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21222543 No.21222543 [Reply] [Original]

What red flag books should I be screening for on my dates?

>> No.21222544

If they like any book that /lit/ likes, drop them.

>> No.21222547

venereal disease

>> No.21222600

depends on if they only saw the Thugnotes review

>> No.21222622

Any book is a red flag. I do not want a literate wife.

>> No.21222628

Being a woman in her 20s looking like in her mid-30s

>> No.21223094
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I was gomna make a shit post but im tired so here's a serious answer

They only read YA despite being adults, not saying they can't read YA but ONLY reading YA is a redflag

>> No.21223118

you should screen for the types of people that make these kinds of lists. these are second rate unattractive women, thinking they can pick and choose their mate. no one wants them.

>> No.21223151
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The Love Hypothesis by Ali Hazelwood

>> No.21223161

Pretty much anything fantasy or YA while still advertising themselves as womyn o' letters. I have much more respect for vapid arthoes honest about their vapidity regarding film or music.

>> No.21223193

Nah the Anne McCaffrey types are frequently perfectly fine.

>> No.21223224

instagram poetry
YA lit
champagne socialist books

non-lit related
>septum piercings
>bad tattoos

>> No.21223280


It's over wallacebros

>> No.21223330

her goddamn editing is giving me AIDS

>> No.21223346

so THIS is roastie-core

>> No.21223379


>> No.21223382

>no mention of mein kampf

>The Great Gatsby
"But i agree & i love it, but it is a problem"

>harry potter by jk “terf” rowling

>wasn't in the video but in the comments: starship troopers
someone said it was yikes
i doubt they read it, probably basing it off the movie

>> No.21223390
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>year of rest and relaxation

It was a lot better than I was expecting it to be desu, although it doesn’t surprise me that roasties wouldn’t like it, since the whole book is basically mocking them and their shitty entitled behaviour

>> No.21223395


>> No.21223401

>>wasn't in the video but in the comments: starship troopers
>someone said it was yikes
>i doubt they read it, probably basing it off the movie
Too many people get filtered by Heinlein anyway

>> No.21223410
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She had that eerily deep voice like pic related, which is a massive red flag desu; either she’s affecting it (also like pic related) to seem more “assertive” or she has an abnormally high testosterone level
>I’d still hatefuck her tho

>> No.21223430

The female mind is like a crucible that takes the greatest of philosophy, art, literature, and emotion and refines it into solid ingots of the most jaw-droppingly vapid opinions imaginable.

>> No.21223432

I don't understand why people get so upset with that book. He focuses on the military, but it's not the only way to be able to get voting rights. You could work at the DMV.

>> No.21223442
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women are retarded

>> No.21223450

There’s occasional gems of shocking insight and wisdom to be found in those vapid ingots, specifically because their perspective is so different, sort of like an idiot-savant

>> No.21223451

God this made me violent

>> No.21223465

Midwits struggle with any sort of ambiguity, if a story isn’t heavy-handed with its message of “[X] is good, and [Y] is bad” it confuses and enrages them, same as how they struggle to enjoy any story with an unlikeable protagonist or one that holds radically different views to themselves, unless the plot of the story is mostly just the unlikeable protagonist suffering.

>> No.21223466

What's wrong with The Road?

>> No.21223471

The community known as "booktube" is truly vile, vile shit. Tbh I don't think most people who are aware it exists fully grasp the extent of the rot.

>> No.21223500

> The community known as "booktube" is truly vile, vile shit.
>Tbh I don't think most people who are aware it exists fully grasp the extent of the rot.

Wait until you see booktok on TikTok, it’s so bad that they make Booktube seem like the philosopher-king scholars of Plato’s Academy by comparison

>> No.21223517

Fuck you there's nothing wrong with it

>> No.21223521

Kek. I feel like that book is a test for shitbags. If you can't work as janitor for 3 years then you shouldn't be voting. The movie fucked up the reputation of the book, i like how it exposes people who didn't read it. People who always try to act intellectually superior and well-read, but didn't do their homework.

>> No.21223530


>> No.21223543
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None because judging a woman based on her taste in books is like a judging a car based on the size of its cupholders

>> No.21223557
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>Here are some books that I would personally consider a red flag

>> No.21223559
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quality posts

>> No.21223607

Ottessa is my cousin. What did she do to upset the whiny gashes who pretend they’re intellectuals?

>> No.21223613

You can always make them shut up by telling them what a feminist he was for being the first science fiction author to have women portrayed in positions of power.

>> No.21223625

He had some pretty progressive views.

Most people who talk about "Starship Troopers" also never read it. I can't even count the amount of times someone thinks that in that book the only way to earn the right to vote is by serving in the military. It's insane. It's either they didn't read it or are mentally deficient. The book explicitly states multiple times that you can be a janitor and earn the right to vote and hold public office.

>> No.21223656


Onion-scented Virginity

>> No.21223680

This video serves as a great reminder as to why rape should be legal

>> No.21223683

wait, we let these things vote?

>> No.21223697


>> No.21223746
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>> No.21223755

>What red flag books should I be screening for on my dates?
Basically 2nd, 3rd or 4th Internationale social democratic thinkers. As long as they're using Marx in a libertarian context, it counts as a black flag.

Red flag <= Black flag
Bernstein <= Pannenkoek
Stalin <= Malatesta
Trotsky <= Poteria Operaia
Zedong <= Sub-commandante Marcos

>> No.21223768

Essence of a modern female school teacher

>> No.21223784

Heinlen wrote the full spectrum, from stories with ultra-progressive hippie ideology, to the infamously crypto-fascist ideology of Starship Troopers. People focus on Starship Troopers though because universal suffrage is a Golden Calf of western liberal democracy and any suggestion of limiting it will automatically be interpreted as an aforementioned crypto-fascist dystopia
>on a related note, the supposed criticism of Communism in Starship Troopers is exaggerated too, it’s obvious Heinlen respects the pseudo-commie bugmen, since they’ve built a very powerful powerful and advanced society

>> No.21223860
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>everyone ITT complaining that a braindead roastie has shit taste

Tf were you expecting? Did you really expect someone who mostly just makes videos about the favourite books of zoomer celebs to have meaningful insights into the works of Thomas Pynchon and James Joyce?

>> No.21224286

>champagne socialist books
Such as?

>> No.21224291

So any book that's actually good?

>> No.21224293

>Has never seen a woman without make-up
Get out more

>> No.21224319

what's wrong with her forehead.

>> No.21224320

It's less particular titles than having no focus of interest(s) for their selection, no theme, no personal use and purpose for it beyond killing time. More importantly can they even write? Does their prose suggest indigestion, stroke, ligma?


OP will get more mileage out of a film debrief to suss that out.


>> No.21224479

why is she so insufferable? I just can't stand to watch more than 30 seconds of the vid. None of the other booktubers are like this.

>> No.21225746

anon, I....

>> No.21225808

roasted too many times on the carousel eh

>> No.21225819

you know when you see them, just like the evo psych shitterbacks

>> No.21225913


>> No.21225926


>> No.21225938

she said she loves it

>> No.21226308

>What red flag books should I be screening for on my dates?
Loving Lolita, but not being familiar with Nabokov's other work.

>> No.21226413

90% of women have daddy issues and crap taste in kinks anon, this rules out almost all art loving women,
I knew one 30yr old french woman who wanted younger men but in any anglo country you are doomed like the rest of us

>> No.21226480

This book is considered "femcel-core"

>> No.21226553

It's interesting because Catcher in the Rye is very good, but it genuinely is a red flag because so many people who like it didn't understand it.
The other two are pretty bad, I just didn't realize there were so many YoR&R lovers that it was possible for it to be a red flag. I assume it has to do with hating women?
Anything I don't like is a red-flag for stupidity and poor taste, but mostly not disqualifying. I guess something by a psychoanalyst or Marx or druid trash would give me serious pause. They all kind of imply you're not capable of serious thought but really really want to be rewarded for leaping to self-serving conclusions.

>> No.21226982


>> No.21227002

>I knew one 30yr old french woman who wanted younger men
Why are you not with her right now?
>but in any anglo country you are doomed like the rest of us
Of course life is shit in ang*o shitholes.

>> No.21227050

she lived in London and I would rather not live there, plus the platform we were speaking on closed between us.

Anyway, the death of polite society will be women worshipping serial killers and rapists on television, there can be no great culture without the complete subjudgation of women's desire for an aggressive society.
Europe as a whole does not look good, not a single reactionary movement has succeeded meaningfully.

>> No.21227120

Isn't a french woman a big upgrade for ang*o men? The english women I've seen are absolutely hideous and I'd take a french woman over an ang*o anytime.

>> No.21227655
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I think it was intentional that the bugs were based off communists (especially China) but Heinlein portrays them in a neutral light. Even Rico, who has all the reason to hate them seems unbiased about them throughout his narration. Perhaps it's because chauvinism is not present in Heinlein's ideal military. I really wish people just read his books and not and jump to conclusions based on what they watched form Paul Verhoeven's midwit hack movie.

>> No.21227777

they are anon, but leaving the UK especially if you are not well off is tough, people don't realise it, but the UK is mostly like a poor eastern european country with free healthcare slapped on

>> No.21227804

It's really not that bad. It is weirdly dated and it reminds me of someone like DanIsNotOnFire from 2013 tumblr.

>> No.21227864
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>> No.21227953

Every woman (that reads) that I have ever known has read every single one of these except the one by Reni Eddo-Lodge and possibly Fifty Shades of Grey.

>> No.21227960

worst thing about this image is that all of the first three are also made for retards

>> No.21228162
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Kek you’re right, I just watched her video and she missed the point of the novel to an absolutely hilarious degree
>be upper-middle class white girl, living in a first world country
>have basically the most cushy, pampered existence imaginable, more pampered than >99.9% of humanity
>still empathise with the protagonist of Rest&Relaxation and unironically think “omg wouldn’t it be so great to relax and just sleep for a whole year”

Meanwhile a billion Chinks in China are working a 72+ hour workweek while this bitch sits on her ass all day reading Taylor Swift’s favourite books

>> No.21228776

all this seething makes her based in my book

>> No.21228806
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Posting Based Ursula in an incel thread

>> No.21228816

she looks like an ursula

>> No.21228826

Back when feminism was based and not clownworld filled with troons and fatties

>> No.21229394

Don't mention Pannekoek along with all that trash. Councilcoms are not sympathetic to anarchists

>> No.21229398

good book i enjoyed it thoroughly

>> No.21229502

every time I hear a bitch talk about great gatsby, they're about to say the dumbest string of words I ever heard

>> No.21229557

Wait. are you dating men or women?

Either way Lolita, for the obvious reasons

>> No.21229568

I get the analogy, and i agree

But size of cupholders is actually important. Imagine cups not fitting
>Alfa Romeo Onwer

>> No.21229671

Keep stargazing anarkiddie

>> No.21229875

pretty sure being in the top 8M of humanity is upper class

>> No.21229902

But fifty shades is both based and popular
In what possible way would it be any indication of a negative trait beyond "i wanted to see what all the fuzz is about"?
Is it just incels writing down the only sex lit they know because... well why?

>> No.21229994

We got a Reylo fag over here

>> No.21230028

People who use the words "crypto-fascist" need to have their coffee spliked with laxatives