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File: 49 KB, 512x512, unnamed.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
21209465 No.21209465 [Reply] [Original]

What happened to Z-Library?

>> No.21209537

It redirects me to b-ok.cc
>not using the superior LibGen

>> No.21209558

It’s just a mirror of Library Genesis, there are many other sites to access it.

>> No.21209603


>> No.21209633

zlib actually has way more books than libgen at this point

>> No.21209709

>try this
>This domain has been seized by the
United States Postal Inspection Service
in accordance with a court order.
the link i was using doesn't work anymore. it was up a few days ago. you would htink the US govt would have bigger issues than some nerds pirating books.

>> No.21209735

They got cancelled for their name.

>> No.21209775

>can't find book on libgen
>can't find book on zlibrary
>can't find book on gutenberg
>can't find book on btdig
>can't find book on the archives
>can't find book on torrent sites
>can't find book on IRC
>can't find deDRM IA book

Why even live?

>> No.21209780

fuck off putinbot

>> No.21209782

Go outside, to the used bookstore.

>> No.21209785

I don't think I'll ever find it in Mexico

>> No.21209793

meant for >>21209782

>> No.21209803

I live in a shithole like you and I got all my books on second hand bookstores, flacos markets and in the garbage. Go outside, Marcos.

>> No.21209809

Mexican here. What's the book? I've been able to get all my stuff from either national bookstores, z-lib, or Amazon.

>> No.21209813

El libro del Rubius.

>> No.21209818

kek who buys that shit? zoomers? I thought it was a real book.

>> No.21209828
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Let us all bow our heads and say a prayer for our dearly departed.
Z-Lib, now you belong to the ages.

>> No.21209831

Don't insult my heroe.

>> No.21209842
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>> No.21209854

guys im fucking furious , now where am i to download my french books? libgen is absolute trash in foreign languages, z-lib was the best site and the other trash like library genesis and mobilism dont hold a candle to the library the site had. Pls someone what is a good alternative . For instance i wanted to download Nathalie Sarraute's books in french but i cant find them. They are changing internet forever , it will never be as good.

>> No.21209882

It was me, I told Gardner his book was on it. Sorry I fucked up.

>> No.21209893


Please tell me someone has a back up.

>> No.21209912

It's over anon.

>> No.21209918

Just buy books

>> No.21209925


>> No.21209945

bookbros it is so fucking over

>> No.21209946

i hope your mother sucks cock in hell and chocks to death on satans cum down her lungs.How will i fucking buy french books from greece you jew

>Verification not required

>> No.21209963

I'll buy ur mum's pussy instead

>> No.21209976

but zlibrary was the only reason i did buy books though

>> No.21209982

i read obscure shit dude. half my stuff is from university printings from 50+ years ago. i literally cannot obtain physical copies.

>> No.21209987

just visit the onion site

>> No.21209988

>russians host all the pirate sites
>burgershartistan decides to bomb putler
>suddenly z-lib goes offline

The US govt actively works to prevent people from reading books. They send billions of dollars in bombs out to ensure no one reads a book. They killed 700,000 ivans so that you cannot read a book.

>> No.21209989

>How will i fucking buy french books from greece
On Amazon

>> No.21209995

a bloo bloo

>> No.21209999

digits confirm. now back to your regularly scheduled disney-twitch zogslop, citizen

>> No.21210001

you're literally in Europe, retard. just get them from amazon France.

>> No.21210002

im not taking the bait . im too poor for that and not only that but it was the only way to access to obscure stuff out of print .you do not read

>> No.21210004
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>i read obscure shit dude.

>> No.21210008

Yeah I actually used to just prefer using Z because I preferred the easier interface like a female, and when a book didn't show up, which happened frequently, I'd have to grow up and go over to libgen. Now it's the opposite and more often when I think there aren't great options on Z there are literally none on libgen. I think I saw some update from them saying they had significantly expanded their library somehow but I don't know how that would work, I thought it was all user-seeded anyway.

>> No.21210011

This only strengthens my sympathy for the Russian cause.


>> No.21210024

also their foreign language library was massive. you could find any book you wanted in the big languages (french,spanish,italian,portuguese,german,mandarin,russian). Bookbros it is so fucking over

>> No.21210026
File: 108 KB, 750x1000, f-gardner-true-seeing.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It WOULD be just like Gardner to run straight to the authorities, wouldn't it. What a weasel.

>> No.21210034

Please tell me this is a dream, bros. This website was a treasure chest full of gems. Fuck globohomo. Slava Rossiya!

>> No.21210035

He's mexican, dude.

>> No.21210071

Do you guys think they will reinstate it or is it just over?

>> No.21210074

it was tik tok btw

>> No.21210076

i tried to find some pelevin books a few hours ago and yeah its down
but i mean, doesnt piratebay and similar torrent websites go down all the time just to come back 3 days later? and these torrent sites have terrabytes or pentabytes or whatever the term is, mobi and epub and pdf files might not even require a whole server and you could just run them from a hard disc network

im talking out of my ass here but i mean we will have our library back in a few days, right? holy shit im glad i downloaded like 100+ books just a few days ago

>> No.21210088

1. equating the internet with one or two websites, whilst never materially supporting those websites.
2. not bothering to save anything to hard disk

= bad time.

>This domain has been seized by the
>United States Postal Inspection Service
this is an act of tyrannical censorship, how dare iran/korea/china/syria do this to their own people?!

>> No.21210089

It's getting a lot of press due to tiktok zoom zooms making it a viral topic (GUIZ I FOUND THIS SUPER SECRET SHADOW LIBRARY TELL EVERY1 U KNO!!) so it's probably a goner.

>> No.21210109

>but i mean, doesnt piratebay and similar torrent websites go down all the time just to come back 3 days later?
i think having servers/domains seized by the government is a bit more serious than occasional downtime. but hopefully they've kept a backup. i can't deal with another oink/what situation

>> No.21210125


>> No.21210133

I have 120 to 125GB of books precisely to prepare for this exact situation, but I don't have enough. I'm still a solid 2500-3000 books away from completing my collection. I NEED that backup so I can finish it and host my own library. Please tell me there's already one being made right now, literally the only that stopped me from finishing the download process was that I had a max cap of 75 downloads each day.

>> No.21210134

Zoomers on tiktok wouldn't stop making videos about the site, its why it got taken down. they told everyone.

>> No.21210138

If I were you I'd try to get every book you're missing from libgen in the coming weeks.

>> No.21210144

fucking zoomers

>> No.21210147

I'll try anon. I doubt I'll end up completing this library, but god knows I'll really fucking try.

>> No.21210152

Is the site just stuck loading and timing out after a while for you guys, too?

>> No.21210154

right but i mean do you need a whole dedicated server to host z lib? i think i put ~10.000 books on a 30$ usb stick
surely you can just host pdfs online by running a botnet in some corporate office computers, retards sitting there babysitting excel file 8 hours a day wouldnt even notice

>> No.21210157

bro give us the magnet link and seed it pls

>> No.21210161

> https://torrentfreak.com/tiktok-blocks-z-library-hashtag-pending-piracy-investigation-221031/ >>21210152

>> No.21210163

I'll wait for the heat to die down then I'll post a link, sorry anon
For all I know there are feds browsing this board right now waiting for people like me to make that post

>> No.21210170

>not using the superior LibGen
How come there are books on there that aren't on libgen then?

>> No.21210175

Why are there so many fucking forks of libgen? I never feel sure that any one is more legit than the others, or which ones will try to hack me or something.

>> No.21210182

Reminder to always download and archive everything you can while you can. HD space is cheap. Every site you like will eventually be taken down

>> No.21210188

not everyone here reads normiecore like stephen king you can just pick up in a shop you fucking faggot, you're on /lit/. half the time i'm reading books it's for an academic purpose. some of us do shit with our lives.

>> No.21210193

problem is it takes years of reading and searching through suggestions and namedrops to find the things i'll truly love. i don't know today the title of what my favorite book will be 5 years from now.

just checked and my remaining unnamed audiobook site is still up. i guess that's better than nothing if you still need a fix but they don't have 1/100 of zlib's stash.

>> No.21210200

This is a good example of why it's still important to own physical books. I understand the convenience of having shadow libraries like this as much as anyone, Zlib has been responsible for probably 90% of my reading these past couple years, but I'm also relieved knowing I have plenty in my physical library to not have to suddenly spend a bunch if everything online went down.

>> No.21210202

tor version still works and apparently according to /g/bros you can still click on "Send to" to email it and download from there

>> No.21210203

Um...did you not download the books you found on z-lib?

>> No.21210206

damn dudes i just heard the news
kanye really made them mad

>> No.21210214

For me the real problem is the shit you can't really just buy. Academic books about obscure topics that have been out of print for decades, that are either literally just not available anywhere or are so exorbitantly priced (hundreds of dollaridoos) as to be practically unavailable.

>> No.21210218

Just like Thepiratebay. They will come back.

>> No.21210229

I made a server for anons to help me complete my list (I'm this anon:>>21210133)
I'll be busy so I won't be able to work on it today unfortunately

>> No.21210249

how do we know you aren't some glowie?

>> No.21210250

Probably so yes. I'm talking about going forward.

>> No.21210255

you're a hero truly based

>> No.21210257

Simple. I'm a fucking Filipino. I posted something that shows I've got the books and that I live in the PST timezone

>> No.21210276 [DELETED] 

i zoomers so fucking much it's unreal

>> No.21210280

i hate zoomers so much it's unreal

>> No.21210289

It was never a "sekrit club". Everyone knew about it in academia.

>> No.21210312

Thank you brother. Confirmed it works on Tor

>> No.21210318

Zoomer/tiktokers are a braindead, mouth-breathing, zombified scourge upon this earth that will only progressively get worse as the years go by. Absolute retards.

>> No.21210324

There are some books you can only find copies of online. I suspect that feds monitor used book stores and destroy books that go hard against their narratives.

>> No.21210327

There's a difference between academia and extremely online readers knowing about it and being blasted all over TikTok. It was an open secret, yes, now it's a public nuissance.

>> No.21210341

What books?

>> No.21210349

>not using IRC

>> No.21210390

You dudes actually read?
I thought this was a meme board.

>> No.21210395

books are just leftist memes

>> No.21210413
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>> No.21210423

I bet the people who donated recently in that fundraiser are glad they did lol

>> No.21210424

Yes, I do.

>> No.21210543

That's late millenial shit.

>> No.21210683
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should be back up soon, remember to torrent at least part of these backups if you can

>> No.21210746

>the superior LibGen
>the superior
>pretty much the same site but with less of a wide range of books

>> No.21210756

>unnamed audiobook site

>> No.21210768


>> No.21210775

So does the US have the ability to seize any website? I don't know how it works.

>> No.21210819

what book i might have it in my hoard

>> No.21210822

probably some boring academic niche shit

>> No.21210838


>> No.21210850

are there any alternatives?

>> No.21210854

The Stalingrad Trilogy by David M. Glantz.

>> No.21210855

libgen but it's not as big

>> No.21210872

So why are zoomers like this? Is it being raised on social media era?

>> No.21210892

I unironically believe this.

>> No.21210894

just dl your own copy (31TB supposedly)
archive. ph/0QlIb

>> No.21210897

How the fuck do you download books from libgen?

>> No.21210899

Never mind, just figured it out.

>> No.21210937
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>> No.21210945

Which fork are you using?

>> No.21210946
File: 193 KB, 902x1024, sorry frens.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

and this is still the best we're gonna have it for a long while frens

>> No.21210947

someone found a photo of Ogden after the TikTok explosion and his lawyer made them take the site down.

>> No.21210955

I'll miss the preview function, you could filter out a lot of dogshit scans with it.

>> No.21210958

What's that?

>> No.21210970


>> No.21210974

What is the domain name that you enter after libgen?

>> No.21210977
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>1lib is down

Cut my life into pieces. The books I get from there are limpossible to find and if I do they are like €200. Fuck USA and they Disney laws.

>> No.21210983


>> No.21210987

Yeah, I head that one's okay.

>> No.21210989


>> No.21210991

I hate americans and tik tokers so much is unreal.

>> No.21210993

I bet Amazon or Penguin-Random House or some other gigantic publishing-distribution conglomerate group lobbied the courts to get this taken down. I defo read somewhere this was authorized by some US court or another, as in Zlib was sued. I get why Amazon would try to get it taken down - every book downloaded for free is money that doesn't get spent on DRM-saddled ebooks or physical copies ferried all over town by a delivery driver being paid to sit in traffic and pollute carbon all day. It's dystopian and late stage capitalism.

>> No.21210999

And they have the gal to larp with BookTok when trying to destroy the actual reading community.

>> No.21211005
File: 57 KB, 341x507, FA957CE2-59BD-4678-A85C-83D8B74BA317.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> i read obscure shit dude. half my stuff is from university printings from 50+ years ago. i literally cannot obtain physical copies

>> No.21211008

ayooo dass me alright lol

>> No.21211011

>paper material
>it's literally the digital age
sorry for using the "r-slur" toward a fellow lettered but what the fuck my nigga?

>> No.21211037

See >>21210894 and >>21210683

>> No.21211042

>check book online to see if I actually enjoy it so I dont waste my money
>i enjoy book, I plan to purchase physically since that is superior
>i dont enjoy book or dont need it, saved time and money

>> No.21211060

anna queen of /lit/

>> No.21211063
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*le disapproval face*

>> No.21211066

what race is that?

>> No.21211067
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they just have to ruin everything

>> No.21211068
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>> No.21211070


>> No.21211071


>> No.21211074

How do you even pronunce that shit. Can't USAtards stop trying to mire everyone in they shit.

>> No.21211085

how can i access it

>> No.21211093

>this domain has been seized by the United States Postal Inspection Service in accordance with a court order.
bulk load on ebooks my fellow /litfags/ who knows what might happen

>> No.21211098
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Coincidentally I had been stocking on books for the past few weeks because my Internet was shitty and I needed something good to do while it's out.
Funnily enough, one of the books I got is "How to Screw The Post Office". Not even joking.

>> No.21211099

>you could access a certain number of books but to get more you had to pay for subscription
Or wait a day, who downloads 6 books a day.

>> No.21211100

Fuck you.

>> No.21211111

>if everything online went down.
if everything online went down then
most likely my country/the world is in troubles big enough for books to become a secondary matter

>> No.21211139
File: 549 KB, 680x736, 1640248536270.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

made this meme recently, sad..

>> No.21211140


>> No.21211149

have you tried archive.org

>> No.21211155

Why is american post office like this? Just fucking deliver mail.

>> No.21211161

aw, no cultural marxism threads for babby to chimp out in?

>> No.21211165

Has anyone actually got into trouble for only downloading books?

>> No.21211169
File: 6 KB, 111x199, 34FED006-4541-4B6F-BF15-CB70F3B49D32.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> aw, no cultural marxism threads for babby to chimp out in

>> No.21211171

so which one's not okay?

>> No.21211173

All of them. Piracy is illegal, idiot.

>> No.21211178

If I live far from burgerland in asia, I don't think I have anything to fear, do I?

>> No.21211180

They will bomb your country if you dare to violate our copyright.

>> No.21211207

>We are working on hosting this collection
Imagine free as Library Genesis and big as Z-library in website like Z-library had

>> No.21211209

>Z-library has been siezed by ICE due to attention attracted by Tik-Tok

>> No.21211238

all the doomposting for nothing

>> No.21211255

sell your soul to satan to find it since its probably the necrololicon or something

>> No.21211257

fuck cross/b/ros...

>> No.21211303

I'm scared bros, I've violated every single copyright act of the US of A for every single day for 15 years now. I think the bombs are dropping soon. I listen to pirated music, watch pirated movies, read pirated books

>> No.21211327


>> No.21211334
File: 278 KB, 972x1076, 12909114-9B3E-4EEE-9FD0-141D27E9A1C1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

anon you commandeered all that stuff get a grip before they smell your fear

>> No.21211341
File: 136 KB, 821x1024, 1667517467926094m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What the fuck?
Does the onion link still work?

>> No.21211343

>Ruined music
>Ruined video games
>Ruined movies
>Ruined culture
It was only a matter of time for books' turn to come.

>> No.21211358

I never realized they were just armoured fishes.

>> No.21211379


>> No.21211397

>constantly see these threads
>this is the first time I've actually been affected
uh, fuck. at least I download my want-to-read books regularly, in batches, so I'm up-to-date.

>> No.21211419
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kinda sus

>> No.21211427

Nope. There's lots of books that we're on z-lib that weren't on libgen

>> No.21211430

the US controls the DNS lol

>> No.21211451
File: 421 KB, 512x512, An_oil_painting_portrait_of_Martin_heidegger_holding_a_book_2reua80cbvwn.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I guess I should read the ones I have before I compain about not being able to get more.
Still really sucks.

>> No.21211459

Soooo... What do we do now? How do we cope

>> No.21211469


>> No.21211476
File: 406 KB, 512x512, 0f6643ff-5575-4141-8a7d-4d680390bc97.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

1. Buy shity old books from the uused book store.
2. Public library ebooks
3. You pay now
4. Organize a "swap meet" of sorts via social networks
5. Read all the books you have but have not read
6. Write that book you were always going to write.
7. ...

>> No.21211479

Fuck off cuck. I will never pay for shit.

>> No.21211484

The onion link works for the domain but all the files have been seized as well and if you try to dl anything it just won't work :/

>> No.21211493

>1. Buy shity old books from the uused book store.
>2. Public library ebooks
>3. You pay now
>4. Organize a "swap meet" of sorts via social networks
Eww, no.
>5. Read all the books you have but have not read
No thanks.
>6. Write that book you were always going to write.
I'm not ready to do that.
>7. ...
I'll just use other websites.

>> No.21211501

>7. ...
Have sex.

>> No.21211511

I am actually devastated. Fuck me. I loved that fucking website.

>> No.21211521

Same. Fortunately, I managed to download enough books to last me for a while

>> No.21211529

That site helped me survive through the worst time of my life, this is a nightmare.

>> No.21211531

Zlibrary is a Hydra, cut off one head and five stronger ones will take its place. It happened to youtube vanced and it will happen again to zlib. I'm not even remotely concerned, now it is the time to read the books I downloaded.

>> No.21211546

domain names have been seized and hosters block the site.
the site itself is fine but they need to find new domain names and get new hosters.
their mirrors are fine too.

>> No.21211553

I suggest Honkkong or Belarus

>> No.21211567

Do we need to wage war against book-tok?

>> No.21211574

The files weren't seized, the clearnet domain they foolishly also used to serve files to Tor users was seized. The only way currently to receive files is by email, which you can do if your email to your ZLib account is verified and all that. But it only works for files under 20 mb. Pretty restrictive

>> No.21211575

What if one would shit up the booktok tags. It's fucking go time. I am livid, bros.

>> No.21211578

Are you confident it will be back soon?

>> No.21211583

Retarded zoomers aren't at fault for simply wanting to read books. It's the Authors Guild and the US Government what did it. This simply may have been the catalyst. In fact, before this the site was already getting blocked in France and India as of August.

>> No.21211589

It probably will be back, though not necessarily soon. If I were the admin the first things I would do is:
- Fix the Telegram bot
- Get a .ru or .su domain to be seizure resistant
- Serve files to Tor users through a .onion domain
That would fix most of it

>> No.21211590

is libgen next?
is there a proxy for zlibrary?
>post proxy links por favor

>> No.21211592


>> No.21211594

Retarded zoomers needs to learn to count their blessings and to understand consequences. And that it's sometimes better to shut the fuck up rather than to burn every bridge for a sliver of clout.

>> No.21211599

kill yourself nigger. Amazon has started policing their shit and deleted E Michael Jones off from their service. Honestly, hang on a rope you fucking glownigger faggot jew sucking mutt. I hope America burns down in nuclear hellfire

>> No.21211600
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Just when i thought i couldn't hate them more.
Yeah but there're times when you discover a new book and want to read it on the spot.
Yesterday i found about Dark Matter by Michelle Paver (no idea if it's gay or not yet), and had to open Tor to access ZLib because libgen didn't have it.
Now even the onions won't work, we're done this time fellers, it was fun.

>> No.21211602

Only Tor.
>is libgen next?
Looks like they have a taste for LibGen's blood indeed:

>> No.21211606

Physical chads we cant stop winning

>> No.21211607

who cares? libgen is better, and has a catchier name

>> No.21211611

This site was always malware-infested shit.
Remember to upload anything you got here to libgen.

>> No.21211617

I just scan books as I download. EPUB files weren't able to be scanned well though so I always had to convert to PDF to scan. Honestly I've had more trouble with malware detected in books I downloaded from the Internet Archive; Z-Library was usually cleaner, also had more user reviews usually.

>> No.21211618

Maybe if shitgen wasn't such a 90's looking shitportal.

>> No.21211621

please someone upload the archive on libgen

>> No.21211624

Did anyone else notice that the site was getting spammed for the past couple days? They were begging for volunteers to review uploads because they were getting thousands of uploads a day. I reviewed some, and there were a ton of chinese programming manuals being uploaded in 5 different formats, labeled as Japanese.
Why would the government try to crash/trash the site if they could just take it down legally?

>> No.21211633

Chinkoids don't like it when their citizens can freely access information with impunity. So what do you do? Flood it with trash and malware, promote it to the western half of your spy app.

>> No.21211637
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>“Name something that should be illegal but isn’t.” When this TikTok trend made its rounds last year, many users mentioned ZLibrary, a popular “shadow library” with millions of books available for permanent download at minimal or no cost.
Why are they like this.

>> No.21211640

I'm talking about the whole package, from malicious popups and redirects to infected PDFs to terrible paywalls. Which brings me to another point, it's much easier to make a malware PDF than it is with other formats like EPUB or MOBI.
Maybe you should realize it's not only soulful but high IQ design to keep shit like this from happening. Libgen is meant to be a real archive.

>> No.21211643

>The only way currently to receive files is by email

>> No.21211650

Imagine getting your first ereader this week, then zlib goes down.

>> No.21211657


>> No.21211664

Maybe be good to buy it now that they go on discount.

>> No.21211666

notice how for example everyone on 4chan is cool with piracy and doesnt give a shit. we even have 3 boards dedicated to piracy.
but as soon as you visit the big boards, those that attract normalfags and the main stream such as /v/ piracy is suddenly a nono.

>> No.21211669

thanks but
>restarting the computer to insert my tails all just to download a book

>> No.21211671

Oh, was that irregular? I signed up as a mod too and noticed the ratio for uploads to reviews was totally fucked.

>> No.21211678

>3 boards dedicated to piracy
nigga pls

>> No.21211682

mobilism is still there but they actually follow dmca believe it or not. also irc ebooks still a thing. there is this app called openbooks that makes it accessible to tech illiterate people too.
libgen is still there as of yet and then there is the whole dc++ community that eclipses zlib. also open calibre servers are a thing too.
not that zlib being unaccessible is a good thing but theyll come back eventually. zlib makes a decent amount of money and they can afford premium piracy hosters.

>> No.21211685


>> No.21211691

also techincally >>>/tv/ and >>>/aco/ and even >>>/lit/ since those share files quite frequently.

>> No.21211699

meant >>>/co/ not aco but the shoe fits too.
also dont forget >>>/gif/ where porn links and megafolders are shared all day erry day.

>> No.21211702

Why do publishers let these pirating sites remain up? Maybe they think it would cause more trouble for them if they went after them, and ended up publicizing how easy it is to download books online?

>> No.21211703

>infested books

But PDFs/epubs/mobi are not executables? In any case, I never got a single malware from either zlib/libgen or the internet archive.

>> No.21211706

And I also never encountered either redirects or even ads. Maybe you used some bootleg domain.

>> No.21211710

thats kinda it. for the most parts publishers dont care for pirates as long as its not blatant.
the fight against piracy is expensive but as long as its relatively niche most are content with it.
this came about because it was shared on tik tok about how easy and accessible it is. occasionally rights holders have to make set an example to scare off normies.
primewire was such an example.

>> No.21211711

/ic/ also has a massive archive of premium art courses, books, tools, programs etc.

>> No.21211716

/t/ I'll grant but for the rest calling them boards 'dedicated to piracy' is a stretch. Might as well add /tg/ because users can upload pdfs.
No idea how /diy/ fits in. If you mean any board where copyrighted materials are shared in any capacity then virtually all of them are dedicated to piracy

>> No.21211717
File: 118 KB, 831x421, 1646700192333.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>login or register
then go to the book and pic related should be there unless it's 20MB or above, it'll send to the email you made the account with so I'd recommend something privacy-conscious like Tutanota or Protonmail I guess.

The Telegram bot is working for me at the moment now though, which will allow books below 50MB to be received.
If you do ten downloads a day by email, below 20MB only, then you can do an extra ten by Telegram.

What? Just use Brave Browser or regular Tor Browser. You don't need peak privacy standards here; It's just a matter of access, not hiding that you're connecting to said site. The government is not going to raid your house for connecting to Z-Library (it's encrypted, whether by clearnet or by darknet, so they can't really even confirm you're downloading stuff I think although don't quote me on that...)

>> No.21211720

not possible. musk hates the type of scourge in these parts.

>> No.21211723

i mean you arent wrong.
4chan as whole is a piracy site except for the normie infested boards. which really is just /v/ at this point since even /vg/ or /vr/ and /vm/ dont give a shit.

>> No.21211726

I'm more talking about "TikTok trends" that ruin everything.

>> No.21211734

well that always has been a thing. people find something on the internet and share it with people and eventually it land in the public eye.
the issue is things like twitter and tik tok make it very easy to reach a large audience very rapidly so the effects are accelerated and catch the ire of authorities or rights holders much quicker.

>> No.21211735

>Whats ICANN and it's relation to the US goverment?

>> No.21211739

PDFs can have embedded javascript and browsers might execute that javascript if you open it in the browser which most normalfags do

>> No.21211740

ICANN? More like I C U P

>> No.21211745

"According to the Greek medical writer Galen, under the decree of Ptolemy II, any books found on ships that came into port were taken to the library, where they were copied by official scribes. The original texts were kept in the library, and the copies delivered to the owners."

What a bunch of pirates, those bastards deserved to get their library burned down.

>> No.21211747


>> No.21211748

There's probably no way to prove you were downloading books if the connections were made with https which i believe is what zlib used.

>> No.21211761

After one of the updates my browser started to open PDFs on its own after downloading, so normalfags are just really going with the flow as usual.

>> No.21211766

which fucking irc? and isn't it just a libgen front?

>> No.21211776

I'm not sure. I signed up the first day they asked, and the site said like "1500 books uploaded by 200 users" the first day, and it kept going up until it was like 50,000 books with some people uploading hundreds of books.

>> No.21211784

The book didn't seem very suspicious to me. I wonder if feds were mass downloading books then very slightly altering them and reuploading to flood the system.

>> No.21211801

Why are there so many fake ebook sites

>> No.21211807

As a zoomer who's bordering on millennial, I hate other zoomers so fucking much it's unreal. It's the reason why I never talk about where I get my games, movies, anime, and tv shows.

>> No.21211815

>which fucking irc? and isn't it just a libgen front?

>> No.21211820

I was one looking for Irene's Cunt for months, no sites had it, but somebody on this board managed to upload a copy and send it.

>> No.21211826

>Download Tor and use the .onion site!

If you're not technically illiterate, stop using Tor and get i2p. It's 100 times faster than Tor.

>> No.21211828

if that 90's looking shitportal designs scares off zoomers from using and more importantly blabbing about it on fucking tiktok then it'll be well worth it

>> No.21211838

>invalid ssl certificate
yikes that sounds trustworthy

>> No.21211843

I remember going to a used book fair in the city with my mom when I was like 9 or so and being surprised to see a book with a title like that just being put proudly out front on a stand lol

>> No.21211851

the agents of the antichrist shut it down in order to prevent the spread of knowledge among the masses and keep us all in perpetual ignorance.

>> No.21211854


>> No.21211908
File: 792 KB, 1747x1241, 163011422.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

don't search "tiktok free books" on google
makes your blood boil

>> No.21211916

>yikes that sounds trustworthy
fucking newfag lmao

>> No.21211915

entire generation of subhumans

>> No.21211933

Look at that white man's frame/skeletal genetics. He definitely fucks NYC arthoes

>> No.21211940
File: 11 KB, 752x49, 1666082418841.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.21211944

Have to try harder than that, glowie

>> No.21211968

im sorry does the US gov expect students to unironically pay 14,000$ every year for textbooks

piracy doesn't exist cause of cheapskates, proof of that is music where piracy is easy but no one does it, but because books can be way too expensive for a digital copy that costs 0$ to send to someone lol

>> No.21211969

jesus fucking christ

>> No.21211971

It's not like people who watch 30 second clips will read books so what was even the fucking point

>> No.21211974

It evolved into the A-Library.

>> No.21211985

Because of these clowns I won't be able to download books anymore? These attention hungry whores and content scavengers have to destroy everything they come in contact with.

>> No.21211998

thats on you. it means the certificate on your system is out of date.

>> No.21212003

they download them tho, and won't stop screaming out loud how amazing the webpage is because they are reading "rich dad poor dad" for free.
at the end of the day they're just like kids discovering that the candy machine can drop candies for free, so they tell everybody in school.
back then they were told how amazing they were, now they get a like and a cool comment.

>> No.21212004

>at least half the shit I bookmarked on zlib to download later is completely missing from libgen

H-hold me bros...

>> No.21212008
File: 369 KB, 987x1143, 1667410657412927.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>my usual website for hard to find films has been down for the last two days as well

>> No.21212014

zlib still works on tor

>> No.21212020

"Normal" people disgust me.

>> No.21212034

If some people did in fact back it up what's preventing someone else from just restarting the project on a different site?

>> No.21212040

They can check the logs if they exist but they aren't gonna go after 1.6 billion people of which 1.58 billion are thirdies whose governments don't care about copy right.

>> No.21212046

what's preventing zoomers from destroying that site too?

>> No.21212047

How do we solve the Zoomer Question?

>> No.21212051


>> No.21212053

stop making children

>> No.21212054

we need some sort of solution.

>> No.21212055

Imaginary landscapes by William Irwin Thompson. Already tried buying it from Amazon/Abe but those motherfuckers kept me waiting for days without ever shipping. :C

>> No.21212059

It's >>21212055

>> No.21212062

So what's the best site for finding obscure, old, or out of print books now?

>> No.21212066

Fuck off zoomer

>> No.21212076

Gatekeep everything you know. Don't talk to them. Don't share memes. Don't engage them in any way shape or form. Try not to talk in front of them. If they don't see it on tikstagramfacetube it doesn't exist.

>> No.21212078

First rule of fight club: You don't talk about fight club.

>> No.21212080

knowing its existance

>> No.21212094

The only way is to call it something like nigscantread.org or something.

>> No.21212099

In the world of zoomers, there are only six-or-so websites on the internet.

>> No.21212102

Or niggerfriends.ru

>> No.21212107

Ayo yt boi, my nigga Biden n his admista-mayshon finna seize yo racist ass bitch ass domain if yo don't shut yo bitch ass ass up.

>> No.21212108
File: 365 KB, 2094x2100, 81dCbPvqPvL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Post the last book you downloaded from zlibrary

>> No.21212111

trump could've saved it if he banned tiktok like he said he would

>> No.21212119

what are some books i should download before its too late?

>> No.21212121

If tiktok gets banned they're just gonna flood the rest of the internet.

>> No.21212125

The third worldification of the internet have been a disaster for the human race.

>> No.21212128

Nobody tell them. If anybody tells you will be removed from existence. Who am I kidding. If another site pops up nothing will stop reddit threads to popularise it and all it takes is one zoomer to find it to destroy it by posting a 3 second video that is going to be longer than the life time of the resurfaced site.

>> No.21212137

sure, it can happen again, the point is that it's impossible to fully destroy, as more sites would come up eventually

>> No.21212138
File: 39 KB, 325x500, 51S5Nr2XZ0L.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

can't tell if you guys are joking but this is a great idea

>> No.21212140

they got rid of bullying in schools and this is what we get for it

>> No.21212142

Reminder that books you own will never be taken down by anyone.

>> No.21212155

it's already too late

>> No.21212157

This is like a knowledge holocaust. Fuck this kike country.

>> No.21212173

You WILL pay to rent ebooks
You WILL pay 100-200 dollaridoos for an academic book
You will NOT download chud books
You will NOT read old, out of print books that disagree with our narrative
You WILL consoom only what we want you to consoom
And you will be happy.

>> No.21212179
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>> No.21212185

Hope so. One of my fears is that one day I will wake up in a new world order and all information, books, educational free thinking sites will be removed forever and only the correct information by experts presented. I literally can't search anything on youtube without getting useless mainstream videos on top that are most of the time not even connected to what I typed in. There used to be real people and internet seemed more wild and free. Now it seems fake and controled like you can tell you are in a Potemkin village.

>> No.21212190
File: 590 KB, 2048x1485, mc-xpm-2013-05-10-mc-burning-books-in-nazi-germany-wuerth-0510-20130509.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.21212195
File: 23 KB, 450x320, slave-literacy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

invite invalid
are you on FOSS such as irc, matrix, etc.?

>> No.21212202
File: 57 KB, 976x850, _91408619_55df76d5-2245-41c1-8031-07a4da3f313f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I read Catcher in the Rye

>> No.21212204

>I literally can't search anything on youtube without getting useless mainstream videos on top that are most of the time not even connected to what I typed in.
i've had to get gud with yt searches like adding in "before:(year)" to find older videos i remember that will absolutely not come up if i don't refine my search

>> No.21212207

I deleted the server just a few minutes ago, someone on /g/ posted a torrent list for all 31TB worth of books on Z-Lib (Lib-Gen only has 7TB afaik) so if you're interested in archiving you'd best take it from here

>> No.21212233

>tfw this would unironically work

>> No.21212239

You can download pdfs on soulseek directly from other individuals computers. so easy. just put pdf in the refine search section so that you dont have to sift through a massive list of mp3s.

>> No.21212259

Legalise pedophilia

>> No.21212260 [DELETED] 

Read the thread, retard. >>21212179
>>can't find deDRM IA book
Calibre's plugins don't work anymore and there's no version online.

>> No.21212263

Read the thread
>>21209775 (You)#
>can't find deDRM IA book
Calibre's plugins don't work anymore and there's no version online.

>> No.21212265

I'm certain that people would flock to the dark web if that happened,

>> No.21212271

just borrow and read the book you little shit (or screenshot all the pages)

>> No.21212272
File: 255 KB, 1280x960, ..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I presumed you wanted to read the book, and I gave you a way. If you're unhappy with the manner in which you have to read it, no one is forcing you.

The book, is available, for free, on the internet though. And I plan to read it, it looks good. You can stew in your own ignorance.

>> No.21212300

by the way anons the onion service for zlib is still alive

>> No.21212311
File: 641 KB, 1375x2200, file.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i unironically love this new era of pulpy shlock harem books.
schinhofen is a great author and i greatly enjoy this series. if i werent poor id atleast spring for a kindle unlimited subscription just for his books.

>> No.21212313

How dishonest of them to slap the Post Office on there. As if it was ever their domain. They’re just trying to get people upset with them

HA! Seems as likely.

This, I’m afraid. You guys are mostly unprepared for it.

>> No.21212317
File: 439 KB, 900x775, Madd.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Wake up one day.
>Browsing as i do.
>z-lib has been shut down.
>And it's because some fags on tik-cok were talking about it and got the attention of ice, which lead it to being shut down.

>> No.21212318
File: 407 KB, 1125x1709, 1650342424091.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you are all going to jail
prepare your anus accordingly

>> No.21212329

>Calibre's plugins don't work anymore and there's no version online.
What are you talking about? It worked for me just yesterday. Though now that you mention it I haven't been able to get deDRM to work on any academic stuff (ProQuest, etc) in a while, only Internet Archive stuff.

>> No.21212351

All those faggots who promoted it on tiktok should all go to jail and get wraped by Tyron accordingly.

>> No.21212361
File: 1.90 MB, 435x250, 6714B8BE-44F6-454F-92F7-09B4D670E7EC.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sharing a cell with all the bit torrent, limewire, soulseek pirates. Sure sure
Big media owns the internet. That’s your cell, and you’ll probably stay here till you can’t pay the bill

>> No.21212365

I've literally never used z-lib. Everything I've ever wanted has been on IRC or various other epub websites like oceanofpdf
Zoomers cant IRC so I'm not worried

>> No.21212371

>Sharing a cell
Imagine handing yourself in lmao. The world is such a big place, there is literally no reason to ever serve a day in jail.

>> No.21212372


>> No.21212386
File: 194 KB, 500x727, C217A47B-F4C3-4F00-8B72-47F3613D5285.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pretty much how they run the place. A open air prison

>> No.21212408

good thing i'm...

t. F "Big Dick" Gardner

P.S. you're a legend, butterfly. <3 never forget that, and never let them say you're not welcome on this board. You are that you are.

>> No.21212411

Other sites don't have books I want. Z had more than any other site. Even books from smaller language groups and more obscure and/or expensive books. If Z didn't have it nobody did.

>> No.21212438

dont worry it will be back but somewhere else

>> No.21212444
File: 473 KB, 1208x922, 1662798612398.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Pretty much how they run the place. A open air prison
If worse comes to worst, go to the red circle and enjoy your freedom

>> No.21212457


>> No.21212495

I know people always say "kids these days" and all that crap but Tiktok is truly awful. Facebook, Twitter, MySpace and all them are awful, but Tiktok takes the cake.

>> No.21212520

Never used any of these. I am looked at like a weirdo for not having social media. It's as if I don't exist.

>> No.21212563

first comment, never had an issue. 100s of books this month

>> No.21212570

>go there
Pick two.

>> No.21212573
File: 976 KB, 450x250, 930AA668-BC92-47D9-9D46-E02EDEAE607A.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I are.

>> No.21212581

the DeDRM tools linked in that are old and not supported anymore. apprenticealf handed of the development to others.
get your fully up to date DeDRM tools from here instead:

>> No.21212586

why are zoomers so fucking retarded? This would be like f/a/ggots spamming nyaa on Twitter, of fucking course that would get noticed.
Dumb. Fucks.

>> No.21212589

>This would be like f/a/ggots spamming nyaa on Twitter,
which they unironically did.

>> No.21212590

There are some communities there. Autonomy and sustainability is the issue, and when you naturally expand and try to maintain this, that’s when the authoritarians interject themselves. This is the US’s territory and they can sell it to whatever oil conglomerate there is and relocate you all. Census, taxes, military inscriptions if they want. There is no freedom in a world full of authoritarians and their lapdog police and politicians

>> No.21212593


>> No.21212599

WRONG i just ripped your book, use the spreadsheet in the first reply, open acsm in digital editions, in ADE right click show in explorer, drag where ever the fuck you want, calibre if you want (no plugin required). you better not post this on tiktok zoomer bitch

>> No.21212608
File: 642 KB, 822x741, 1660239635927.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like how all the boards love to shit on pol, yet they all know the best way to stop the zoomer/normalfag menace is to say the nigger word.

>> No.21212626

oh you're a different anon, I apologize for my hostility. either way you don't need DeDRM tools to rip from archive, you only need the correct url.

>> No.21212629

i was wondering why you were so hostile.
i dont think actual zoomers would post in this thread. tech iliteterate literates maybe but not zoomers i dont think.

>> No.21212636

I didn't even know deDRM tools existed. I just assumed they can lock that shit way the fuck down. That is feasible to remove it??

>> No.21212637

/pol/tards can be fucking obnoxious, especially when they bring their shit to other boards when it's unnecessary, but sometimes to slow down the tidal wave of retardation some bad words are the only way.

>> No.21212650

This whole site is ours and you can suck it.


>> No.21212652

amazons drm is pretty easily broken. the issue comes from more obscure or academic services that use drm.

>> No.21212657
File: 3.86 MB, 1276x3200, niggernovel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.21212665
File: 13 KB, 914x163, 34545345345.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hol up, apparently I do have alf's tool installed. Forgot that I didn't do I fresh install of calibre after a recent reformat so assumed I didn't have it. But it's out of date and works fine for archive.org, thanks for the heads up though.

>> No.21212673

dorks on there can be awfully cunty for no reason even if you're not downloading a lot from them and you're sharing files yourself

>> No.21212698

I've only ever shared the same singular 2pac album for nearly 20 years (not an exaggeration), and have been banned by only 2 or 3 people. But I dont use slsk for archival purposes, just a sneaky last resort search, along with irc, if i can't find what I'm looking for else where.

>> No.21212729

I was looking for that, thanks anon

>> No.21212935

>burgershartistan decides to bomb putler
what reality are you living in? are you from a year in the future after putin nukes dnipropetrovsk?

>> No.21212970

I will literally never provide a source for anything again.

>> No.21212997

Youtube 100 percent knows I am a chud and will not stop recommending the newest hiphop music videos, social influencers, and minecraft. It's taunting me.

>> No.21213495

Well, looks like we're just going to have to erase history then because capitalism doesn't always mean progress, sometimes it even means the opposite. I mean, why else would Africa stay so poor if it wasn't for the fact that globalism was keeping them down by denying them literal books right? Before long it will extend to first world entirely and we're basically back in the stone age looking at robots of mega corporations.

>> No.21213582
File: 3 KB, 330x140, git good.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

he didn't hoard up ngmi

>> No.21213944

if africa was worth investing in, don't you think the capitalists would have done so by now?