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/lit/ - Literature

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21211668 No.21211668 [Reply] [Original]

I honestly think 99% of man's problems are because they don't get to fuck girls like this.

>> No.21211674

Au contraire - you don't know what problems are until you get involved with a woman, especially an attractive one. Vaginoids are demons.

>> No.21211683

>don't you know that being rich creates more problems?
Yeah but I still wanna win the lottery

>> No.21211695

I think 99% of /lit/'s problems are because of incels like you obsessed with sex you never had. Fuck off.

>> No.21211700

Just get a girlfriend. Beauty fades but companionship is priceless.

>> No.21211705

Fuck off already, no one wants to read every random thought in your head that has nothing to do with literature

>> No.21211712

Stop being such a simp, some 8/10 whore isn't in any way equivalent to genuine wealth.

>> No.21211714

Too old

>> No.21211722

It's the same principle retard why are you on a literature board if you can't understand analogies?

>> No.21211741

It isn't, it's just your simping brain malfunctioning. Wealth solves 95% of problems you could possibly encounter in life, the only dangers are overdose on drugs or getting involved with wrong people (like women). On the other hand, fucking a whore like this doesn't solve anything except cooming - and god help you if you attempt a relationship with such ruthless snake.

>> No.21211751

Boring retard post just go back

>> No.21211760

Your "analogy" got exposed as pajeet tier retardation, just take your demented coombrain back to xvideos comments section or /b/.

>> No.21211764
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>if you just had more money to by slop, junk and toys you would be happy
>just work your 50h week and consume product
>forget about social bonding of males
>forget about physical activity
>forget about competing in a hiearchy
>forget about accomplishment
>forget about blood & soil
>forget about your basic biological drives

Your kind should be removed.

>> No.21211765

Very crude and untrue. What's the point of getting to fuck her a couple times. The problem is when you can't get them to want to fuck you with blind lust

>> No.21211780

With more money you can buy healthier food, top tier personal gym and whatever else you desire for you lifestyle. I'm not even concerned with money myself but any retard should understand it's considerably more important and beneficial than some woman whore.

>> No.21211785

I could never be as down bad for sex as some of you niggas

>> No.21211794

Kill yourself

>> No.21211798

>get to fuck girls
>I still wanna win the lottery

Your mindset is pathetic. Real men do not wait for things to be given to them. They take what they want. You will never get a girl like pic related because you are a pussy manchild.

>> No.21211805

So men should be untermensch barbarians, is that it? No room for softness?

>> No.21211808
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>With more money you can buy healthier food
You can grow food for pennies

>top tier personal gym
Literal rocks do the same thing, as does running.

>whatever else you desire for you lifestyle.
What people desire is community, brotherhood and interaction. Despite what you say, you are a consumerist/conservative.

>I'm not even concerned with money myself but any retard should understand it's considerably more important and beneficial than some woman whore.
Neither of these are important. Whores and money are pursued only by those who don't know what happiness is. It is not some piety in a Godhead, or a big house. It is a healthy family in a home. Surrounded by people in the same position. That is all.

>> No.21211814

If you won the lottery tomorrow what about your life would actually change? Maybe where you live and what you drive? Maybe you wouldn’t have to wage but all the new time you get will be spent consuming until you’re so deadened to the world that you eventually grow senile. Or, alternatively, you are constantly chasing that next high or rush of acquiring new things. There is no substance in this.

>> No.21211819
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Hello Mohel

Don't be soft, be gentle. I do dislike the careful or the bookish type. So long as they are neither weak or cowardly.

>> No.21211822

Why is this reasoning not applied to women? Men can live in solitude. Women don't do well without male company (both platonic and sexual).

>> No.21211823

>I do not dislike

>> No.21211832

you are a vapid retard

>> No.21211835

Jesus Christ, what new flavour of tradlarp is this? Do you understand the irony of babbling about some primeaval commune while posting on a fucking anime forum?
Not much, because I'm content with my life as it is. I'd certainly feel more secure against any unexpected problems which eventually arise no matter what you do. To return to the original simp "analogy", do you honestly expect a whore to be net positive in your life?

>> No.21211845
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>Men can live in solitude
No they can not. It is more accurate to say men can endure solitude for a staggering time. Some men need solitude for a brief time, but to say they can love in solutide is frankly bullshit.

Men now can live alone, which you confuse for solitude. Solitude is nobody around, on your own with only yourself to rely on. Ordering 40 chicken wings online to your door is not solitude.

>Do you understand the irony of babbling about some primeaval commune while posting on a fucking anime forum?
You have assumed much and are wrong as a result. I'm not a Traditionalist, nor do i care for the thought. Nor did I even insinuate any sort of primitive living. Simply that money, wealth and material possesions do not bring happiness. If you think that is some tradlarp you are truly lost.

You can enjoy the benefits of modern technology, electric and clean water without having to buy a new phone every 9 months.

>> No.21211871

This isn't a good platform to shill your agrarian commune larp, half the guys here schizoid/asperger and genuinely prefer solitude. Especially if they've had prior experience with women.

>> No.21211873

that's a man

>> No.21211875

You're all over the place. You can't even hold a simple argument without mentioning irrelevant things. Carry on.

>> No.21211921 [DELETED] 
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>half the guys here schizoid/asperger and genuinely prefer solitude
I don't think that is the whole truth. I think that those people you mention would gladly join a better community if it had their best interests as the goal. The only one that professes this and makes all efforts to make it happen is National-Socialism. Every other world-concept preys upon them, their people and their land.

State clearly where you think this happens, Mohel.

>> No.21211931
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>half the guys here schizoid/asperger and genuinely prefer solitude
I don't think that is the whole truth. I think that those people you mention would gladly join a better community if it had their best interests as the goal. The only one that professes this and makes all efforts to make it happen is National-Socialism. Every other world-concept preys upon them, their people and their land.

State clearly where you think this happens, Mohel.

>> No.21211942

>those people you mention would gladly join a better community
By definition of their disorders they would not, and those who hang around on solo hobby board like /lit/ are among the least likely. These propositions are better suited for /pol/, which is the normie entry point to 4chan now.

>> No.21211947

yawn a nazi society will solve all problems? will women be rationed out? and this has something to do with my query of why the loneliness question isn't posed to women? im also a jew now? yeah carry on

>> No.21211953
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>> No.21211961

Wrong board
Next time use "search" before making new thread.
Closed and +20% warning for spam

>> No.21212001
File: 121 KB, 647x757, pol-33.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>By definition of their disorders they would not
These disorders have not been present in the numbers we see now which suggests a variable we can control for.

>Those who hang around on solo hobby board like /lit/ are among the least likely
I hang around on this board, i dont think reading is a solo hobby either, one of the main focuses is, but the greater joy comes in talking and discussing it. I think that is why people are here, is it not? I maintain that most men would be able to change for the better if societal conditons changed as i mentioned above.

>a nazi society will solve all problems?
Many of what we face today, yes.

>will women be rationed out?
I get it, you have a parody view of crude totalitarian Fascism where the incels take over and impose their will on those who wronged them? No. You purposefully ignore my presupposition that under a National-Socialist regime, men will be in better shape physically, mentally and will have been socialized sufficiently that courtship comes naturally to both boys and girls.

>my query of why the loneliness question isn't posed to women
Because everybody wants to spend time with women. Children, infants, men and other women. It is the key and lock analogy. They not had the societal pressure and have always been in group since most big events of their life require support. Pregnancy, puberty, child rearing. Only recently has this begun to change.

>im also a jew now
Probably, yes. Based on your ad-hominem and general tone.

>> No.21212011
