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/lit/ - Literature

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21228518 No.21228518 [Reply] [Original]

I've taken the antisemitic redpill. what are the most antisemitic books i can read to help me become more knowledgeable?

>> No.21228519

Stick your head in the oven already

>> No.21228531

Go outside and get a job, loser

>> No.21228536
File: 3.48 MB, 3500x2500, 1664360880069525 A Redpilling Guide to the Jewish Question.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.21228542

are these just jews or stupid goyim? if goyim, what causes such behavior in the goy

>> No.21228549

Supersessionism is true, God has abandoned the Jews, Christians are the true Chosen People after the Resurrection

>> No.21228558

Judaism in Music.

>> No.21228565

>no Wagner
Bad chart.

>> No.21228569

Eat a bullet

>> No.21228577
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>> No.21228592

Lmao! This is amazing.
I now believe there is a /lit/ chart for anything. Just ask for it, and someone will have a chart somewhere no matter how niche or vague the topic is.

>> No.21228617

What books would you recommend by him?

Indeed, ask and ye shall find. There are a few books missing, such as "The Curse of Canaan", but it's still alright since a beginner will find more sources.

>> No.21228622
File: 102 KB, 318x470, Which Way Western Man?.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This chart is OK, but there are several titles I would want to add. For example, in the "Additional Readings" section, "Which Way Western Man?", by W. G. Simpson.

WWWM could basically be subtitled "My Redpilling". Simpson was a very intelligent bloke who went from wide-eyed "all men are brothers" Christianity to hard-core National Socialism. There's an extensive bibliography cataloguing all the stuff he read along the way, so if you think he covers something sketchily, you can fill in the gaps.

>> No.21228624

The World Conquerors by Louis Marschalko
The Ultimate World Order by Henry Robert Williams
Deadlier than the H-Bomb by Leonard Young
Plot Against the Church by Maurice Pinay

All come to mind. Not anti-Semitic, but anti-Sanhedrin

>> No.21228629
File: 118 KB, 840x600, WWWM.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here are two quotations which show his journey.

>> No.21228632

I further recommend 'A Jew Exposes the Jewish World Conspiracy' by Jew, Harry Klein


Careful with E. Michael Jones OP, he has proved himself to be a traitor. The 'antisemitism' was his bait.

>> No.21228698

At the core of 4chan Culture and thought exists the motiff of Anti semitism. The collective unifying theme that encapsulates the entirety of this site across all boards

>> No.21228751
File: 45 KB, 602x341, 5CB25D7E-B02F-4782-A2F9-00499CB7ED09.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Modern antisemitism is essentially just a way to reduce complex social, cultural, and political phenomena to a simplistic narrative with evil characters who are “out to get us”. It starts off with the assumption that whites are inherently good and therefore any problem in white society must be laid at the feet of some alien race who inexplicably hate us. It’s just a Satan—God duality repackaged in political form; and it’s all the more odious because it teaches us to hate real people instead of a symbolic character like Satan.
Of course there are some truths sprinkled in to this narrative. Israel does exert a lot of influence over America. But the idea that Jews want to “destroy America” or “flood Europe with Muslims” is ludicrous on the face of it. America is the reason Israel’s enemies such as Iran were not able to procure nuclear weapons. America is the reason that the enemies of Israel face regime change and war. It makes no sense whatsoever that Israel would want to destroy America, its most powerful big brother, which routinely backs up its genocidal activities. In fact, Israel has repeatedly shown that it doesn’t care one bit about white racism, which is why it supported apartheid South Africa when all of the holy white countries sanctioned it. Jews in America are some of the biggest critics of affirmative action and other racial inclusion policies because their children have to compete with artificially advantaged blacks to get in good universities and jobs.
And lastly, because of the genocide of Palestinians (something white antisemities only pretend to care about), Jews and Muslims are bitter enemies. Most major Muslim states (Iraq, Iran, Lebanon, Saudi Arabia, Syria, Afghanistan, and so on…) don’t even recognise Israel as a state, whereas the white countries are the biggest supporters of Israel’s genocide. The idea that Jews would want to “flood Europe with Muslims” and turn Europe into an Islamic continent is fucking retarded beyond belief. It would mean that their biggest enemies, the people who hate them most, would replace their biggest supporters, and take control of countries with large militaries and nuclear weapons. It’s the most retarded theory I’ve ever heard of.
Instead of looking at the complex causes leading up to the political crises of the modern day (which would mean admitting whites are not, in fact, perfect angels), all you do is create a boogeyman whom you can easily blame for everything. It’s a low IQ ideology.

>> No.21228757

>What books would you recommend by him?
Judaism in Music
Some Explanations Concerning "Judaism in Music"

>> No.21228763

When people make a comment about them holding a lot of positions of power in society, what's up with that thing they do where they deny it and act like they don't? Then when you looks up any company 95% of the time there are some Jewish names in the higher positions of power?

>> No.21228967


>> No.21228995

>Walt Mearsheimer

>> No.21229000

It’s certain industries, not all. Media corporations in America and Europe are all Jewish, an an example, and the reason why they push Murdoch so hard is to deceive the public that the media is white, old men running the industry when it’s 95% Jewish. I also wouldn’t be surprised if Murdoch was a crypto-Jew.

>> No.21229018

jews are chill and although the orthodox are weird, they do keep to themselves. major critiques would be:
>Holiday food is disgusting
>Pork is delicious and Trichinosis isn't a threat
>The neighbor's crazy ass mom throwing a massive fucking fit when I wouldn't let her dump salt all over the sidewalk, down the alley and in my backyard (I lived in a rowhome at the time)

>> No.21229025

their secular diaspora certainly doesn't "keep to themselves". in my euro country every ngo involved in immigration or rainbow shit has an overrepresentation of jews despite there being few jews in the country.

>> No.21229029

There is no conspiracy, jews are just masters of nepotism by culture

>> No.21229033

This is what /pol/tards actually believe. This is like the final stage of the cancer that was 2016

>> No.21229099

thank you, yaron, for your contribution. now kindly kill yourself you filthy kike.

>> No.21229488

Any anti jew lit that isn't also white supremacist?

>> No.21229517


>> No.21229579

Are there any books that address the JQ from the a left wing perspective?

>> No.21229603
File: 80 KB, 919x518, torah.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.21229642

Jews are the biggest promoters of Christian Antisemitism, retarded cunts. The Jews admit they wouldn't even survive with your stupid Christcuckery. Just look at some of the videos Adam Green on the Bitchute channel "Know More News" shares of rabbis praising Christian antisemitism. It's a controlled opposition, moron.
I prefer anti-Abrahamic antisemitism.

>> No.21229647

They play both sides, idiot. That's what makes them tricky bastards.

>> No.21229670

Yeah, it's sort of hard to buy that every geopolitical event for the past few hundred years is centered around Jews and their supposed interest to exterminate whitey.

>> No.21229695

yes, and no antisemite, save for the really retarded ones, is an absolutist like that. not every single bad thing is because of the jew. a huge number however, is.