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/lit/ - Literature

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21233517 No.21233517 [Reply] [Original]

What books does your gf read?

>> No.21233519

I don't have a girlfriend.

>> No.21233522

I don't have a girlfriend.

>> No.21233527

Exes: If they did read, mostly schlock and self help bs.
Current: Schlock, litfic, stuff she sees me reading.

>> No.21233550

I don’t have a girlfriend but a girl I went on a date with over the summer had 3 bookcases of fantasy garbage. We made out at her place but she said she didn’t want to have sex the first date. Then the next day she ghosted me and I never saw her again.

>> No.21233554

I don't have a gf

>> No.21233564

>I am built

>> No.21233565

Benno Archimboldi and Pierre Menard, mostly

>> No.21233590

I had a girlfriend who was into Palahniuk.
Also I would like this woman's delicate hands wrapped around my cock

>> No.21233603

Mostly theology, then whatever literary fiction she pulls off my shelves.

>> No.21233606

Good ones. Her favorite authors are Dostoyevski, Baudelaire and Poe.

>> No.21233607

I remember you. You bragged about your girlfriend here before, haven't you? She reads Barth, yes?

>> No.21233631

Don’t remember bragging, but I could have been, but yeah that’s her. She’s reading the eastern orthodox theology reader.

>> No.21233709

I don't have a bbg.

>> No.21233731

She does have quite nice hands, doesn't she.

>> No.21233739
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I don't let my gf read

>> No.21233746

My girl is the most well read person I have ever met. She favors the antiquated classics, the medieval non-fiction accounts, and Plato.

>> No.21233753
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What does it feel to have a girlfriend?
t. wizard

>> No.21233760
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this reallly change everything

>> No.21233777
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I literally do not interact with women outside of cashiers

I do not get matches on dating apps and women at work avoid making eye contact with me

>> No.21233780

I don't watch youtubers but yes they are a selling point and she knows that. I also enjoyed a video where she had a bit of cleavage and it was nice to take a peek at her pale bosom. She's not really that pretty but she's probably the only bookthot I've seen advertised here that is somewhat intriguing.

>> No.21233787

>What does it feel to have a girlfriend?
Kissing a woman you love is probably the best feeling in the world. You pay for it with your soul, your hopes and dreams, your money, your self-worth and experiencing the worst feeling in the world when she cheats on you.

>> No.21233788

not bad but random hook ups are better

>> No.21233810

Is it really worth the risk?

>> No.21233830

I think a man has a finite amount of endurance for women's cruel bullshit. I don't know what your limit is but as long as you stay aware that women are cruel and can potentially ruin your life and don't get trapped into an inescapable game over situation you should probably just go for the opportunities you have before you and see if you find one that doesn't suck. Personally I have failed, I've run out of emotional health and threw in the towel. I want to think it was bad luck.

>> No.21233848

My wife reads a shit load of Russian history and I only read sci fi

>> No.21233883


>> No.21233924

Imagine her headpatting you gently with those nice hands...

>> No.21233942

>headpatting you gently
...on the penis?

>> No.21233949

No, on your head. Do you only think of sex?

>> No.21233954

>Do you only think of sex?
Why, yes!

>> No.21233960

That's a sad life then.

>> No.21234010


>> No.21234033

Emmie is that you? Do you know what site this is?

>> No.21234039

A mixture of children's literature and Victorian literature. She's currently doing an MA thesis on Jane Eyre and The Scarlett Letter.

>> No.21234090

I know her, she goes to my synagogue

>> No.21234191

I see what you did there and I appreciate it.

>> No.21234205

>women at work avoid making eye contact with me

>> No.21234244

Her last three books:
>Girl with a Pearl Earring
>The Narrative of Arthur Gordon Pym
>Morte d'Arthur
She's Portuguese but has read more in English.

>> No.21234288

sex her?

>> No.21234304
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Probably because I am ugly and have an abrasive personality

>> No.21234354

Good books, not going to lie.

>> No.21234368

>What books does your gf read?
Law books, fml

>> No.21234411

somehow uncuck yourself, you probably know what is it in you that is cucking you. Otherwise you may aswell just give up. It's not that hard.

>> No.21234415

YA books, the ones that are popular on TikTok.
Occasionally some more respectable literature like Althusser or Fanon

>> No.21234455

anons who are saying their gfs read shlock and YA... does it bother you? don't you wanna have conversations sometimes? or is that what male friends are for? or is it that these women ARE (in another way) intelligent, just have no taste/real interest in books?

>> No.21234472

the first 1/3rds of books I buy her at thrift stores

>> No.21234513

My gee eff?

>> No.21234531

Women aren't for genuine philosophical conversations or anything. I know basic-b tier, libertarian, and two far right women. None of their beliefs have deep philosophical or ethical grounds. It's just not how a woman works. When you have a wife/gf, the purpose is to love and care for them and such, not debate cringe metaphysical topics.

>> No.21234534


>> No.21234547

To be clear, women can be very, very intelligent but their brains are structured in such a way that they act or think not in terms of reason, ethics, morals, or philosophy, but in terms of their emotion. How a particular thing makes them feel at a particular time. Political affiliations and philosophies are more like a game or fashion to them.

>> No.21234568

Sad to think about but her YouTube channel will probably be more profitable than anything she could do with her English degree

>> No.21234607

No one:
Not a living soul:
Not even God up in heaven:
Not even all the angels and archangels across all the celestial spheres in the vast expanse of the divine kingdom:
White women: LOOK AT MEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Big chungus: Oof, big yikes
Racist incels on 4chan: niggers
Wholesome chads from 4channel: wait that's illegal
Zizek: we shee here *shniff* the dialectic between the Real and reality, it remindsh me of a very good Bulgarian joke...
Rick: I turned myself into a bounded body of totally unstratified potentialities Morty! I'M-BODY-WITHOUT-ORGANS-RIIIIICK!
Master Chief: he turned himself into Deleuzian schizophrenic babble. Funniest thing I've ever seen

>> No.21234618

Why is this board always so pathetically horny

>> No.21234627


>> No.21234629

Sounds like an insufferable pseud who imagines herself as intelligent

>> No.21234639

God she's so pale and petite

>> No.21234644
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What's up lit, what are some good books on prose?

I'm not looking for books on how to improve my own prose.


>> No.21234651

I blame refugees from /pol/'s self improvement general

>> No.21234668 [DELETED] 

Most on this board are third-world brownoids. Note the spicbabble here >>21233760. They are by nature a lascivious and hysterical race, given to pathetic outbursts and melancholic ruminations on their sole obsession

>> No.21234691

may heaven consume you

>> No.21234697


>> No.21234718

Frankly I post these gross lecherous comments only semi-seriously, for laughs. I would act way more gentlemanly with her because she seems like a proper lady; I'd hold her dainty hands and give her a kiss, none of those swine fantasies about her jerking me off (maybe on the second date).

>> No.21234948

had a dream i was in a house and a girls mother showed me to this bedroom and across the hall from the bedroom was a bathroom where the door was closed and i'm told her oldest daughter was taking a shower. so i'm sitting down on this couch in the bedroom and i can see the bathroom door from where i'm sitting and her mother is sitting on her bed talking to me.
next think i know this (OP photo) chick comes out of the bathroom, fully clothed, hair dry looking just like pic related, before her mother can introduce us she comes up and gives me a kiss on the cheek and whispers "my mom doesn't know how hard you're going to fuck me later".
that was how it ended but i woke up hard that's for sure.
had a wank to a photo of daisy edgar jones later that day.

>> No.21235013

That’s sad.

>> No.21235041

my gf has shelves of ya and then has kino sprinkled like in remembrance of things past, confederacy of dunces and the charterhouse of parma

>> No.21235046

>remembrance of things

>> No.21235056

yes, it's the unrevised moncrieff so it has the original title

>> No.21235062

Some bullshit self help pseudo-spiritual garbage she bought on Instagram and hid from me because she does not want to be ruthlessly belittled for having the wits of a gourd, even though her latest and most welcome efforts to reach me have come from "a proven thereapeutic technique" described in its pages, and I am deaf to strains I make, thinking myself her better, alas 'til she is gone, and I am alone in my big brain.

>> No.21235074

>original title

>> No.21235081

Damn that's hot

>> No.21235108

can confirm. mine cheated and married the guy two months later. now they are a happy couple

>> No.21235295

I don't have a gf, but when I did, she read the Bible, and books about Christian living and relationships.

>> No.21235514

burn her alive

>> No.21235548
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>> No.21235699

bite your tongue (off)

>> No.21235713


>> No.21235714

why is my weiner moving!?

>> No.21235734

Why do you sound like you have long, greasy gray hair, stained yellow by tabacco smoke, and pinkish brown leathered skin?

>> No.21235750
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>> No.21235751

Look at the books behind her. She's mid.

Who cares.

>> No.21235761

She has the figure of a boy.

>> No.21235782

Anon, a large part of her appeal is that she is aggressively plain, which (combined with her exceeding soft-spoken demeanor, and the fact that she reads books) makes her almost irresistible to your average /lit/izen who is certainly unremarkable in terms of personally or physical attractiveness himself, and thus sees her as attainable. It's not hard to imagine yourself with a girl like Emmie, despite the fact that in reality she wouldn't give you a second look, since, being a woman, she's almost guaranteed to get with a guy who is more attractive than her

>> No.21235788

No, she's perfect

>> No.21235789

YA stuff. You know Hunger Games, John Green shit. Probably still Harry Potter etc.

>> No.21235793

yeah or a lawyer

>> No.21235795

The title of the first translation. The original TRANSLATED title. Stop being so obtuse, moron.

>> No.21235809

>she's almost guaranteed to get with a guy who is more attractive than her
That's just because you find guys more attractive than girls.
Ever thought about that?

>> No.21235816

Anon, you can give your opinion on whether a person, man or woman, is objectively (or as close to objectively as possible) attractive without wanting to fuck them. Seeing a guy and being able to admit that he's handsome while not being gay is the same as seeing a woman and being able to say that she's pretty without wanting to fuck her.

>> No.21235820

I haven't had a girlfriend since age six

My dream gf would be rlly into art history :3 I'm not but i think its a cool thing for a girl to be into

>> No.21235830


>> No.21235838

Who the fuck reads tik tok YA but then also Althusser? Also you can't even put Fanon and Althusser in the same category.

>> No.21235860

Yes, one of the previous anons. I just think it's funny. She seems like a sweet girl.

>> No.21235868

it's ok to be gay anon

>> No.21235873

>you can't even put Fanon and Althusser in the same category.
certainly not with that attitude

>> No.21235877

No its not. Gay in theory and gay in practice are two entirely different things. Gay in theory is idealistic, perhaps even beautiful, but gay in practice is degrading in all aspects and you tend to feel the weight of degeneracy after awhile.

>> No.21235898

self-hate won't do you any good my guy
just accept the fact: you = gay

>> No.21235918

(she's the best gf)

>> No.21235922

She was testing you. By not raping her then and there, you have confirmed yourself as a beta male in her eyes.

>> No.21235940

The act of the sodomite is the most absolute in the mortality implied for the human race. They make a pretence of it being social standards while they transgress them.

>> No.21235944

Not him but no pussy is worth jail time

>> No.21235951

My girlfriend doesn’t read books and gets upset because I call her an illiterate big tiddy retard almost daily. She acts mad, then I tell her to shut up and put my cock in her mouth. The circle of life and such.

>> No.21236001

What kind of insanity is this? She was merely curious about him, and he somehow failed to live up to the fantasy, so she lost interest. Women are easy to understand, you larpers.

>> No.21236006

Just turn to Jesus, anon. It doesn't matter what baggage you bring with you. He'll help you deal with it, and make you clean again.

>> No.21236089

>Just turn to Jesus, anon

>> No.21236113

Most stuff that I read that's more on the edgy side, Bataille, Sade, etc. But also normie white girl lit like celebrity memoirs and whatever Lianne Moriarty or Gillian Flynn is out. Won't read Kafka or Nabakov.

>> No.21236115
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I'm single. Lol.

>> No.21236128

You wish

>> No.21236142

it was, best dirty dream i ever had that didn't involve sex.

>> No.21237047

>who is certainly unremarkable in terms of personally or physical attractiveness himself
on the contrary. I'm attracted for the same reason those hot billionaires in smut are attracted to the plain protagonists.

>> No.21237051

holy shit, she's in Toronto now?
I'm going in, boys. She will finally be mine

>> No.21237077
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mesopotamian history books

>> No.21237097


>> No.21237133

if you have a gf please leave this board and website
thank you

>> No.21237136

Right now, a biography of T.E. Lawrence and some sort of outdoorsy book about the Arctic. Also, we're co-reading Orhan Pamuk's "My Name is Red" (her choice).

>> No.21237143

Nice! I get to stay!

>> No.21237146

you're always welcome here brother
as long as you stay on the path to wizardry

>> No.21237236

i am flushed red with embarrassment at the thought of what price ceiling I would put on the chance to have her gently kiss my shaved ballsack while laying on a table, and finding no limit.

>> No.21237242

But I'm not a virgin, bro. I just don't have a girlfriend.

>> No.21237246

>big tiddy
how big we talkin, champ?

>> No.21237529

I retract my statement of welcome

>> No.21237550


>> No.21237559

I never kissed a woman in my entire life.

>> No.21237567

It Starts with Us

>> No.21237671

I don't know bro, I think it's mainly about the aesthetic for her, she wants to appear like some radical socialist. She does actually read them but she barely gets anything out of them, I think it's just so she can say she's read them.

Why can't I put both Fanon and Althusser in the category of respectable authors, are they not?

>> No.21238399


>> No.21238539
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she look like one OF girl

>> No.21238555

She likes fantasy epics, but she also doesn't know she's my girlfriend yet. Wish me luck bros.

>> No.21238556 [DELETED] 

This. Normies should fuck off to reddit.

>> No.21239177

good luck

>> No.21239186

My girlfriend reads anime and claims to like Jane Austen but I suspect has only seen film adaptations. I bought her a novel for her birthday and she only read like 10 pages. So, she's an idiot, but at least she's not bad looking.

>> No.21239231

With that?

>> No.21239306


>> No.21240046

very retarded

>> No.21240056

Okay zizek

>> No.21240177

I want a boyfriend, I'm a girl.

>> No.21240190

and thats a good thing

>> No.21240205
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What's it like to be a girl?

>> No.21240246
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>> No.21240288

wtf i love jeep now

>> No.21240520

Nothing special, it's good.

>> No.21240525

And what's it like to be a boy?

>> No.21240539

Its absolutely based. When you hit puberty you develop all this height and muscle and power in your body and the testosterone makes you feel lucid and clear headed and capable.

>> No.21240543

She says they’re DD but I’m certain she’s exaggerating because I don’t think they’re that large and women have figured men are incapable of understanding what bra sizes mean. The same way I tell her my dick is 10 inches because women have no sense of object scale

>> No.21241156

I don't have a girlfriend.

>> No.21241177

I wouldn't say aggressively plain. She's not pretty but she dresses lovely and is very tidy, she has very nice hands, is feminine in a way that's quite rare today. You have no idea how erotic it is to have sex with a girl that pale. Look at that, she's almost as white as her shirt.

>> No.21241420


>> No.21241431


My ex-wife only ever read Manga. It should have been a red flag.

>> No.21241435


one of the biggest red pills is the first time you realize that women experience literally no disconnect between saying X when it feels good to say X, and completely betraying and contradicting X five seconds later when it feels good to do that. women like to "try on" male-centric morals and virtues like children playing dress-up, but they don't actually know what it means to set up a virtue as an objective principle for oneself and then resist the temptation to break it in future moments when it stops being convenient and pleasant.

so if you ask a woman what kind of guy she values, she will blab on and on for hours about how noble she is and how she sees through superficiality and only wants sweet genuine men and etc., etc., etc. then five seconds later she'll completely contradict everything she said. the key thing to understand about women is that they don't perceive any difference here. from a man's perspective, you are thinking "but she said 'i only do X' and two seconds later she did 'non-X'?" this is because the fundamental modality of male consciousness is erecting principles and trying to follow them - even if you're a shitty man, it just means you're shitty and weak at erecting principles, not that the FUNDAMENTAL modality of principle-erection is absent. a woman's fundamental modality is "doing what i feel like." to a woman, that behavior is completely consistent: in the first instance, she did what she felt like. then she did what she felt like again. only a man perceives that the CONTENT of the actions was contradictory, i.e., would be contradictory if performed by a man. but for a woman whose primary stream of consciousness is "what do i want to do right now? :) perhaps i'll wear a ribbon in my hair tomorrow, tra lala!," no such contradiction occurred, or indeed is even possible.

>> No.21241474

I never hug or kiss a boy in my life.

>> No.21241731

Based and redpilled

>> No.21241740

Superior Nordic-Aryan chads to breed my inferior Portugese mutt p****. Poomen are dumb NPCs whose ancestors were all inbred slave halfwits. If they're lucky, a white kshatriya raped one of their ancestors 3000 years ago. Still, the physiognomy just isn't there...

>> No.21241759

Shitloads of terrible romance novels, on the bright side they contain lots of sex scenes where the dude cooms in the girl, so she’s never made me wear a condom or pull out
>I made her read Middlemarch and she liked it tho

>> No.21241767

U mean u did it before?

>> No.21241861

100 Ways to please a man
A lady's guide to sucking dick
50 shades of grey

>> No.21241892
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Dan Brown and shit like pic related

>> No.21241912

Better to have love and lost than never have loved at all. Losing my first girlfriend was heartbreaking but I've been with my second girlfriend for four years now, we've just moved countries together. She's my best friend and though I'd manage, I can't imagine life without her. Too bad she reads shitty books lmao

>> No.21241932

Time for me to commit suicide.

>> No.21241953

Relax anon, what will be will be. I only hope you're not lonely. You've got friends, family? A pet maybe? Either way, you've got yourself. Head up.

>> No.21241962

It's ok, i was being ironic. Good for you though.

>> No.21241980

The Firm
and 12 rules for life

>> No.21241981
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The Kite Runner is her favourite book. Based on this information, what kind of person do you think she is?

>> No.21242091


>> No.21242634

Rooney, Harari, Austen

>> No.21242722

>implying men are any better

That's where your take is retarded. Men will stab you to death when it's of advantage for them. They'll give up their principle of not doing so the moment where certain conditions hit like ' I won't be caught ', 'it will grant me millions ', 'this person has no worth etc. etc. You just grew up on a secured area of social reality like a spoiled kid, real men will fuck your shit up the moment it gets them something and they don't give a fuck.

>> No.21242740

activist NPC, virtue signaling

>> No.21242763

she looks like you know she wears glasses but took them off for the photo so her eyes appear too far apart

>> No.21242775

do fish fear you as well? do any beasts dare make a sound in your presence?

>> No.21242788

keep your purity, a girl is walking bag of STDs. as soon as a girl touches she gives you all her chlamydiae and herpes

>> No.21242795

where have you heard this? it's an obscure saying of a romanian orthodox monk

>> No.21242851

Where do you live? I'd date you even if you're ugly.

>> No.21242919

>You just grew up on a secured area of social reality like a spoiled kid
I think he just didn't grew up around niggers. I did, so I loathe niggers, not men. Perhaps it is you who grew up not allowed to discriminate and differentiate?

>> No.21243008
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>a girl is walking bag of STDs
I keep telling myself this but deep inside i know it's just a cope
I'd be the biggest manslut if women were throwing themselves at me

>> No.21243046

Bottom shelf retard

>> No.21243059

>You pay for it
That's spot fucking on

>> No.21243062

How do I cope with not having a woman like this

>> No.21243070

This lad knows what's up

>> No.21243073

My current cope is that love will never meet the expectations I've set after reading literature and watching anime so I'm not missing out much

>> No.21243084
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I am well loved by beasts of field and glade but I do not spend much time in water

>> No.21243139
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I do not have a woman. Never have I ever. Why? Lend me your ear and I’ll tell you a story…

Due to complex social circumstance, and inner character traits, as well as the outer appearances which interact and alter the experience of the individual, I am an unusual outlier. I have no real time, no real place, no life in which I'm supposed to exist. I’m a postmodern product of my time and age. A high school glowup led to a sharp increase in popularity thanks to enhanced female attention, but it was too late. I’m simply, not, there. While charming enough to sway most to my side easily, I have no deeper concept of affection for most people. It can be attributed both to my shunning of others, as well as to the fact that I do not care for them, I don’t even like them much. I have no issue making friends, but keeping them is a chore, and what have they to offer me but headaches and unnecessary troubles.
As an adolescent, I was moody and temperamental, but as a young adult, I’ve none of that. Just a singular forward drive with a sterile general sentiment.
There is a woman I felt something for briefly, but it’s doomed to end in tragedy, the same as the eventual consequence of life. The end, the end, the thing I’ve foreseen many times, yet I take a silly stance to it all, for what better to face the world with, and what better feeling to carry? She was beautiful, and sweet. I may have some of the former, but while I emulate the latter, I’m a crook at heart. Most people haven’t looked at their own shadow, I was always aware of it. Just how villainous I am. But she enjoyed fantasy.
And so, I find myself stranded in an unusual place. I blogpost once in a blue moon on this hacker forum, then disappear. This is the path I must continue walking, perhaps indefinitely. For all my virtues, I am still, an alien, some sort of creature, that isn’t quite human. Perhaps we’ve met, but you’d never quite realize just how strange your acquaintances might be…

I also like fantasy though, my nigga Dostoevsky go hard af, no cap.

>> No.21243282

The last time i talked to a woman was 3 yeara ago. Unfortunately I'm not even kidding

>> No.21243311

This has to be one of the worst post i've seen on thia board

>> No.21243312
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anon, I...

>> No.21243321

based Mount Athos settler

>> No.21243398

Unless you're very attractive, you have to go out of your way to get attention. Other than being cannon fodder or a generic worker, you have no inherent value. Your value is determined by your output.

Once you hit a certain age nobody really cares about you anymore, except for family and friends. People will be nice to you, but you are not worth as much as women and children. Articles about mass casualty events don't even mention you. They will usually mention women and children by group, but for men we're just a number.

"100 dead in building collapse, including women and children" - implies it's less important if we die.

Such is life.

>> No.21243550
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>> No.21244156

Heavenly digits, I kneel

>> No.21244817

Have sex

>> No.21244870

You're literally wrong though. If anything, women past a certain age become completely irrelevant (if they're childless and no longer able to bear children). Meanwhile, one of my friends dad was 50 when he impregnated his 30 y/o wife. You're kidding yourself if you think a 30 y/o childless man with a successful career isn't more valuable in a 23 y/o woman's eyes than some fresh out of college guy that doesn't have his life together. I know so many girls that are dating a guy 8+ years older than them - you don't see that nearly as often the other way around.

>> No.21244890

>If anything, women past a certain age become completely irrelevant (if they're childless and no longer able to bear children).
proven wrong by tinder. Young and old men compete for post menopausal sluts, and those men love it and even brag about being slaves to dried pussy

>> No.21244895

>Meanwhile, one of my friends dad was 50 when he impregnated his 30 y/o wife. You're kidding yourself if you think a 30 y/o childless man with a successful career
yeah and the key word is ''a successful career'' and by the way the 30 woman didn't have to compete to get a rich provider. Weird huh

>> No.21244898

She supports BLM...

>> No.21244901

Havel's greengrocer scenario

>> No.21244910

I'm sure that she was very unenthusiastically pro-BLM anon. I'm sure she had no other political options other than to "pretend" to support the "current regime".

>> No.21244976

Literally just romance novels. She started with fanfiction, moved to historical romance, and is now in monster smut, which is honestly an improvement.

It's extremely rare for women to habitually read anything of substance. I don't mean that in a mean way. Women aren't going to sperg away their lives wrestling with Finding Meaning. It's a strength.

Don't look for a partner who's your intellectual mirror, look for someone who's complementary and who will help develop your household and raise your kids.

>> No.21244985

Is she trans

>> No.21245020
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>and by the way the 30 woman didn't have to compete to get a rich provider.
This is BS. Unless you're young (i.e. younger than 30) and hot you're not getting a sugar-daddy. Why do incels have so much trouble understanding that the social mechanics that play out at the bar at 2:00am don't play out in other situations?

>> No.21245213

Yes, cope chud

>> No.21245702

yeah again proven false

and average girls have all average boyfriends without the need to compete for anything, even at age 30 lol, and definitely not at age 20.

>> No.21245716

What I would do to be able to rape her lovingly

>> No.21245721

romance novels. nothing but fucking romance novels, year after year. I pretend that I don't care.

>> No.21245734

she doesn't read. I bought her harry potter, the hobbit, and the last unicorn to try and get her to read just one book no matter what it is. they've sat unread.

>> No.21245739

I'm 30 and my girlfriend is 18.

>> No.21245742

Same, I bought my gf novels I thought she might enjoy for christmas like 3 years in a row now. She hasn't even read the back to see what they're about. Might break up with her just for this to be honest.

>> No.21245748

mine was raised with unrestricted cell phone/computer internet access since she was six. her dad left when she was twelve. she's eighteen now and I'm half parent, I don't mind so much. I just have to wean her off of social media dopamine addiction before trying to get her to obtain a personality.

>> No.21245873
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reminder that roasties will do anything to preserve the propaganda that their life is not on easy mode

>> No.21245951

>psychiatry books
>Lolita, Sade, Dostoevsky, especially russian /lit/ in it's original language as she's russian (she laughed at my pronunciation of Dostoevsky and Tolstoy)
>Horror, erotic short stories
>Transsurfing, NLP and the likes
>Books about magic/ runes as she's a witch

>> No.21245960

Is your gf my tall dirty-blonde gf as well?

>> No.21245982

She's blonde and with one of her many high heels kinda tall, not sure about the dirty part, she likes sex a lot but it's been clean for now.

>> No.21246022

a lot of jewish books
she is a jew

>> No.21246023

fucking awful kill it with fire
the only thing worse than your gf are those fat bitches that have a youtube channel with 20 views a video and are still reading YA at 38

>> No.21246048


>> No.21246198
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>as she's a witch
women truly are just overgrown children aren't they

>> No.21246230

Get a fucking life.

>> No.21246281

>my friends dad was 50 when he impregnated his 30 y/o wif
that kid will have a shitty life
his father will be 60 when he's 10 that's fucking sad

>> No.21246285

not really, the scheming and lying parts of the brain are fully developed

>> No.21246322

This is the most insincere drivel I have read in a while

>> No.21246463

he says, as he dates some boring sims character creator tier white woman

>> No.21246477

i don't read

>> No.21246511

My GF read a lot of Colleen Hoover books this summer, idk about where you live but she was the trendy author this summer for women in their 20's-30's over here

>> No.21246783

I don't have a girlfriend

>> No.21247045

I don't hava a girlfriend

>> No.21247161

I don't havi a girlfriend

>> No.21247176

If your gf reads that's a man baby

>> No.21247194
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>> No.21247206

Surprise surprise. An anon who actually knows what’s up. If these simp anons would listen they would learn. Smh

>> No.21247378

probably body count more than >10
will pass and spit

>> No.21247445

I don’t have a girlfriend

>> No.21247553

The only woman I know who reads read romance novels, dozens of them.

Shame I can't talk to her in person.