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/lit/ - Literature

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21228637 No.21228637 [Reply] [Original]

name your favorite black author

>> No.21228639

Bill Clinton

>> No.21228641

Deshawn Ngubu

>> No.21228644

Do Africans count? African American literature from the 20th century is bland in comparison.

>> No.21228647
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Chinua Achebe

>> No.21228657

Give us some good African recs.

>> No.21228670

Thomas Sowell.

>> No.21228761 [DELETED] 

has to be Dr. Tony Martin.

>> No.21228764

I don't know the skin color of authors I read

>> No.21228766
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has to be Dr. Tony Martin

>> No.21228772

true. A good book is a good book.

>> No.21228780

Alexandre Dumas

>> No.21228781

Alexandre Dumas

>> No.21228794

Genuinely want people here who have read African literature to discuss the general qualities that they assume, like how you can pinpoint the general quality of the Russian literature. I want to know more about the African spirit because for me, the Eastern African people are one of the most beautiful specimen of men and how this translate into words.

>> No.21228802

Read tekayo by grace ogot.
Also, Encounters from Africa is a good anthology of short stories.

>> No.21228849

Most of them are usually about the conflict btn new and old ideas. Colonialism vs independence, Christianity vs traditional myths. Tribalism vs racism. You can learn a lot about how humans struggle to change if you suspend the racism. You can even note the similarities and universality of certain cultural practices. Just read any colonial African literature.

I'd start with any short stories anthology. That way you get to know the famous authors and whether you like them, then move on to their novels.

>> No.21228850
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>Genuinely want people here who have read African literature to discuss the general qualities that they assume
> like how you can pinpoint the general quality
Well...... the English speaking/living African (African American, e.g.) is a fairly unique case due to his/her treatment by the ideology of the Whites; on one hand they're often pampered and mollified (becoming like spoiled Women) but on the other hand 'sometimes' they rise above that and so they're spared from the self-immolation of the Western culture; looking at things properly without the apologistic biases that makes White liberals-conservatives unreadable.

I gave Dr. Tony Martin as my example, without any explanation why, because he's a very goo example of this; his works on histories have a clarity and sense of perspective to them that are complimented by the willingness to speak honestly about Jewish slavers and the barbarism of Northern Europeans (i mean, childishness). Sometimes all it takes is not being brainwashed on one or two points.

Still, this is just the "westernized" African in English societies that I'm talking about, I have no idea if any truly good African authors exist outside of this bubble only that when I've gone to try to find specific things about specific times and places in Africa that I've been generally disappointed, like:

>African spirit
it's like nobody living in Africa has any idea who the Kouros were. Sad.

>> No.21228861

>Eastern African
MEH these guys got totally wrecked by the Muslims; Central Africa is the place to go to find unpolluted examples...

although, thinking about this,
Perhaps authors from Liberia would be the best place to start from, West Africa. Since while the west africans got wrecked far worse than the east there was the foundation of Liberia that came afterwards.

>> No.21228974

derek walcott or jean toomer

>> No.21228983

The Confessions of Saint Augustine

>> No.21228992


>> No.21229032
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he's my favorite character from MYL - great show, early seasons anyway.

>> No.21229060

Will. I. Am Shakespear.

>> No.21229082

Thomas Pynchon

>> No.21229085
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>/lit/ is raci-ACK!!!!

>> No.21229087

Hey listen you knob you know what I'm Italian and this made me laugh here some

>> No.21229094

Some cool black names like Ken Saro-Wiwa

>> No.21229096

Where is August Wilson

>> No.21229131

John Ridley

>> No.21229177

Is Dumas considered black? He was at least 75% white, maybe even higher

>> No.21229188
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>> No.21229251

I have a nigger

>> No.21229268

Édouard Glissant and Senghor and Derek Walcott and Wole Basedinka. For their poetry tough.

>> No.21229330

Tracy K. Smith

>> No.21229332


>> No.21229344

Clayton Bigsby

>> No.21229409
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Notice how wokes have a very specific set of gestures/attitudes which they use in their photographs - usually involving gestures expressive of restraining others or unlimited power and invulnerability; in one word: untouchable.
Contrast it with the relative serenity that older photographs had (at least in democratic, post-Enlightenment countries). That was still Obama's and Bush's image, and is Biden's - but younger politicians, like AOC, and activists, like Greta, all use this woke iconography in their imagery.
Clear influences from the pop world, of course, and ''icons'' such as Madonna, footballers, and others.

>> No.21229445

Machado de Assis

Fuck of, Dante was white!

You can keep joyce though. Fuck him and his shitty pretencious prose

>> No.21229461

Reading by race is dumb.
That being said:
Octavia Butler

>> No.21229467


>> No.21229468
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Picrel by virtue of Invisible Man alone. Best piece of negro literature. Otherwise it would be James Baldwin if he wasn't such a whiny faggot

>Captcha: HRTP4

>> No.21229493

Negro McNigger

>> No.21229514

It was a different time.

>> No.21229527


>> No.21229549

Camus, Augustine

>> No.21229775


>> No.21229890

Why the FUCK is Beneath The Underdog on there? Is that a joke? Mingus' autobiography is unironically unreadable.

There's a bit where he fucks a Mexican woman and she goes "ay-chi-wa-wa", and "rub on my chi-chis". If anything I recommend it for that alone.

>> No.21229893

Actually the whole "contemporary" bit might well be a joke.

>> No.21229930
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Excellent choice. My favorite too.

>> No.21229938

The quadroon Dumas is the only that comes to mind

>> No.21229944

Ralph Ellison

>> No.21229957

William Shakespeare

>> No.21229959

HP Lovecraft

>> No.21229971

Not really black but James Joyce

>> No.21230071

Harlem Shuffle by Colson Whitehead is quite entertaining. It has some "muh" in it, but it's never jarring.

Don't be fooled by his surname, by the way, he is most certainly of African origin.

>> No.21231008

this passes for humor among inbreds

>> No.21231034

Bill Clinton

>> No.21231046

james weldon johnson snubbed

>> No.21231054

I have his book on the Underground Railroad. My nana got it for me years ago for Christmas. One of these days I'll read it

>> No.21231166
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ma nigga ngugi

>> No.21231637


>> No.21231645

Malcom x

>> No.21231871

the only noteworthy contribution to literature by a black person is invisible man, so it is by default ralph ellison.

>> No.21231885

Cope nigger

>> No.21231900
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Einstein and Hitler they are both pretty dark deus.

>> No.21231920

Meds confirmed for Nigs

>> No.21231944

Ben Okri

>> No.21231987
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Jô Soares.

>> No.21232066

Langston Hughes

>> No.21232464

What did he write?

>> No.21232466

VS Naipaul

>> No.21233534

I can't think of anyone though
what do?

>> No.21233557


>> No.21233685

Iceberg Slim

>> No.21233792

The only black author I've read is Thomas Sowell, I remember liking him for the most part but I've only read one book from him I think.

>> No.21233805

Machado de Assis is easily the best recc itt

>> No.21233845
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Richard Wright
>the Eastern African people are one of the most beautiful specimen of men and how this translate into words.
Lmao. I'm Rwandan-Canadian and I look like this meme except slightly less bulb-heady and 21 years old.
I appreciate your love though, bb <3
>MEH these guys got totally wrecked by the Muslims
We drove out the Muslims before they could reach us but then we wrecked ourselves...

>> No.21234734

Frantz Fanon, Aimé Césaire

>> No.21235186

Achille Mbembe

>> No.21235192

lmao is that AI generated?

>> No.21235199

Akrembe Molemko

>> No.21235216

>Achille Mbembe
>In May 2019 the German Parliament passed a resolution branding the BDS movement antisemitic. In addition all German states were advised to deny public funding for events or people supportive of that movement.[20] In early 2020, the Federal Commissioner for Jewish Life and the fight against antisemitism, Felix Klein, called for the cancellation of a keynote address by Mbembe scheduled to be delivered on 14 August that summer at the Ruhrtriennale. He claimed Mbembe had "relativised the Holocaust and denied Israel's right to exist". The invitation was withdrawn, and the festival itself was cancelled due to the COVID-19 pandemic.[21][20]
>The evidence for this charge was based on comments Mbembe made in two books where he drew parallels between the separatist policies deployed in the Israeli occupation of the Palestinian territories and South Africa under Apartheid.[22][a][23] Mbembe was supported by groups of Israeli and Jewish academics, including some prominent German Holocaust scholars. Concerns were raised over what some argued was a "weaponization of antisemitism",[22] and, later that year, in December, representatives of 32 prominent cultural institutions issued a declaration both rejecting the BDS movement and, at the same time, warning that, rather than reining in antisemitism, the resolution posed dangers to freedom of speech.[b][21] In response, Monika Grütters, Germany's minister for culture, stated that cultural institutions walk a tightrope between artistic freedoms and socially acceptable ideas, and that anti-Semitism was a redline issue.[20]
Fuck off, chud.

>> No.21235227

Didn't know about that lol i just like his stuff on Necropolitics

>> No.21235426


This is the only correct answer in the whole thread, jfc.