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/lit/ - Literature

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21233887 No.21233887 [Reply] [Original]

what's the most disturbing book you've ever read?

>> No.21233899

Probably something by Edward Lee

>> No.21233902

The Unique and Its Property

>> No.21233930

I ordered Philosophy in the Boudoir by de Sade because it's his most philosophical work.
I thought Sadism meant something like 50 Shades.
Well... I was wrong.

>> No.21233962

Babbitt and Convenience Store Woman.

>> No.21233963

GPS by Alfred North Shitehead

>> No.21233967

my diary desu

>> No.21234009

Probably something by Edward Lee

>> No.21234163

The Bible.

>> No.21234172
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>> No.21234187

Harry Potter

>> No.21234195

The Painted Bird by Jerzy Kosiński
The Consumer by Michael Gira

>> No.21234206

my mom's diary

>> No.21234212

This anon's mom's diary.

>> No.21234218

Didn’t mean to reply to that anon

>> No.21234224

I feel flattered. Give me a kiss you big faggot!

>> No.21234391

The Incest Diary, anonymous.
The true story of an incest survivor who got raped by her dad from age 3 to 21. She describes not only the things her dad did to her but also how it affected her mentally and began developing Stockholm syndrome.

>> No.21234396

just finished reading that this morning. she's literally me

>> No.21234406

If you wish...

>> No.21234433

the girl next door

>> No.21234438

The Holy Bible, the abrehamic god throws 99% of souls into hell to be eternally tortured

>> No.21234660

The Obscene Bird of Night. For weeks after finishing, I had very strange, vivid, intense nightmares that the light of the world, of existence, was failing, and that we would crumble into nothingness. Despite that, it's a very funny book in some places.

>> No.21234663

Shut the fuck up, you little bitch. That book is hardly disturbing. Only mentally weak losers find it disturbing.

>> No.21234674

Suck my poopy, nigger

>> No.21234850

This way for the gas, ladies and gentlemen

>> No.21234863

>/pol/cel thinks 99% of people are savage NPC plebs
>God throws 99% of people into the inferno
>/pol/cel can't put two and two together

>> No.21235568

Kys, pledditor with your unoriginal cringe jokes

>> No.21235584

Stop replying to bait

>> No.21235715

Nikanor Teratologen - Assisted Living

>> No.21235743

Probably Night by Elie Wiesel. I could hardly make it though.
>inb4 da jooz!!!!

>> No.21236290

The Story of the Eye

Erotic horror is a underappreciated genre.

>> No.21236494

Probably A game of thrones, I remember that just can't help making fun of friends who are invested in the series and frenzy to read how a 13-year-old girl is sold to a bunch of brutes, then having to read her detailed sex scene (where George Martin narrates with great detail how her boobs were touch) and pregnancy arc. and then Sansa having to overcome all the weird shit with just 11 years old. dunno anon, it's just too fucked up for me and I am not mentioning the incest shit everywhere.
With all of this said, somebody is going to tell me "Hey, welcome to medieval times, fucking and selling little girls was our old tradition OMG this book is a faithful representation of history! So breathtaking book OMG Daenerys touching the manhood of Khal Drogo!!! 5/5 10000/10 best book ever"

>> No.21236499

This and the Quran. The most disturbing part being that billions unironically believe in this horseshit

>> No.21236514

The Painted Bird is fucking fantastic. It's more sad than anything but hey what do I know since I read it years ago.
The most disturbing books I have personally read have got to be A Child Called 'It', American Psycho, The Story of the Eye, and In Watermelon Sugar. That last one isn't disturbing per se, however I was really depressed and rather manic at the time when I read it, and it had a really eerie vibe. When I finished it I literally felt sick to my stomach. ACCI has to be the worst out of those overall tho.

>> No.21237222 [DELETED] 
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A few years ago somebody made a thread here asking people what was their all time favorite book. Somebody responded with a book that had a bird on the cover looking out an apartment window. I can't remember if it was caged or not. I briefly read a summary of it and I think the bird may have been able to talk?? Like in that weird movie way where animals can talk to eachother but people don't understand, air buddies type shit.

Does anybody know of any really good books that have a bird on the cover looking out a window??

>> No.21237225

I'm very thankful a child called it turned out to be somewhat fake

How is the Quran disturbing?
Half of it is just talking about how god is merciful, about the pillars and what muslims should do, and the other half is talking about more abstract(?) stuff like eschatology, the stories of prophets, foundations of the universe, angels, jinn, and punishments

>> No.21237232

Anything on US politics

>> No.21237238

The only thing I can think of off the top of my head is I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings by Maya Angelou

>> No.21237277
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>> No.21237511
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Picrel. Real spooky shit, anon.

>> No.21237687
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>> No.21237711
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I just read like 20 pages and decided to give it a rest. When I opened up Messenger however, I found this in a groupchat


>> No.21237756
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Spare an epub will you sir

>> No.21237854

the book I'm working on right now. It opens up with a woman shitting next to a tree, and features stuff like a guy filming himself break his own arm and then masturbating with it. A woman also feeds a paralyzed man like a mother bird feeds it's babies.

>> No.21237860

Skimmed through this. Successfully made me feel very bad for her. She writes half of it like its erotica though. I get why she's doing that, abuse victims do get pleasure and it creates an entire complex and all. But it's still a bit weird to read

>> No.21237901

Buy the book, fag

>> No.21237921

ur dad had sex with your butt?

>> No.21237924
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It's disturbing that someone thought this was appropriate to publish.

>> No.21237942

holy heckin science you are so smart! i bet everyone thinks ur so cool!

>> No.21237993

anywhere to read this online?

>> No.21238006

It's on libgen

>> No.21238013

Jesus fucking christ anon, I read some of the pages, I feel horrible. What the fuck, why do women exists? They just come to this world to suffer, even though they are the only ones that can make that happen

>> No.21238086

Medallions by Nalkowska

>> No.21238253


>> No.21238273

Interzone/Naked Lunch

Chernobyl by Aleksievic is also disturbing, but I just read some chapters

>> No.21238300

lol wtf is this trash. it reads like discombobulated fetish smut.

>> No.21238320

NICE! high five me.

>> No.21238324

That's what I thought too at first but some parts were very sad. The bathtub scene was especially bleak

>> No.21238340

i can't tell if it's for real or just smut fetish material from the brain of a demented female coomer. also, the way "she" articulates and describes violence and gore is a bit too male in its presentation. reads like an edgy teenage boy that listens to cannibal corpse.

>> No.21238348

do you feel that being molested as a young boy is what caused you to be gay later in life?

>> No.21238387

It comes off as authentic to me, all the stuff about her mum, about feeling tainted, the disordered behaviors etc. It could be made up obviously but this is basically how abused children are.

And like I said parts are written in an almost smut manner but I dont think literally anyone would find eg the bathtub scene arousing. It's just dismal and depressing

>> No.21238425

i feel like there's just as much imagination and made up stuff in there as there are nuggets of reality. her dad routinely tying her up to a chair and locking her up in a closet? cummon...

>> No.21238440

Moby Dick

>> No.21238444

That doesnt seem far fetched to me really. I'm not saying you're wrong though there is an unmistakably phonographic tone to a lot of it.

>> No.21238490

When I was growing up my dad used to punish me by putting me in a pitch black basement and telling me to keep my hands raised. He would crack the door open on occasion to see if my hands were raised and if not I got belted on the palms. Sometimes this discipline lasted over an hour.

>> No.21238495

that's way less effort than digging out the rope and the closet chair to tie up a struggling child to shove into a pantry

>> No.21238507
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Wild read. Absolutely disturbing. WTF is wrong with this guy?

>> No.21238519

upvoted. well memed me friend!

>> No.21238531

Hollebecq paints a bleak picture of our existence. 'Whatever' is the name of the book. An adult depressed virgin who realises "its over" and i think he kills himself.

>> No.21238649

The Will to Power

>> No.21239468

I'm not gay I exclusively like men who remind me of him

>> No.21239513

having sex with dudes makes you gay.

>> No.21239547


>> No.21240531

I don't have a penis

>> No.21240560

It does read like smut at times, she developed itbas a coping mechanism.
"Frightened animals go home, no matter how terrifying home is".

>> No.21240570

I doubt you care for spoilers, but later on she explains her dad was also raped as a kid along his siblings by his own father
Take that as you will.

>> No.21240585
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Skipped to one page at random, that was enough.

>> No.21240588

Les Chants de Maldoror

>> No.21240713


>> No.21240718
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Thanks For The Memories ... The Truth Has Set Me Free! The Memoirs of Bob Hope's and Henry Kissinger's Mind-Controlled Slave - Brice Taylor

>> No.21240835

Jewish sci-fi gets pretty disturbing. Read "A Good Old-fashioned Future" and it left me feeling greasy.

>> No.21240842

The Sluts by Dennis Cooper

>> No.21241138

Anon, think about it, every fucking body hates them, Among themselves, among men, among trannies, among everyone. Suddenly they want it to stop, what does the world do? Hate them even more. Just look around you, 4chin dynamics aside, it's just vitriolic hatred.

>> No.21241155

The trade off for coasting through life, consistently will get more attention, western society catering to them, and always being victims in cases where they are culpable. Add that to the fact that they get lighter sentences for the same crimes as men, more favorable treatment in general, and have absolutely no accountability for the majority of their lives because it's handed over to men. A little suffering is earned.

>> No.21241793
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Darren Shan, apparently there are REAL vampires out there?!

>> No.21242893
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Is it really that bad? Schoppie is much edgier

>> No.21242941

Women kill their own babies by the millions per year and beg the government to let them kill more.
Women body shame men their entire lives to the point of supporting genital mutilation for their own visual preferences of a man's penis. Women are catered to and protected in every aspect as they age solely because of the fact that they are the perfect government slaves/maintainers of the status quo. 99% of women are truly the most self absorbed beings in existence and taking a brief scroll through any major social media website confirms this. They were NEVER meant to be in charge of society, they are greedy and conformative and easily manipulated by the state to use as a tool to suppress men's sexuality, social development, and emotional needs. American/western women are really the scum of the earth, they are the purest form of hypocrites to even exist, and they are a massive part of the reason why western values and culture has been in a nosedive.
Fuck modern women, they kill their own offspring and force genital mutilation on their own sons and constantly push the government to take more and more of our rights away. Females are brainless, lacking foresight, and it was a fatal mistake to EVER let them take control of half the government/bureaucratic positions.
Western Women - Your karmic debt has exceeded the entirety of wrongs for all of human history. Your hubris will be annihilated and the rubber band will come back to smack you 100 times harder than what you have caused to western men for the last 100 years.

>> No.21242999

How disturbing is the book series? It's labeled horror/YA

>> No.21243007


>> No.21243053

Cows - Stokoe

>> No.21243142

was waiting for a pseud to post this

>> No.21243194

who the fuck are you chatting with

>> No.21243197

>a child called it
I read that shit in middle school, lol. That book was so popular among my classmates for some fucking reason. I only remember the part where the mom made the kid eat cold hotdogs and he threw them up and then the mom made him eat the hotdog throw up. I don't remember finding the book 'disturbing' though, even when I read it in middle school.

>> No.21243257

>replies to bait
>its the /pol/aaaaaaaaaaaaaaack
/pol/ is literally the Jews for these cunts kek.

>> No.21243262
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Pic Related and Symbolic Misery.

>> No.21243275

Downvoted. Please contribute constructively to the thread to avoid a ban.

>> No.21243425
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The holy jewble

>> No.21243543


>> No.21243553

I don't remember the name of the book, I read it a long time ago, but basically the story is that a bunch of random people are kidnapped and find themselves in an underground bunker being monitored by a ton of cameras, occasionally getting food from an elevator if I can remember correctly eventually the characters die off one by one, one off themselves, another gets mauled by angry dogs sent down in the elevator after an escape attempt, the bunkers clocks are all off and the lights turn off at seemingly random times. Eventually food stops being sent down and they have to ration, whoever was monitoring them seems to be gone. one dude dies because he's dying of thirst and drinks bleach like an idiot, eventually it is just the mc teen dude and a little girl. The little girl dies of hunger and he ends up having to eat her dead body. The ending is ambigious of what happens after that, hinting that maybe the elevator opened

>> No.21243572

Saddening. Women and men; humans really, can never make amends on each other, and here in this awful site it looks like only hatred is born in the heart of this poor FAGGOTS. I still love you, no matter if you want to see me death or not, I pray for you.

>> No.21243574

Most of Horror’s Call, to be honest

>> No.21243621
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This book is terrifying.

>> No.21243836

so you're saying...your dad had sex with you...and you're a gril?

>> No.21243848

yeah i read the whole thing. I'm not buying it. it doesn't feel authentic in its presentation.

>> No.21243885

I heard Hogg was pretty bad in a good way

>> No.21243898

What a basic bitch book

>> No.21243908

Your mother's asshole is cringe

>> No.21244483

can i get in touch with you somehow?

>> No.21244500

Literally only the first and last interview are worth your time in Chernobyl, the rest is just NPCs saying how hard it was for them to leave their beloved house

>> No.21244504

What part about being on /lit/ makes you think anyone on here in a non-studious groupchat is going to be bumping elbows with anyone but the absolute most degenerate scum-wastrel fucks of the Earth

>> No.21244519

Must be the 120 days of sodom. I still enjoyed it, in a way. A piece of literature history which would never get printed if it was written today.

>> No.21244619

the necrophiliac - wittkop

read the first page and you'll see.

>> No.21244650

Fair enough.

>> No.21244713
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I don't many disturbing books but this had a lot of fucked up stuff involving Colombian drug cartels in the 80s/90s

>> No.21245057

Your making me want to read it anon....

>> No.21245745

I really liked this thread too. Bump

>> No.21245878

The Euthyphro gave me nightmares for a week then our professor spoiled it by reading us Wittgenstein and pointing out that the dilemma barely exists and is pointless anyway.

>> No.21247049

I think he means a troon, there are no girls here.

>> No.21247071

I’m sorry to hear about that
In the event we meet each other again anonymously in the future, what would be the best way for me to express my sympathies towards you?

>> No.21247218

>finding things disturbing

>> No.21247268

Laura Warholic or The Sexual Intellectual
If this book becomes popular society would be fucked.

>> No.21247299

I read the summary, sounds like boring shit that only appeals to women and omegas

>> No.21248151
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>> No.21248221

Gulag is comfy as fuck. The Good Old Days before 1932. The bitch wars. The lucky lottery of 1943. The liquidation of the closed camps in 1941. Good times.

>> No.21248343
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>> No.21248742

It's called The Bunker Diary, pretty damn good book.

>> No.21248755
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Easily. A book written by an actual madman (and a Nazi at that) and not someone pretending just to appear edgy.

>> No.21248806

Why him?

>> No.21249123

>asks why there is so much hatred in the world
>calls people faggots for not being nice

>> No.21249544

you are troubled, hope you work that out

>> No.21249898

No what he's saying is true.

>> No.21249990
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A lot of the notable ones have already been mentioned in this thread, although a somewhat lesser-known one that I find suitably unnerving is "Aniara" by Harry Martinson

Basically it's about a big spaceship headed for Mars that leaves a post-apocalyptic Earth but ends up knocked off-course and out of fuel, after which the passengers and crew on the ship all descend into madness upon realizing that they are hurtling inescapably through the void in a big floating coffin with no hope of rescue - the ship's AI goes insane and destroys itself after too much exposure to all of the panicking people, and a bunch of the passengers end up committing suicide while the rest end up losing their minds and worshipping the remains of the AI as a god until after a few decades they all die

A film adaptation was actually made of it a few years ago, but personally I find the book a lot creepier; the entire thing is in verse and is written in this very surreal, unsettling way that just makes the whole thing feel especially horrifying

It strikes a chord with me because it seems to unveil the overall hopelessness of existence in general, so much time is devoted to just describing how all of the people on the ship collapse into complete hysteria and despair as they realize that they are utterly doomed, this bloodcurdling notion that when the curtains are drawn back this is just what reality is, this is the whole universe: futile cries of anguish in a cold, black vacuum that are finally silenced forever

>> No.21250896

Hogg, easily.

>> No.21250898
