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21208000 No.21208000 [Reply] [Original]

Is it true that people who buy a lot of books never read them? And that the most avid readers borrow their books from the library which they finish and then return?

>> No.21208006

I read a lot and I don't read most of the books I buy. I think that's just a common trait among readers.

>> No.21208012

>a common trait among readers

>> No.21208013

every time I meet a girl who says she reads a book in a day, it's always some "The Girl who Fell on the Escalator" tier murder/romance fiction aka light reading equivalent to a weeb reading a few chapters of a mango

>> No.21208016

I read the books i buy but mostly because im a neet and thats my main entertainment

>> No.21208019

I buy a good amount of books so that I can have a selection to read when I feel like it.

>> No.21208022

I usually drop books I'm not interested in, but I do try to read them. There are very few books that I own that I have no read at least partially.

>> No.21208023

i collect books like i collect funkopops

>> No.21208028

>Is it true that people who buy a lot of books never read them?
Look at /lit/ stack threads lmao

>> No.21208030

No shit. Books are a symbol of erudition and being cultured, they just feel nice to own and display. The average normie doesn't read most of what they own.

>> No.21208033

I only own one book that I haven't read, when I finish that book I buy the next one.

>> No.21208051

>Is it true that people who buy a lot of books never read them?
Yes, just look at /lit/.

>> No.21208058
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In the last 3 years I've probably purchased 200 books and only read like 15

>> No.21208061

I sold all of my books I hadn't read when I realised I was becoming the girl in op's pic.
I only buy one book at a time now - and only when I finish reading the book I bought last.

>> No.21208092

No, I think most people who read a lot can identify with this. Perhaps you don't read that much.

>> No.21208121

I pirate everything I read because I don't need to put muh books on display as if they're achievements in a video game

>> No.21208130

I just borrow from the library. When you actually have to return that stuff you kinda have a set deadline anyway. The issue of not having much in way of a collection is probably a better problem to have than not reading at all.

>> No.21208145

hard disc is the only library/shelf you will ever need
physical books, like vanity degrees, are just pseud decoration, pseuds who consoom and hoard physical books dont read, simple as, frfr no cap, not raciss' just dont like 'em

>> No.21208164

In my experience, I end up reading the majority of them, but not all the way. If it's too boring, I'll drop it like 3/4s the way. Or if I find myself having to face myself to read it then I'll drop it then.

>> No.21208168

this used to be me back when i had more disposable income. i would buy books that were recommended to me, read the first few pages, decide i don't like them, and then put them away until i had to clear out old books to make space for new ones.

now i read shit on my kindle and if i really like a book i buy a physical copy which is kinda dumb since i hardly ever revisit books later on. it only makes sense if the book is part of a series.

>> No.21208169

I’ve bought ~500 books over the years and have read ~400. You don’t have to buy stacks of books at at time. Buy a book and read it then buy another. I’ve bought a book a week for the last 10 years

>> No.21208171

>it only makes sense if the book is part of a series.
what sense does it make even then?

>> No.21208181

>Is it true
Just lolling at your epistemological illiteracy

>> No.21208200


>> No.21208207


>> No.21208222

There's nothing wrong with digital books, but I like holding the book in my hands and turning the pages and using a bookmark.
It just feels nice.
There's also a comforting solidity to a real book. No matter what's happening in my life, whether it's a blackout or a broken phone, a piano recital or an airplane, I can always take a book with me.

>> No.21208229

this is literally me ever since i got a job and stopped neeting

even though my kindle has every book worth reading on it that i need to go through, i still buy everymans to make me feel smart and look nice on my shelf

>> No.21208230

I love a good library, but when my kid was very young I didn't get a chance to finish anything. I know you can extend but it was one more chore to do during weeks of endless chores.

And bow I can read, I'll avg one every 3-4 days (read 10 in October alone). That's a lot of walking books too and fro.

Will definitley recommit once the kid is reading a bit.

>> No.21208236

Find it difficult to recollect anything I've read on screen. Ereaders are better, but still leagues behind physical paper in terms of retention.

>> No.21208307

if i like the first book then i'll probably like the others in the series.

>> No.21208313

Good to know.

>> No.21208340

>this is literally me ever since i got a job and stopped neeting
Just read on your free time and stop posting on 4chan.

>> No.21208349

The way you can tell who is a real reader is by seeing how many of their bookshelf is obvious second-hand used books. It’s easy. Or, my mom, for example, reads 4 modern crime novels (300+ pages) a week from the library and has a bookshelf of maybe 12 books.

>> No.21208352

at least it's not video games

>> No.21208356

I never understand the stack threads.

>> No.21208362

Books i actually want to read are most of the time expensive or impossible to get. So i read ebook for free. I buy several paperbacks at the same time from same bookshop online, usually cheap and something that looks vaguely interesting to me, or i heard title many times and i am slightly curious. In the past i bought few expensive books and then never cracked them open i try to not do the same error again, and at least try it first on ebook

>> No.21208394

One of the most based guys I knew would throw all fiction books into the trash bin after he had finished it. Not joking

>> No.21208405

why did he keep buying fiction?

>> No.21208415
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I'll only buy a book if I've already read it and enjoyed it.

>> No.21208537

I have learned to avoid this by doing my reading in little groups (like right now Im reading in the theme of "platonism in greek mythology" for which I bought the dialogues of plato, the enneads of plotinus, living theurgy, ovids metamorphosis, the orphic hymns, the illiad of homer etc) and having an amazon list that I can put books I want to buy on instead of putting them in the cart and buying them whenever I want. that being said my personal library is still comprised of about 1/3 books I have not read yet (gifts from people who understand my tastes really well mostly but some were impulse buys the few times I have been to my local rare books stores).

>> No.21208559

I think there’s a bell curve. People who barely read buy tonnes of books. People who use the library read an average amount and people who read a shit tone but books

>> No.21208612

I've got a few hundred books and have read about 65% of them. I intend to read most of the rest. Every purchased book was a choice made by someone who I no longer am, and the reading of books accelerates that process. This buries my interest in some of them further and further as years go by. That is: the more you read, the less you are the guy/gal you used to be, and the less similar are your interests.

>> No.21208731

As if you don't have a giant library of steam games a large part of wich you never finished (or played).

>> No.21208753

My home library is several hundred books right now, it's will probably be a couple of thousands when I die. I would probably have read maybe 1/3 of them at the end, so what? Its purpose is not be a collection of books I have read, but books I might read or come back to some day or use for a reference for something else I'm reading or writing.

>> No.21208808
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i'm much the same. i used to not own any books and started buying poetry books because they were amenable to multiple readings and the typesetting had tangible meaning. i probably have over a hundred poetry books now.
then i started buying history and philosophy books, especially ones that are more of a reference than narrative-based history. it's been useful to pick up will durant or a norton edition i have and thumb through to a period i'm currently interested in and start reading. you start to pick up on tangential ideas and it usually leads to buying more books that are focused specifically on particular time periods or philosophers or scientific ideas (i own a lot of math texts, too).
only lately have i started to acquire fiction, and most of them are what people consider "classics."
in the past i'd use the library but we all know how that worked in 2020 so i said "never again." i do own a kindle but my cat broke it so i've been grateful for the physical books. it's much easier as a visual-focused person such as myself to be able to see multiple pages at once and in a specific typeset than to have every single book be presented in the same streaming format. i also find it much easier to walk over to my shelf and pull a book off than have to click through numerous menus.
i dunno maybe that makes me a brainlet but the actual visualization cements the ideas in my mind much better. i also write a lot in my nonfiction books. i've probably read at least 50 pages of over 90% of the books i own, and i own at least 500.
i'm happy that others can be satisfied with having all the books they've ever read on a hard drive but i find it's just not for me.

>> No.21208837

I read every day and I also buy a lot of books.
You faggots always need to turn even the most innocuous shit into identitarian arguments. It is unhealthy.

>> No.21208851

do you read every book you pirate

>> No.21208873

This. I am guilty of consumerism when it comes to books, but I also read every day.

>> No.21208883

Look into if your library does interlibrary loan. I can get basically any book as long as a single copy exists in Canada, it just takes a little longer.

>> No.21208897

I read about 400 pages per week, but I buy books at about the same pace. I'd say that I have about a dozen unread books on my shelf at any one time.

>> No.21208901

Having books at home suits my reading style.

>> No.21208980

I like going to big book sales, getting a shitload for super cheap, and then working through those for a few months supplemented by the library or gifts. I got a folio copy of A Time of Gifts for 3 dollars and the entire 11 volume set of the Story of Civilization for 20 bucks.

>> No.21208998

I've bought around 450-500 books over the last few years and I've read maybe 30-40 of them?
I mostly read books on my kindle or occasionally there will be a book that I suddenly really want to read and I know I have it in my collection in which case I'll read that.
I like buying and owning books and so that's why I'm constantly buying them although I usually only spend a few dollars on each.

>> No.21209023

I've stopped buying books some years ago
I get many second-hand books from unofficial routes + I download legal ebooks for free and then crack the DRM

>> No.21209319

No, people who read a lot use the library. Book hoarding consoomers aren't readers.

>> No.21209356

My library is an hour away, fuck that.

>> No.21209378

i like physical media. i also like going to the library. i only buy books if i think theres a good chance ill read it again or loan it out to someone.

>> No.21209381

i can tell you are young
the most literate people in history have all had personal libraries once they had enough space and disposable income to do so

>> No.21209412

kek , the memes are real

>> No.21209420

>t. Poorfag

>> No.21209535

i recently bought a book on amazon for 14 dollars and it still had the .50 cent sticker on it

>> No.21209549


>> No.21209557


>> No.21209562

I buy books so I can wave them around while I review them on YouTube

>> No.21209639
File: 66 KB, 555x506, 30FA469D-EF59-4D14-BA5F-AB2B0391F1EA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Getting a big stack of books in the post is one of the best feelings in the world

>> No.21209689

People that don't live in 5 minutes walking distance to a library don't respect or value their own time, and their non-standards are reflected in the dross they consume at an even higher rate on the taxpayers' dime while simultaneously contributing to canon worthy material not staying in print.

>> No.21209713

My unread books should never come close to my books I have read. Only have about 4 unread books I believe

>> No.21209726

Also like big book sales but I go with a list to help me ensure that I don't buy a bunch of regrettable things. I do want to finish off the list which is about a 100 books. I will to read all of them during my lifetime. But the number of books that I want to read and probably won't buy is just as large and growing.

>> No.21209768

I just read books on my phone, I hate myself for this but its the most comfortable way for me.

>> No.21209801

Cringe but at the same time if you read them all eventually whats the harm?

>> No.21209845
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It’s nice to go in and support local used bookstores that give my community character and roots, instead of further making Amazon the single largest arbiter of the book and publishing trade. One of the local owners even has my number and shoots me messages whenever he is a unique book in stock. Your demoralization threads will alway fail, Bezos shills.

>> No.21209864


>> No.21209942

This is why I never understand how some buy dozens of books at a time. Much better to go with the flow

>> No.21210695

I’ve never read a full book but I own like 5. I’m half way through one of them though

>> No.21210700

I do have a lot of books and a lot in my too read pile
but I have read them all and will read all in my too read pile

>> No.21210747

There's a hesitancy to read what you own because if you don't read it it will always just be the abstract idea of the book you like. If you read it you will run the risk of it not being what you expected it to be.

>> No.21210761

I have a few hundred books. I buy and keep them because I re-read books. I maintain an uncomfortably large backlog by my standards, at about ten books. It's because sometimes I have few new books and have re-read a lot of other books recently and then there's a sudden supply line issue that knocks out the majority of my backlog. Most of the time, when I get a new book, I'm excited about it and start reading it, and so most of my backlog is stuff I'm not really excited about but want to get around to at some point.

>> No.21210840

its not the 50's anymore libraries suck ass and carry nothing but young adult trash

>> No.21210908

I blah blah blah strawman strawman

>> No.21210921
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Nice digits, that being said Booktube, Pinterest and Tumblr have turned colour-coördinated bookshelves into a fashion accessory, thus drastically increasing the amount of books that roasties buy, rather than downloading the e-book from Kindle

>> No.21210940

entertainment women love= sex and crime

>> No.21210953

GoodReads has gamified reading by turning it into a dick-measuring contest of who can read the most books per year, so that Amazon sells more books. That being said, even before Amazon existed there was a distinct subculture of roasties that are hopelessly addicted to trashy romance novels/novella and read one or more every day

>> No.21211049

I tried that once just to see how it would look and it gave me a panic attack, all the writers and different subjects were all over the place, it's hell.

>> No.21211104

The US Postal Inspection Service just majorly fucked me over and despite my love for my Kindle I might be forced to buy physical books again.

>> No.21211512

In fairness they have been used for decoration before, if not as garishly. There's that line in the Great Gatsby where it says that he doesn't even have the pages cut on anything in his library.

>> No.21211813

Owning books, whether you read them or not, is investing in the future of whoever inherits your library.

>> No.21211836

There are other means anon.

>> No.21211853
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>"The Girl who Fell on the Escalator"
lol why are they all called these dumb and portentous names

>> No.21212016

My wife and I buy 1-8 books a week (sometimes each) and we read on average a book a week each. Never gonna put a dent in all the ones we have, but we still read constantly. Anyone who whines about the way other people consume literature is a bitch.

>> No.21212049

This is true for me too. Reading books on my tablet/phone never feel as good or real

>> No.21212074

Same. I live in a city with many amazing used book stores and I like to patronize them. I have a friendly rapport with a few of the owners and also text some of them when they get something cool in and I want it held aside. I’ve bought hundreds of books over the last couple years and maybe four or five of them have been new.

>> No.21212087

I've read maybe half of the 200ish books I currently own and plan on at least starting the rest. Most of these were purchased this year since I only just got back into reading.

I only buy books I'm unsure about from used bookstores, I only buy new books to support authors I already know I like. Supporting local businesses feels good and it doesn't feel bad to drop a book that only cost 2-5 dollars.

>> No.21212097

i have an ereader and i find it on equal terms with paper in terms of readability and comfort, but far excelling in terms of practicality. it won't accidentally be torn or ruined, and i can store hundreds of books in the volume of one

>> No.21212148

So, on average, you each have 150 never to be read books at the end of the year? What do you do with them all? Turn them into furniture?

>> No.21212169

What the fuck is the point of a library if you've read everything in it? I own every Pynchon but I've only read 49, Dixon, and V, and Rainbow. I own all of Gaddis' work but have only read Frolic and JR; it's the same with the dozens of other authors I love.
I tend to not buy physical nonfiction books, like 80% of my technical books on propeller planes and history books are digital. Sometimes I'll download an ebook to Ctrl+f a passage because I didn't make any notes in my physical.

>> No.21212172

My ereader got wet in the rain and died.

>> No.21212201

We read them. But turning them into furniture might not be a bad idea. I could make a chair just out of Philip K Dick books.

>> No.21212212

>Is it true that people who buy a lot of books never read them?
I buy lots of books, almost always at sales, second hand stores and auction sites, and I read an average of 65-70 books are year.

>> No.21212215

the one i have is waterproof so hopefully it doesnt happen to me

>> No.21212255

People who read download all their books for free from the Russians in order to maximize read time. Hard copy is only for color prints and huge reference tomes.

>> No.21212274

The truth is that people who make up weird rules about how they engage with books are the least actual readers alive

>> No.21212338

I do both. Some books I want to own, others I'm fine just reading once.

>> No.21212343

Why you think this is?

>> No.21212357

Shopping for books is fun. Especially if you have someone to share it with. When my wife and I travel to a new city we go to every book store we can find. Maybe we won’t read them all but even with a huge stack you’ve probably only spent a few bucks. Cheaper than a night of drinking (not that we don’t do that too). We get excited when we find something we’ve been looking for or discover something new. And then it’s there if you want to read it on a whim or if someone wants to borrow it.
TL;DR: people that whine about how other people buy things are lonely

>> No.21212483

>Quartier Latin bookshop
>meet you in the medieval philosophy section
>I chat up your wife a little
>talk about common interest for a while
>then respectfully leave you, wishing you a good afternoon
>smile at you from afar
>wait in between dusty piles of books
>she bends over to reach the lower shelves
>come up real quick and slap her ass real hard
what would you do?

>> No.21212490

I would challenge you to a duel in the ancient art of Bushido like any respectable gentleman

>> No.21212497

I would offer you use of my wife as is custom among the esquimaux

>> No.21212506

If you saw my wife’s ass even you would actually consider this

>> No.21212507

bone of contention
pewee microcredit

>> No.21212521

My wife is japanese, she doesn't have an ass, a hardback edition is softer than what he has down there.

>> No.21212522

I used to buy books and not read them, my mom brainwashed me into this consumerist mindset. I'm no longer a fan, only buy what you'll read

>> No.21212531

I just like to sniff the pages

>> No.21212548

I buy almost all my books for maybe a few bucks a piece from thrift shops and used book stores. I usually read all of them, sometimes it takes me a while to get to some of them. And some I keep and others I give to friends or sell or donate when I'm done. The library where I live kind of sucks and I have better luck happening upon specific books on my list at second-hand places.

>> No.21212604

the books you buy fall into 2 categories: you either really want to read them and don't want to go through alternative mediums like borrowing from a library or someone else, which often don't pan out and you read those almost immediately after buying them.
Or, you're not particularly interested in reading them but you might be in the future and so you buy them to build a reserve base, books that you can resort to if you have no access to other means.
but yes, a reader will try to borrow books as much as possible, to save money.

>> No.21212623

I have probably read like 70% of what I own. Many of my unread books were given to me as gifts or were bargain bin books bought for 3 dollars or less.

>> No.21212640

This is my scifi shelf. Some of them I’m dying to read, most of them are there for whenever I get to them if I do. I’ll buy pretty much any ratty old scifi paperback I see.

>> No.21212641

I like to buy physical copies and display them like a mindless consoomer but I always read them otherwise what's the fucking point. And I plan on rereading quite a few of them

>> No.21212645

yeah that can get out of hand real quick
i bought like a 100
buyfagging is a neat coping mechanism

>> No.21212789
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I buy around 10 books a week. This may seem absurd but I read nearly 800 pages a day. Yesterday I read Paradise Lost. Last month I read the entirety of Aristotle and Plato’s works (commentaries from other philosophers too) , and this month I will read the entirety of Hegel and Schopenhauer’s written works. I also reread the Bible (KJV) start to finish about four times a year.

>> No.21212896

This is worse than never reading

>> No.21212985
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the honest answer is if you have "girl/woman" or "boy/man" in the title, they sell better. I always avoid them, which means they are bad and we are living in hell

>> No.21213080

something about this image gave me a boner

>> No.21213152

Are you fucking me ? Lmao
I do like a 2 hour YouTube and Google reviews after purchasing a book then shelving it and read it till I have time to do so because le wagecuck

>> No.21213167

are you being sponsored or something? why waste your time reviewing shit you havent read

>> No.21213337

I buy a book if I'm expecting it to take a long time to read, usually the case for long books. Sometimes books are slow to read and I don't want the loan period to affect my reading. Sometimes I also buy series if one or more parts are loaned all the time. I don't want to wait either.

>> No.21213346

>The way you can tell who is a real reader is by seeing how many of their bookshelf is obvious second-hand used books
My read books look the same as my unread

>> No.21213386

What's your daily schedule look like? Also how long have you maintained this rate?

>> No.21213393

Not op but you can learn more if you're expected to produce something about it

>> No.21213408

Just get an e-book.

>> No.21213427

I buy lindy books, books that I've liked for a long time and will probably like in the future. But otherwise I think that the best time to read a book is the very same day or two that I get the idea to read it. Cuz that's probably the only time I'll be interested in it. My interests change every week.

>> No.21213484

There’s no way he goes outside

>> No.21213520

I own over a thousand physical books and haven't read half of them. I also pirate dozens of books a year and read those (and pirate dozens more that I don't read). I'm terrified of being bored and wasting time so I make sure I have tons of books on hand at any given moment in case something catastrophic happens.

>> No.21213985

I'm a very casual reader, and I buy 1-3 books at a time because, when I finish a book, I don't want to wait until the next one arrives. Although it doesn't make much sense since sometimes I don't even touch the books I bought for weeks.

>> No.21214077

no. i like having physical copies that was literally the point of what I said.

>> No.21214382

>have read hundreds of books
>have probably a few dozen I havent touched yet

Books are decently cheap and my priorities are constantly rotating. So fucking what if I have a book on my desk I havent read if I burn through a few in a month? Why are people annoyed at how many books other people have? Most normies dont own any books and are functionally illiterate almost no one pretends to read books because they will get exposed very quickly for being a poser if they encounter someone who is even moderately well read.

>> No.21214543

Why waste space just to post on 4chan?

>> No.21214586

i waste space for fun not for this shit board

>> No.21214590

I don’t care about space

>> No.21214600

Depressingly accurate. I had to get rid of a lot of books in a house move two years ago too. They take up a fuckload of space in the end.

>> No.21214606

>I buy lindy books
failed normie you have to go back

>> No.21214616

Spoken like a guy with a pathetic little babby collection. You will care about space at some point, trust me.

>> No.21214627

Kek. Funny that my book collection gets you riled up

>> No.21214655

Kek at you being this defensive over having a small collection. It's not actually that important.

>> No.21214661

I like my collection and there is nothing you can do to change my mind. Keep hating if you want, I’ll keep laughing

>> No.21214672

I'm not hating. Do you think I was angry because I babby posted? It's just funposting anon. You don't care about space because you don't have a large enough collection yet. This isn't some grand indictment lol. I'm not trying to scalp you here.

>> No.21214686

Good job on being predictably triggered

>> No.21214695

le ebin passive aggressive failed normie, look out

>> No.21214704

Kek. You don’t even know how many books I have yet you keep going on. Kek

>> No.21214710

Based book sniff enjoyer.

>> No.21214721

I'm trying to be nice but you're being an insecure faggot about this. Who gives a fuck you dumb pseud.

>> No.21214724

It isn't so much that I don't read them as I already read about 60 of them so far. It is so much that it takes a while for me to get through them.

>> No.21214729

NTA but this isn’t this insecure?>>21214616

>> No.21214743

Babby posting is funposting you dumb newfag. At no point have I been mad about this, but you clearly are. This annoys you on some level. Again: who gives a fuck? I read most shit on eink these days anyway. A lot of people do. Stop being an insecure faggot. It doesn't matter.

>> No.21214751

This nigga too poor to buy books

>> No.21214760

Just be careful when you someone you are living with decide it is spring cleaning day.

>> No.21214762

Like >>21212985 said, statistically books with titles like “The [X] Girl” “The [X] Wife” or “The Girl Who [X]” are significantly more likely to be bestsellers. The irony here being that feminist roasties are a big percentage of the people who buy those books, despite the obvious chauvinism in referring to an adult woman as a girl, or defining their identity by being the wife of someone more interesting, like “the time-traveller’s wife”

>> No.21214764

Only god knows how much i did this as a teenager. In public too no less

>> No.21214776

I mean she’s not wrong, most of the Asian-American experience is just getting both literally and metaphorically fucked by white guys

>> No.21214808

I haven't read most of the books I own because most of them are gifts. Because I am "that guy that reads books." Generally I don't read books that people IRL recommend to me. I'm not sure why. I have some internal trigger that makes me want to read something. But almost every book I have bought has been read or will be read soon.

>> No.21214815
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Same. I buy books to build the queue and at some point it becomes obvious that certain books aren't ever making it to the front, probably 20% total. After a year or three I'll get rid of them. They're often (a) gifts, (b) cheap used book store picks, or (c) secondary works by authors I'm no longer interested in. Pic related, upcoming donations pile

>> No.21214834

I got a large book list to slog through. My hope is that after this book list I get to be more well-rounded. I read so far about 40 of the books I owned. I read through the bible which was a goal of mine.

>> No.21215508

Bro I'm gonna shit in your mouth so liquid that you won't need floss

>> No.21215514

Absolutely. I just don't feel like paying 15-20% more for the privilege.

>> No.21215543

>Nooo I might look like a pseud if people from the internet photographed my shelf and discovered what proportion I'd read
Grow up lmao

>> No.21215590
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No way am I buying any ebooks with DRM attached to it, God forbid straight from Amazon. In that case I'd rather just buy the physical copy (in that case buying from Amazon isn't a problem for me because I'll have the physical edition that can't be removed from my device). Come to think of it Amazon is actually pretty great for edgy literature. I wouldn't risk buying something from their Kindle store which could be revoked in the future if they felt like it. At least for pirated ebooks it's a bit harder.

>> No.21215598

>people who buy a lot of books never read them
reverse power of accumulated ninja's, the more books you buy in one go the less likely you are to read them all, some people buy books just to have a guest ask them about their favorite book
>people who don't have money to amass books are more likely to finish what they borrow
probably, don't see why the fuck you would borrow a book if you're not going to read it

you're kind of right but for a stupid reason

>> No.21215606

people who need to bring up that they read are basically tards that are low key bragging about being literate

>> No.21215811
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promises, promises

>> No.21215855

What makes you say that.

>> No.21217196

there are this speedreading dudes but thats retarded, especially if you read something like kant or hegel, never going out or doing anything else besides reading is retarded too

>> No.21217211

Someone can read a million books and it means nothing without their own life experience

>> No.21217234

Ditto. I buy more than I read for sure, but I still read a lot. But I buy a lot of books used when I see them cheap.

>> No.21217233

>This may seem absurd but I read nearly 800 pages a day.
Even if you read as fast as 1 page per minute, which is the bare minimum required for any sort of retention and comprehension, you'd be reading 13 hours per day.

>> No.21217340

A friend of mine went to this book expo happening here for multiple days and haven't even once. I've read like 20 books this year and I don't know if he did one, so that tells you everything you need to know.

>> No.21217354

What an embarrassing thread. Do whatever you want faggots. Holy shit.

>> No.21217359

no. everyone is a consoomer and reads incorrectly except me REEEE

>> No.21217368

>finish maybe 5 books a month.
>buy at least 10 books a month.
Very common issue

>> No.21217437

my mom gets books from the library and reads well over a hundred a year, but she also buys tons. pretty sure most of what she buys she never actually reads, though, since she read it already as a library book.
but my mom is also an old woman and not a zoomette