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/lit/ - Literature

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21219434 No.21219434 [Reply] [Original]

Why do I prefer reading the wiki about books rather than just reading them?

>> No.21219438

Zoomer brain. You want a digested summary or the bulletpoints.

>> No.21219440

because you're the average /lit/ poster

>> No.21219461

your imagination is usually better than what an author can come up with

>> No.21219474

that doesn't make any sense

>> No.21219496

Same reason you post frogs, you have little concept of how others perceive you. You most likely make this out to be that you do not care what other think of you but really you just have yet to encounter the consequences for that sort of world view. For most people this is just a phase they grow out of sometime in their 20s, they miss out on something they really wanted and they realize why. Same old story, go through life blindly until you hit a wall hard enough to dislodge your head from your ass and take a look around at all the damage you have caused.

>> No.21219507
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wtf are you talking about

>> No.21219510

typical frog poster

>> No.21219516
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I just read the 4chan posts about the book

>> No.21219531

At least he did not impersonate me. You really should throw in a "NTA" or the like when you break the thread. Typical anon.

>> No.21219543

so you read because it makes you look better?

>> No.21219556

No, I read because I enjoy it.

>> No.21220587

you are going broad rather than deep. you are expanding your /lit/erary landscape and mapping out the terrain. eventually you will read some books, but only when you know for sure what you must read

>> No.21221630

because you dont enjoy reading

>> No.21222250
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>> No.21222287

What is the difference in the long run? A year after I read a book I'm only able to remember the Wikipedia-length synopsis anyway

>> No.21222293

that's how I am with videogames

>> No.21223351

Because you're a fucking idiot. I'm not just insulting you, that is the honest reason. You can't think for yourself

>> No.21223586

Because it makes no difference whether you read the book or the summary, except the summary is way faster to read. Back in the good old days, you'd be reading reviews written by professional essayists - now you can just go online and look shit like this up for free.
You are unironically incoherent, you do not even address the question in the OP.

>> No.21223654

You are making the mistake of thinking reading a book is all about extracting bullet point takeaways, which, unless you're reading a self help book, is not the point.

>> No.21223655

99.99% of books are a waste of time, even the famous ones are fucking awful boring lines that go on forever.

>> No.21223663

Why are you here? Go back to >>>/v/

>> No.21223689

I know you are just projecting your insecurities and pretend that it's direct at OP instead of yourself, but this point is nonetheless interesting to think about

>> No.21223997

because you're the average /lit/ poster, stupid frogposter

>> No.21224053

And now you'll remember less. Wikipedia is notorious for poorly explaining complex topics which you could understand just fine if you read the book.

>> No.21224260
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You have brain rot that kills your attention span from daily dopamine benders on the internet. You have no appreciation for the artistry in literature. You only care about absorbing useless information that will never augment your intellectual capacities.

>> No.21224562

>what is imagery
>what is king dialogue
>what is literally any memorable scene from a book ever

Some scenes in books are better than anything I’ve dreamt. I feel bad for someone being this much of a brainlet