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21212964 No.21212964 [Reply] [Original]

Why is Continental Philosophy so pseud?

>> No.21212987


>> No.21212990
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analytic cope

>> No.21213003

Its a lot more "human" than analytic stuff which makes it hard to make coherent bulletpoints about everything. A lot of the time for better or for worse you get the philosophers own personal biases

>> No.21213014

all philosophy is pseud city since at least the scientific revolution, that is when all the things with predictive power, explanatory power, commercial and industrial applications, use value, problem solving capacity and critical thinking, they all parted ways
what is left behind is >>>/x/ tier nonsense and degree mill pyramid schemes that only 80 iq retards can fall for

>> No.21213024

Pinhead just needed a cover story for why he was traveling the world to pursue his deranged fetishes.

>> No.21213039

this is what happens when you let shopkeepers and their ilk think they can think

>> No.21213055

I'll give you an actual answer, waste of time that it is. Schopenhauer said it started with the professionialization of philosophy via the academy, earlier philosophers were independent (they still taught, just not their own philosophy). This coincided with obscurantist stylization that aped Kant's impenetrable critiques, things nobody actually understood and concepts academics were unable to generalize to the public (his work never entered the public lexicon). This combination of academic allegiance and unintelligible terminology produced people like Fichte and culminated in Hegel.

>> No.21213057

>gay aids-ridden pedophile
there's your answer

>> No.21213060

Can you be more specific? What parts in particular

>> No.21213062
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>be me
>begin as analytic undergrad, hate continental phil because of bad teacher, til i encounter fichte who i enjoy
>analytic master's, take classes on german idealism, start warming up to continental phil
>analytic phd, start studying continental phil in depth on the side
>assigned to teach existentialism, design class myself, learn the material extensively
>love continental philosophy
>"wow anon when you put it in ways we analytics understand it actually sounds really good"
So now I am multi-track expert in both traditions. Love the best of both, but can see flaws in both too, love both in spite of the flaws though. Honestly it feels good to be this way instead of being a resentful partisan.

>> No.21213070


>> No.21213136


The use of psychoanalysis, for example. Lacan was a fucking hack.

>> No.21213209

How so?

>> No.21213220


Because psychoanalysis is a pseudoscience.

>> No.21213243

Nice larp.

>> No.21213270

>Cool stuff vs boring stuff
Cool topics is almost always a sign that something is mumbo jumbo. Do a google search for "how to install a dishwasher" and it's all boring but correct. Do another search for "what is the meaning of life" and it's all clickbait bullshit. Continental philosophy talks about cool topics but none of it is valid.

>> No.21213300

And you think one person defines an entire large swath of categorization? Or that iteration isn't an integral process to knowledge? Or that negative results aren't valuable, as they help eliminate false leads and conclusions?

>> No.21213332


Dude if that "large swath" keeps using, even well into the 21th century, as a foundation for its intellectual framework, a fucking disproven psychological theory, the only conclusion that I can arrive is that they are a bunch of pseuds that don't bother to check out if they theories have solid foundations other than cool sounding mumbo jumbo, as previously mentioned by >>21213270

>> No.21213379

>Why is Continental Philosophy so pseud?
Can you be more specific? What parts in particular

>> No.21213381

good for you anon, im proud of you

>> No.21213437

>>Cool stuff vs boring stuff
nobody said this

>> No.21214959

Psych major here, not much about modern psychoanalysis nor about Freud's original theories has been "disproven", besides certain neurobiological standpoints about psychosis and schizophrenia. If you think that modern psychology is a serious "science" in any way or form, then I really have to disappoint you kek. Besides that, there exists no scientific proof that any modern form of psychotherapy is superior to psychoanalysis, there's been a ton of studies on that matter and none could find that any treatment is more effective than analytic psychotherapy in the long run (observation time: >1 year after treatment ended). So after all, it fulfills its given purpose as a clinical tool. It's not philosophy either. Neither Freud nor his successors or opponents such as Jung considered themselves philosophers, but clinicians and doctors and psychiatrists at most. If anything, psychoanalysis belongs to the field of psychology rather than philosophy, though Freuds certainly belongs in the list of great western thinkers. Don't know about Lacan though, but you shouldn't take him as representative of the whole field, he's really not that important as he's made out to be.

>> No.21215091


>one form of subjective human experience can inform interesting thought
>N-no, not that that other one, that one isn't a thing!

>> No.21215106

Maybe top academia isn't organic. Maybe our overlords found that different populations respond better to different types of ideas. Analytic style philosophy caught on in the Americas so they funded analytic philosophy there. Continental style philosophy caught on in Europe so they funded it there. Anything to keep the masses busy. Anything to keep them from looking at the real flow of money, intelligence operations, family trees of public figures, under the table deals, etc.

>> No.21215213

>analytic philosophy
who comes under this category? I see that Popper and Isaiah Berlin do, I like both of them but I also like Foucault and Hegel

>> No.21215370

>not much about modern psychoanalysis nor about Freud's original theories has been "disproven"
You can't disprove it because it's unfalsifiable. This is why Popper specifically used Freudian psychoanalysis as an example of pseudoscience.

>> No.21215985
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>i fucking love conceptual analysis!!!

>> No.21216047
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too much cock

>> No.21216052

Russell, the American jew who died some weeks ago (Kikey or something), Whitehead.

>> No.21216083

Basedest post on /lit/ right now

>> No.21216087

it's peak soiboi

>> No.21216102


Fuck off.

>> No.21216105

Psychoanalysis does not even have a concept of curing patients. It assumes that the patient's problems magically disappear if he talks long enought about them. Basically, psychoanalysis is a scam targeted at white women whose only "problems" are privileged bullshit like "I got a hangover after partying all night and getting my pussy fucked by 20 Chads in only 2 hours, does that mean I'm depressed now?" For those "people" psychoanalysis satisfies their narcissistic desire to talk about themselves, and their alleged "problems" dissolve via placebo effect. The therapist scammer however fears the severely depressed incel manlet. He fears someone who has actual emotional scars and who is well aware of the causes of his suffering. Because the scammer knows his methodology can't do shit. There's a patient who already analyzed his problems very well on his own and now he's asking for help. What can the therapist offer? Some pathetic platitudes about the patient's relationship to his parents? Or even outright denial and aggression? Most therapy scammers do in fact get angry. They openly attack such patients and quickly get rid of them. But that's of course data you won't find in your shitty biased studies about the alleged effectiveness of this method.

>> No.21216118
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>Feyerabend: Science is just arbitrary dogma.
>Me: Philosophy is just arbitrary dogma.

>> No.21216123

It's dominated by French thinkers, who are charlatans. Ignore the French, and there is plenty of good in European philosophy post ww2.

>> No.21216124

>predictive power
>explanatory power
Worse than useless.
>commercial and industrial applications
Actually useful.
1/3 still makes you a retard.

>> No.21216132

The distinction itself is undergrad faggotry :) :) :)

>> No.21216631

Yes, so what? Why should I care if it's science or pseudoscience or what not in regards to what it aims to achieve? It works, it fulfills its purpose, and this has been proven scientifically(!) to work efficiently over and over again. In this case we can clearly see that modern, strictly scientific methods of psychotherapy that originated from scientific psychology do not have an edge over a seemingly "pseudoscientific" discipline in their effectiveness. Should we just discard the whole field because it doesn't fit the current scientific paradigm? Should we just throw 99% of philosophy out the window and stop respecting it as an academic field because it does not suffice to any scientific/academic standards? Of course not.

Psychoanalytic theories are verifiable as well as falsifiable but not all and maybe not in our time. Many theories, like the existence of an unconscious part of the brain, have been proven through neuroimagery, just as some of Freuds assumptions about the neurobiological functioning of psychotic illnesses have been falsified by an ever growing body of knowledge in biology and neurosciences. The necessary technology was simply not available at the time Popper wrote out his example. We don't know which analytical theories will be veri- or falsified in the coming decades.

>Psychoanalysis does not even have a concept of curing patients
Your very first sentence is wrong. Like why do you even seethe about a subject that you have understanding of?

>The therapist scammer however fears the severely depressed incel manlet
Every doctor fears that which he can't understand, very few muster the courage to look into the suffering that this world can inflict on a soul, and those are the ones who are truly representative of their field. I understand that you probably made some bad experiences with therapists, but don't put the blame on the discipline, but on the fact that society is superficial and blind to human suffering. Trust me I too have known and seen some retarded losers who never should have become therapists or doctors in the first place.

>> No.21216636

Have you looked at Feyerabend? He pulled cones and had tenure. He didn't give a fuck.