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/lit/ - Literature

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21212748 No.21212748 [Reply] [Original]

Names of characters in The Hobbit:
>Fili, Kili, Oin, Gloin, Bifur, Bofur, Bombur, Dori, Nori, Dwalin, Balin, Dain, Nain, Thorin Oakenshield and Gandalf.

Names of characters in the Seeress’s Prophecy (Voluspa) found in the Poetic Edda and the Prose Edda:
>Fíli, Kíli, Oin, Glói, Bivör, Bávörr, Bömburr, Dori, Nóri, Dvalinn, Bláin, Dain, Nain, Þorin Eikinskialdi and Gandálfr.

So this is who you look up to, /lit/? This thieving rat is your hero? Someone who can't even come up with names for his own characters and copies them from a foreign people's indigenous myths. Pathetic.

>> No.21212780


>> No.21212796

Tolkien is your generic example how anglos treat rest of the world ie. They invaded friendly countries all over the world, killed their hosts, enslaved their host's children, stole everything that they could, then went on and lied about it all.

Tolkien stole huge bulk of his work from world mythos and never gave credit to those to whom it belongs.

>> No.21212820
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Even the languages invented by Tolkien were not original, Quenya is literally a dialect of Finnish language

Pic related for proof

Tolkien did not even invent his own words for his "made up" languages. He literally just opened Finnish dictionary

>> No.21212827

good artists borrow great artists steal - John green

>> No.21212828

This is how art works. It is an honor, and money should not exist to sour such things
>Þorin Eikinskialdi
I’d name a boy this if I had a mind to adopt one.

>> No.21212831


>> No.21212835

Why the fuck shouldn't artists name characters after mythology? Is it wrong to name a character Daphne because Daphne is a nymph?

>> No.21212836

That's how thieves call stealing these days.

>> No.21212839

>John Green
>if I had a mind to adopt one
Jesus Christ, it looks like a caricature of butterfly but is too accurate not to be butterfly. Butterfly, you are a caricature of yourself. You are a meme.

>> No.21212847

whew only had to wait three minutes for someone to appreciate my wit, feels great

>> No.21212850

Maybe if the story is unrelated to mythology and if it's one single character. But literally his whole schtick is stolen even right to the character's names. We're talking about 15 freaking names in a row, not just one.

>> No.21212855 [DELETED] 

what a resentful post. Sage

>> No.21212860

>Tolkien stole huge bulk of his work from world mythos and never gave credit to those to whom it belongs.
Tolkien wrote many times about the myths and other sources where he took inspiration for Middle-earth. It's not like he was trying to hide it; I'm pretty sure every semi-serious Tolkien fan on Earth knows there's a lot of stuff in his writing drawn from Norse mythology and other ancient sources.

Next you'll "reveal" that Tolkien didn't come up with "Hey diddle, diddle! The cat and the fiddle," by himself, or that the character of Gandalf was "stolen" from Merlin.

>> No.21212900

Daphne became a popular given name. Not the case for Gandalfr as far as I know.

>> No.21212907

and whose fault is that? probably yours

>> No.21212921
File: 37 KB, 1000x537, 793FEA70-1727-41F5-94E8-7CD28156FDE3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What? I don’t have any kids. I guess I used this stupid place as an approximation for the past ten years.

>> No.21212977

Want to have kids? I hate /lit/, so you know I'm not all bad.

>> No.21212996

I can't believe I never noticed this.
Here's another thing: Notice how the book it titled "Lord of the Rings"
What If I told you that Finnish people were wearing rings for decades before Tolkein "invented" his title?!

>> No.21213004

I’m damn near fifty, and lesbian besides.
Leave the site and go find some nice girls your age. You can do it.

>> No.21213008

snarky cope is still cope

>> No.21213015
File: 14 KB, 278x400, 1666215657457626.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You dirty Mohel.

>> No.21213016

Have you tried not being gay?

>> No.21213018

Tolkien was a philosemite and like all Anglos a spiritual Jew.

>> No.21213063

Butterfly what are you doing back here

>> No.21213065

I like older women. The lesbian thing might be a bit more complicated to work around, though.

>> No.21213071

Mommy issues.

>> No.21213074
File: 125 KB, 741x706, 270B3265-C208-4658-B8F0-09C464A3926F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And yeah. Gave it some thought when I was real young. Christian upbringing didn’t seem to approve of it and tried to force myself to think otherwise. It just happens, okay.


>> No.21213079

Don't knock it 'til you've tried it. Some women over 40 have that certain je ne sais quoi.

>> No.21213091

Slummin’ got something else to do later though.
Zlib going down actually brought me to see what you all knew.

Deal breakers are complicated, yeah.

>> No.21213095

Roger that. Well, you've always seemed pretty civilized on here, so I wish you well. That's not some sort of meta-meta-meta-ironic quip, I actually mean it.

>> No.21213099
File: 1.89 MB, 816x1386, 54393944359.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do I find older women to have intercourse with? Looking for someone like pic rel.

>> No.21213240


>> No.21213327
File: 37 KB, 640x640, F19FACD7-C83C-4FE9-9381-E9EAAD665CB5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank you. Wishing you well too. Bye guys

>> No.21213362

niggerfly died like two years ago, larper.

>> No.21214362


>> No.21214403

Stop bumping your shit thread.

>> No.21214472

make me

>> No.21214505

Tolkien should be admired for the languages he invented and nothing else.

>> No.21214527


>> No.21214611

holy kek