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File: 698 KB, 1200x1798, St-thomas-aquinas.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
21211024 No.21211024 [Reply] [Original]

What are the best books by and on Thomas Aquinas? Also, what are the best books by later Thomists?
LARPagans and gaytheists need not reply.

>> No.21211030

>LARPagans and gaytheists need not reply.
Tradcath larpers always say, without fail, whatever will most effectively push people away from Catholicism.

>> No.21211046

Bro no one cares what you do, we all know you're retarded

>> No.21211064

"Live in harmony with one another. Do not be haughty, but associate with the lowly. Never be wise in your own sight. Repay no one evil for evil, but give thought to do what is honorable in the sight of all. "

>> No.21211082

Yeah 4chan Christians are not saints, great discovery

>> No.21211092

It's their duty to become saints, however, and thus need to be corrected.

>> No.21211103

Yeah corrected by a shitposting gaytheist

>> No.21211108

I hope one day you join an church of some variety and are able to moderate your behavior.

>> No.21211144
File: 179 KB, 576x644, F43EC434-0CE6-4160-9654-997B61224ED9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why are you saying this on this forum? Is it from a genuine wish to help, or is it to satisfy your need to be right? Be careful, pride is the great sin, it creeps in through the backdoor and replaces charity with a parasite. I typed this because I suffer from this addiction myself and it has at many times disrupted my peace

>> No.21211162

As far as I can tell many seem to be under the misconception that we get a free pass to behave however we want as long as it's done here. I think in your post here and this one >>21211082 (I don't know if you're the same poster) there were two attempts to insulate this mindset from any criticism.

>> No.21211175

>dodges the question
Uh oh

>> No.21211176

I merely made a suggestion, spicy phrases are hardly the height of sin. You need to stop being so ridiculous.

>> No.21211183

Christians are supposed to be perfect or gaytheist will seethe at every word

>> No.21211193

My answer to your question is that I would like to help them.
The witness that you present to others is important. We are to be above reproach from those who would slander us.

>> No.21211196

You are reproachable for your affected LARPing pretentious tone that no one falls for

>> No.21211197

Noted. Now, any suggestions on the original question in the OP?

>> No.21211201

I was the one with the monk pic, that was my only message. I was accusing you of criticising not out of a charitable desire to direct, but an ugly and sanctimonious habit. I wasn't attempting to insulate anything. The other poster pointed out that you dodged that.

>> No.21211202

It's always pointless it seems.

>> No.21211205

You simply don't understand Christianity because you're more interested in concern trolling

>> No.21211208

This idea of the bleached asshole Catholic is unapproachable and inhuman. No one in the Catholic Church should claim themselves righteous but merely forgiven and repentant and to say Christians should be beyond repraoch is merely naïve. I am, and will always be, comfortably reproached. I am not higher or lower than gaytheists or LARPagans, but the tone matters - to affect a nun like calmness is not even imitative of Christ it is outright wrong. Jesus Christ calls people what they are without judgement, as we cannot judge gaytheists as bad people but merely as hypocrites and to say that judgement is wrong is to ignore that judgement is a narrower category than well intentioned chiding as to criticize chiding is to criticize Christ. So yes, gaytheists should know that their beliefs will burn and being aggressive in the domain of 4chan does not invite scandal.

>> No.21211210

G.K. Chesterton's Aquinas is supposedly good
Fr. Chad Ripperger's Introduction to Mental Health and Dominion are profoundly Thomstic

>> No.21211211

You don't even realize what you're actually saying, do you? I'll stop bothering you though.

>> No.21211222
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>> No.21211229

>cuck reply
You got BTFO bro

>> No.21211237
File: 63 KB, 518x707, A6AEC16A-4968-4F4D-B624-67ADE90AD95C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.21211244

How did that work out for your church? Oh wait, we all know: modernists destroyed you.

>> No.21211282

If only he had called the modernists faggots, then we might never have had Vatican II.

>> No.21211466

>you NEED to cater to me

>> No.21211472

"For the sake of food, do not destroy the work of God. Everything is indeed clean, but it is wrong for anyone to become a stumbling block by eating; it is good not to eat meat or drink wine or do anything that causes your brother to stumble."

>> No.21211516

>calls christians "tradcath larpers"
>then immediately adopts a holier than thou attitude upon being called out on his bs
Standard tranny behavior

>> No.21211520

>to stumble
Means to be immoral.

>> No.21211534

Can someone answer the question? There is 1 (ONE) post recommending a book(s). In a thread with 30 posts. /lit/ is dying.

>> No.21211535

Fuck off

>> No.21211541

He keeps doing it!

>> No.21211548
File: 8 KB, 231x218, 1596137206702.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>He keeps doing it!

>> No.21211579

We're sorry about your thread sir.

>> No.21211586

I'm not. Thomism is heretical and needs to die. It's crypto-secularism proto-modernism pretending to be anti-modernism. It's a circus just like the Catholic Church and its entire deplorable history.

>> No.21211598

This. Catholicism is Talmudic legalism, spiritual death.

>> No.21211626
File: 157 KB, 1080x1080, 307468763_463626389140074_7755159473909011838_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Catholic art

>> No.21211769

I'll help you out anon. I'm probably more familiar with the Thomist literature than anyone who isn't a specialist (I'm just an autist). I'll admit up front that I think the Neoscholastics (both the originals like Garrigou-Lagrange and the revival like Ed Feser/Steven Long/etc.) have a lot of problems despite having some useful material. The best introduction to the Classical tradition in general is Eric Perl's book Thinking Being, which covers Parmenides, Plato, Aristotle, Plotinus, and Aquinas. It's a short book but absolutely essential. I also still like Gilson, although some of his work is a bit dated, and would recommend his books "Thomism" and "Being and Some Philosophers". Norris Clarke also had some quality books, his essay collections are great and his book "The One and the Many" is in my opinion a much better introduction to metaphysics and Aquinas than Ed Feser's, which I see mentioned a lot in these circles. My favorite contemporary Thomist is Rudi te Velde. He has three books, all of which I would highly recommend once you've read the other ones I mentioned. Come back after you've read a bit and you can get more specialized recommendations.

>> No.21211912

Aquinas wasn’t the first guy named Thomas, nor the last, it should be Aquinasism

>> No.21211934


>> No.21211936

>Buzzword Buzzword Buzzword

>> No.21211937
File: 129 KB, 1080x1080, 307464145_463626099140103_571206936125993951_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Woah that isn't very Inclusive, you know? Try to get with the times okay?

>> No.21211951

This kind of thing is the most sophomoric shit ever. Almost every historical Catholic of note affirmed that the Church was constantly besieged. Even Fulton Sheen said that the antichrist would arise within the Church visible.
I'd recommend spending less time on this tepid trolling and find a nice book to read.

>> No.21211959

All of these things are happening because Rome dogmatized heresy at Vatican I.

>> No.21211992

yeah but that sounds weird

does anyone want to comment on this to help OP or just continue retarded sperg fights?

>> No.21212029

This is a defense based on unfalsifiablity. No matter how bad things become, no matter what happens, you can just claim it's an assault of the devil that will be fixed at some indeterminate point in the future. In effect you have to reject all of the marks of what should objectively constitute the true church, because to you it doesn't matter whether those things currently apply or not. It's a propositional commitment that has no connection to the state of the church in reality.

>> No.21212077

Stopped reading there.

>> No.21212084

Well you shouldn't. If you are going to claim that there are certain things that God guarantees to the church, then it matters if those things are not there. If it doesn't matter whether they're there or not, then it means there is no way to distinguish the true church from false ones.

>> No.21212269

I read the Oxford World Classics collection of hsi writings, it was good. Brian Davies 'The Thought of Thomas Aquinas' is a good academic intro. I've not read it but apparently Chesterton's Aquinas is good. I'd really recommend Josef Pieper's 'The Four Cardinal Virtues'.

The Summa Theologiae is free online. The Summa Contra Gentiles by Notre Dame Press is good, book 1 is worth reading at least.

>> No.21213598


>> No.21214190

christopher shields & robert pasnau are respectable philosophers

>> No.21214217

robert pasnau should be beaten for his treatment of aquinas

>> No.21215174

Thank you, God bless.

>> No.21215591

They're not real Christians nor do they read or listen to Jesus' teachings.

>> No.21215689

Recent'y been thinking of this fellow's influence on Heidegger through a mediation of Aristotle's De anima. Is his commentary worth it? I read bit of the Summa and was pretty bored, desu. I don't really respect the man too much as a philosopher, yet thinking over this Heidegger dimension and the crucialness of this line of thought is making me demur.

Part of why I don't respect him is that I believe this main innovation of his—the soul, logos, being the universal informing principle of individuals—was solely a theological necessity.

>> No.21215715

Roman Catholic Church >>>>> Heresies

>> No.21215803

Whatever you say.