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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 205 KB, 927x1461, Nathalie Sarraute Vous les entendez.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
21209641 No.21209641 [Reply] [Original]

Why haven't you read Nathalie Sarraute yet? In some sense she walks the line which divides Joyce and Beckett. For Sarraute, words are powerful and its a topic worth exploring. Sarraute also believes naming a character strips them of their power in a literary sense. I'm not fucking kidding here guys. If there ever were to be a big three in 20th century literature it should be Joyce, Beckett, and Sarraute. Sarraute is necessary reading for any intellectual. Why the fuck is /lit/ so lacking in the third category of Sarraute??? As far as I'm aware, only me and one other anon have read Sarraute (the other guy is the one who always shits on Alain Robbe-Grillet and says, "If you want to read nouveau roman, read Sarraute. Robbe-Grillet is shit.") Please fellas, read Nathalie Sarraute. Tropismes is THE starting point. All of her subsequent works stem from the ideas presented in Tropismes. In fact I highly recommend a chronological reading of Sarraute to see how her artistry grows and to watch her become a master. However if you're only going to read one Sarraute work it should be Les Fruits d'Or, but of course I say Tropismes is a necessary prerequisite to any work written by Sarraute. I also highly recommend Vous les Entendez? because it covers the idea of the futility of instilling a passion, say for literature or art, in those whom you love. Bros...just read Nathalie Sarraute please. I promise it's life-changing literature. Reading Sarraute brought about the same joy and feelings I had reading Joyce and Beckett.

>> No.21209668

>Why haven't you read Nathalie Sarraute yet?
Because I don't read

>> No.21209676

Well, you should start with Nathalie Sarraute then.

>> No.21209687

Ok Fuck this board. I'm gonna go read Londres.

>> No.21211053

will it make me weep and laugh?

>> No.21211076

Parce qu’elle est médiocre et l’a toujours été ; même Duras lui est supérieure. Tu devrais plutôt lire Pinget si ton but est d’éplucher le catalogue de Minuit. Ou Simon.

>> No.21211081
File: 5 KB, 194x260, DF7A3B21-191B-43C0-A96C-A9996E3F97F0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> In some sense she walks the line which divides Joyce and Beckett. For Sarraute, words are powerful and its a topic worth exploring. Sarraute also believes naming a character strips them of their power in a literary sense. I'm not fucking kidding here guys. If there ever were to be a big three in 20th century literature it should be Joyce, Beckett, and Sarraute. Sarraute is necessary reading for any intellectual. Why the fuck is /lit/ so lacking in the third category of Sarraute??? As far as I'm aware, only me and one other anon have read Sarraute (the other guy is the one who always shits on Alain Robbe-Grillet and says, "If you want to read nouveau roman, read Sarraute. Robbe-Grillet is shit.") Please fellas, read Nathalie Sarraute. Tropismes is THE starting point. All of her subsequent works stem from the ideas presented in Tropismes. In fact I highly recommend a chronological reading of Sarraute to see how her artistry grows and to watch her become a master. However if you're only going to read one Sarraute work it should be Les Fruits d'Or, but of course I say Tropismes is a necessary prerequisite to any work written by Sarraute. I also highly recommend Vous les Entendez? because it covers the idea of the futility of instilling a passion, say for literature or art, in those whom you love. Bros...just read Nathalie Sarraute please. I promise it's life-changing literature. Reading Sarraute brought about the same joy and feelings I had reading Joyce and Beckett.

>> No.21211366

>même Duras lui est supérieure

>> No.21211375

Lisez Blanchot, des Forêts, Laporte…

>> No.21211378

Basé. Enfance et Tropismes sont des chefs d'oeuvre.

>> No.21211434

>For Sarraute, words are powerful and its a topic worth exploring.
so a generic atheist vagina. woah performativism all over gain


>> No.21211557

You should read <<disent les imbeciles>> to truly understand what you're dismissing means. It will most likely filter your little peanut brain.

>> No.21212440
File: 295 KB, 1951x945, Capture.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Zlib is down since last night and libgen doesn't have it. Can anybody here shoot me a PDF of this edition?

Sounds interesting.

>> No.21212644

Are you enrolled in a university? Your college library should have her works. That's how I read the entirety of her oeuvre. I just checked out her La Pléiade.

>> No.21213892

C'est une blague?
Il y a vraiment des gens qui prennent le "nouveau roman" au sérieux en 2022? Des gens qui lisent ces merdes et y trouvent un mérite? C'est pas possible, je croyais que votre race s'était éteinte, les étudiants qui lisent de la merde post-1945 genre Sartre ou je ne sais quelle autre chiasse, ça fait au moins 10 ans que je ne les vois plus dans le métro, vous vous cachez c'est ça? Et vous venez jouer les intellos sur 4chan?
Si on me payait, je considérerais PEUT-ÊTRE utiliser les pages de ses romans de merde comme torche-cul, peut-être.

Nathalie Sarraute quoi, mais on est où là putain de merde

>> No.21214567

fuck you
you will get fucked by arab niggers and watch your daughters convert to Islam

>> No.21214797

I'm alumni with a library card but I moved like 5000 miles from my alma mater so it's Zlib or nothing.

>> No.21215586


>> No.21216867

are you the annon who recommended the usage de la parole some months back ? decided to read it since im learning french and it was stellar.It was the first book in french that i read where i felt what beautiful prose feels like. Especially those passages on the word love.Thank you for reminding me to read more of her

>> No.21216960
File: 20 KB, 345x345, tumblr_m9cmbessHy1qf0717o1_400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This made me laugh hard. I had an Auvergnat friend who would go on rants like this on 20th century writers, Montherlant for instance. "They write whole books about every little thing they do in meticulous detail, every shit they take, and they all have little black books full of the names and phone numbers of little boys they've fucked in the ass all over France and they all swap them amongst their literary circle." kek