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21223556 No.21223556 [Reply] [Original]

has to be in English though, preferrably pre WW2

>> No.21223640

>Germans migrate east
>Germans start replacing previous inhabitants in places of power
>Germans start claiming "This is actually OUR land actually"
>Germans declare war to take over those lands
White people complain about Hispanics, Middle Easterners, South Asians, East Asians, and Africans taking their jobs, replacing their communities, and some day taking away their countries, possibly by war. But Germans literally did it in Europe first, to other white people. Are Germans even white? Unlike the other whites they also didn't even colonize much of anything. They only ever invaded other Europeans, first from inside, then using that as their cause for declaring ownership and war.

>> No.21223644

not what I asked

>> No.21223691

Drang nach osten*

>> No.21223693

okay fair, but I’d like some book recs, especially from a German perspective

>> No.21223965

it's funny when you look at the map, they almost always migrate to the parts of Europe that we're poorer and weaker nations (even in the Tsardom) while France, Scandinavia, Netherlands, Belgium and Italy is clean of them
Their migration really seems protestant, almost like it was their duty to help the struggling nations to become better through them

>> No.21223972

>poorer and weaker nations
That's generally how colonialism works. English Puritans didn't run off to France to sell their small-pox blankets. Because they would have been told "We're full"

>> No.21224049

>Are Germans even white
You mutts are insufferable.

>> No.21224268


>> No.21224345

I recommend to you Max Webers inaugural speech when he took up his professorship in Freiburg, called
>The national state and economic policy
which deals with the Ostsiedlung as it was present in German discourse on the eve of WW1. It's also called the "Freiburg address". Not exactly a history of the entire thing but if you're interested in the topic, you should read it (it's only a speech, not long at all).

>> No.21224846

I'm currently going through a medieval European phase so this is a pretty interesting topic. Bumping for recs.

>> No.21224888
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around germans never relax

>> No.21225025

kind of an incoherent post. white people did the exact same to the native americans in spirit even if theres some nuance to it

right wingers dont racialise the migration and take over, they simply point it out as a fact of human existence

>> No.21225055

Has any other nation done this? I'm not talking about the mass migrations at the end of the classical era, but setting up these networks of German towns and cities in a sea of Slavs, Hungarians, Romanians, etc.
It reminds me of the ancient Greek colonisation stategy more than anything.

>> No.21225482


>> No.21225515

When you study untouchable topics from oblique angles you often find little kernels that make you go “uh oh maybe I was misled”. This is kinda a big one. A WW2 era claim from mustache man like “dude every country was actually lead by an Aryan minority group and there’s a subterranean race war going on against them” has to be over half true. Germonkies colonized everything everywhere and it’s possible to cast a lot of political struggles as autochthonous revolts against their rule if you wanted to

>> No.21225642

I’m not arguing that, or anything

>> No.21226510

yes, the Chinese all over southeast Asia

>> No.21226521
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pic rel

>> No.21226873


>> No.21227328
File: 39 KB, 252x399, expansion of germanic tribes.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he doesn't know about the East Germanic tribes like the Goths
>he doesn't realize that Poland used to be Germanic before it got colonized by Sl*vs

>> No.21227475

Pretty interesting, I know embarassingly little about Asia. Might be my next deep dive.

>> No.21227491

I wonder how these Chinese people survived nationalism and Islamification at different points in history, the situation is definitely a good comparison with germans and jews etc

>> No.21228401

Are you the anon I recommended From Catherine to Kruschev by Giesinger to? Are you working backwards?

>> No.21228951

the jews

>> No.21229140

no, and sadly aside from the Freiburg Address (which I find hard to access) I’ve gotten no real response so far, just endless unrelated anti-German diatribes

>> No.21229147

Are you german/speak german?

>> No.21229159

Ja. Ich bin geboren in einem Dorf das im Schatten des Piz Palü liegt.

>> No.21229160

I suppose ethnically but my German is not too good
tf dude

>> No.21230412

It varies based on the country. In the Philippines and Indonesia, anti-Chinese sentiment led local Chinese to change their names, convert to Christianity (even in Indonesia; Christianity was less respected than Islam, but it was more respected than traditional Chinese religion), and adopt the local lingua franca. In Thailand, there was little anti-Chinese sentiment, which ironically led to a similar de-Sinification; the Chinese frequently married native Thai women and assimilated into mainstream Thai society, so that nowadays a huge percentage of Thais have some Chinese ancestry, but very few are culturally Chinese. In Malaysia, the Chinese have been able to maintain something of a parallel society; they have their own schools and social networks (the real-life kind, not the online kind), and Malaysian law bans interreligious marriage, which keeps the Chinese from mixing into Malay society. Singapore is majority Chinese and was established in large part to preserve the Chinese element in society. I don't know anything about the Chinese in other SEA countries.
I think most of the Chinese in SEA came after that.

>> No.21230420

Slight correction: Malaysian law bans marriage between Muslims and non-Muslims. Members of other religious groups can marry, so there's a sizeable number of Chinese-Indian marriages.

>> No.21230830

The Northern Crusades: Second Edition
The Germans and the East
The Chronicle of Henry of Livonia (primary source)

>> No.21230912

i dont know much about this topic but I imagine they could afford more farmland in poland or russia than somewhere with a denser population

>> No.21231157

I asked my Kraut friend and basically there aren't any, even in Germany it's a pretty niche subject.
He read Die Deutsch Ostsiedlung by Charles Higounet, apparently that's the comprehensive history on the ostsiedlung but as you can probably tell it's written German.

>> No.21231176

What you're interested in is called middleman minorities.
Pierre van den Berghe's The Ethnic Phenomenon talks a lot about them. Greeks, Lebanese, Circassians, Armenians, Jews, Chinese, certain Indian cultures all fall into this category in different parts of the world.

>> No.21231363

I focus on later history so I'm not really much help. I know more about Ostflucht (the reverse phenomenon where ethnic Germans, Poles, and Slavs started returning to Prussia from the area now known as Poland because Prussia's cities were becoming major) and the period around industrialisation rather than the middle ages.
I know there's some German resettlement along the Danube from Saxony during Joseph II because of the retreat of the Ottomans, but that's about as far back as my knowledge goes.
You might want something about medieval central Europe, but again, I'm not much help there. Bump

>> No.21231804


>> No.21231813

i dreamed about choking a german to death. his neck felt like rubber.

>> No.21232497

Fucking psycho

>> No.21232516

Thanks anon, that's exactly what I was thinking of.

>> No.21232566
File: 155 KB, 840x648, thinki.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

First time I'm seeing the line westwards?
I thought Hitler respected Walloons as germanic and French as an honorable, capable people.
Did he originally have plans to push the people in those regions out?

>> No.21232690

Germans are racial imperialists, like Africans
Africans and Germans are the two only races of people whining when a specific place or specific area has not enough africans/germans, and have that weird instinct to displace other people wherever they settle.

>> No.21232711

Looks like the borders of the HRE

>> No.21232729

it isn't, it's rather a linguistic map
walloons were part of the HRE and not the Flemish, not the West flemish anyway

>> No.21233956


>> No.21234066


>> No.21234084

Not exactly what you're looking for but this book has an entire chapter devoted to the historical context of German presence in the east

>> No.21234181

You fucking retarded nigger Mexicans come to the US for jobs and settle in megacities living off welfare. These german people were settling literal empty land in Eastern Europe and improving the local area by building villages and contributing to the farming and production industry. None of these places complained about Germans living among them. The Wolga-Deutsch werent expelled til the late 1930's they were treated better than the kulaks were. Its not like Eastern Europe was some highly advanced civilization lmao. Even today most of that land is barren and uninhabited swamp or steppe.

>> No.21234209

>he says this as Germans are being replaced in their own homeland jahr after jahr.

They also didnt displace anyone. They emigrated legally and were given plots of land in literal swamps and prairies and shit and built their own infrastructure. I dont see africans doing that anywhere, not even in Africa.