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21213831 No.21213831 [Reply] [Original]

>take miserable, misguided people
>lovebomb them, and indoctrinate them with pomo that life is meaningless, humans are a mistake, truth is relative, nothing really exists except the void, not even you
>and if you live a virtuous, fruitful existence and fight evil, you reincarnate as an animal millions of times and suffer
>your friends and family don't matter, only escaping suffering does, so join our suicide cult, we'll teach you the practice of an ancient satanic sorcerer of how to kill your soul, and plunge into eternal oblivion ("Nirvana")
>develop no virtues or repentance and go to Hell

>> No.21213867

You must be talking about Western Buddhism, which is a Jewish creation.

>> No.21213879

Weak bait

>> No.21213881

>>take miserable, misguided people
That's Christianity

>> No.21213891

>and if you live a virtuous, fruitful existence and fight evil, you reincarnate as an animal millions of times and suffer
No, you would be reincarnated as a human or as a god.

>> No.21213898

>Buddhism is a satanic suicide cult disguised as postmodern marxism
peak schizo

>> No.21213917

Christianity is a Jewish life-denying communist death-cult though

>> No.21213918
File: 63 KB, 600x600, bardoexist.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i saw an occult chart once that put buddha and satan on the same level in the spiritual hierarchy. 5 sacraments or something. Jesus was 8 and the most sacraments. But the catch is that jesus is basically beyond humans and everyone who claims jesus is a hypocrite. Need to dig it up some time.

Also is this why the guy from Beherit became a buddhist? This connection is interesting.

>> No.21214006
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This is what Fr. Seraphim Rose said.

>> No.21214007
File: 18 KB, 490x612, 14E1FC89-9B50-41DD-AC69-15982D35E589.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>it doesn’t matter what you do, all you need to is to be a repentant follower of god and you’ll get bliss forever
>yes even if you murder, lie, cheat, steal, and rape your way through life you can still receive forgiveness on your death bed if you just feel reaaaallllly bad about it
>what god wants is dictated to you by the wealthy and powerful at the top, or some narcissistic hick who grew up in a field in Alabama at the very least
>also give us your money because god wants it even though he’s an infinitely knowledgeable being that can control everything
>no he won’t save your cancer ridden daughter, it’s all a part of his plan
>also you can’t fuck your wife in anyway besides the missionary position for the sole purpose of procreation.

you can’t seriously think this is any better

>> No.21214028

>also give us your money because god wants it even though he’s an infinitely knowledgeable being that can control everything
reddit fedora meme

>> No.21214040

I converted to Catholicism to be based on 4chan moment

>> No.21214056

>postmodern marxism
please stop reading that schizo jordan peterson and kys instead

>> No.21214060

It's ok anon just take your meds it will be alright.

>> No.21214071

catholisissies... not like this...

>> No.21214093

yes, in organized form. just like the christian churches.

See >>21213867

Modernist, Secular or Neo-Buddhism is a form of *socially-engaged* Buddhism. It
promotes Buddhism as a science of the mind to alleviate the pains and stresses
of human life. A religious practice that is devoid of devotion, of a
transcendent (source, soul or god), of demi-gods and other beings, and of the
folk lore and magic that is usually incorporated into traditional Asian

This form of secularized Buddhism does not bear much resemblance to the
Buddhism that is and was historically practiced in Asia.

The most prominent proponent of this stream of Buddhism is Thich Nhat Han. But
there are many other prominent promoters - most of them jewish - of Modernist
Buddhism which incorporates forms of social justice, activism, and aspects of

### Popular Personalities
- Thich Nhat Han
- Jack Kornfield
- Joseph Goldstein
- Jon Kabat-Zinn
- Bernie Glassman
- Cheryl Greene aka Thubten Chodron
- Jeffery Block aka Bikkhu Bodhi
- Steve Young aka Shinzen Young
- Allen Ginsberg
- Leonard Cohen
- Robert Downey Jr.
- Sylvia Boorstein
- Mark Epstein
- Dan Harris

>> No.21214130

My great-uncle was an author, the national literature prize is named after him, he inherited a gold fortune in the early 1910s and spent the next 2 decades traveling the world. Stayed a while in China and Mongolia, where he was nearly murdered by a slave girl he had been given, and witnessed the worst of the opium pandemic in China. Despite this, the only people he ever had hatred for were Tibetans. Said he never saw a population so entirely devoid of any humanity.

>> No.21214144

>life is meaningless
>you don't exist
This OP doesn't even know what or who the buddha was let alone the religion itself lol

>> No.21214156

incredibly specific racism is based

>> No.21214166

>feel reaaaallllly bad about it
Kek atheists have no idea what repentance means. Modern language has been so stripped of meaning it is unable to communicate the truths of Christianity.

>> No.21214173

kys tranny

>> No.21214180
File: 291 KB, 1125x1135, 023C9B57-DD0E-4CD7-87C1-E4CBE6253F82.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you’re literally fucking retarded, kys christcuck

>> No.21214181

That’s not what racism means you American.

>> No.21214192

>the Bible was written in modern English bro!

>> No.21214194

stay mad christfag, sorry your pastor made you suffer lifelong shame for masturbating

>> No.21214198

give me the Ancient Greek word/phrase then

>> No.21214211

>no bro you dont understand bro its modern christians thats the problem I read Aquinas im better than all these modern christians bro


>> No.21214227

You are retarded and clearly know nothing about Buddhist ethics. I'd love for you to actually say something substantial about Buddhist theories, but because this is a shitpost you clearly wont.
I constantly see dumb threads like this on this board that are clearly from Christians too retarded to see past their own narrow world view. They think "how can a system of thought promote an ethics without a supreme personality threatening me with damnation if i don't submit?" They only show their own stupidity and really in it is always a tinge of fear that their system can't hold up to real scrutiny.
I'll explain a bit about Buddhist ethics to make the thread more substantial, but I am no expert so anyone who knows better is welcome to correct my mistakes. The central idea of Buddhism is Anata, Not-self. You may ask how not-self is even possible coming from a Christian perspective, but even the Christian perspective would argue that your "self" isn't your body--the Buddhists would agree but they take the train of thought to a further extent. Not only are you not your body, you are not your thoughts, emotions, experiences, really nothing at all, because "Self" is above all a concept existing only in mind. There are only what are called the 5 aggregates, briefly, 5 different nodes of sense perception which are continually inputing new sense content: self would belong to the 4th aggregate, Mental Formations, Sankhara.
In another perspective, the self is only possible by what are called the 3 poisons: delusion, greed, and aversion. These are movements of craving, aberrant desire for the selfs reality to be more than illusory. If you ever want to see a Christfag's complete incompetence in discussing Buddhism (and I've seen it on this board a number of times) watch how incapable they are from seeing the difference between craving and desire. Craving=/=desire. They are 2 separate things. Obviously, Buddhists need to desire higher births to practice. But what I'm getting at is centrally this: the Buddhist view of self is that it only exists negatively, from lack of virtue. So, Non-self, is actually a sort of state of virtue from its absence of those original sins. How in any way is this an absence of virtue? Despite arguing that there is no inherent meaning in existence (only processes), the Buddhists still manage to come out with a highly ethical way of being. Most interesting about Buddhism to me is how easy it is to see it in the world. Can you name a single conflict that hasn't arisen from the 3 poisons? That could have been resolved had those qualities not been present?

>> No.21214237

This must be the most depressing thread I've ever seen on /x/
I won't even keep the tab open
Will just say what Tomberg said in his Meditations on the Tarot:
"Buddhism and Hinduism are all fine religions, but they are more than one steps behind Catholic Christianity (which is arguably the best religion that ever was and will be)"
The dude was a Theosophist and a Mystical Orthodox (and a freemason) before converting to Catholicism so he probably knew what he was talking.

>> No.21214242

>”Typically, teshuvah is translated from the Hebrew as repentance, but it literally means return, as if turning back to something you've strayed or looked away from”
>shûwb, shoob; a primitive root; to turn back (hence, away) transitively or intransitively, literally or figuratively (not necessarily with the idea of return to the starting point); generally to retreat; often adverbial, again:—((break, build, circumcise, dig, do anything, do evil, feed, lay down, lie down, lodge, make, rejoice, send, take, weep)) × again, (cause to) answer ( again), × in any case (wise), × at all, averse, bring (again, back, home again), call (to mind), carry again (back), cease, × certainly, come again (back), × consider, continually, convert, deliver (again), deny, draw back, fetch home again, × fro, get (oneself) (back) again, × give (again), go again (back, home), (go) out, hinder, let, (see) more, × needs, be past, × pay, pervert, pull in again, put (again, up again), recall, recompense, recover, refresh, relieve, render (again), requite, rescue, restore, retrieve, (cause to, make to) return, reverse, reward, say nay, send back, set again, slide back, still, × surely, take back (off), (cause to, make to) turn (again, self again, away, back, back again, backward, from, off), withdraw.
Literally means to “turn back from the path you were walking to”. It is then used figuratively to mean that you realize you were going the wrong way and then correct your behavior. It has nothing to do with feefees.

>> No.21214244

It's on /lit/ now.

>> No.21214245

>spouting Jew babble to convince everyone his religion is right

get lost kike lover

>> No.21214251

lol, no

>> No.21214254

tarot is demonic gtfo with this shit and don't associate Catholicism with it
thread is bad enough as it is, getting dabbed on by buddhist larpers from reddit

>> No.21214264

It’s what the word literally means in the language the text was written in. It’s ok if you hate Christianity for sentimental reasons, but drop all pretensions of intellectual honesty.

>> No.21214271

>intellectual honesty

you played yourself

>> No.21214289 [DELETED] 

It's pretty reductive to talk about ethics in Buddhism, it has nothing to do with ethics. We could just use the word sila, and this includes right speech, right action etc. Notice it doesn't mention GOOD. Because in Buddhism, it doesn't matter. Just because they're not low tier hedonist retards doesn't mean their approach is ethical in the sense we understand it in the western tradition. Right speech etc. = that which leads to nirvana, nothing more. The extremes of moral responsibility such as martyrdom aren't venerated in Buddhism. In Buddhism, you try to destroy the mental formations and you have to be beyond emotions such as love as well. This is why materialist interpretations of buddhism also don't make sense, since if Buddhists didn't believe in rebirths they might just as well blow their brains out to disconnect from the suffering. Whereas in Christianity and a lot of more western mysticism, you try to get at those concepts of "good" and "love" in an absolute way. Just saying, there's different logics at work here, and calling Buddhism satanic, seeing as it emphasizes detachment over unification, is not so far off the mark as it would seem based on a more simplistic view of satanism.

>> No.21214361

christers btfo

>> No.21214421

>It promotes Buddhism as a science of the mind to alleviate the pains and stresses of human life.
Literally what all buddhist schools claim to do, starting with the Buddha himself
>devotion, of a transcendent (source, soul or god)
Denying such crap is a main tenet of buddhism
>of demi-gods and other beings, and of the folk lore and magic that is usually incorporated into traditional Asian Buddhism.
Yeah, it's kind of a shame how westerners insist on separating buddhist metaphysics (or at least the minimum thay actually understand) from it's rich cultural heritage. Typical protestant mindset.
>socially engaged
Compatible with Mahayana

>> No.21214446

>trying to break other peoples' magical thinking instead of doing literally any easier task like 100 pushups with your dick


>> No.21214467

I have never once seen anybody railing against "postmodern marxism" say anything that wasn't retarded.
I am not a leftist and don't agree with that shit a bit, but this specific phrase seems to be exclusive to the hoards of dumb cunts who love JBP and Ben Shapiro and want to turn every corner of the internet into a high school debate club.

>> No.21214519

you recognize that because it’s true, anyone who knows what “postmodern” or “marxism” means knows those terms are unrelated, practically incompatible. saying it with sincerity shows that you’re a pseud who collects their knowledge from youtube and podcasts

>> No.21214568

It is correct to deny that all truth is subjective and that there is nothing of worth beyond an acceptance of pure materialism.
In saying that, they are still a bunch of retards and have essentially become clichés, shallow and predictable and merely arguing from the right position.
It's boring. They're all individually compromised anyway, and they aren't upholding the truth itself merely appealing to a presumed populist ideation.

>> No.21215010

Depends a lot on the last thought you have in this life.

>> No.21215113

Read Decline of the West. Spengler equates marxism, stoicism/epicureanism and buddhism among many things (such as the cult of Aten) as the same phenomenon happeng in different times and places

>> No.21215133

>The central idea of Buddhism is Anata, Not-self.
Wrong from the very first sentence, impressive.

>> No.21215135

i love how murifat atheists think history started in 1945.

>> No.21215147

sounds like a pseud

>> No.21215163

Christianity is about mercy and forgiveness. It's a religion of peace. I don't understand how anyone could hate it

>> No.21215180

I'm always surprised to see Seraphim Rose posters here.
Eastern Buddhism is far far more of a satanist cult than Western Buddhism. Westerners get a watered down tame version grifted to them, same with Hinduism.
Actual eastern practitioners of Buddhism and Hinduism are absolutely insane. Go to Asia and immerse yourself in their teachings, its not the same as what is taught in the west and its not the same as whatever "esoteric" webpage you're getting your info from.

>> No.21215192

The virtues you value in it and listed in your post are anathema to some people

>> No.21215203

Insane in what way

>> No.21215270

>Actual eastern practitioners of Buddhism and Hinduism are absolutely insane.
As opposed to bastions of reason and intelligence like Seraphim Rose who insist that the air is filled with invisible Catholic UFO demons and that when you die you play Mario Party against demons in magic flying tollhouses

>> No.21215288

ha yes taking seriously a jewish german intellectual who is the product of the atheist enlightenment will help understand teachings not based on atheism. LOL

>> No.21215292

>Christianity is about mercy and forgiveness. It's a religion of peace. I don't understand how anyone could hate it
The jews hated it.

>> No.21215317
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>>take miserable, misguided people
Everyone is miserable and misguided in some way or another.

>>lovebomb them, and indoctrinate them with pomo that life is meaningless, humans are a mistake, truth is relative, nothing really exists except the void, not even you
The Four Noble Truths are really your idea of "lovebombing"? Buddhism does not teach that life is meaningless, humans are not a mistake (on the contrary a human birth is considered an infinitely precious opportunity), there is a real truth, and "void" as conceived of in Buddhism does not just mean blank inert emptiness. Abrahamic mystics of all traditions have spoken of the ineffable unconditioned reality as "nothingness" as a way of conveying that the Divine is beyond all conceptual thought.

>>and if you live a virtuous, fruitful existence and fight evil, you reincarnate as an animal millions of times and suffer
I kind of have to wonder if you've even read the wikipedia page for Buddhism because this is so dead wrong. If you do good things in Buddhism you get a good rebirth. The problem is that the good rebirth doesn't last forever even if it's really long.

>>your friends and family don't matter, only escaping suffering does, so join our suicide cult
You do know that killing a family member in Buddhism automatically sentences you to like twenty kalpas in the worst Hell, right? And that the entire point of a Boddhisattva is to put off your own enlightenment in order to help others?

>>we'll teach you the practice of an ancient satanic sorcerer
I have to ask genuinely; what connection could the Buddha possibly have to Satan by any metric? Siddhartha Gautama more than likely had no contact whatsoever with the Jewish or Zoroastrian faiths and the closest thing to a "Satan"-type figure in Buddhism - Mara - is unequivocally rejected and renounced as "The Evil One". There are no recorded instances of the Buddha ever using magical powers to attack or harm others.

>>of how to kill your soul, and plunge into eternal oblivion ("Nirvana")
Nirvana is explicitly stated to not be annihilation. Annihilationism is one of the "wrong views" in Buddhism, Nirvana is the total transcendence of the realm of becoming and conditions which is, while described in purely apophatic terms, a very real thing that is not any kind of obliteration or cessation of existence. It is analogous to what Christians would describe as "the Beatific Vision".

>>develop no virtues or repentance and go to Hell
Is the brute threat of retributive torture meant to scare people away from a set of ideas? The ever-present threat of Hell is only a boon to the Buddhist assertion that life is suffering.

>> No.21215381


>> No.21215413

Being an insincere ironybro where religious matters are concerned will only get you so far

>> No.21215553

I hate e-Orthocucks so much it’s unreal

>> No.21215991

>Spengler equates marxism, stoicism/epicureanism and buddhism
Glad i never wasted a second on this imbecile then

>> No.21216024

Me too. I was born into a secular nominally greek orthodox family, which don't know anything about the religion, this sort of ignorance towards the religion is definitely generational, it is something which is purely cultural, even my great grandfather who took it very seriously or was apparently more devout, it was more of a cultural tradition which gave them some meaning, I never heard him talking about the sort of theological orthocuckery we see online, in fact apparently he became anti-church towards the end of his life and considered it more of a farce, they were still personally religous, anyway I feel that evola thoroughly dismantled the joke that is christianity, it is a feminine religion, which is evidently gynocratic and of a disturbing origin, "mother of god" devotion and so on is obviously just something carried on over from the abyssal "great godess" cults of the eastern-Mediterranean, (it is funny to see some elarping orthocucks think this part of orthodoxy is based, when it is defintely lunar and telluric, and an expression of a pre-aryan intelligence),
You can just read the prayers of the orthodox, i have never seen anything more passive, its all about begging for mercy, confessing regret, and this continues in their prayers to the mother of god, the religion is undoubtedly a sort of spiritual castration and pathology, there is nothing innately virile in it.
the structure of the church is demetrian and an inversion of spiritual authority, conceiving of the church as a sort of ontologically real mediator dispensing salvation is something completely passive, which is why I called christianity feminine, everything that is good in christianity is of a pre-christian origin.

>> No.21216167

And all of the earliest converts were Jews, really makes you

>> No.21216193

The Buddhist internet defense force is out in force today - fuck off shills, nobody wants to join your death cult

>> No.21216473

>The Buddhist internet defense force
Nah, its the Christlarpers making shit threads about other faiths. Usually they haven't even scratched the surface of other faiths. Others informing you is not shilling.
But it works as a reminder why you might want to avoid Christians.

>> No.21216532

awesome take, OP

>> No.21216580


why the fuck have these christlarpers taken over this board? is it a passing fad or has this been going on for awhile? I can’t go one day on here without threads like this one

>> No.21216906

>is it a passing fad or has this been going on for awhile?
A fad

>> No.21217395

"Nansen Oshō saw monks of the Eastern and Western halls quarreling over a cat. He held up the cat and said, “If you can give an answer, you will save the cat. If not, I will kill it.” No one could answer, and Nansen cut the cat in two.
That evening Jōshū returned, and Nansen told him of the incident. Jōshū took off his sandal, placed it on his head, and walked out. “If you had been there, you would have saved the cat,” Nansen remarked."

>> No.21217415

I'm gonna burn your gay yellow temple down you japanese faggot

>> No.21217433
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>Jōshū took off his sandal, placed it on his head, and walked out.

>> No.21217584

i can't stand zen faggotry

>> No.21217659


A university student while visiting Gasan asked him: "Have you ever read the Christian Bible?"

"No, read it to me," said Gasan.

The student opened the Bible and read from St. Matthew: "And why take ye thought for rainment? Consider the lilies of the field, how they grow. They toil not, neither do they spin, and yet I say unto you that even Solomon in all his glory was not arrayed like one of these... Take therefore no thought for the morrow, for the morrow shall take thought for the things of itself."

Gasan said: "Whoever uttered those words I consider an enlightened man."

The student continued reading: "Ask and it shall be given you, seek and ye shall find, knock and it shall be opened unto you. For everyone that asketh receiveth, and he that seeketh findeth, and to him that knocketh, it shall be opened."

Gasan remarked: "That is excellent. Whoever said that is not far from Buddhahood."

>> No.21217769

What did he mean by this