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[ERROR] No.2122603 [Reply] [Original]

can we have a language humor thread?

>> No.2122605


>> No.2122610


Faggot hipster faggot.

>> No.2122612


Gallagher on the English language. Yes, he did more than smash watermelons. The best stuff starts about 3 min in.

>> No.2122615

If Gallagher is too old/lowbrow for /lit/, just go read "Brain Droppings" by Carlin. Tons of great language humor in that book.

>> No.2122616

can we have a L*A*N*G*U*A*G*E humor thread please

>> No.2122647

??? sorry, i have no idea what exactly you are looking for... puns?

Interacting with Co-workers:

Co-worker #1: Long day’s work, huh? Whaddaya say we head out with the boys and toss back a few brews?

You: Why, yes — let’s indulge and revel in Dionysian bacchanalia!

Co-worker #2: It’s ironic that you say that, since ’"bacchanalia" is derived from Bacchus, the Greek equivalent of Dionysius. Though fulfilling the same basic duties as deities, Greek Bacchus and Roman Dionysius are based on such uniquely disparate cultures that they resist intermingling. So, in essence, your prepositional object is a contradiction, albeit a long dead one.

Co-worker #1: Hahahaha, “long dead,” hahahaha — that’s a good one, Steve.

>> No.2122659
File: 20 KB, 315x460, Comedian-Gallagher-news.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gallagher is low-brow?

>> No.2122692

Not really, but he took that sledge-o-matic shit way too far. Which is sad, because he had more interesting things to say. If you check out that video, he makes some decent jokes about the English language. Most of them can be explained away by the fact that English is a bastard language so it will not have a very uniform spelling/phonics system, but it is kind of humorous.

"We aren't talking about two obscure words we never use... we are talking about GO and DO!"

>> No.2122701

"Go" and "do" are idiomatic to just about every language. Common verbs are almost always irregular.

>> No.2122712

>Greek Bacchus
>Roman Dionysus
you best be trolling