejaculate all the things that horny-me values seem gross and absurd. Lust, for me, is more like possession by a foreign entity than an extension of my own personality. It is sometimes possible to wrestle with it and try to retain control of the situation, but most of the time the possession is just too strong. I find nonsexual expressions of love to be much deeper and meaningful than sexual ones, which, if I could choose, I wouldn’t even engage in at all except for reproduction.

>> No.21238553

>“And now, dear brothers and sisters, one final thing. Fix your thoughts on what is true, and honorable, and right, and pure, and lovely, and admirable. Think about things that are excellent and worthy of praise. Keep putting into practice all you learned and received from me—everything you heard from me and saw me doing. Then the God of peace will be with you.” -- King James Bible, Philippians 4:8-9

Language is the basis of identity. This is not only a thesis but a proclamation. Every argument in support of this thesis has but only been in service of this greater proclamation. The very act of philosophizing requires language as both a medium and a substance. Culture can not exist without communication and it is language that makes communication possible. The laws of identity are determined by language and only through language can one build social constructions that realize realities into being. Only through language as a fundamental prerequisite can consciousness develop and grow among an organic social group so that they may be mentally harmonized and exist in a commonly shared reality of their own. All political theories and their developments are both described and prescribed through language. It is language that is the fundamental subject of all political development in human history. All other things are secondary and subject to linguistic consciousness.

When political and cultural theoreticians engage in their quests of knowledge, they must always be cognizant of language and linguistic contexts first. The development of culture, politics and philosophy can not be communicated without language. Even theories of meaning are restricted to language and can only express views insofar as a particular linguistic consciousness is capable of self-expression through its own developed language. In light of all these arguments, the thesis that language is the basis of identity is coherently justified and proclaimed as such.

>> No.21238570

Reminds me of the book I was reading, it's called 'Psychopolitics: Neoliberalism and New Technologies of Power' here are some quotes:

"The freedom of capital achieves self-realization by way of individual freedom. In the process, individuals degrade into the genital organs of Capital. Individual freedom lends it an 'automatic' subjectivity of its own, which spurs it to reproduce actively. In this way, Capital continuously 'brings forth living offspring'. Today, individual freedom is taking on excessive forms; ultimately, this amounts to nothing other than the excess of Capital itself."

—Han, "Psychopolitics: Neoliberalism and Technologies of Power", 4

"Digital control society makes intensive use of freedom. This can only occur thanks to voluntary self-illumination and self-exposure. Digital Big Brother outsources operations to inmates, as it were. Accordingly, data is not surrendered under duress so much as offered out of an inner need. That is why the digital panopticon proves so efficient. Transparency is demanded in the name of ‘freedom of information’ too. In reality, however, this amounts to nothing other than a neoliberal dispositive. It means turning everything inside out by force and transforming it into information. Under the immaterial mode of production that now prevails, more information and more communication mean more productivity, acceleration and growth."

—Han, "Psychopolitics: Neoliberalism and Technologies of Power", 9

"Today, we are entering the age of digital psychopolitics. It means passing from passive surveillance to active steering. As such, it is precipitating a further crisis of freedom: now, free will itself is at stake. Big Data is a highly efficient psychopolitical instrument that makes it possible to achieve comprehensive knowledge of the dynamics of social communication. This knowledge is knowledge for the sake of domination and control: it facilitates intervention in the psyche and enables influence to take place on a pre-reflexive level."

—Han, “Psychopolitics: Neoliberalism and Technologies of Power”, 11-12

“Power that relies on violence does not represent power of the highest order. The mere fact that another will manages to form and turn against the power-holder attests to the latter's weakness. Wherever power does not come into view at all, it exists without question. The greater power is, the more quietly it works. It just happens: it has no need to draw attention to itself.”

>> No.21238586

Why I dont care about myself but care too much about others? I give them too much of control over my behavior. Im afraid of confrontation. Im lost.

>> No.21238660

perhaps there is still time for us to become heroes

>> No.21238674
File: 215 KB, 850x637, 2D4791ED-7EFF-42DD-BDF4-AB8D0AD4DC90.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My lower back and feet hurt at age 30. Feeling my body deteriorate so soon has sent me into a depressive pit. I didn’t think I’d start feeling this way until my 50’s. How do I cope with my body falling apart at such a young age? I have to wear disgusting orthopedic shoes for the rest of my life. I can’t even partake in the beauty of fashion anymore. I feel hideous.

>> No.21238728

Go to a doctor,

>> No.21238783

This girl has been giving me interest signals for a while. I finally ask her to go somewhere with me and now she is "busy" and "maybe some other time." Her answer even seemed rehearsed, as if she knew I was going to ask and was expecting it. What's the meaning of this? Why on earth would someone do this?

>> No.21238793

stretch anon, or do u have a serious injury?

>> No.21238799

IQ shredder? More like soul-shredder. The modern hyperurbanized metropolis is a tool of Satan, who is not a disembodied thing somewhere in the ether or a symbolic figure but a real force comparable to gravity or magnetism operating on a layer of reality beyond our ability to perceive under ordinary circumstances. Whether it is conscious or not is a question for philosophers. Left unchecked this force will attempt to pull itself closer and closer to the 'real,' physical realm, likely in the form of some sort of grey goo nanomachine swarm or artificial-God AI. The very technological progress which has served to sustain mankind's flourishing also serves to accelerate its ability to influence the human race, much as certain types of mold grow faster in wet environments. Urbanized sprawl is one such environment, in which the satanic force is more easily able to affect the noosphere or where it is attracted to the noospheric density, depending on your view.

>> No.21238803
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She just see you as a friend, maybe not even that. Don't delude yourself with woman any more second. Speaking from experience.

>> No.21238805

damn i wanna chill w/ mario lmaooo

>> No.21238812

I have no purpose

>> No.21238819

I'm not even her friend. I was basically ignoring her for a while but she kept showing interest, which is why I asked. I feel like I've been defrauded.

>> No.21238845

Shes being coy. She wants you to try harder or keep chasing her or something like that. Its a courting ritual

>> No.21238849

>Shes being coy. She wants you to try harder or keep chasing her or something like that. Its a courting ritual
yeah you gotta do a dance or sing like a bird of paradise homie

>> No.21238850

Your showing interest in her lowered your status in her mind

>> No.21238863

>Go to a doctor
I should. But what can a doctor really do for back pain? I feel like he’d just say take over the counter medication.
I don’t stretch and I don’t have any serious injury. It’s just general arthritic pain. Will stretching really make a significant difference? I remember just two years ago feeling fine. It really all got bad this past year.

>> No.21238876

Stretching and building strength helps a lot for me. I hear gaining core strength can really help with back pain. Not a doctor or educated in any way on this matter, but anecdotally when I had horrible neck pain, it went away when I spent more time away from sitting.

>> No.21238893

I've never asked for anything twice. I'll probably go back to ignoring her. It's ridiculous.
Keked. I wouldn't be surprised if that were the case.

>> No.21238897

I've been paying more attention to how I sleep, work, etc. and I make sure to get activity every single day. Walking for about an hour seems to keep me mostly pain-free.

>> No.21238902

If I'm the dummy, who's the ventriloquist?

>> No.21238905

she's playing games and is a lunatic bro, just dont fucking waste your time. you were being a bitch so now she's being a bitch, she's a woman so she'll never be upfront about how she feels

>> No.21238956
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>> No.21238962
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>> No.21238987

Yeah. She had this big smile after she said that kek. She must have been very satisfied with herself at that moment.

>> No.21239145

My gf walked up to me and told gave me a compliment and a big smile and then was immediately receptive to my attempt to spend time with her.

This girl gave you her signal and couldn't deal with the fact that you blew her off. Worse you are now attempting to do something with her after the insult landed, she's petty and can't get over the fact that she was rejected, you're retarded and trying to spend time with her when you don't really like her all that much for no real reason.

Now you're both just wasting each other's time because she isn't capable of introspection and dealing with her feelings and because you're retarded. If you have any inkling of anything involving you and a woman you make your move when the moment comes, don't fuck around in the future retard fag baby bitch. You are not 19, unless you are, then stop being retarded very quickly dumbass please for your own sake and mine so I don't have to read your posts,

>> No.21239152

To add onto this, the kind of girl that will pine after you for weeks and or months is either someone whose virginity you should claim and make your wife or an untrustworthy unstable whore or you live in a small town with 10 people or you are in high school.

>> No.21239248

No one

>> No.21239258

Ah yes, the only non-retarded person here is the anon who seethes about random people's problems on the internet (I appreciate your reply though). I in fact like her quite a lot but I wasn't sure I would want to involve myself with anyone at all at the moment, which is why it took me so long.
We are university students. She is very well-mannered and I'm nearly certain that she is still a virgin. I don't know how to proceed though. Should I just ask her again in a few days?

>> No.21239260

I'm still seething about how I failed to talk to that girl who was interested in me. She seems pretty depressed too. Feels bad man

>> No.21239272
File: 78 KB, 1080x1350, 1F4F95CA-BA92-4C16-8969-2F8AFC3BF3A4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I remember you anon. I’m still seething that I lied about having a gf to a girl that gave me her number.

>> No.21239284

Why are we like this

>> No.21239314

For me, i’m scared of failure and I try to avoid any possibility of it to protect my ego. But my ego I know is all a facade, and I’m really a coward just trying to prevent myself from getting hurt.

>> No.21239320

okay then tell her that

>> No.21239321

David Hilbert said some thing about examples and conic sections. Why are Germs so smart?

>> No.21239323

Anon for all you know she could have still said no after showing interest. These women are quite strange creatures.

>> No.21239333

Yea, of course. I’ve been hurt before so I just sort of gave up.

>> No.21239336

Why don’t you just text her or something if you regret it so much?

>> No.21239341

It's insane how much of our lives are dominated by mass media, at least in America. The average person occupies most of their free time on nothing but escapism and consumption.

>> No.21239356

Is asoiaf as good as game of thrones? Just watched the battle of the bastards and it's kino.

>> No.21239379

I re-read the first 3 recently and it holds up. I think the show really struggled when they stopped following the books almost chapter for chapter

>> No.21239400

I can't just go tell her that I like her a lot after she just turned me down. The most I can do is ask her again but I'm not even sure if that's a good idea.

>> No.21239410

What kind of non-sexual expressions of love do you mean?

>> No.21239436

Why can't you? You people play these fucking headcase mindgames to protect your egos and never end up with your desired result because of it.

>> No.21239451

Just read the book

>> No.21239466
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>> No.21239480

Allow yourself to enjoy sex is all I can say. You're right.

>> No.21239481

and so i basically am completely insane and I do not see myself as human, and you know there's the novel by the guy who killed himself called "no longer human" but he was still a human, i don't relate to that all because he killed himself not out of not being human but because the humanity was too strong, i killed the human and no longer feel the need to suicide and no longer feel pain about losing out on what the human desires. I basically have been trying to return to the state of an animal for some time now, and it enrages me when some vestiges of humanity surface - one thing people do not realize is that animals are fully conscious and the feel pain, but they do not suffer, they do not have the kind of existential suffering humans have - they immediately transmute their pain into action and would never think of killing themselves to get rid of the pain, they do what the pain exists to make them do. suicide is a "human trick." The reason I got rid of my humanity was not out of a desire to escape suffering. It was because the suffering that was coming from being human was useless suffering for me. I disagree with buddhism, who state that all desire should be removed to remove all suffering. I do not care about removing suffering. The fundamental underlying tenet of buddhism is necessarily that life is meaningless, because if you believe that your desire has meaning you will not get rid of it in order to stop suffering but will suffer for the sake of it. I got rid of my humanity because I accepted that it was a useless desire for me - it's a useless desire for me because it will never be fulfilled. I can never be human, so suffering on account of not being human is pointless. the purpose of suffering on account of being left out of humanity is to compel you to seek humanity and rejoin it. but if that is impossible, there is no purpose to the suffering for the sake of not being human. I do not suffer, I have returned to the state of a beast in many ways. loneliness is not in itself painful, it is the desire to not be lonely that is painful, and that only comes when you are reminded of other humans. i simply have tried as hard as I can to forget other humans and when I succeed I never suffer, I never feel pain. It is only when I am forced to come briefly into contact with other humans again that I suffer because that also forces my old human brain to come into contact with the idea of not being lonely. But that almost never happens anymore. I live in animal religious fervor, I do not feel pain. I am convinced that I am God - I don't just deduce my godhood by Logic, and I don't even merely believe that I am God, I FEEL like I am God, no sane person could feel like that, but I feel it all the time - that is why I am insane, why I am not human. I see nothing else but the entire universe inside my head all the time, it's the backdrop of my mind, the universal Godhead - myself - autophany -autophany, day in, day out, I'm God, because I became Animal

>> No.21239486

Play fighting?

>> No.21239496

You never tell a girl you like her you silly child, you orchestrate a scenario where it can "just happen". Like you act as if she isnt the point of the evening at all, she is just coming along with you while you get drunk or whatever it is you're doing and then you "in the heat of the moment" do it. Obviously this entire thing is a charade but that's how it has to occur

>> No.21239498

It's not about "mindgames." It would be too desperate a measure. Even if she is still interested that would make her completely disinterested.

>> No.21239504

The bottom is after the white cat dies and the other cat is alone

>> No.21239518

Well I wanted to orchestrate such a scenario but she said no, which is what my question was from the beginning. See: >>21238783

>> No.21239520

That makes me sad :(
Why’d you post the video?

>> No.21239523

cats don't feel loneliness. animals are gods

>> No.21239537

The cat loves its friend

>> No.21239541

What did you ask her to do?

>> No.21239545

it's a power trip, she is seeing if she can humiliate you. women care about power, not necessarily being powerful themselves, but achieving power through men. she wants to see if you are desperate for her, because if you are, then she is more powerful than you and therefore you are not worthy of her. you are supposed to be the man.

>> No.21239552 [DELETED] 

The translation will be not good in english.

To the prince; to this young man in bloom wearing his crown of hyacinth — in the sixteenth century the emblem of wisdom in many countries of Christendom; — to the wisdom he embodies, to his beauty, to his perfection, to his bravery; whom no trobairitz would be skilful in praising, so much is the concord resulting from the heavens placed in his gentle and benevolent person in the world; to her charming fairy hands, to her eyes that no woman can describe, her silky hair, her face so harmonious — because the trobairitz disappear completely near a blushing mimosa; — I raise my voice and adjust my lyre, in my country it is the symbol of song and poetry; gentle woman weeps on her little mountain pastures, he is lying on the valley, he is a prince, he is a poet; like Charles of Orleans, dark hair in the wind, he meditates, embracing the crown of gold and laurel, clear eyes that blaze with an unknown color, whose generous soul shines through, gentle eyes, I am not than a young minstrel at the peak of success who could fade away, as and when she found herself among the king's poets, attached to the other subjects of the court. I am nothing. He is everything. Let all prostrate themselves before His Majesty.

Au prince ; à ce jeune homme en fleur portant sa couronne d'hyacinthe — au XVIe siècle emblème de la sagesse en de nombreux pays de la chrétienté ; — à la sagesse qu'il incarne, à sa beauté, à sa perfection, à sa bravoure ; dont nulle trobairitz ne serait habile à faire éloge, tant la concorde résultant des cieux est mise en sa personne douce et bienveillante au monde ; à ses mains fées charmeresses, à ses yeux que nulle femme ne puit décrire, ses cheveux basedeux, son visage si harmonieux — parce que les trobairitz disparaissent totalement près d’un mimosa rougissant ; — moi j'élève ma voix et j'ajuste ma lyre, dans mon pays elle est le symbole de la chanson et de la poésie ; douce femme pleure sur ses petits alpages, il est couché sur le val, il est prince, il est poète ; comme Charles d'Orléans les cheveux sombres au vent, il médite, embrassant la couronne d'or et de laurier, des yeux clairs qui flamboient d'une couleur inconnue, dont l'âme généreuse transparaît, des yeux doux, moi je ne suis qu'une jeune ménestrelle au paroxysme du succès qui pourrait s'évanouir, au fur et à mesure qui s'est retrouvée parmi les poètes du roi, rattachée aux autres sujets de la cour. Je ne suis rien. Il est tout. Que tous se prosternent devant Sa Majesté.

(I wrote the rest of the story)

>> No.21239566

You wrote this? Pretty kino

>> No.21239575

I deleted sorry, I was just make a mistake somewhere, thank you...

>> No.21239577

We live in different worlds and have sought out different women in our lives. Never have I felt desperate for telling someone I have feelings for them and if they ever perceived it as such they're delusional and I'd be better off not tying myself to that person. Other people should be fortunate to have you want to be around them, it's a privilege.

>> No.21239581
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>> No.21239583

anyone else view everyone as weak? I instinctually believe that I am stronger than everyone else, not even a conscious belief, I just view myself as above them because they all have weaknesses and I have none. probably makes me sound like a narcissist but I'm really not, it's not even a belief that I am better than them, just that i am stronger.

>> No.21239593

The translation will be not good in english.

To the prince; to this young man in bloom wearing his crown of hyacinth — in the sixteenth century the emblem of wisdom in many countries of Christendom; — to the wisdom he embodies, to his beauty, to his perfection, to his bravery; whom no trobairitz would be skilful in praising, so much is the concord resulting from the heavens placed in his gentle and benevolent person in the world; to her charming fairy hands, to her eyes that no woman can describe, her silky hair, her face so harmonious — because the trobairitz disappear completely near a blushing mimosa; — I raise my voice and adjust my lyre, in my country it is the symbol of song and poetry; gentle woman weeps on her little mountain pastures, he is lying on the valley, he is a prince, he is a poet; like Charles of Orleans, dark hair in the wind, he meditates, embracing the crown of gold and laurel, clear eyes that blaze with an unknown color, whose generous soul shines through, gentle eyes, I am not than a young minstrel at the peak of success who could fade away, as and when she found herself among the king's poets, attached to the other subjects of the court. I am nothing. He is everything. Let all prostrate themselves before His Majesty.

Au prince ; à ce jeune homme en fleur portant sa couronne d'hyacinthe — au XVIe siècle emblème de la sagesse en de nombreux pays de la chrétienté ; — à la sagesse qu'il incarne, à sa beauté, à sa perfection, à sa bravoure ; dont nulle trobairitz ne serait habile à faire éloge, tant la concorde résultant des cieux est mise en sa personne douce et bienveillante au monde ; à ses mains fées charmeresses, à ses yeux que nulle femme ne puit décrire, ses cheveux basedeux, son visage si harmonieux — parce que les trobairitz disparaissent totalement près d’un mimosa rougissant ; — moi j'élève ma voix et j'ajuste ma lyre, dans mon pays elle est le symbole de la chanson et de la poésie ; douce femme pleure sur ses petits alpages, il est couché sur le val, il est prince, il est poète ; comme Charles d'Orléans les cheveux sombres au vent, il médite, embrassant la couronne d'or et de laurier, des yeux clairs qui flamboient d'une couleur inconnue, dont l'âme généreuse transparaît, des yeux doux, moi je ne suis qu'une jeune ménestrelle au paroxysme du succès qui pourrait s'évanouir, au fur et à mesure qui s'est retrouvée parmi les poètes du roi, rattachée aux autres sujets de la cour. Je ne suis rien. Il est tout. Que tous se prosternent devant Sa Majesté.

(I wrote the rest of the story)

>> No.21239600

The bit about "la concorde des cieux" and his eyes having an unknown colour and stuff were nice

>> No.21239607

It's ses cheveux basedeux, son visage si harmonieux. I don't know why it doesn't want to be written.

>> No.21239613

KEK 4chan has a world filter that changes "s o y" to "based

>> No.21239612

Onions eux *

Why the website don't want write silky in french

>> No.21239620

Weird lol

>> No.21239632


>> No.21239634

Ah thank you I didn't know "oignon eux" it's funny, i thought i did something wrong, like someone took over my computer

>> No.21239639

Je suis une fille.

>> No.21239644

Thank you...

>> No.21239651
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>have daydreams
>imagine myself a certain way
>I am already like that (irl)
>yet somehow, can't move forward or act like it

>> No.21239660

are you a nazi?

>> No.21239669

Nah, I meant for art and performing

>> No.21239673

I'm disappointed

>> No.21239678
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>> No.21239682

They must ne the best bf

>> No.21239683

I look like this and say this(nothing; I took a vow of silence to own the libs)

>> No.21239687

you answered your own question and then denied it to yourself

why do you frame things through the lens of weakness? once you figure that out you'll be a different person

>> No.21239692
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Dream aryan boyfriend

>> No.21239695

Anything about the morals and ethics of industry and entrepreneurship? I can't help but see it as distasteful even though I'm broke.

>> No.21239701

I never had a boyfriend.

>> No.21239710
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Eh bien tu sais parfaitement que tu ne serais jamais une fille

>> No.21239713

J'en suis une biologiquement.

>> No.21239740

En effet, il n'y a pas de filles sur l'internet et en particulier ici. Tu es evidemment dans l'erreur. Peut-etre que tu as reve hier soir que tu etais une fille et tu n'as pas encore secouer l'illusion. En tout cas arretons cette moquerie.

>> No.21239750

Non j'en suis une, je veux juste me faire enlever mais ça ne marche pas.

>> No.21239766

It's interesting that the prevailing advice for dissatisfied young men is to hit the gym - an activity that is largely individualistic. Don't get me wrong, I love the gym and go four times a week but I think a lot of young guys would be better off joining a soccer team. You can still go the gym but you have the added benefit of socialisation and broadening your social circle which you never know could lead to something else cool. Not that you can't make friends at the gym, but it's obviously different to a team sport. It's like the world has forgotten that team sports exist.

>> No.21239778

Enlever quoi, tu veux etre un homme?

>> No.21239782

Beauty and seriousness are the residues of proof rigamarole.

Are you more serious than an Indian ascetic?
Is she more beautiful than a math problem?

>> No.21239783

Non, être kidnappée.

>> No.21239815

Promene-toi seule en Afghanistan ou Pakistan ou tel endroit et tu auras peut etre plus de chance. Ca ne va pas etre un beau prince riche mais il y a le "Stockholm syndrome" alors tu vas l'accommoder.

>> No.21239821

Par un homme Germain. J'ai oublié de le préciser.

>> No.21239876
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Ca ne finit jamais avec vous...

>> No.21239903

avec un uniforme de la Wehrmacht...

non ils sont la perfection.

>> No.21240228

Did you really mean it? Or are you just trying to taunt me by saying all of the things that I want to hear the most? I’m so confused.

If you really want the same things that I do…

>> No.21240463

You know what Friday means....

>> No.21240510

I don't want a job man. I've been a student so long I can't even imagine having to spend all of my time making money for someone else. How do normies do it?

>> No.21240521

its thursday but yes i am drinking

>> No.21240527

You get used to it. Seriously, and that's not a bad thing. I was like you for the longest time. Every job I'd had made me want to kill myself literally. But then after a period of extended unemployment and all my friends growing up and getting full time jobs of their own I finally got a job with the government and I don't mind it at all. It's still work, but it doesn't make me want to kill myself. I can't really explain what changed, except that maybe I aged and my priorities changed.

But I have a good work life balance, live close to work so minimal commute, a group of friends I see every weekend, and time to write and read outside of work - all which make life very bearable. Only thing I'm missing is a girlfriend kek.

>> No.21240545

When I was a dissatisfied young man I quit my team sports and took up combat sports and lifting. Soccer and other sports were full of pea-cocking faggots and obnoxiousness, at least you can punch your boxing buddies in the head

>> No.21240961

you think of the money you are making yourself

>> No.21240963

By getting an email job where they do 2 actual hours of work a day

>> No.21240964

The /sffg/ thread went to shit real fast.

>> No.21241000

>science fiction

>> No.21241001

They haven't been good for years

>> No.21241007

Yeah, I know, there's still some gems

The most recent thread was somewhat bearable, but it went real shit in the last few hours for no reason.

>> No.21241014
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Why does society now frown upon men over 24 for dating 18-22 year olds?

Why do they act like those women are being taken advantage of or act like they're non-consenting children despite being adults. But then have no issues with these same 18/19 year olds signing up for only fans and literally taking advantage of lonely older paypigs or literally being taken advantage of themselves with promises of riches without forethought of consequences of their content being online in the long run, or being taken advantage of by onlyfans recruiters who get a portion of their income for the 1st year or whatever?

I mean ffs if they act like these younger women are children being taken advantage of or manipulated by guys who finally got their shit together, then why TF are they allowed to vote when these old ass politician men could obviously be manipulating them too to get their vote?

I'm reading books set in the 1800s and it seems like it was the norm for a guy to make something of himself during his 20s and hopefully be stable by his early 30s then marry off to an 18-23 year old virgin.

>> No.21241022

>giving a fuck what women think or say
They aren't even consistent in their motivations, they will make exceptions ad hoc for themselves and their friends ten seconds after joining in some flash mob of biddies bitching about something. Then they'll go back on making an exception for their friend the following week when they have some drama with that friend and stop liking her, which means retroactively they were always judging her for doing that thing.

Do not ever listen to a woman, ever, unless it's your wife, and then listen only on the condition that she knows you'll belt her into next month if she's wasting your time.

>> No.21241039

I wish that you would just talk to me. I don’t know what else I can say.

>> No.21241069

People are taking longer to to start a family, but not longer to lose their looks to age.
The strategy of shaming men for dating young women is just a confluence of panicking elder millennials and the more generally pervasive highly therapized 'trauma culture' that we have seen emerge, weirdly, in overlap with 'Fandom'.

As for why it is okay for them become e-prostitutes, well that is just simply the market morality of Liberalism. Money is the medium of clarity, it crystalizes not just time or labour, but now days consent too. A man and a woman engaging in socialization leading to sex is murky, rife with subterranean currents of power imbalance and asymmetrical abilities to comprehend the situation and make judgements accordingly. Its basically rape. But money? A transaction? This is objective, real, traceable, quantifiable, and clear. All inconsistencies are ameliorated by the quantified exchange of value for service. Prostitution, under this moral frame work, is the only ethical form of sex.

>> No.21241073
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It is 2013! This year I will most definitely get a girlfriend.

>> No.21241081

Just date a 20 year old then. No one is stopping you, I see uni girls get poached by oldheads all the time

>> No.21241082

I hate liberalism so much it's unreal.

>> No.21241088
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1-3 age gap is nothing, 10 years and more is just fucked up. You are a man, you will die in your 80s, leaving her alone for 30+ years (from 70 to 100ish). Can't do that

>> No.21241091

What do you think my ideal boyfriend, I'm 19?

>> No.21241094
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I had to stop it.

>> No.21241096

She will be buried alive with my corpse, as per tradition.

>> No.21241098

Why? What does this mean?

>> No.21241103

Every author ever has told the tales of women and the tragedy that awaits all men ensnared by them. Why? Why did you fall for it anon? They tried to warn you.

>> No.21241104

My city has a reputation for impolite drivers. Honestly I confirm that stereotype. Just drive properly you mongrel you don't get brownie points
and a thank you for following the rules. This is life or death.

>> No.21241106

The supratemporal self, in hypostatic union with the self bounded by time, assents to its own creation in one instant, acts within the created world in one instant, makes every choice it is possible for it to make in one instant, and lies waiting for the temporal self to lift the veil of life from its eyes and join it, be united with it, recognize that it was never apart from it, in eternity and the eternal instant.

>> No.21241107

C'mon how is a 19 year old looking like that not considered to be the one manipulating older men into dating them lol

>> No.21241114
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based pornbrain coomer
she is clearly older than 19 lmfao

>> No.21241115
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>> No.21241118

I've got another face to face appointment at my unemployment office. Usually I have phone ones.

This my job consultant girl like it if I comment on their looks? Like as I'm greeting them and sitting down just casually say that their hair looks nice or that they smell nice

>> No.21241129

Bad idea. Be strictly professional.

>> No.21241132

Dont do that.

>> No.21241135

tell her you have been dripping pre-cum like a faucet ever since you entered the building and caught her scent

>> No.21241142
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Professional in professional setting.
Even if she makes that move assuming you are a fucking Adonis, still remain professional. It's not the 50s anymore, crazy SSRI bitch will just make a sexual harassment complaint about you.

>> No.21241159


>> No.21241205

I feel as though I’m losing my mind. I’m scared that this has permanently screwed me up. I have wasted hundreds of nights alone, sobbing in abject misery, because I can’t stop thinking about you and missing you and wanting you. I’m so preoccupied that I can’t focus. I’m not okay. I can’t go on like this.

I know that none of this makes sense. I know that my feelings are irrational, but I can’t just take it upon myself to get over you. I’ve tried. Nothing helps. And you just withdraw and won’t give me anything at all. Why do you want to push me away? Please don’t make me wait forever. I can’t bear it. If you want the same things that I want then please just talk to me.

>> No.21241210

Can you explain?

>> No.21241232
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might've found an actual real biological woman online

>> No.21241322

commited to writing some poetry for my gf for our anniversary. lt's going...okay.

>> No.21241324

lol. this has been me the entire year. i actually was feeling the 'limerence' go away because of the sheer lack of interest the other person was showing IRL and digitally but then they showed up at my work last week and I was rekt again for a couple of days. my biggest issue has been that our friend groups are very similar so we see each other every 2-3 weeks at events and despite all my efforts to ignore her I get to drunk and start dancing around.

>> No.21241548

Okay good luck.

>> No.21241563
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>tfw suddenly remember the poetry I wrote to my crush on her birthday card
I hope it doesnt exist anymore.

>> No.21241609

this reminds me of the time when i was around 17 and drunk one night and posted on my HS crush's webpage where people post stuff anonymously and the host responds. can't remember the name of the site, it was a thing back in like 2014~
i said
>your imperfections give me erections
>never change, gorgeous
she responded with
i don't think it was meant to be

>> No.21241633

I am having fun reading the Realm of the Elderlings saga and i'm tired of pretending the contrary

>> No.21241635

If big booty bitches are water then I am lost in the desert

>> No.21241638

ask.fm perhaps
we flew too close to the sun.

>> No.21241663

that's the one
amen, brother

>> No.21241672

>I'm reading books set in the 1800s and it seems like it was the norm for a guy to make something of himself during his 20s and hopefully be stable by his early 30s then marry off to an 18-23 year old virgin.
This is the source. A 24 year old man is nowhere near the buying power or social stability of an inheriting upper class son of the 1800s. The person who can now afford a part time share of an 18 year old whore is in his 40s and going to die younger than his parents with less assets. There are still rare exceptions but the class of men who made themselves in trade during the 1800s was large enough to support museum, library, and university systems independent of states, and occasionally bail out entire national armies. You have to wait for wealth inequality to get much much worse to go back to the good ood days of being able to buy a virgin, and even then, the chances of you not being in the slave migrant worker class is vanishingly low.

>> No.21241738

I really loathe time skips. It immediately makes me disinterested in continuing the story.

>> No.21241745


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Sbd2wvjadnA this is the only time skip I've enjoyed, a time skip that I felt belonged to the story and "added" to it.

almost always they detract from the story and narrative.

>> No.21241749

Do you read a lot of Manga? This is the only medium where I see people regularly talking about time skips, so I am guessing it has become a common trope or something.

Personally, I think they can give a story room to breathe and allow for a less claustrophobic plot, and allows certain elements to be softly reset. But I rarely encounter them so this is theoretical for me.

>> No.21241821

I do, but my latest gripe was with house of dragon. Not a book, but still.

>> No.21242105
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Why should monke spare you?

>> No.21242115

I bring bananas

>> No.21242262

I think college degrees are an intrinsically worthless liberal obsession, but they're basically required by contemporary civilization so I have a lot of regret over the fact that I didn't go to what they consider a better school.

>> No.21242315

What would going to a more expensive school do for you?

>> No.21242442

How to get over an ex? It's been two months and she already moved on.

>> No.21242549
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Another weekend without seeing her.

>> No.21242720
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Next thread time

>> No.21242724
File: 2.87 MB, 4125x2750, B2AD1176-AB4F-419E-B289-87B9E6D2AD46.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey, I can’t see her either.